If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, March 29, 2021

Georgia & Germany | Origin, Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2392


(9atz of 11)


Georgia in the Usa is another large scale proxy for Maafa racism that has not diminished one iota. In Georgia they hate you so much they don't want black asses to vote but they care about you so much they want to help you get a vaccine to keep you alive so they can deny your right to vote. Wouldn't it be easier just to let you die? The pandemic and vaccine agenda is different than the one you are being sold and you keep buying bypassing common damn sense. Even so-called “dumb” animals learn after being hit in the head and kicked in the ass and okie doked, not to trust anything that remotely looks like or behaves like their attackers.

Based on what can be pieced together from etymonline, “George” means “earth has work to do,” specifically in terms of tilling the ground. In the absence of other information and in the presence of many messages on upheaval, I take this to mean two things: the spirit-soul of upheaval is here on Earth with Georgia as a proxy for the rest of the USA who is trying to do the same thing as Georgia. On one hand upheaval is trying to be restricted and on the other hand upheaval is being assisted.
The USA is overdue for geographic upheaval on a large scale coming from water, fire, wind and earth. This time it might be earthquakes or that which comes out of earth or opens earth or causes earth to shift. We are early in 2021 with enough time for the energies of the evil ones to call down upon themselves the wrath. In close sequence should be similar events in other Europe logic infested places. Australia has already been catching a lot of hell from the natural world.

Georgia In The USA

A secret language is called Argot (French) and Gergo (Italian). Argot and Gergo are two forms of Kher-Khut (Egyptian)(likely Kharut, karuti). Kher is speech while Khut is shut, sealed, thus secret speech. Georgia might be a point of release for what has been hidden in plain sight. (BB) Georgia is said to be named after George II, an ancestor of Queen Elizabeth II of Britain so we know what kind of evil spirit that is. Georgia was supposedly a colony for the poor and helpless and an asylum for insolvent debtors and persons fleeing from religious persecution. (Names and Their Histories)

Georgia In Western Asia

Georgia has been called Gurgustan, Gurguftan, Daghistan, Shirvan and Carmania. (American Universal Geography)

Per Volney in his Travels Through Syria & Egypt, Vol. 01 during 1783-1785 CE, Georgia was formerly Colchis.
Herodotus said, “'I believe the Colchi to be a colony of Egyptians, because, like them, they have black skins and frizzled hair.” Volney adds, “the ancient Egyptians were real negroes, of the same species with all the natives of Africa; and though, as might be expected, after mixing for so many ages with the Greeks and Romans, they have lost the intensity of their first colour, yet they still retain strong marks of their original conformation.” (1) and (Volney)

Colchi is Karkhi, Karkha, Karka, Keltae, Karti, Karut, Corca, Welsh. All these are the same word as Colchi.
The Corca are Egyptian. Thus this matches Herodotus. Some of the Corca might have come from Wales, Ireland and places in between, all of these still being an African derivative. (BB)

The form of Karka closest to Colchi is Kerchi in Armorican.
We can be certain that, like most groups of people on this planet, the people under the Colchi and Georgian names were a mixture of many African varieties of different degrees and durations of separation from Africa.
Following a different angle of light, we now turn to Germany to learn more about the Kher-Khut, the same people who inhabited Georgia in Asia.
The name “Georgia” flowed from Kher-Khut, Ker-kot, Gergot and Gergo.
The name “”Germany” flowed from Kher-Khut, Kher, Ker, Ger.
Georgians in Asia and Germans came from the same tribal offshoot of people.


Germans are the Celts and Cimbri who have been shown to be early Africans. Later came Finns, Goths and Scyths who are simply more African varieties separated by degrees of generation and culturalization.
An ancient name of Germany is Teutschland, named after the people called Teutones (Teutoni), or named after their god, Teuth.

1. Teuth is the Egyptian god Tut, Tahuti, Tehuti, Taht, Tat, Tuta, Tutu. This is the soul of life in the moon, a lord of the underworld and a rebalancer and a uniter. Taht is the intermediary, midway point, balance and transition stage from night to day.
Tut is a form of Khut by way of Sut. Khut leads to Sut (sabean) leads to Tut (lunar).
Tut with the terminal (KH) gives us Tutkh, Tutch and Dutch. Tut, tat, tata, denote the upper of the two, the head, chiefs, princes. Tut is the mountain. Tut is also the mother.

2. At one point, Germany and Wales were considered the two lands that represented the whole world. Germany was upper and latest while Wales was lower and earliest. The Welsh are the people of the Kar, or Well, the underworld lower half of the whole. This distinction was then assumed by those in the Upper portion of the “world”, the Teuts, Teutons, or Dutch.
If these were named same as Egypt then Wales would be Upper Egypt and Germany would be Lower Egypt because the Teutons of Germany populated a great many lands in Europe such as Holland (Batavia, Bata-vi) and Netherlands who are also called Dutch France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Scandinavia and more. This boils down to a matter of perspective and orientation. (American Universal Geography Vol. II), (Names and Their Histories)
From the Teutonic lands of Germany, a language shift began to take place, This would have taken place during the lunar mythology prior to 37,000 BCE, and likely much earlier. Egypt was in full swing then.

3. Teuton is a combination of Tiu + Ton.
Tiu from Tut and/or Shu, the Egyptian Mars, as well as the divinity of Kepheus and Cor-Leonis, the alpha star of Leo Constellation. (BB2)
Ton (tun, tomb, den, home, womb) means to fill up, terminate, determine, a region, an elevated seat, a throne, the under-world, enclosure of the living, enclosed land as property.
Thus Teuton was the home of those born under Tut and/or Shu, because both are lords of the underworld. They are the Tuat-ones (Tuatones,Teutons)

4. “Home” (English) comes from the Teuton tribe. The word “home, as well as the feeling of home”, was brought across the Great Green Sea (Mediterranean) into Eurasia by the Teutonic colonists from Africa. There was no notion of “home” in Britain, nor was there the feeling for home, till the Teutons came. Home comes from Ham and Hem, that go back to the Inner African birthplace. This is what home is really about and why, despite having houses they call home and countries they call home, most people still have not reached the satisfaction wholeness feeling of the true sense of home that comes from the source of human birth and resting place and being back in the safety and harmony of the womb. This then is zen as the sem in the mes, the semsem. (BB)

5. Teu means means two halves and has forms such as Dya, Dyu, Dvi, Ti, Tiu, Dva, Two, Twy, Tvi, Tvai, Dub, Duo, Di, Tuai, Taui, Tio, Div, Devi, Dian, Deuce, Divinity, Duality, Deo, Jeo, Jo, Djeo, Iu, Ju, Juno, Dif, Tsef, Djef, Tseb, Kef, Djovis, Tzeus, Djandja, Deus and more.

6. Tsef represents duality and divides into Tef (Seb), the divine mother who was much earlier than Tef (Seb), the divine father. Tef passes into Tui, Tiu, Teu, thus Ti for Two and Tue for Tuesday. Even after Tsef divides into Tef, it still maintains its duality. Another name for Tef is Jupiter, lord of the fifth day, and the name of Seb signifies number five as lord of earth and the fifth region. Tut is also number five.
Although Jupiter is both the mother and the father, Jupiter is identical with Seb-Kronus, the first father in heaven as a timekeeper. Jupiter the father superseded Sebek or Sevekh, the son of the pole star because Jupiter's orbit around the sun was only twelve years. (NG1), (BB2).
All this is to say the emergence of the Teutons as a named group likely took place during the transition from lunar reckoning to solar reckoning and recognition of the father. It is possible that the Teutons came from two birthplaces, south in Wales and eastward in Asia. This might have also continued the skin lightening process from the blending of two tones (Teutones) of home and hue and further periods of natural and forced isolationism.

7. Tuetones as two tones and a name signifying duality, and relating to the Dutch might have something to do with the phraes “Double Dutch” and “Double Dutch Bus.” Buss is to kiss, conjoin; to baste is to tack together. I suspect buss is at the root of business since buss is mess, thus messiness is bussiness, thus the phrase it's a messy business or this business is a mess.

We have just explored a primary path for the earlier naming of Germans.
The German tribes nearest to Gaul called themselves the 'all-men,' a term Latinised as Allemaimi. Hence the names Allemagne, Allemagna, Alemegna, Alemanni, Alemania, Alemannia (Swabia), Allemanha, Theodiscan, Deutscheland, Dutchland. (Names and Their Histories), (American Universal Geography, Vol. II)
Allemagna and Allemagne are possible combinations of Gale (Wales) and magna.

Other names for Germany were Germania, Germani, Garman, Kerman. (American Universal Geography, Vol. II)
The word “Germany” replaced the older English name Allemagne, an Anglicised form of Germania (Latin). This clearly shows how Anglicizing and Englicizing cause significant leaps in word spelling. We have also seen this in Latin and Greek. I suspect this is common in that words moving from one language to the next sometimes maintain their closeness of spelling and meaning while others do not.

