If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Great Year Precession | Equinox, Ecliptic, Zodiac Re-Definition
Unity Consciousness #1476


(Part 9nf of 11)

Opening Eye & Ear, Closing Mouth, Extending Arm

Living between the outermost boundaries of darkness and light requires persistence, then patience in the fight. This leads to culminations of different angles of light. Just as it was with the genetics of might, this message is a stark example of how we must turn left when most others turn right because we are just as much worthy of wisdom as anything else that has life. Therefore, this message is also an extensive software update of logic. This time to UC #371 and UC #1453. This message is also a more easily recognizable reminder of many persevering truths such as the quotes at the top of this blog. UC #1453 and UC #371 must not be discarded because they still contain information not presented here or in as much detail. Orient yourself to these things before reading further, or at least do so afterwards.

The universe inside ourselves is vast. We asked for light of all types. Multiple starred responses came back. We were given tasks as our portion of the pact. Seek understandings along each path. Go round and round, forth and back until all dimensions of logic computed within, and in the universe outside ourselves, match.

The Greatest Drama Continues

There are five main players in the Great Year Drama: Earth, Sun, a group of seven Star Constellations, a group of 12 Star Constellations and the Galaxy. Additional indispensable integral main players are Polestar and Moonstar, but in this explanation we will only use them if needed.

Draw a circle on a piece of paper. Make the circle as large as the piece of paper. Surrounding this circle in the area outside the piece of paper is the rest of the galaxy. Inside the circle, draw a small circle in the center. This is the center of the galaxy. Between the center circle and the outside circle is where the Sun and Earth are, along with the rest of the solar system. Between the inside circle and outside circle draw the Sun, then draw Earth nearby about one finger's distance away. Label everything. All around the largest circle, draw some stars on the line and above and below it. All round the center circle draw some stars on the line and above and below it.

To repeat, outside the largest circle is the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy and the rest of the Universe.
The largest circle you drew is the ecliptic. This is where the zodiac star constellations are.
The center circle is the center of the galaxy. It is the galactic pole, the celestial pole. The pole is not thin. It is thick, tall and broad. It has to support what is attached to the galaxy. The thickness of this pole forms the center circle. All around this pole is where the northern and southern circumpolar constellations are that we see from Earth. Remember, we are illustrating this on a flat sheet of paper. The universe, galaxy and solar system are not flat. They have width, length, height, depth, levels, layers, dimensions, stories, floors.

Sun's Orbit

The Sun is moving around the center circle of the galaxy (the celestial pole). As this is taking place, the Sun is moving past star constellations on or near the inside circle and on or near the outside circle. The Sun moves around 7 constellations on the inside circle (center of the galaxy). At the same time, the Sun also moves around 12 constellations on the outside circle (the ecliptic). The Sun's motion between both these circles causes the Ages. There are 7 Ages of 3,703 years each and 12 Ages of 2, 160 years each. Both of these total 25.920 years. This is the Great Year. The Great Year is caused by the Sun's orbit around the center of the galaxy.
In other words, it takes the Sun 25,920 years to complete one orbit.
1. First of all, if this is not true, then the Sun is not orbiting the center of the galaxy.
2. Second of all, if the Sun's orbit took millions of years, as we are told, then humans have not been around long enough for the Sun to complete one orbit. This finally makes no sense.
3. Third of all, if the Sun's orbit took 225 million years, then no pattern could be established for the Great Year because the Sun would not have ever moved past the same constellations.
4. Fourth of all, the relationship of Earth's orbit, Sun's orbit, the celestial pole and the ecliptic is clear; however, millions of years for the Sun's orbit does not fit the relationship. How can Ages repeat every 25,920 years based on the position of the Sun, yet the Sun not repeat its orbit for millions of years? Huh Huhi tell me?
Sun, thus Solar System, is attached to the pole in the center of the galaxy. This is why, if Earth passes through 12 ecliptic constellations and 7 polar constellations once every 25,920 years, it can't do so without also being in orbit around the Sun; therefore, the Sun cannot go off on a tangent for another umpteen million years in a separate orbit somewhere else in the galaxy. (AE2 598/62, 732/196), (Churchward 465/605)
Note: “Though scientists focus on the causes of contemporary global warming (man-made v. natural event) they know about the Sun’s 26,000 year path around galactic equinox that affects the Earth’s climate.” https://tworowtimes.com/opinion/signs-times-told-earth-stars/


One orbit of the Sun is a Sun Year, a Great Year; therefore a Great Year Age is equal to one Sun Month. Based on the outside circle (the ecliptic), there are 12 months. Based on the inside circle (the center of the galaxy), there are 7 months.

When speaking of 12 Sun Months we are talking about the star constellations on the Ecliptic. These are the same star constellations as the 12 Annual Zodiac Signs.

