If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Defining & Understanding Race & Racism Through Each Other
Unity Consciousness #237


Racism Before Race Existed

What we today call racism is discrimination based on race that infringes upon the Rights of Creation.

However, before race based on color existed, the practice of racism existed based on other criteria. It was not yet called racism.

Since either no race existed or there was only one race, those bent on a racist intent had to invent race and/or racial categories.

How did people develop a character that led them to this point?

It Arose From Coldbloodedness

Once Africans left Africa and began to respond to environmental factors over thousand of years, one of the easiest differences to notice was the visual difference of skin coloration. This was not a problem at first. People still treated each other like people. They mixed and mingled in all ways.

Skin color became a problem when a group of Africans changed drastically from deeply melanated skin to skin extremely depigmented of melanin.

To understand what this meant back then, you must transport your mind back in time.

Imagine these children of Africa returning home after thousands of years trapped in the Wurm Ice Age. Upon seeing these pale-faced people, you can guess the look on the faces of Africans who did not experience the harshness of the Ice Age. You know some of the siblings treated them like they had a disease. After all, this is their first experience with such an occurrence. Understanding did not happen immediately.

As a result of feeling out of place, these pale-skinned Africans also felt out of favor. They felt our of favor by having to endure the cold while their family enjoyed the abundance of Africa. They also felt out of favor because they no longer looked the way they naturally should.

Due to the Ice Age, the depigmented Africans could only focus on surviving. They lived in an environment where fighting over scarce resources became necessary. They could not focus on creating culture and civilization. Meanwhile the rest of their African family continued to learn and grow. As a result, there was also a huge knowledge gap between the melanated and the depigmented skin types. Since the depigmented ones had lived through scarcity they wanted the abundance of knowledge wealth and resource wealth immediately rather that develop it through a natural growth process. With the help and teachings of their African family, they made some attempts in Europe (Greece and Rome for instance) but found themselves always “behind” their African siblings in terms of knowledge and achievements and natural resources. At some point they decided to play catch up by theft.

Hold on. Not so fast.

There is this thing in how the human mind operates that requires thoughts and behavior to match each other. When there is nothing that naturally equates thinking to behavior, the mind must create justification to take its place. This brings us back to race.

Race was created to justify behavior against people in Europe, each other, and against people anywhere. At first race was not based on color. It was based on country and culture. The first people White people enslaved were White people in Europe. The people were the Slavs which is where the word slave comes from.

The Meaning of Race Changed

Both Europeans and Africans were enslaved in America in the same way. These two groups had a common enemy. It was necessary to break up this solidarity and pit them against each other. Color categories were created, promoted and supported.

The second reason color categories were created was to alleviate an administrative problem. When pale-skinned slaves freed themselves (ran away), they could easily blend into white society. Slave owners realized it made better business sense to transition away from white slaves to black slaves only.

Skin color became the primary definer of race while country and culture became secondary. Whites still found it necessary to discriminate against other Whites for many other reasons.

So now, discrimination that had been happening all along to Whites and Blacks alike became mostly and extremely focused and concentrated against Blacks. For the most part there were two primary races, Whites and Blacks. Whites and Blacks were further divided into smaller groups and rejoined into two groups whenever politically and economically beneficial.

Understanding The Bad Rap Against Black

Pale-skinned people made darker-skinned people the least of all because black was what their pale-skin was not. Racism targets knowledge of self because pale-skinned people want to forget what is true about their physical malady of albinism. They felt inferior genetically and appearance-wise. As any good psychological warfare does, the truth was turned around. Whites claimed superiority. This notion of White supremacy has taken its turn with various White groups against melanated people worldwide and against Whites and Semi-Whites, the most famous being the Semites. Whites taught themselves and Blacks to hate black when in fact Whites wanted to be black and Blacks did not want to be white. Loss of knowledge of self is the summary of how this was accomplished. We must remember that racism requires that all people must forget who they truly are, especially those in the favored group so that those members will continue to work for the cause of racism.

Racism Is A Bottomless Pit To Lower Self Into

A main strategy to defeat anyone is to divide and conquer. Discriminatory behavior was already taking place against people in many ways. Racism added another dimension. Now it was no longer just against women, it was against White women, Black women and combinations of gender and color. To economic discrimination, racism added and pitted against each other, poor Whites and poor Blacks. Racism uses any physical, genetic or made up feature to make some feel privileged and some unprivileged and thus divided and conquered.

Racism is chief among discriminatory ideologies. Racism attacks all humans on multiple levels. It even spills over to be being superior to all other animals and creation. The practice of racism has become the epitomizing model for all other types of discrimination.

If the Creator is eternal then also, despite the sickness within, the universe must be self-healing and self-optimizing. The spiritual imbalance noticed long before 2012 is near its final upheaval, thus near it fulfillment, which also has been noticeably approaching for decades. A significant shift in human law will take place before the end of 2017. The notion of race as a protection against genetic annihilation is a lost cause. Either there will be willful reintegration with the foundational human gene and consciousness pool or there will be unwilling reintegration into the foundational universal pool of particulate black matter. This is where race, racism and miseducation are headed.