If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, August 31, 2020

Neutrons, Neutron Stars & Atoms
Fundamental Forces Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2227


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We are reminded that when we connect to fundamental truths, we can apply that truth to many metaphors, no matter how seemingly unrelated. And this is why metaphors are inserted in messages that might seem out of place though they speak to the same fundamental truth. Also there are always branching connections that can be made to bring more fullness to our understandings and to help further open our awareness.

Neutron Star Katherine Coleman Goble Johnson continues to inspire through the movie Hidden Figures. She did one of the things she was put forth to do and called forth to do. In the movie, her supervisor says, “What I am asking you and everyone to do is to look beyond the numbers, look around them, through them, for answers to questions we don’t even know to ask, math that doesn’t yet exist.” After her genius nibbles away at the conceptual view of this supervisor, he wonders if maybe they've been thinking about things all wrong – maybe it’s not new math at all.
Ms. Katherine responds, “It could be old math. Something that looks like the problem numerically and not theoretically. Math is always dependable.” Her face lights up “Eulers’ Method.” “But that’s ancient!” doubt shouts one of her co-workers. “But it works.” She says.
When asked how she knew something that had been hidden (redacted), she states she “ looked beyond the numbers” and “held it up to the light.”

I also propose we look beyond the numbers and enormous amount of hypothetical models, theories, calculations and constants taken as truth and other restraints misleading understandings of the fundamental forces of nature. We must first again look at the solution theoremetically (truthfully) and not numerically, Truth is always dependable, plus it's as ancient as the Ancient of Days & Ways.

In recent times the neutron was derived by hypothetically taking a hydrogen nucleus containing a positive electron (proton) and combining it with the ordinary negative electron.

Origin Of The Neutron

The neutron is self-created. This is because the Neutron is the Parent Seed, the Supreme Particle that contains the potential for all forms of two truths such as parent-child, female-male, negative-positive, left-right, potential-kinetic, off-on and no-yes.
The neutron is a re-presentation of the Creator-Destroyer, Ra, God or spirit-soul, by any name.

Neutron comes from neter-un. Neter is the Supreme Divinity. Un means One, Zero, Circle, Open, Two. (UC#890)
Thus the neutron represents the supreme divinity as two within one who are in balance, harmony.

Preexistence is a resting passive potential state of Creation. Motion is negated, turned off.
Existence is a working active kinetic state of Creation. Motion is positive, turned on.

Another name for proton is positron, which combines portion of the word neutron as its surname.
Likewise another name for electron, which already includes part of word neutron, is negatron which becomes Megatron then Metatron, the metaform, megaform and metaphor.
Nega is a form of Naga and Nga. Posi is a form of Visu as in Visual. Latin visus "a sight, a looking; power of sight; things seen, appearance," In the Universe of Existence-Preexistence, the positive and basic visual ability dominate at the basic level of awareness. Thus this becomes the starting point of the journey to remember knowledge of self in totality. We seek proof positive, that which is seen with physical eyes; but we must also incorporate proof negative of that which is seen with other eyes.

1. The One universe, who is neutral as one, drew a dividing line within, a meridian from the center to the top and bottom. This created twins in one circle who were separated at birth, split apart but remained connected as two dimensions of one extension. In each of these circles, another dividing line was drawn, this time from the center to the left and right, creating an equator. The circles did not split apart. There is still two circles but now each circle has two halves. Each circle is a neutron that is -½ and +1/2 = 0.
Thus not only are the two circles representative of double zero, their charges add up to 0 and 0. To phrase this an alternative way, this is when the eclectic as one without and many within becomes the electric as two without and two within.

2. These two universes exist within one universe. They exist simultaneously and are merged. One is superimposed on the other. They exist side by side in the same dimension. These two universes of preexistence and existence exist in the same manner as land and water. Preexistence is the water. This means a great deal of Existence is Preexistence and a great deal of Preexistence is Existence. In other words, one of the universes represents Preexistence. This neutron is oriented negative above and positive below. The other universe represents Existence. This neutron is oriented positive above and negative below. We must be sure to understand that the Existence we are in right now consists mostly of Preexistence, just as there is more water than land and just as waters predominate space.

3. So what we have is two neutron universes: a negative 0 and a positive 0.
The positive zero becomes known as 1 (Existence, positive revealed, proton, on motion on genetics, yes)

The negative zero remains 0 (Preexistence, negative revealed, electron, off motion, off khenetics, no)

4. This is the basis of universal binary code and why in the numerical form of binary code, 0 is off and 1 is on.

5. Now, the neutron of Existence separates internally into electron and proton. This forms the Hydrogen atom and is why the basic primary Hydrogen atom has no neutron in the nucleus. Hydrogen is an unpacked form of the neutron of Existence.

6. The neutron of Existence, though called 1 universally, is still 0 in terms of Existence. Hydrogen is 1. Thus, in the universe of Existence...
(a) the neutron is element zero with atomic number of zero
(b) the atom is element one with atomic number of one
(c) helium is element two with atomic number of two.
(d) once again we have the basis of binary code in chemical elemental form.

7. The neutron and the first atom are the same double stem cell differently structured. Helium is their completion. Helium is the stable counterpoint balancer to the properties of neutrons and Hydrogen atoms.

8. We go back and add more familiar familial names.
(a) Nnun is negative, electron, female parent out front revealed.
(b) Ptah is positive, proton, male parent out front revealed.
(c) Atum is neutral, atom, elder twin child out front revealed.
(d) Nnun and Ptah form the neutron which is a seed, a nucleus. When this neutron begins the process of reproduction cell division, one of the stages is to divide into electron and proton. This creates the atom, an intermediate stage or a prepubescent stage. The mature pubescent stage after growth and development is the element Helium. Thus Hydrogen and Helium are twins, two truths.
(e) In Helium, the younger twin, the potential of Hydrogen is hidden. In Hydrogen, the potential of Helium is hidden.