Another name for Germany is said to be Tedescbi, an Italian corruption of Theodiscans; however, Theod is said to simply mean people, but based on Theo Teo, Teu, Deo, it likely means people of a dual nature or followers of a dual divinity. “Dual divinity” being a redundant phrase.
Theod is said to be a form of Deutsche, and it likely is since Theod is also a form of Tuat, Tuata, Tuatha and Tuatha de Danan is a name of the Teutons. (AE2)
The Tuat is a place of entrance to and egress from the underworld, the netherland. This sounds like the twilight zone place of transition at the midway point of a cycle. These souls of life are the Tuata. Since this location is land beneath the waters, it is called Tanen. The Tuat is in Tanen, thus the Tuata-Tanen are the souls in the Tuat underworld. They are called Tuatha de Danan in Irish and considered mythical heroes or divine ancestors. Tanen (Tann) and Danan are Mother Earth, then Father Earth. Thus “Teuton” also has a naming connection to this mother of the underworld and Hathor of the full moon giving rebirth, through the man in the moon, to the father in the sun. I suspect the earliest this could have happened would have coincided with the Age of Herakles in 38681 BCE. Bottom line, all of the main places currently inhabited in this world by humans were first inhabited by Africans of a darker hue and the naming of themselves and their settlements began with those people. (AE2)

Tuatha de Danan is Tuath:Irish for the tribe; Tud:Breton; Thuida:Gothic; Theod:Saxon for a people, and Tauta:Oscan for a community.

The Tuat is in the changeover transition twilight zone and releases the mummies, the sekari waiting to be resurrected. One of the chief attributes of these Tuatha de Danan is the power they have of assuming any form desired at will when crossing the stargates into or out of the Tuat. Thus announcing themselves through many sayings such as “where there's a will, there's a way,” “where there's a wheel, there's a way,” “where there's a well, there's a way,” “where there's a hill there's a shade,” and the saying “by any manes necessary.” Many transformations are preset and scheduled according to the cycle, while others are flexible and variable based on the set of conditions necessary to keep the need incentive on course and establish the next set of rulerships.

According to Caesar, the Druids taught the Gauls that they were all descended from Dis Pater (Jupiter), the god of Hades or Amenta, who is Tanan as consort of the goddess, and whose name was taken by Ptah-Tanan, the better known Dis Pater, who was earlier than Osiris in the Egyptian cult, and from whom the solar race ascended, whether from Puanta or from the Tuat. Thus interpreted, the Tuatha or tribes who brought the ancient wisdom out of Lower Egypt or the Tuat were Egyptians, as the traditions of the Keltae and Kymry strenuously maintain. (AE2), (BB), (Names and Their Histories)

(1) Volney was limiting this comment to the Greek and Roman era in Egypt to match Herodotus' frame of reference. We know this because in this same book, Volney mentions all the other groups who have mixed with Egyptians (1) To paraphrase Volney, As of 1785 CE, Egypt had been deprived of 23 centuries of occupation, which has continued to this day in 2021. Egypt has been invaded, conquered and colonized by Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Georgians, and Ottoman Turk Tartars. (Volney)

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Civilization | Origin, Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2391


(9aty of 11)

More than once, we have mentioned the notion of “a nation of laws.” A lot of people, especially white Asians (Europeans) think the presence of laws is the path to civilization and that the more laws, the more civilized the people. This is why their first response to anything is to add more laws or talk about the legality or illegality of something and as long as they are enforcing some laws (always to the detriment of disfavored groups), then they claim to be a civilization-minded people of the highest order that has ever existed. Who doesn't see the multiple flaws in this kind of logic?

Laws existed before humans so I guess that makes Earth and its non-human world, a civilized world without humans.
It does.

Until you can get yourself back to understanding what a law is and what a civilization is then equating the two will cause you to conflate the two and confound the two and confuse you know who.
Simply put, civilization can only be based on that which came before humans because humans are a variation of that which came before.
Humans are not the originating defining context for what life is and what life should be about.
Humans do not create civilizations but become part of already existing civilization, i.e., the rest of the natural world. In recent Ages humans have trended towards the absence of harmony.

I am so tired of people stating their human conferred positions and degrees and years of doing a certain job as proof of knowledge, yet they have either not taken or flunked all courses in civilization.

Civitas (Roman) is the basis for the word Civ-ilization. Civitas is an association of families, a corporation. However ClV-ilization is based on CAVe and Kef. Both words lead to Civ.
A cave is a sanctuary, place of concealment, coffin, cabin, house, chamber of rest, birth and rebirth, womb or any other container of source. The cave eventually became the burial place. We are talking about spirit-soul that becomes a clothed mummy to be born and a clothed mummy to be reborn. We tend to think of the cave as being down low on a mountain, however, the first cave was up high at the peak of the celestial mountain of the celestial pole in the lower north half.

Civilization is based on all things being in harmony in the cave of the waters of Nun above. As a single species, humans are the biggest potential threat to harmony wherever humans are. This is directly positively correlated to human knowledge of self and all else. Thus, we can easily determine whether or not a human grouping is functioning as a civilization by how it interacts with the rest of the natural world and the wholeness level, of their knowledge of self. Human laws can be used as a path of inquiry but a quick determination can be accurately achieved by the disparities that exist among humans and the disparities that exist between humans and the rest of the natural world.
Ain't no way the USA has ever been a civilization. This evidence is in plain sight.
When you have some degree of free will, you have to be consciously spirit-soul minded in order to pull off remaining civilized after being born civilized. The civilizing aspect of spirit-soul has to be depleted out of humans in order for human thinking and behavior to sink to the suboptimal.

Civ is khav, kham, khap, khab, khaf (Khafruti or Kamruti are original cavemen), khef, cefn.
khafilization, Khavilization, cavelization.

The evidence of a civilization is not the presence of laws, tabu, customs, traditions, mythology, religion, art, language, writing, buildings, streets, clothes, agriculture, indoor water, electric lights and other such constructs.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Corporate Mummies: Government, Business, Police Military...
Unity Consciousness #2390


(9atx of 11)

“Corp” comes from Kherp. Kherp is the chief, first form, model figure or first figure, the first in form or any other condition of being that creates its own boundary, container, envelope and edge to seal itself off. Kherp is the Ankh and the Repa and the personal representative of the One who is first and foremost spirit-soul wrapped in a container we call universe.

This means a Corp is a form of the mummy. We can see corp in corpse (corpus: latin).
A corporation is a structure that defines its own identity and limits. It is an extension of individual, family, group, clan, tribe, village, community, collective, nation.
However, the corporation, as kherp and mummies, positions itself above all other incorporations of spirit-soul.

A corporation is a body which wraps itself around a spirit. The corporation embodies this spirit, just like a kherp mummy does.
A corporation represents the spirit-soul of its founders and officers who have defined the corporations purpose and mission. This mission is sustained by employees, customers, suppliers and other aspects of the society.
Just as we say, “I swear on my momma's grave,” so also have people sworn on other corps such as on actual mummies, and on corporations. By swearing on these items we are saying that that form of the corp is most sacred and the highest truth, thus the most high god.

CORPORATE in Assyrian was the corpse cloth, the linen that wrapped the corpse.
Thus the human business formation called a corporation is a self-crowning and self-anointing of itself as the most precious thing in the society that embodies the rebirth of the people and contains their hopes for the future.
Even the truncated European Utamawazo definition of corporation states:
"persons united in a body for some purpose," "assumption of a body" (used of the incarnation of Christ), "embody, make or fashion into a body," from corpus "body, dead body, animal body," also "a whole composed of united parts, a structure, system, community, corporation, political body, a guild" (from *kwrep- "body, form, appearance"), "legally authorized entity, artificial person created by law from a group or succession of persons" (such as municipal governments and modern business companies) is from 1610s.

We can see how government corporations, business corporations, police corporations, military corporations, religious corporations and education corporations, public and private. among many others, act with impunity as the self-created and sole authority (THE EXPERTS). Add to this the racial groups who act as corporations to make themselves the favored groups.

Several Ages have led us to the place we are today and this sickness received another boost during these last days of the Ages of Ursa Minor and Pisces. The incoming Ages and the four corners are establishing the conditions for Kherp Khepr corporation transformation through numerous upheavals and fulfillments.

Either all the king's horses and men will fall or god have mercy on us all.