The Coming of Age of the Cosmic Ethiopian King (talks about sun's orbit around the galaxy "solar system revolution" at minute 1:45)

Reckoning From Standing On The Sun

If you were on the Sun, standing in one spot, always looking in the same direction, the star constellations would change slowly and take thousands of years to do so as the Sun moved through its orbit. However, if while standing on the Sun, you moved your body one degree each day in a circle, the star constellations would change every 30 days from your perspective. This would be faster than the Sun was actually moving through those same star constellations. The circle you are turning in would be smaller than the circle the Sun is moving in. This is what happens with Planet Earth. Earth is moving around the Sun in a smaller circle than the Sun is moving around the center of the galaxy. This causes the Annual Zodiac to only take 365 days to repeat and be read in one direction from Aquarius to Pisces to Aries. It also causes the Great Year Zodiac to take 25, 920 days to repeat and be read in the opposite direction from Aries to Pisces to Aquarius.

Reckoning From Standing On Earth

Earth's orbit around the Sun causes seasons, equinoxes, solstices and monthly zodiac sign changes. How? As just stated in the example above, Earth's orbit around the Sun changes Earth's position as to which part of the Sun we are facing. From Earth, all we can do is look in one direction (UP) at the sky where the Sun is. Each day between sunset and sunrise we are able to see what's beyond the Sun on the upper inside wall and lower outside wall of the celestial room we are in, in the galaxy. This also allows us to see which star constellations apply to the monthly Zodiac and which star constellations apply to the Great Year Zodiac, the Ages.
Today, October 21 is the monthly zodiac of Libra, the Ecliptic Zodiac of Pisces and the Celestial Pole Zodiac of Wepwawet aka (Ursa Minor, Cynosura, Jackal).
Just as it is important to know the day, month and year, it is also important to simultaneously remain aware of these things also. They affect everyday life.

Equinoxes, Solstices, Seasons

Imagine yourself as Earth. Imagine another person as the Sun. Both of you are on a track field used for running. As the other person walks around the track, you run in circles around the person. This is basically how Sun and Earth are moving.
However, Earth is not moving around the Sun from side to front to side to back to side.
Instead, Earth is moving around the Sun from side to bottom to side to top to side.
Earth is moving long ways (longitudinally), not cross ways, (latitudinally).
So in our illustration, you, the Earth, would have to move around the other person (the Sun) by sinking below them, then coming up on the other side, then rising above them and crossing over to the other side. Consider your waistline as the Earth's equator. You are now divided into two halves as northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere.

Continue to imagine you and the other person standing side by side facing the same direction.
1. Southern Hemisphere Perspective. When you are on the left side of the person, that is Autumn Equinox. As you move down below and underneath the person, that is Winter Solstice for the lower half of your body because it is farthest away from the Sun. Then as you move up to the other side, that is Spring Equinox (Vernal). Then as you move up above and over the person, that is Summer Solstice because your lower half is closest to the Sun. Then you move back down to the starting position at Autumn Equinox.

2. Northern Hemisphere Perspective. When you are on the left side of the person, that is Spring Equinox (Vernal). As you move down below and underneath the person, that is Summer Solstice for the upper half of your body because it is closest to the Sun. Then as you move up to the other side, that is Autumn Equinox. Then as you move up above and over the person, that is Winter Solstice because your upper half is farthest away from the Sun. Then you move back down to the starting position at Spring Equinox.

We repeat what causes the equinoxes. Twice each year, Earth and Sun are side by side in such a way that Earth's equator is aligned with the middle of the Sun. This causes equal day and night on Earth. Then, as Earth begins to move downward, this causes the Sun to rise in the upper northern hemisphere and fall in the lower southern hemisphere.

Earth's motion causes Annual Equinoxes, Solstices, Seasons and Monthly Zodiac Sign changes.
Sun's motion causes Great Year Equinoxes, Solstices, Seasons and Zodiac Sign changes (Ages).

Each year, the exact day of the equinoxes and solstices is determined by the position of Earth in relation to the Sun. The Great Year Age is based on the Annual Spring Vernal Equinox. On the day of Spring Equinox, whatever star rises before the Sun tells us what Age we are in. This then tells us the position of the Sun on the Ecliptic. (AE2 731/195)

To be clear, the Equinoctial Age is determined by what star rises before the sun at Vernal Equinox. This is based on the celestial equator which is the equator of the galaxy.
The Polar Age is determined by what star is in alignment with the north celestial pole, which is the pole of the galaxy.

3. Lastly for this section we must realize all circles have a middle point going crossways that we call equators and equinoxes. All circles also have a middle point going long ways that we call meridian, pole, solstice. Therefore, the Ecliptic Circle and the circle that forms the center of the galaxy have the same kind of dividing lines that form a cross and divides the circles into four quarters. This is how we know there are also two Great Year Equinoxes when there is equal day and night according to the Ages. There are also two Great Year Solstices when things taking place during the Ages are as far apart as Summer and Winter. This brings new meaning to life through light. We all know for the past several Ages we have been living through Great Year Autumn and Winter and are now moving towards Spring. This is why large scale climate change is taking place spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically in all creations.

