Nothing Tops A Self-Knowing Woman
Self-knowing goes beyond female, adult, woman, wife and mother as defined by current human socialization processes.
A woman is more than that. This is an understatement.
A woman is becoming in understanding her essence – universal feminine and masculine energy – Entirety and Oneness of Spirit.
Woman Who Art Thou?
Woman you are the majority. You are the determiner of who sits on the throne. You are not just the force behind the throne. You are throne maker, throne and throne holder. These powers have been relinquished as self-knowledge has been extinguished. This is why self-knowing in woman must, will and is on the rise. By divine design, nations are referred to in the feminine as “she.” In your name woman, rule is established.
Woman you are Aquaria - waters. You are the Alpha and Omega force of all life's processes – the strong and the weak, the circular and the elliptical, the continuous and the birth. You are 1,2,3; oneness, twoness (twin), threeness (trinity); A,B,C;
and Ah, Ba, Ka.
Within woman all things are reconciled. This self-knowledge is rising without, within, below and above through all creation, including humans.
All the forces of self-knowing will re-converge into a united unity consciousness. The woman in all creation, the Supreme Mother, will restore knowledge of herself in beings small and large in ways only her higher self knows best.
Nyame is faithful. She has quickened her pace. As primordials continue to change, they serve as metaphors, messengers and messages making it plain about simultaneous fundamental change.
Look for the woman where we need her most – everywhere. Tune to the woman where we've been taught to assume the woman she really is, is not – everywhere.