Friday, March 26, 2021

African History Is Superbebastek Like Planet Rock
Unity Consciousness #2389


(9atw of 11)

In the muddled minds of the huddled masses, Africans look like we are the ones who have arrived late to the human intelligence party because we continue to use the suboptimal context of the European Utamawazo as a mental foundation and superstructure to attach all other understandings to.
1. That's like trying to grow a forest inside a tree; instead of the other way around.
2. Using the European context to express African History is like using a thimble to try to capture understandings about a gallon of water.
3. This also would be like claiming a thimble came before water and is the measure and container by which water should be measured and conceived.
4. It is also like using a spoon to try to excavate the Earth. A spoon is woefully insufficient as is the European context – a subset of the suboptimal context.
5. If European history, or the history of any other group, is to be considered vast, then African history in Africa and across the globe, is supervast.
6. If history was a party, the history of all other people combined would be like a Chuck E. Cheese theme song. On the other hand, African History would be like Planet Rock by Afrika Bambaataa & Soulsonic Force. One song is for the newly prepubescent; the other, for the ancient ancient pubescent.

Bambezela - keep alive, sustain ; hold on, continue at work
7. The History of the African is to the history of all other people as the History of Earth is to the history of the African.

8. Mad Love For The Whole Truth Of Black History, UC#2354

9. Dr Asa Hillard The Master Keys to Study Ancient Kemet

Harassment Of Deshaun Watson By Sexual Harassment
Unity Consciousness #2388


(9atv of 11)

I touched on this before more than once in regards to Kavanaugh and others , but will include a few points specific to the allegations of sexual misconduct by Deshaun Watson. This message is not in support of either side but in support of proper process to determine truth. This is a big ask in a society that is itself filled with Kangaroos Courting Civilization But Never Able To Reach Consummation.

1. It's beyond obvious that the timing is suspicious. The question of timing has always been an unfocused on issue in these types of allegations.

2. The question of timing is always accompanied by the law of large numbers, where mentally ill people think that the number of accusers makes something more true.

3. The deeply ill will think women are above lying on this issue. You have all these females who suddenly want justice at the same time, but the incidents are unrelated except for the accused. Emmett Till was also convicted on testimony alone, as was Bill Cosby

4. You have a black male telling white NFL owners to kiss his ass and then all of a sudden, a ton of females come out of the woodwork.

5. The complainants should have their names and cites and faces published also so that the kangaroos can try them in public court also.

6. Based on past campaigns of a similar nature, the accusers get to remain anonymous, get paid in surreptitious ways, and the accused gets harmed in some way. All this without a day in the actual courtroom.

7. There's no reason to believe either side, but there is reason to have a lot of questions for both sides.

8. The burden of proof in most court cases is on the complainants who must have evidence. Their word is not sufficient evidence, no matter how many of their statements you stack up. But it is in Kangaroo Kountries. In the USA, you have a better chance of getting away with murder, than you do with sexual harassment, because to be convicted of murder, you need evidence.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Vaccine Passport Certificates & Gun Violence
Garbage Logic Exposed #4
Unity Consciousness #2387


(9atu of 11)

Vaccines certificates are not an invasion of privacy.
This logic was mouthed by another paid idiot expert funded by the USA government. We should know the reason this person said vaccine certificates are not an invasion of privacy is because he is getting paid to say so.
He actually gave two reasons vaccine certificates, as he likes to call them, are not an invasion of privacy, and are instead a good thing to help bring confidence to people congregating in public places.

The paid liar said vaccine certificates are not an invasion of privacy because you only have to use your face. He said the system works by you scanning your face at the point of entry into some location. He claimed this is not a privacy issue since you don't have to give your name or date of birth or any information.
You and I both know your face is private and you just can use a person's face without their permission. A scan of your face is a recording of your face.
Plus the scan lets people know your medical information, vaccine status, just so you can move about in society in certain places.

The bold faced liar claimed a face verification is not an invasion of privacy because the actual database with your name and date of birth is not at the point of verification but stored somewhere else in a government agency that the verification point communicates with to ensure the vaccine certificate is valid.
Now we all know that one degree of separation or ten degrees does not make your information more private. If that information is in someone else's hand, then that information can be accessed at their will or by court order, then there's no privacy. Plus any system than can communicate in one direction can communicate in two directions and can be hacked and accessed or intercepted.
I guess they take us for fools because we have flocked to take vaccines and continue to follow their pandemic scheme. Even so, it's still garbage logic that keeps adding to the heap, and that heap contains the core reason for all sicknesses (problems) such as people getting shot by cops and by each other.

Garbage logic exposes itself all over the place while the people run around trying to find motives for what stinks. As discussed elsewhere, until people implicate their culture, that culture will continue to act through them as a vulture eating their dead souls because garbage logic is their clothes that hides nothing.

Denigration Of Africans, Nigger Please
Unity Consciousness #2386


(9att of 11)

As discussed elsewhere, we are reminded that this behavior started millennia ago with the European invasions of Africa and got worse with the concept of human whiteness and more invasions of Africa and lands across the globe. To support their barbarism, all manner of white folks posing as experts, continue to contribute to the character assassination of Africans. They defaced evidence, stole, changed and plagiarized and much more. Even those who are not experts in the societal sense are still expert liars, expert racists, experts at self-mutilation and calling it a beautiful mind and a good person.
We all know that right now even to this very moment that the world is filled with billions who still consider Africans, Blacks and darker-skinned people as evil, pagan, demonic, backwards, primitive, savage, Third World, minority, prehistoric, lesser, lowest, ignorant, inferior, pagan, hut dwellers, hunter-gatherers and so on.
This then means those denigrated people are not worthy of respect, equal treatment, inherent rights, rights of creation.

De-Nigra-tion Pieces

Who doesn't know that a “go-to” denigration is to call an African a nigger? Like all denigrations, their effectiveness depends on the attacker and the target to be deficient in knowledge of self and all else. In addition to earlier messages explaining the meaning of nigger from nga, naga and nakhra, now comes additional sources that most likely have led to the origin of the word nigger.

1. Ni is the flood or inundation. Karua means the lake as a source. Ni-Karua is the flood from the lake. This is the human flood that flooded the world from the Great Lakes in East Africa. This is the Ni-Kar, Ni-gar, Nigar, Niger, Nigger. (BB2)

2. Ngaru is a name of the Polynesian victor-god who fights with the powers of evil, fights with the monster of the waters, and fights with the devourer of shades. In all his conflicts Ngaru is the victor. The Ngaru is the ever-coming one who is down, then up, then down, then up.

3. Nin-gar (Nin-si-gar) is the pilot of heaven, Lord Har, pilot of the gods, the paddle of the boat who determines the motion and direction, the Makheru, the Makharu. (BB2)

4. Na-gar becomes Nigar by way of Har-An (Haran) and its opposite spelling of An-Har (Anhar). This is the night sun, who this time around is black jack the jackal anubis who is rising as Kepheus Ma-Shu.

Thus all this nigger calling is calling forth Nagar mummies, Anhar mummies, Haran mummies, Nin-gar mummies, Ngaru mummies, Ni-Kar mummies, Nga mummies, Naga mummies, Nakhra mummies. These “N” words cannot be buried because they are tied to Great Year cycles that determine the submergence and emergence of mummies. Yes, nigger, say nigger, please.

Thus denigration is trying to de-nigra us and de-nigra the rising souls of life that have been dormant. God cannot be denigrafied by humans. The moment dem psychopaths sociopaths started calling Africans, niggers, they themselves became the niggers in their sense of the word.

Mummies Are Our Memories
Unity Consciousness #2385


(9ats of 11)

To retain the form was the object of the stone hewers and carvers. They changed the form but retained the form. The writing on the wall is a form of retaining the form and mummification because the form retained was the understandings in the writings on the wall. The form to be retained is the spirit, not the body. The body was used because humans could not wrap up and mummify a spirit because it is invisible and intangible without the body. Plus the mummy is a memorial of the self, which we now know is the extended collective ancestral self. This understanding of mummy goes way beyond the differences of an individual human and each human's physical appearance. (BB)

A mummy is a form of memory is a form of mummy. Mummification is a form of memorization, commemoration, memorializing. A mummy is a packet of information intended to preserve and communicate understandings (knowledge of self and all else). This is what memory is and what memory does. Recalling memory is the easy part. Remembering memory is harder and takes longer. This is because a lot of memory has been forgotten (dismembered) and become scattered, covered and disconnected. Memory is a puzzle, as is all else in the universe. All puzzles overlap and intersect, thus making memory redundant.

