Even so however, the birthplace is in the great lakes region, the holy land of holy lands. This is the land of the black Khab, the black Kaf (human forerunners), the black Kaffir (humans), the Kafruti (humans), the black race of Kam (humans) and children of Taurt, Mother Earth (which also includes humans). A basic meaning of Kam is “to create.” The Kamite is the created race. (BB 37-8/49-50)
Taking into account all we know about human history and its genetic roots, we can infer “created race” means the species known as human who were created out of an existing species of animal. Humans who were created black in the land of the black hippopotamus who came up out of the waters to give birth to the child on land. All of these are Kamites and all are Nile Valley. This is just a small sample.
1. Inner Africans of Great Lakes Region, Central East Africa, Equatoria, Land of papyrus reed
2. Aethiopians, Kush, Rift Valley, Nile Valley.
3. Kami, Khemet, Kemet, Kimit, Egyptians (AE1 257/267, 302/312), (AE2 627/91, 836/300) (BB 142/154) All of these words, when referring to a group of people, can be used interchangeably as synonyms because they are all the same people who evolved out of each other and continued to intermingle from the beginning to this very day. Not just in Africa, but worldwide. Only going through brief periods of isolation that was sometimes total, sometimes partial.
The main difference among all of the Kamites above is their geographical location which was not a barrier and which changed many times as to its boundaries, inside and outside Africa proper, the Meskhen of Earth. If the list above was expanded, there would be no group of people past, present or future, who would not appear on the list as Kamite. The land of Kamit is Africa and it is also Earth.
In terms of Africa the land of Kamit gave birth to humans at the equator. Kamit can refer to this birthplace and it can refer to the entire Nile Valley and it can refer to Egypt.
Also Egypt can be viewed as lower Kamit while the rest of the Nile Valley is upper Kamit. This is true even as within Egypt there is also a lower Kamit and upper Kamit. Think about the name and what it means and understand all names refer to places, beings and other things. All names can apply simultaneously to different forms and all of those usages still be the truth. Furthermore we know there was an Egypt on Earth, an Egypt in Heaven Above, an Egypt in Heaven Below and Egypts in multiple places on Earth, including in North America between Canada, Mexico, The Gulf of Mexico, The Atlantic and The Pacific. Again we come back around to understand the effects of human awareness. Even if we are not using words based on the fullness of their meanings, those meanings still exist and are present even when we use the words. Our dimensions and other dimensions are taking this into account (factoring it in, keeping tabs). So we leapfrog back two paragraphs: Just because some people called the USA, the new world, and they meant one thing, doesn't stop this new world from being a form of the new world that was Egypt and all of its locations along the Nile Valley and all places human migrated to. Neither does it stop Earth from being the New world when species evolve or continuously as Earth is renewed in so many ways. No word or its usage is exclusive.
We must expand our awareness and usage of words beyond ourselves into larger and larger circles, of which, we are part of all of them, regardless of awareness. Kamite goes all the way back to the Only One. Creation is Kamite because creation is the created race. So it is no wonder to us our Earth Mother is also Kamite.
Kamite contains Ka, Kha, Khu, Sa and much more. These words we've explored. We've reached the point of no turning back except by going forward and getting back by reaching back. If you love something, set it free in memory. Don't confine it to what you've been told that you use as a mold to conform everything to, despite what experiences tell you. If in fact we are the children of God, then we are the Creator; therefore if we are the Kamites, then so is God. Pick something. If the unknown is the enemy then pick something of which you are surest. Study focus on it more intently. Not just in a book but also by listening more to everything you encounter every second every day within yourself and without. Take that information and compare it to the topic you are focusing on. Have conversations, commune. The Universe is a big ole spirit web computer waiting for you to ask it questions. It is not “too busy” despite performing a multitude of ecosystem functions, it still has time for microscopic you and will process your request immediately, which is the same as saying, in the order received. Everything is being monitored and recorded for quality control purposes. The self-created is still creating Kamites of all types, refreshing and refleshing hambones and kambones.