If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Repairing African Logic About Racists & Cops
Unity Consciousness #1775


(Part 9wn of 11)

Joshua Brown's Murder again highlights how normal it is for police to constantly lie and cover for each other from top to bottom. Dallas Police continue this bad habit very publicly in the case of Joshua Brown's Murder & Circus of Police Lies.

I don't care what people say! All cops are guilty until they prove themselves innocent by standing up and turning bad cops in. This nonsense about not all cops are bad is the same nonsense about not all white people are racists. Search this blog.

Do The Math

In the racist collective or cop collective, finding a good cop or white person in either bunch is like searching for a needle in 10,000 haystacks. That percentage of needles to haystacks is mathematically zero. Not only does 1 / 10,000 make it so, but also each of the 10,000 haystacks contain several thousand needles, thus the actual math is closer to 1 / 30,000,000. Based on science and the supreme scientific method of history, pattern and experience (something whites and cops like to use to prove their logic legitimacy), the numbers just shown to you is the same as saying there are no needles in those haystacks. This is correct even though there is one needle.

We must not base our logic on the exception to the rule, but rather on the rule.
The rule is, all haystacks contain all hay.

Who goes around saying not all that hay is hay, hey, there's one needle in there? So let's not rush to judgment. Not all hay is hay. Let's be fair. When you hear that line of logic, that's stupidity talking trying to okie doke you. That's the enemy talking. That's someone appealing to your sense of fairness to try to get you to abandon your sense of self-preservation.

The rule in the world of history, pattern and experience is that white people are racists as a global collective. It's dangerous to try to pick through them one by one over the course of a lifetime to try to figure out who's who.
Racists are adept at smiling, shaking your hand, hugging you, while stabbing you in the back. It's idiotic to approach 10,000 haystacks with the notion that there's one needle in there somewhere, therefore I can't treat each haystack as a haystack because I might slip up and treat that one needle as part of the haystack. And by doing so, that that makes me a bad person. To hell with that!
You're in the haystack, you get treated like a haystack. That's what white people do to black people and that's what cops do to black people.
It's a waste of a black person's mind time and downright idiotic to think white people or cops are innocent first until proven guilty when they treat us as guilty first and never innocent, even when proven innocent. Search benefit of the doubt. Then search innocent guilty.

If you are not a bad cop or a racist, then separate yourself from the haystack of hatred actions and clearly say here I am look at my different daily actions against racism and other harmful behaviors. If you want to say I'm a white person but I'm not like white racists, that's fine, but don't expect me to believe it or trust it based simply on you declaring that you are not racist.
Live the life of a non-racist white person. Help tear down the systems and structures of racism. You look the part of a racist and are benefiting from looking the part and are loved by other white people. You are racist friendly but not racist, how does that work?
A white person who is not a racist is one who does not participate in the attacks or the benefits. Instead they stand up and speak out against racism when interacting with white people. That supposedly good white person will also use every opportunity to correct racism wrongs.
If you are a non-racist white person and are not hated by the majority of other white people, you are a racist. If you are a white non-racist, and not widely known as a nigger-lover, you are still a racist.
Your silence and doing noting to counteract racism convicts you. All this then also applies to those who say they are a good cop or people who say they know some good cops. How do the rest of us know?
Certainly in every police department, if there is a good cop who stood up against bad cops that cop will be hated by all other cops, fired and/or killed. See Nakia Jones.

Do you not understand that cops are afraid of cops? Why would that be if most cops were good cops?

Do you not know that white people who might want to do the right thing, that those white people are afraid to do so because of what they know other white people will do to them? How is that possible if there are a whole lot of good white folks?

Listen Black Folks. It's okay for you be suspicious and wary of all white folks and all cops. It is very sane of you if you function and operate based on all white people and all cops as being ruthless sickos.

This is a war y'all. Who trusts somebody wearing the enemy's uniform?
That's the same deadly mental mistake Africans in America made when the first white people came here or came into Africa or came to any of the islands. We treated them first as friends. Their intent was to always be an enemy. Has that changed? Where is there one community of good white people? One church? One household? We sure as hell know there ain't no workplace filled with good white people. So then apply the same logic to locating the good cops. Where they at?

The moment you know better and don't do better, you are guilty as sin of the same sin.
Isn't that true in domestic violence incidents?
Isn't that true in child abuse incidents?
Does your fear exonerate your guilt?
Does your “I wasn't the one who did it,” exonerate you from responsibility?

Of course not, but what do white people and cops do, they feel more responsible to protect the criminals and the criminal behavior rather than feeling a greater responsibility to humanity, justice and the greater good.

When you become aware of any crime of racism or by cops, however small or large and you do not do anything on the side of justice, even your own soul is disgusted with you. And you know it.

You are doubly guilty if you participate in and reap the rewards from the crime (s) to which you turn a blind eye to. This is so even if you didn't know the goods were stolen?
All cops know the wide-ranging nature of police crimes and all white people beyond three years of age know the difference between right and wrong.
The usefulness of playing blind, dumb and innocent is wearing out.

You don't get to be a closet good white person or a closet good cop.
You are where you are for a good reason. Use it.

You don't get to be a good cop or good white person and just blend in with the bad ones, and then expect black folks to simply take your word for it, while you do nothing to stand out from the cruddy crowd. Hell no!
Here's what I suggest. All you good cops get together and stand up and speak out all at once, not one by one.

Likewise, all you good white people should know each other because you most certainly know who the racists are among you. Get together with the good ones and stand up and speak out and do what's right in all areas that you possibly can.

Both you good cops and good white people, get together and go to black-African centered attorneys and confess your sins and turn the other ones in. Do not go to any government agency and file a complaint. Go to African-centered attorneys first and let them advise you on how to do the right thing, while simultaneously protecting yourself.
Until then, all cops are bad and all white people are racists.
This is not my opinion, it's based on the percentages obtained through the supreme scientific method.
Search good bad people

See also ”Waking Up White with Debby Irving” and ”Dr. Jacqueline Battalora - Good White People”

Here's another challenge to companies like Google and Facebook who are always monitoring the world, trolling and scoping everything you do on the internet. Google has had at least one black person come to Google and give a speech about the effects of racism. Hooray! I think Google also donated money to Black Lives Matter. I've lambasted Google on more than one occasion. Since Google is a media machine, an information disseminator, if they really wanted to make a significant difference in dismantling racism, they could easily push forth all information that speaks to that effect. Or is it that Google depends on racism or that Google's larger heart is just like all other massive companies, racist? Or is it that Google is too white from top to bottom? Or is it that Google doesn't want to upset white corporate America by speaking out as a company and calling out all companies and institutions and government agencies that carry out the edicts of racism, including the education system. Google could do it. When you read this Google, will you do it? Will you fight racism at a larger collective level? No lip service or window dressing or applying of veneers or facades. Will you help spread accurate logic to help dismantle racist logic and will you help dismantle systems and structures of racism? Will you do the right thing or continue to do the white thing by doing a little to make yourself feel good and absolved, yet solves nothing for the masses affected by racism? Are there no good white people at Google? Either way, whether Google does or doesn't, it will prove my point in this message. Either way, Google will go down in history as a large company who made a lot of money in their industry or go down in history as something more significant, far greater.