Memory Mummy

Memory, though seemingly coming from Mummery, is more likely derived from Mu-meri. Mu is many things, including water, mother, the dead and the mummy.
Meri is many things including a name of Heaven. There is an upper and lower heaven, a high and low heaven and heavens in between.
Because spirit-motion is a circular motion, spirit khekhs up and down. This is the meri-go round. Thus memory rises and falls as does the activity level of our genetic material. The sun has a high point of influence and a low point of influence as does all other celestial bodies. Mummies rise and fall, shed coverings, take on new coverings, shed connections and make new connections.
All this is why memory is what it is, waxing on and waning off, as part of the entire memory cycle. This becomes more cumbersome among humans when memory has not been used for ages, and is instead replaed by papier-mâché sages. It gets pushed further down in memory and gets confused through various other disconnected pieces of information, some of which is poorly understood. Thus the re-mem-ber-ing process contains many aspects such as finding, collecting, cleaning, repairing, restoring, testing, revising, repeating and so on. Remembering is not about just going to get some information that is stored somewhere with wholeness understanding, then that information and understanding can be restored and inserted in our logic and then our thinking and behavior will improve. It takes more than that simply because context, definitions, meanings and other logic must be adjusted, which is usually the biggest hindrance, along with emotions.

I just had someone scoff at me because I said people in government were mentally ill, especially the ones in charge. It takes a lot of memory remembering in order to understand that the statement I made is true based on what is self-evident in societies. A person who does not understand this must go through remembering processes of many mummies. Or the person can continue as is. It is rare that one piece of information, heard once, will change anyone's logic.

“Sekh” or “Uskh” means to cut out, incise, engrave, memorize, remember, remind. Sak is to bind, direct, order, execute. Sekha means to memorize and remember. This involves Sekhet who is both Aquaria and part of Kepheus. (BB)

Everything is recorded, transferred and preserved through memory, a mummy. Humans began to duplicate memory verbally, then through gestures and paintings and symbols, and games and dances and ceremonies and clothing and other forms of writing and construction. Everything done in this universe uses memory and is memory, even if that memory is suboptimal, at a low point or out of sorts with wholeness logic.

“Remember us well. Never let us pass out of your memory.”
Adonai Tzva'ot says, be encouraged because even though many needed memories have remained inert mummies, those memories are still carefully preserved and can be recollected and restored in humans who travel Sankofa Road and make sure they do not avoid the many rabbit holes to explore and many rivers to cross. (BB2)

Now we come to another way to reach the word “memory.”
Mem is the mummy image of the dead.
Rekh is to know, the repa of what is known.
Mem-rekhi leads to memory. Simply put, memory is mummies who know, thus in total combination are all-knowing.
And this is why many places settled by humans were said to be started by those who fall in the category of ruti and/or rekhi. Those settlements were started by those who had a sufficient set of memory to start a society and produce offspring settlements. For instance, Inner Africa on the east side produced Egypt, then Egypt produced many more.

If you want to know something, ask a mummy. If you want to know something the only thing you can use is memory. Memory that is some combination of what you are already using within self, can recall within self, are already using elsewhere and can recall from elsewhere.

A mummy keeps the dead in mind by reproducing the likeness of what the mummy is. Memory keeps dormant logic in mind so it is not forgotten, but if it is, it can be recalled and remembered.

Memory solves the two basic needs and desires of self-preservation and reproduction. (BB)

Memory is everywhere inside us and outside us.
Many memory mummies are being recalled, rising, being remembered and restored. This is not just happening in humans, it is happening in many creations. Memories (mummies) of spirit motion spirit information and spirit transformation is what is fueling environmental climate change and all change that has ever changed.

The purpose of memory is to retain the form of THE MAIN MUMMY, Mummy Nearest, Mummy Farthest, the Supreme Being, the Universe, the Mumiverse, our greatest Ancestor.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Our Mummy, Which Art Our Ancestor
Unity Consciousness #2384


(9atr of 11)

We must be mummies if the Supreme Being is, if spirit-soul is, if a seed is.

After digesting the previous message, the body as a mummy should be less of a mystery since the human body is a mummy containing spirit-soul. A mummy is both dead and alive. A mummy goes through a range from passive to active, from potential to kinetic, from dormant to wide awake. A mummy is a life, a life-form, a soul of life that goes through processes of transformation. This is what we are and what all creation is. Each stage and phase of ourselves is a mummy and a continuation of THE MUMMY FIGURE.

Each cell is a mummy containing more mummies of genetic seeds, for instance, the nucleus is a mummy. The brain is a mummy. We are made up of a combination of many mummies in various stages of mummy-hood.

Mummy Ancestors

Not just human ancestors and not just because they are “dead”.
Our ancestry goes back to the First Ancestor and the Second Form of the First Ancestor...then the Seven Ancestors as the elemental souls of life.
The mummification of a human body represents these fundamental collective ancestors common to all creation at the root of the tree of life. The tree of life is not only a tree of human ancestry. It is tree of animals, animation. We are spirit-soul beings having a human experience.
Mummification primarily symbolizes another stage of transition for spirit-soul, not for the preservation of the physical body.
Mummification represents the human totemic ancestor, that included other aspects of nature. This is “the very self preserved, the self-sameness,” the extended self, the hyper-extended self, the kheper-extended self.

Mummy Tes

“Tes” is an aspect of the great mother that means the enveloped form, enveloped soul, the concealed in-dwelling, the very self. This very self is fundamental to everything in the universe. “Enveloped” is as in a cocoon.
“Tes-Tes” is the duplicated mother, thus the male is the duplicate as tes-tes, thus testes, thus the name of the male mummy, the seed cocoon, the balls, the nuts.
I suspect the word “test” is an abbreviation of testes. Test meaning to tie and connect the question and answer so that the two are equal and one and the same, thus connect tes to tes.

Tes (Tek) is the inner self of a thing, the spark, the spirit, the soul. This is the Ancestor, the great mummy. This is why, when word is reborn, we say spark an idea, which is to say, the spark of the ideal self. And this is why ideas give us the feeling of invigoration, which is why we crave inspiration, to feel the sensation of a breath of fresh air in the essence of our being to help us make it through another day filled with the stale air of the drudgery-filled societies we live in. Inspiration makes us feel more alive because it is in-spir-ation, the motion and mation of spirit, that awakens and transforms the spirit mummy. So we humans, feeling dead but not really calling it that, yet knowing something is out of whack, seek inspiration, euphoria, beingness, completion, wholeness but do so in suboptimal ways in pursuit of aspirations to escape the lingering feeling of desperation. This would be like the caterpillar in the cocoon trying to become a butterfly by attaching things according to the world it has seen, rather than becoming winged through inner transformations. The caterpillar is a mummy is us. Most of us feel like caterpillars trapped in cocoons, unable to get the next level of being more of what we are capable of becoming. We are experiencing too much of the dormant part of being a mummy rather than the active part of evolving. (BB)

Mummy Kherp

Kherp (Khart) means first formation, a model figure. An English form is Selvage which is self-edge which is to self-create one's own boundary, container, envelope and edge to seal off from unwanted unraveling. Selvage leads to salvage and selfage (selfish). This is all part of what a mummy is and does. Self is the first person, the first personation, the chief one who produces linen to envelope oneself. This can be viewed as a spider's web and that which creates its own cocoon and the egg that creates its own shell or placenta or scab or skin or membrane.

Another form of Kherp (Khart) is wharf, warp, wrap, arp and rap which mean a bank, a boundary, a binding round, engirdle, encircle or alongside of the water. The hieroglyphic determinative is a skein of thread, generally linen. The land equivalent to wharf is curb (kerp). This indicates the word “orbit” comes from Kherp-it. Khart is an orbit and Kher is a course. The first orbit is that which the mummy makes around itself to contain itself. (BB)

Linen About, Wraps It Up

Huma (Egyptian) is hemp. Humamaui is hemp or flax made bright or beautiful. Thus flax is prepared processed hemp.
Linum is Latin for flax. Linum leads to Linen (Renen: Egyptian, the blanched bleached hemp, the virgin, pure, unblemished, hence the virgin white.)
Rekh, make full, purify, make white.
P-Rekh or F-Lekh is the thing whitened, purified, blanched, whence flax. (BB2)

This explains why mummies are wrapped in white cloth, linen, if available. It is to mimic the cocoon where transformation takes place and to remind us that this is transformation of spirit, our ancestor who is us and is the Ancestor of All.

The mummy is wrapped in a woven (weaved) container. Sekhet is the weaver, knitter, sewer as is Neith (Anit) is Khat, Kat, At, Khet, Ket, Kheft. What is weaved is a net, a web made of hairs, threads, fibers, strands. The finished product is called a basket, a ba-sket to hold the ba (soul) of Sekhet.
To weave is to Kab is to turn round and round while crossing over, forming loops and tying knots.
Kab (Khab) is to turn, double, turn corner, return, and redouble. A Khab-er becomes Waber becomes Waver becomes Weaver. Babbin is another word for weaving, thus the phrase, weaving and bobbing, which did not originate with the sport of boxing, but did originate with “boxing in” by weaving around from side to side and forming the net, the container, the holder, the cocoon.

As spirit-soul makes a new motion, each action is simultaneously woven into the fabric of the universe, woven into the body of the Creator, woven into memory, connecting us to all ancestors, future, present and past. This is the common thread.