For further consideration: If the center of the galaxy serves as the pole of the galaxy, then the galaxy must have a dividing line that goes crossways the pole. The question is, are we in a portion of the galaxy that is above the galactic equator or below the galactic equator?
Either way, according to well-established patterns of motion throughout the universe, it stands to reason that sooner or later, our solar system must move through both halves and all quarters of the galaxy. Therefore, as our solar system is moving between the ecliptic and center of the galaxy, that entire space is also moving around.

Additional Names For The Great Year

Circle of Precession, Circle of Equinoctial Precession, Cycle of Equinoctial Precession, Backward Circle of Precession, Circle of Recession, Course of Precession, Recession of the Equinox, Circuit of Precession, Retrocession of the Equinoxes, Great Precessional Year, Circle of Ecliptic, Sacred Year, Secret Year of Precession, Great Year of Precession.
Circle of the Eternal and Shennu Circle of Eternity refer only to the Great Year formed by the 7 circumpolar constellations. (NG2 107/115), (AE2 581/45, 719/183), (AE1 325/335)

Additional Information For The Toolkit To Help Us Balance Thinking Between Annual Time & Great Year Time

Just as the Annual Year consists of smaller cycles of months, weeks, days and hours, the Great Year also has smaller cycles such as:
Great Split Second is 3.6 hours. (Split 7 ways is 60 minutes. Split 12 ways is 36 minutes)
Great Second is 7.2 hours. (18 divided by 60 x 24)
Great Minute is 18 days. (3 divided by 60 x 365.25)
Great Hour is 3 years. (72 divided by 24)
Han cycle is 60 years. (25,920 divided by 360 and 72, i.e., a year and a day) (AE2 596/60)
Great Day is 71 to 72 years. (25,920 divided by 360) (Great Year and Great Day based on Moonstar. In other words, the Sun's orbit is based on the Moon's orbit which is likely based on the Polestar's orbit somehow. Polestar cycle is based on Earth's orbit or better stated as a circle of 365 to 365.25 cubits) (NG2 177/185)
Great Week is 497 years, Same as a week of Sun Days and a Phoenix cycle of 500 years. (NG2 339/347)
Great Month is 2,160 years. (based on 12 months and the star constellations on the ecliptic)
Great Month is 3,703 years. (based on 7 months and the star constellations around the celestial pole).
Great Year is 25, 920. (other calculations for the Great Year are 26,000 years and 25,868 years)
Great House is 1,000 years.
Sothiac cycle is 1,460 or 1,461 years. (based on Polestar) (4 x 365 or 4 x 365.25) (NG1 viii/10)
Ecliptic Age is 2,160 years based on 12 Ages.
Circumpolar Age is 3,703 years based on 7 Ages. (AE1 580/44 to 628/92)

”Great Year Timeline: Constellations, Ages & Co-Rule, Unity Consciousness #884 ”

For The Technicians

Of course this is a simplified example that doesn't mention everything and takes a few liberties that do not interfere with understandings. The main thing is how does Earth's wobble or reeling motion around its own imaginary pole account for pole star changes? Those stars are not imaginary so they must exist in a circle somewhere. That must be the celestial pole of the galaxy; therefore earth is wobbling around the celestial pole of the galaxy. The celestial pole cannot be Earth's pole because that's imaginary. Real stars are not going to follow and stay with Earth's imaginary pole as Earth moves with the Sun on the Sun's millions of year orbit. Earth is moving around pole stars because Earth is moving around the celestial pole of the galaxy because the Sun is. Earth and Sun can't orbit around two different things no more than Moon cannot not orbit the Sun. It has to because Earth does. It is said that as Earth rotates daily it wobbles so slowly that it takes 25,920 years to complete one circle of wobbling. The Sun is pulling Earth with it. If Earth's wobble was independent of Sun's orbit, then the wobble would not form a circle, it would look like a squiggly line being dragged across the paper and only able to form small loops and curlicues. Earth is rotating and orbiting. Earth is being pulled through the galaxy with the Sun. The center of the galaxy is spinning. All this, and yet, we say, the relationship of earth's tilted axis to its untilted axis is the wobble that causes the Polar and Ecliptic Ages. Earth's wobble accounts for the backwards direction through the signs but does not account for the motion around the signs. Earth rotates and orbits in one direction, but wobbles in the opposite direction.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Churchward, Albert, "The Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man : The Evolution of Religious Doctrines from the Eschatology of the Ancient Egyptians," George Allen & Company/E. P. Dutton & Company, (London/New York:1913), Second Edition, An authorized facsimile of the original book, and was produced in 1969 by University Microfilms, A Xerox Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. [download e-book pdf from link above]

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