(f) Helium's prepubescence and puberty follow the same process as all other pairs of two truths. Prepubescence is guided by the birth parent and pubescence is guided by the other parent. Thus Helium is the result of the two neutrons of Preexistence-Existence. These two neutrons combined with the two atoms of Hydrogen Protium as H2. There is no evidence to explain why Protium is an isotope or why Protium's nucleus is different from the primary Hydrogen atom.

(g) Neutron, Hydrogen and Helium are the elemental trinity (0, 1, 2).

(h) We can now understand why, when atoms decay, they break back down into alpha particles which consist of two protons and two neutrons which is what the basic Helium atom contains. It is likely the energy of the electrons quickly dissipate or run off looking for a new atomic home to settle into.
Beta particles result from neutron decay. It seems like these should be called alpha particles and the alpha particles should be called beta particles.

Closing Sequence

The neutron is a hidden figure hidden in plain sight. Neutrons, as a genetic material creation that exists outside of atoms, are still very active in this universe called Existence, but which is actually Existence-Preexistence.

We briefly mention that Zero, 0 and O represent the repeater, that which duplicates.

Bottom Line: A neutron is a nucleus. Thus inside an atom, a neutron is a nucleus within a nucleus. In our many mentions of nucleus we could go further to reinforce the memory that everything is a nucleus of two truths, spirit-soul.

For the Initiate, it is worthwhile to remember that everything is a star. The Supreme Being is a Star, a Superstar. Neutrons do not just exist in the small atoms of the periodic table. Suns and stars are atoms and some of them consist solely of neutrons. Neutrons only is what the double zero, double universe was and is. Thus we can finally conclude that the Universe is also a star. All this then is why all creations, including us humans can be stars and are stars, even neutron stars in the core of our being.

The neutron is an electron and a proton. Thus a neutron is the combination of energy and matter.

Per Fnal.gov, a neutron is not made of a proton, electron and an antineutrino. These particles are only its decay products. A neutron is made of 3 quarks, one up quark, and 2 down quarks and many many "intermediate particles" called gluons which carry the interaction between the quarks. This is contrary to what EPA.gov says.

I say that the neutron is composed out of the particles in the waters of Nnun, including the elemental souls of life and their many elemental elementary offspring numbering at least 70 to 72. These preceded the particles we speak of today and are the building blocks for the particles of quantum studies. If a neutron decays (breaks down) into a proton and neutron, then it is still correct in a simplified summary form to say that a neutron consists of an electron and a proton. However, because a neutron contains a membrane and waters, there is more to the story of what matter and energy are formed when a neutron is decomposed.

Because a neutron is representative of the totality of the Universe and the Supreme Being, then it is correct to say the neutron consists of everything in the waters of Nnun in condensed form or at least contains the seed of all potential in the universal waters. A neutron contains the DNA of the Universe, all the bits, bytes, waves and particles of God. Remember, neutron is a form of neter, neither, neuter, neutral. Therefore the neutron is the fundamental force of fundamental forces – the ability to self-create and self-destroy.

Is is worthwhile to remember that when we speak of Preexistence, we are actually speaking of Preexistence-Existence where Preexistence is revealed out front as the dominant manifestation and Existence is still there with Preexistence, except Existence is more hidden, in the background as the inferior manifestation, thus it is manifesting more internally than externally. This is how it is with all two truths. As another example, the truths of love-hate. When we say we love, we are simultaneously admitting that we also hate. It's just that most of the time that hate is hidden and unspoken but it is very much alive internally. It must be there in order for us to love openly.
Along this same line we are reminded that what the racist collectives manifest is what they openly love and openly hate. No amount of gibber-jabber change of heart words should cause us to doubt these self-evident truths. Regardless of how the media is portraying the progress of Black Lives Matter and the progress of shutting down sports for a few days. This is a war, not a negotiation, conversation or reconciliation. There is no energy put toward bringing the words into material existence, something that could take place as rapidly as Covid-1984 transformations of societies worldwide. The two truths are faithful in explaining the truth of the matter and the truth of the energy. They move the same way as spirit-soul, in the truth of their intentions. Thus a surface process that doesn't quickly and simultaneously dismantle the institutions of racism, speaks to superficial intentions.

Secondly, continued Maafa Racism does not cancel the symbolism and significance of the Bucks of Milwaukee, and thirdly, to a lesser degree, the influence of Starbucks during this twilight zone transition period.
We now revisit the trinity. The Neutron is primarily oriented towards Preexistence. Hydrogen is the transition state between Preexistence and Existence. This is why Atum the Atom is the word that creates the creation called Existence. This is also why Atom the Hydrogen Atom is unstable and highly reactive and must be doubled into a molecule to become stable. Helium is primarily oriented towards Existence.

Like all things in existence, water on Earth is based on Preexistence and Existence. The Hydrogen Atom is preexistence slanted which is why it takes two Hydrogen atoms to form water.
To say this another way, H2 is equal to slightly less than ½ Helium, perhaps 3/8 or 5/16. Oxygen is equal to 4 times Helium. The water we call water is a form of the waters of preexistence.

Mathematically speaking:
0 x 0 is 0............................Neutron
0 x 1 is 0............................Neutron
1 x 1 is 1............................Hydrogen (H1)
1 x 2 is 2............................Hydrogen (H2)
2 x 2 is 4............................Helium
2 x 3 is 6............................Carbon
2 x 2 x 2 is 8......................Oxygen (the triple of the double that forms most of water and one-fifth of the air we breathe)
The next number in the progression is 16. Perhaps this is why Oxygen 16 is the most abundant form of Oxygen.