Per Cheikh Anta Diop in Civilization or Barbarism, “The historical factor is the cultural cement that unifies the disparate elements of a people to make them into a whole, by the particular slant of the feeling of historical continuity lived by the totality of the collective. Historical conscience, through the feeling of cohesion it creates, constitutes the safest and most solid shield of cultural security for a people. The essential thing, for people, is to rediscover the thread that connects them to their most remote ancestral past. In the face of cultural aggression of all sorts, in the face of all disintegrating factors of the outside world, the most efficient cultural weapon with which a people can arm itself is this feeling of historical continuity. The erasing, the destruction of the historical conscience also has been since time began part of the techniques of colonization, enslavement and debasement of peoples.”

Thus, because spirit motion weaves and binds, spirit motion also causes unwinding and unraveling of the threads that connect things. This is at the core of the processes of all change, there must be simultaneous raveling and unraveling.

Current human societies are unraveling as quickly as they began because they were shabbily woven in the first place. The raggedy nature of human societies continues to be exposed.

Meanwhile, spirit-soul is also weaving in new connections, especially to ancestors that are becoming more active.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Our Mummy, Which Art In Heaven
Unity Consciousness #2383


(9atq of 11)

Alternate Titles:
1. Our Mummy, The Mother
2. The Mummy Returns For Us To Relearn
3. Sankofa The Third Time Around Through Semkhafa Memory
4. The Mummy Returns In Three Forms: Superhuman, Human, Memory Of Both

The Sekht (Sekhet) is the ark of Sekari.
Sekari is the ever-living one who is many and also known as the ever-coming one who is many. Sekari is the Mummy, who is the Supreme Being who has died the first death, gone to sleep, become silent and dormant as the first steps of the process of metamorphosis that leads to resurrection, the return of the mummy. (BB)
A figure dressed in swaddling clothes, glides into a crowded bar because it is naturally drawn to a good-time. Immediately there's complete silence. At first there's sadness and fear, then gladness and cheer. Everybody knows its name but no one recognizes what it fully means.

Silence Is Only A Small Part Of What Mum Means

1. Karas means:
a) mummy, genius, precious thing, dead (includes the living who are evil), corpse, make the likeness, image, duplicated image, figure forth, picture, typify, physical body that becomes a spiritual body, alter ego, other self. The double self but not a personal portrait of the living, rather a generalized type of two truths. The duplicated self, an image of life to come, a life-giving image, the very self, the enveloped form, the contained form, the wrapped up form, the soul, to tie up, coil round, embodying of the child by the mother, the very self in person, the statue of oneself, self continuity; an embodied messenger of heaven, a jewel whose price cannot be valued, type of personal identity as the god of Touch, the god to touch, the deity of the dark who was clung to in the darkness of death, the human image or Ka being molded after the type of the sun out of sight. The Corpus Domini (the corpse of flesh and type of spirit in one) now also called Corpus Christi and mistakenly said to mean the Eucharist communion is the actual body and blood of Jesus in human form)

b) a dual type based on the one who becomes two; however, humans began to recognize the duality when the human mother was with child, then became two and when earth and sun became one at night, then two during daytime. Thus, among humans, early forms of the mummy was the child and the night sun as the moon in the belly of the beast (earth, darkness) which then gave rebirth to the sun. Thus the birth, death and rising again of humans was figured on these observations of natural phenomena. Likewise, the rebirth of the sun was based on the human mother. At one point in this process, the continuously re-erecting human penis (Khem-Horus) became the premier sign of resurrecting power of the sun. Some call this phallic worship in the most debased sense. Khem-Horus is Har in An, thus the erect penis is the har-an (har-on, hard on, heron).

c) as we can now more clearly see, the mummy is based on the child in the womb, the transformation processes in that cocoon and the rebirth in basic stages of prepubescent and pubescent.

Humans observed the nature of self and all else and made revisions until the knowledge was combined in a wholeness view of everything understood. In other words it is more important that everything understood and believed functions as a wholeness whole of logic, than it is important to understand everything there is to understand. Information becomes more detrimental as quantity increases but that information does not include understanding the two truths, the two mummies.

Before humans were embalmed and wrapped in cloth, humans used other means to symbolize the eternal ever-living one generator aspect of self and the eternal ever-coming renewal aspect of self. This included using red ochre, berries, beads, bones, stones, statues and other touchable symbols during the funeral and burial process and during life in general. This gave them a tangible form of something to help them keep the dead in memory and reinforce their sense and proof that all things live on beyond visible dimensions and will one day, in some shape, form or fashion, be resurrected.
This process includes the potential for dissolution (the second death, a continuous eternal death).

The origin of making the likeness, image, doll, amulet and idol was an attempt to give visual representation to the inner and unseen self, the idea of which began with the child in the womb. One form of the Sa amulet is the tie or noose emblem of reproduction, but the main type was the mummy-figure.
Mammet (Puppet) in English is an image, bab, bauble, a doll, an idol, the doll being the final form of the idol. The mammet is an image dressed up, and belongs to the act of mumming. (BB2)

d) place of embalmment, change, torment, purification, preparation, judgment and anointing to retain the form and likeness of life in death for ensuring the continuation of life as promised by earth, sun and moon and their continuous cycles of life and death.

e) funeral, crossing, passage, transition

f) Short list of other names equal to Mummy: Ab-aur, Ab-ra, Abtu, Abyss, Af-ra, Amenta, Ancestor, An, Ans-ra, Ark, At-sem, Body (Puti), Child, Coffin, Flint, Hades, Heaven, Human, Initiate, It, Ka, Kak, Kaka, Kama, Karast, Kart, Kar-Tes, Kar-Tek, Khat, Kheft, Khem, Khema, Ki-amen, Lower Egypt, Mam, Ma-mat, Mamit, Mamita, Mammy, Mam-ra, Mem, Mem-ra, Meska, Meskhen Mmu, Mommy, Mum, Mum-at, Mum-it, Mum-ta, Mumu (Muti, Mati, Maat), Repa, Sa (person, self), Sau-Khep, Savior, Seed, Sem, Sem-Sem, Sheb, Shebti, Shebtu, Sheft, Shema, Shen, Skab, Smen, Soul, Spirit, Ssheba, Source, Star, Ster, Superhuman, Tat, Taurt, Teph, Tes (Fetish), Tesa, Tet, Tomb, Touch, Truth, Tsa, Tut, Tuta, Tutu, Underworld, Void, Water, Well, Womb (and all synonyms), Word, Yster, Yesterday, Zemi.

g) What is commonly called the Ritual or the Book of the Dead is the Book of the Mummy, the Book of Coming Forth To Day, the Periem-Hru, the Book of the Mamit, the “Kan Mamit”, the papyrus of the Mamit (the divine dead, the “Kan-Mamiti”). This book with many names is talking about self and else, two things with many names and meanings.

What we now realize is that a mummy represents many more things than a dead human embalmed and wrapped in cloth as performed by Nile Valley Africans. A mummy meant much more then and still does, despite our lack of awareness. Anything that must go through a cycle and process of transformation is a mummy and comes from a mummy. Anything alive or dead, tangible or not, visible or not, is a mummy, including words, thinking and behavior, because everything is the reflection of a combination of spirit-soul manifesting somewhere in the range from being completely dormant to completely active. This is what “mummy” movies are telling us, that the mummy, no matter how long dead, can be resurrected under the right set of conditions. Then this mummy can live, walk and function among us and influence our world. In accordance with the prevailing human matrices, the movies on the big screen are suboptimal and neglect to reflect many mummies resurrecting at once, except on the small screen as zombies, undead, living dead and walking dead. Neither are we shown that many mummies are a good thing and are our friends, exactly what the doctor ordered in the doctor's office in heaven, long before this world began as part of the master plan, the mu-ster plan. Also mumster plan and monster plan. Also the mu-kher plan, makher plan, maker plan, makha plan and makhu plan as opposed to the maga plan. The maga is another form of the mummy some humans are trying to resurrect.

Whiteface Blackface, Another Part
Unity Consciousness #2382


(9atp of 11)

This is a continuation of Whiteface Blackface, Unity Consciousness #2381

Why Do White People Act Like This?

Their deep and wide psychosis has been explained in several messages.
Do you see black people running around painting their faces white and acting idiotic?
Do black people see a white person and yell “honkey, cracker?”
Do black people find dolls, symbols, crosses and use them to harass white people?

One Of The Things It All Boils Down To

One reason white people do these things in public is because they do them in private around other white people. It is a certainty that no white person has lived a life and not heard or seen these things in private (the safety of an all white audience). The ones who say they don't do these things have been around others who do, even in private, when only white people are present. That's the crazed world they live in and then they come out in public and act innocent and clueless and non-racist.

