If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Several Ways To Explain Everything Is Everything
Unity Consciousness #1461


(Part 9mq of 11)

Everything is everything is the same thing as saying as above, so below or know yourself; know all else, I am that I am; sem-sem; two truths; duality; trinity; quadrinity; It is what it is; makes no difference, it's all the same; or many other sayings.

Based On Water

TER is the entirety of space and time. This makes sense based on what we understand about waTER and naTURE, both of which represent everything, as does the universe.
Since TER is everything, TER is part of the words “creaTOR” and “desTROyer.”
TER also means to work, fabricate, carve, decorate, ornament, portray in colors, implement, invoke, adore, lay-out. This describes the process of creation that resulted in what we call Creation.
Everything represents TER, thus everything is a metaphor of TER, thus everything is a metaphor of water, thus everything is a form of water, thus Everything is Everything.

Based On Need Incentive

By understanding the need incentive, we realize the creaTOR, created all creaTURes out of Self for the purpose of interrogating each one under a variety of conditions so these inTERactions provide feedback loops (cycles within the circle) of understanding back and forth between the Great Self & All else and back and forth between the lesser self and all else and between the Great Self and the lesser self and between the various sized portions of all else. This is what all the inTERconnectedness and inTERrelatedness is all about. It is about the creaTOR, who is the same genetic potential as us.

Based On Essence

The only difference between Creator and Creation is formulation and function, but not essence.
The only difference between Essence & Existence is form and function, but not essence.
The only difference between you and me and anything else is form and function, but not essence.
Everything is Everything because everything is the exact same identical essence.

Based On Nonexistence & Existence

When the Uncreated duplicated self into double Zero, both Zeroes were still Uncreated, thus the Universe dimension we are in is Uncreated. At the same time, the Uncreated One is also the Creator, therefore everything manifested by the Creator is Created. In other words, the Uncreated is the Creator and Creation is also Uncreation (Nuncreation). If the Uncreated is the Creator, then Nonexistence must also be Existence.  Duality means one thing in two different forms functioning as oneness because of sameness. Sameness and difference is the duality of duality, and so is illusion and reality. This is why Nonexistence and Existence are the same, yet different. This is why Everything is Everything,

Based On Zero

Before there is any number from one to infinity, there is Zero. Everything is everything without distinction, delineation, demarcation, differentiation, denomination, division, dimension or degrees of separation.. There is no duality, binary, law of opposites, biune being, twin powers, two truths, twin pairings, balance, dynamic balance or gender. During this phase, the Creator is neither female nor male, good nor evil, etc.
From Zero Beginnings, everything has always been everything.

Since the Universe is not based on humans, to achieve understanding of anything, we cannot rely solely or primarily on human understandings disconnected from Zero. In fact, optimal understanding of any single thing cannot be achieved via one source and one way of knowing. Understanding requires layering metaphor upon metaphor upon metaphor....This is so because everything is a metaphor of Zero Beginnings; therefore, everything is a metaphor of everything else. In some way, shape, form, fashion or function, everything is everything.

Based On Perspective & Orientation

What is “over” is the same thing as what is “under” when you flip it over or when you flip your orientation, your perspective, when you look at things from the other side. This then means that over and under are the same things, thus Amenta, the underworld, is heaven, the overworld. Both are both. This is true of all dualities. Everything is a duality and everything is part of many forms of the same one and only duality of spirit-soul. Any two dualities are forms of each other. These last two sentences are how we ultimately reach, everything is everything.

Based On The Food Chain

The food chain is a life chain. Each link is part of the link before it and after it. Thus, also, by association, interconnection, interrelatedness and continuation, each link is part of all other links in the chain. Each link is actually all other links at different stages of the cycle of life.

Based On What Apostle Paul & Brother Timothy Said

As explained in greater detail in the next message. Too long and disturbing to present here.

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