Truth is, nobody does these things in public without private practice and without feeling it's socially acceptable in public because it has been socially acceptable in private.
White people are most certainly not getting the sense of their behavior being social acceptable from black people.
So why do white people think it's okay, even to this very day?
At a minimum, there must be a whole lot of accessories to racism. In the eyes of the law, a criminal and one who aids and abets, are one and the same.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Whiteface Blackface
Unity Consciousness #2381


(9ato of 11)

As discussed elsewhere, people have painted their bodies and faces for a long time. All people still do, at least on occasion.
None of this painting started willy nilly for no reason.
Most of the painting done by people in societies, even when it involves a tradition, is poorly understood as to its fundamental significance and origin.

Briefly put, Africans painting their faces white represents the two truths of dark and light. Likewise then, despite the intent of white folks, when they paint their faces black, they are doing the same thing, several degrees removed from awareness.
Therefore, I say let the white folks act out with blackface and yelling nigger and displaying nooses and other childish psycho-sociopathic behavior. I want all of them to show their true colors in public as long as they don't do anything that physically touches someone.

Let the black people bleaching and lightening their skin do so. They are lost and more easily identified without even talking to them.

Africans in various parts of the world, still paint bodies and faces in accordance with puberty and/or in recognition of the transition of the sun from black to red to white.
In Egypt this color change represented the red crown of Lower Egypt and white crown of Upper Egypt.
All this boils down to repeating the sem-sem symbolism of the Two Truths (BB2)

In England, during Christmas, going from house to house with blackened faces was a reenactment of the sun coming forth from the lower world.
Thus, the blackening represented the lowly state of the sun, but it also represented the certainty of the rising sun. This symbolism also took place on “Shig-shag Day.” (BB)

Understand the deeper meanings of what is being displayed by racists with their superficial behavior.
They say nigger, the superhuman says naga.
They say coon, the superhuman says Khan.
They show a noose, the superhuman shows an ankh.
They show a noose for death, the superhuman shows a noose of reproduction.
They use blackface, the superhuman rises in white spirits of the souls of life in Aquaria and Kepheus, who are symbolized in human form, as black, thus black paint on white faces is the black human of the white superhuman of the two rising Ages.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Africans Saving Yourself Requires Checking Your Contexts
Unity Consciousness #2380


(9atn of 11)

Listening to black folks in the USA talk about coronavirus and taking the vaccine, or not. And then listening to them express themselves about other events taking place, it seems that without the proper context, most of our efforts will amount to spinning wheels spinning energies that have no chance of moving Africans up and above our current societal circumstances. Our logic is terribly insufficient.
I must attribute this to us using the wrong Asili, wrong Utamawazo, wrong natural world context, wrong definitions and meanings, wrong understanding of racism, wrong primary identity.
This is why I had to finally, mostly in the following order, renovate my reasoning using the natural world context, optimal asili, african utamawazo, understand racism, get the proper identity and continuously work on redoing definitions and meanings.
Anyone of these is significant enough to impair our thinking, so two or more of these being deficient in our logic will cause us to behave in vastly contradictory ways as if we have no long-term memory beyond three or four days.

A good place to start checking and correcting our logic is with the two quotes at the top of this web log by Ancestors Neely Fuller, Sr. and Asa Grant Hilliard, III (Nana Baffour Amankwatia, II). If either of these quotes confuse you or you disagree, then there you go.

The best place to start and be reminded about what needs to be checked is continuously listening to what your spirit is bringing to your attention.

You must remember that our contexts have not always been what they are today. Europeans came along and changed everything above to suit their fancy. This is why they published encylopedias and dictionaries and textbooks and bibles and all sorts of information to get you to think in a manner that suits their asili. Same has taken place in societies worldwide. Each of them, generation after generation moving away from the optimal context. It is our responsibility to check ourself and correct ourself. Then you'll better understand what you're hearing and seeing taking place among humans, plus you'll begin to understand more of what is taking place in superhuman dimensions intertwined in everything human taking place.

Then you'll stop being foolish thinking, that due to changes in human thinking and behavior, that spring has arrived and summer will be here soon, while it's freezing outside and the snow keeps piling high, but you are being told otherwise.

Based on resistance, denial and the continued re-dedications to lies, it looks like the masses of humans and their societies are not going to change due to their own free will. Humans will be forced to change due a combination of their own self-destructions and changes in the natural world. As a result, humans will die in bunches due to being resistant to the fundamental change. The Tribe called Remnant will defend itself against enemies of all colors. We know the time is short because the foolishness in societies remains at a high level and has not abated the vast array of disparities that are going to be solved in other ways that do not require humans to say okay.

A clear example is that humans still have to be told how to drive in less than ideal road conditions, yet we don't listen, so hundreds up people end up in the same accident when they shouldn't have been out there going with the flow of traffic. This is the result of logic that we think is not going to fail us in that way even though it has already shown us in other ways.

Many more examples exist of environmental changes (climate change) that have significantly reshaped human societies and killed a lot of people so quickly there was no time to avoid the consequences. Before those events happened, they were thought not to be possible. A recent “Alexa” commercial reminds us of what happened to Pompeii. They lived the same way together and died the same way together.

Desire, My Love & Spontaneous Combustion
Unity Consciousness #2379


(9atm of 11)

Desire, My Love

by Usekhu Afruika

If my desire for you is physically based
Does desire expire when physical satiates
And becomes so commonplace to taste
A different source is needed to replace
Perishable desire

An outward spark that lights inner fire
Is never enough
No matter what kind of stuff it is
Attentions, cheers, applause, praise
Other people's validation of our ways
Money and power to feel in control of days

When my desire for you is physically based
Spirit-soul is frozen in time and space
Depleted of deeper nutrition
Leaving soul salvation in last place
Among things to do

If desire is spirit-mind-emotion based
In you I can embrace Primordial vibrations
With ancestors in my genetic complex
Which keeps beingness euphoric and khalurekh

Soul salvation is healthy knowledge of self
Nothing external can bridge or feel empty spaces
Except essential aliveness and amazing graces
That comes out of the process of beingness
Continuously expanding the extended self

In a discombobulated way
We are seeking optimal place and purpose
Using deep desires that keep us on the surface

Spontaneity is fountain-eity.
Spontaneous emission is what naturally flows like a fountain from the source of the mountain below and above. This is creativity (kar-activity). Spontaneous combustion is the process that sparks creativity. When this spark, the Baal-fire, has been snuffed by societies, the desire of spirit to be from within is replaced by that which is without, much of which is physically based.

Sep, Seb or Spi is a time or turn, manifestation, spontaneous act. Ret means repeated. SlT-RET is the spontaneous manifestation repeated in breathing. This is shown by the Spirt (spurt), for a short space of time or a brief emission. However, since breathing is continuous, so also are the spurts of spirit, thus making spirt become spirti, primarily a binary continuous cycle of spirt. The sep ret (separate) is combined in spirti, thus spirit, which is continuously spontaneously combusting through motions and mations.
Seb is also the Star, the opening of light, morning, morrow and denotes a time, an event, occurrence, a spontaneous act or manifestation, a turn round. Thus the motions and mations of stars, are participating in large-scale spontaneous events. All celestial bodies are forms of stars. Seb is Keb, Kep, Kef. Both the polestar and equatorial star of the galaxy are spirits. Each is spirti and they are combining into spirti-spirti. Thus, as has happened many times before, stars are aligning to bring forth many changes that we will not be prepared for even though they are taking place motion by motion and, in addition to evidences in the rest of the natural world, are also being announced through human thinking and behavior.
It is the dependability of spontaneous occurrences that allows us to develop a sense of periodicity, cycles, patterns, thus time and season, thus provide ways to reckon in advance what we need to be doing.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Did You Have A Good Time?
Did You Find Some Joy In Your Otherwise Boring Life?
Unity Consciousness #2378


(9atl of 11)

This message has been a long time coming, waiting for me to bring it forth unapologetically.
How many times have we asked or been asked, “Did you have a good time, did you enjoy yourself, was it fun?”
We all know good and damn well that even though we are asking the question as if we want to hear the truth, almost none of us want to hear the truth if the person did not have a good time.
After the person expresses their discontent, we will usually try to patch it up, fix it up, pump it up and get them to look on the bright side, be positive, and remain polyanna-ish.
Yet we don't do this when a person expresses they had a good time. We don't try to shoot holes in it to get them to look on the dark side, be negative and be Eeyore-ish.
Bottom line is: When we ask did you have a good time, we are asking a rhetorical question because we always expect people to say they had a good time.
We end up more upset at a person who expresses they didn't have a good time, when we should be mad at ourselves for being so goofy and loopy.

A good time can be had by all if there's alcohol involved or hooping and hollering, or anything in excess, that we don't get to do each day in our routine boring lives.

This then is really at the subconscious basis of us asking somebody else did they have a good time. We are asking if they were able to find some joy in life. We want to feel okay to have good times in the midst of otherwise dull times. We ask the question because want people to ask us. We want to share the intermittent moments of good times to justify the much more constant moments of dissatisfactions we are living.

According to the (BB), The good-time is the periodic festival.
Har-Khuti, god of both horizons, is the deity of going round, the good or Khut god. The devil has the character of the goer round, and he is called the good man. The fairies go in circles, and they are the "good folk.” Going gooding is the same as going gadding round about. And in the customs of Valentine’s Day, catching and clasping of the person is a salute equivalent to the salutation “Good Morrow.” The going round from house to house to sing the “Good Morrow, Valentine,” is identical with the going a-gooding. One form of Har-Khuti, the god of going round, is Tum. Gooding is based on going round, making the circle as a symbol of a completed cycle of time. In this sense the last Sunday in Lent is designated “Good-pas Day;” the six Sundays being called Tid, Mid, Misera, Carling, Palm and Good-pas day. Khut-pesh is the extent of the circle-making. And the “Good” Friday is the Khut Friday.

A good time is a Khut time, going in a complete circle, with highs, lows and mid-range. So in humans terms we should expect our experiences to consist of at least two or more truths, a range of feelings, emotions. And then there's some experiences that are more in one category then in another. When we ask the question, we should be balanced enough to expect and allow the other person to fully express themselves, but they won't, because we've trained each other to hit the highs, leave out the lows and generally always say yes, we had a good time.
It should be okay to acknowledge that we didn't have a good time.
This is still difficult because our notions of what is commonly accepted to be good, fun, enjoyable and satisfying is off kilter.

A good time is a god time because Khut is Ghod, thus God. God has multiple aspects and always manifests multiple aspects, so why wouldn't our experiences be multi-faceted as well, and not always all good in the manner we define good?

Yes it's all good in the optimal context, but not all good in the suboptimal context.
It's all good in the optimal context because it's gods doing what they do.
It's not all good in the suboptimal context because it's gods as humans doing miscues without a clue.

When “having a good time” becomes the primary concern that we must address to justify how we spend our time during certain occasions, we tend to create “good times” based on location and experiences, and get into a one upmanship with ourselves and with others to show proof that being in such and such a location and doing such and such things, equates to a good time.

Using our current suboptimal human context, definitions and meanings, do you think God is looking at the state of human affairs on this Earth and is having a good time?

If so, then what are we praying for?

That's right, there's a whole lot of contradictions in our logic and behavior.
Have a good day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Sankofa, Second Time Around Through Khankhafa
Unity Consciousness #2377


(9atk of 11)

From Part 8o, UC#938, #940, #941 and #942 we are moving backwards in forward fashion. Sankofa becomes Kankufa becomes Khankhufa becomes KhanKhafa.

Skhen is the Meskhen and means to cause to alight, be manifested, give breath or being to, rest and recuperate in or near water. From this comes SAN.
San is to charm by magic, the physician, healer, prepare, preserve, keep long, save, restore, immerse, evil. From this comes English words: sanation, sane, sin.

Khan means inward, interior, hidden, and is related to the dead (those who are asleep, deeply dormant).
Khan signifies the hollow utensil for containing and carrying (Can: English).
Khan is also a name of water and other liquids.
An, Aan, and Khan is the Cynocephalus.
Kan means service, the name of the king, thus King Kan. (King Kon, Kong). Thus these movies announcements for the coming King Kan, Kepheus.

Kan is to be able, courageous, valiant, a victor.
Khun-su is Khan-su is Kanu, the brave child, the victor-son. This is the Cun, Kun, Con, Coon, a chief. See Coon elsewhere.
Kan-su (San-su) would signify preserve, heal, charm, save the child, as was done in the process of regeneration and re-birth by passing it through the Kar-rekh or circle of purification.
Kan is cunning, wizard, knower, diviner, averter of evil and bad luck.
Kan is rooted in Kef or Kep, the most ancient mother of the mystery of life related to the mystical water: fertilization and fermentation.

The lunar deity Tahuti, lord of the moon is the dog-headed monkey, the Aan, earlier Kan. From this connection of the Cynocephalus with Taht, we derive the well-known man in the moon, who is followed by his dog.

I Am, Calling You Out Of Your Dry Places, I Am Calling You Higher. Come On Up A Little Higher

The title to this section is from the song “Yes” by Shekinah Glory Ministry.

Sefa (Kefa) is the goddess of the tidal river and inundation in Egypt. This inundation sometimes comes by weeping, dripping to make humid, dissolve, liquefy, purify, heal. Sep, Kep, Sif, Kif, Sav, Kav, Sef, Kef, Seb or Keb is both star and morning, the dawn, the gateway, therefore the morning-star. This is Pisces who is becoming Aquaria.

Khefa (kafa) means force, power, potency, seize, lay hold, claw hold of, the north hinder feminine part, the lower of the two heavens.
Kefa comes from Kheba which leads to Zaba a name of Ethiopia.
Thus Khefa is the Mother first, son second, the hideous, the mother of flesh and the beast The tail is a symbol of the mother worn by males to show masculine out front and feminine behind. Thus wearing a tuxedo with tails is a symbol of Kepheus.

This briefer message than the totality of the first five, again reminds us that Sankofa is about more than remembering. It is about re-member-ing. Healing is taking place for those who can be and use free will to heal. This then is fundamentally about restoring one's spirit back to the optimal process of beingness.

One thing I know is that I must survive
One thing I know is that I must rise

Every day I rise on a prayer
That's all I got to take me through
I know one day I must and I will
Free myself from everything that holds me captive

Gonna be free like a bird in the sky
Gonna be free, gonna fly so high
Gonna be free, gonna free my mind
Gonna be free, gonna fly so high

Who Will Cry For The Little Boys & Girls?
Unity Consciousness #2376


(9atj of 11)

Sure as hell not the masses in societies.
Sure as hell not the overwhelming masses in the church, the employed, the experts, the government, the authorities, the officials, pubic servants, politicians, government workers.
Sure as hell not the overwhelming majority of sports fans,
Sure as hell not the masses of those who consider themselves educated.
Sure as hell not the masses with good jobs.
Sure as hell not the masses who got bills to pay and mouths to feed and friends to keep and peace to keep while many weep.
Sure as hell not those who don't know they are in the midst of and participating in multiple wars.
Sure as hell not the masses in any aspect of law enforcement.
Sure as hell not the masses of businesses, of celebrities, of media mega-mouthpieces.
Sure as hell not the masses of those we work with or are in our community, county, state, country.

Who will cry for the little boy?
Lost and all alone.
Who will cry for the little boy?
Abandoned without his own?

Who will cry for the little boy?
He cried himself to sleep.
Who will cry for the little boy?
He never had for keeps.

Who will cry for the little boy?
He walked the burning sand.
Who will cry for the little boy?
The boy inside the man.

Who will cry for the little boy?
Who knows well hurt and pain
Who will cry for the little boy?
He died again and again.

Who will cry for the little boy?
A good boy he tried to be
Who will cry for the little boy?
Who cries inside of me

(by Antwone Fisher)

Their parents and other ancestors are crying for them.
Nakhra is organizing for the next phase that shifts the crying.

And on that day when the tide turns, a tsunami of millions will die for continued heinous shit like this: 1-year-old black male, Legend Smalls, 'fighting for his life' after being shot in the head by Houston police.

Misguided Miseducated Jury Verdicts In Kangaroo Courts
Unity Consciousness #2376


(9atj of 11)

What has evidence of the past 13,000 years reminded us about the masses of humans?
Masses are usually right when the people have organized themselves into a civilization.
Masses are usually wrong when the people have organized themselves into a society.

Legal juries for court cases are chosen out of the general population of the masses, which is accurately stated as a jury of peers. These peers must then focus and take in both sides of an argument, each side containing multiple components.
Simply put, each person on a jury must do some extended critical thinking, something most of us have never done or only done rarely. This is evident because too many people go along with too much that's wrong. If most people did not go along, then the wrong wouldn't last for long.
Secondly, each person (now called a juror) must resist becoming subject to groupthink and group acceptance and false notions of intelligence that convinces a person they understand when they don't.

Now even if a juror could avoid groupthink in the jury room, the person would have to have a significant amount of wholeness of self in order to have exorcised the groupthink of the society they were raised in.

As we approach another session of highly publicized Kangaroo Court in the USA with Derek Chauvin, a white male who murdered a black male and was assisted by others on the spot and in the society, what are the chances you can find 12 to 14 people who are not mentally ill miseducated, thus their critical thinking is in tact and active with wholeness?

Has that ever been the predominant composition of any jury in the USA?

The Kangarooing started long ago in the USA. It's part of the culture. We can see how most of the information we've seen so far has been ridiculously displayed, which is why Chauvin (another Amber “waves of grain” Guyger) is not charged with first degree murder of George Floyd.

What we can be certain of is what we have already seen.

The same miseducated logic used by jurors to judge the facts, would change if they, or someone they cared about, were the plaintiff or defendant. In other words, when people have organized themselves into a society, a jury of your peers is a jury of people who don't care about the rights of creation, they take into account many other misguided miseducated considerations.

All this is to say that the Kangaroo Court is not the society's legal courtroom. Instead, the Kangaroo Court is the society itself.

What & Who Is a Negro? ] Definition & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2375


(9atj of 11)

We've answered this elsewhere in bits and pieces and through Naga, Nga, Naka and Nka. The Negro is the African. So who is African? Many lines of inquiry have already answered this.

In Search Of The Oldest Negro To Again Confirm What Is Already Known

As a matter of daily mental exercise, we begin again from another angle of light.
We can search our memory base.
Then search the internet.
Just by quickly khekhing back the letters to earlier forms, we can see Negro is Nekhro is Nakhra, Nakra, Makhra, Makra, Makhar, Ar-makh, Ar-magh.

We now focus on a few, the most likely two: Nakhra and Nakhru.
Nakh is Ankh is one and two.
Nakh is strong, powerful, power personified, strength.
Ank, Anuk, or Nak is the I, the King, the living one.
Ra is spirit-soul. Ru is the outlet from the womb birthplace, the kra, the ark.
Ar is repetition of parent and child. Ur is great.

Negro is based on the ankh, duality, spirit-soul, outlet, repetition of the One, greatness of power.

A Negro is the rekh, the ruti from the root. Thus Negro is not summarized as black. Negro contains all colors, yet started as outwardly black in human form. Negro is about way more than skin color.

Negro is the seed that contains all the instructions to produce humans in our current form. As such then, Negro is the same as Macro, a single instruction that expands automatically into a set of instructions to perform a particular task.

A Negro is that which contains the complete and pure and true and manifests the same.
A Negro is that which contains the incomplete and impure and untrue and manifests the same.

One of the first names given to the Negro is Nahsi. This is Han-si, the dual child of the waters.
Nahsi is also Naha-su, Maha-su, Nakha-su, Makha-su. Ma-su, Ma-Shu. Kepheus and Aquaria are Negroes. Earth is a Negro. God is a Negro through and through.

Nahsi is also Nakhsi, thus Nazi, a misguided notion of the pure seed, the pure race.
Race is Arce, Arkhe as in Archetype.

Thus, whether intentional or not, Nana Baba Carter G. Woodson covered all bases of all “races” when he said the Negro has been miseducated.

The Mis-Education Of The Negro is a metaphor for everyone. Everyone is Everything is Nakhra. The multi-faceted negro of deep beginnings is an archetype for multi-faceted beings whose root is Khanatakh material.

Connective Tissue Of Genetic Material

Genetic is Khanatakh, Khanatekh, Khamatakh, Kamatekh, Kemetekh and so on.
The word Ank may be abraded from Kank, Ka-nak, Kanak, Khakh.
Kama is a name for water but is not applied directly in Egyptian. Ka-MA is male water.
Tekh (Takh) means a frontier, to cross, see, behold, the light, supply, join, bind, unite, adhere, attach, supply with liquid essence. (BB)

Genetic is that which comes from the waters of life, the liquid essences, and crosses the frontier dividing line between dimensions to unite with other forms of self. Genetic material makes evolutionary rises and de-evolutionary falls when Ages change, especially those marking the half-great year. This is what the Nakhra Negro is and does. Our genetic material is the ankh of ra. Our genetic material is the Negro.

Another Angle Of Light

Ngaru is a name of the Polynesian victor-god who fights with the powers of evil, the monster of the waters, and the devourer of the Hades, and unites in one the characters of Izdubar and Ulysses, Hercules, Khunsu, and Jack the Giant-killer. He fights with a shark during eight days; he is buried in the earth during eight days—the typical number eight belonging to the time of the eight gods—he is buried as a Black and rises again as a White. He descends into Hell and puts it out by letting in a deluge. He ascends to a region above and slays the Giant. In all his conflicts Ngaru comes of if the victor, and the equivalent Naru (Eg.) signifies victory. Nasru has the same meaning of victory, also a governor. Naru, and Nasru enter into the names of the gods Nergal and Nisrock. (BB2)

The Greek Problem Is A Miseducation Problem
Unity Consciousness #2374


(9ati of 11)

I get the sense, based on how the masses are thinking and behaving, that most people think “miseducation” only applies to black people (not Africans), especially those in the USA. Their logic goes something like:
Well, Carter G. Woodson said the Miseducation of the Negro and he was talking about slaves in America and he was the descendant of slaves in America. Slavery is the cause of miseducation. Slavery miseducated black folks. They are the lost miseducated ones. I am not miseducated. My ancestors were not slaves.
As said before, all people in societies have been miseducated via the education system, employment system, religion system and other system components of the cult-u-re part of. This is not a little bit of miseducation, but a lot. Almost all of the people in societies considered to be the most knowledgeable in some aspect, way, shape, form or fashion, these same people are also very miseducated.
Thus the most miseducated among us are those who know a whole lot of something, but nothing wholeness.
Knowledge without the context to continuously check yourself and correct yourself to perfect yourself, is defective to the point of not knowing which parts are infected because there's always a band-aid piece of logic to hide the truth of malnutrition from the root.

We don't know what education is, thus we don't know what miseducation is. We don't even know what a negro is.

Here we are in a maze with miseducation everywhere we turn, except when we turn inward long enough to guide us outwards.

Thus, even though the Greek problem has been solved, the larger problem, the miseducation problem, has not been.
Our covid-19 days of craze is the latest most publicized piece of proof tested positive that miseducation's ongoing pandemic is still endemic to all societies.

The Greek Problem Solved For The Umpteenth Time
Unity Consciousness #2373


(9ath of 11)

Ancestor Nana Baba George G. M. James talked about this in Stolen Legacy: Greek Philosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy". Others have talked about it in various ways.
Wheresoever the explorers dig deepest, in Akkad, Karchemish, Palestine, Greece, or Italy they discover Egypt. The universal parent of language, symbolism, early forms of law, art and science, is Egypt, and this fact is destined to be established along every line of research and every angle of light and every footstep that automatically knows that something uneven is under the rug, and likely being hidden on purpose, so as to deceive, so as to control, so as to get you to willingly give up your power. (BB)
So if Africa taught Greeks how to talk and walk, then where the hell are their parents who gave birth to the Greeks? Did their originating parents simply put them in the hands of know nothing primitive prehistoric Africans? Truth is, Afruikans are the grandparents of the Greeks when the Greeks were black and when the Greeks were black and white and even when the Greeks became white.


According to Names and Their Histories, Greece (Graecia: Latin), was the land of the Gracci, the Epirot tribe who first became known to the Romans, who extended the name to the whole peninsula. This source contradicts three times by saying Epirots are the people of Epirus, the mainland, a name given to the western coast of Greece by the inhabitants of the adjacent islands, but the name Epirot is now confined to the part of Albania opposite Corfu.
Truth is, the Epirot tribe is simply the people in the Epirus mountains of what is now called Albania, a land attached to northern Greece, thus Epirot essentially means northern Greeks, or, if we can look at the Greeks as southern Albanians. They are the same people.

Tep-ru is the first outlet, gate, mouth, opening, door, exit or port. Tepru in Egyptian becomes Tabor in English, the sacred hill, a point of commencement in the solar allegory, the beginning of movement in a circle, the starting-point, the birthplace at the northeast corner.
Tepru also means oral commencement.
Ben is the supreme height, the roof named Tep-ru-bani as the Tep top of Tepru.
The old writers, in their stories of voyages and the strange creatures to be met with in the East, often speak of the mermaid that was to be met with off the coast of Taprobane, of which there is more than one location. The Mermaid of the zodiac is the original of this as Pisces and Aquaria.
Apru, consecrated (BB)

Thus Tepru, Apru and Teprobane are likely sources for Epiru and Albania.

We have another possibility. The Cimbri (Kymry) or Cimmerii (Kimmeri, Kymry) were called Abroi. Abroi becomes Epru, Eprui and Epiru as we will be able to see.
Ap (Ab, Ep) is the first, the ancestral, head, and with the rui for the isles, the Ab-rui are the first islanders. Abrui is an abraded Kabtui, and Kabrui means the island-born. These are the Gevi, Gentiles, children of Gomer, children of Khef, the sailors, the Kabiri, the later Abroi, hence their oneness with the discoverers of the coastal communities and isles, the Kymry. In Egypt only can we find the starting-point of both the Kymry and Kabiri as one people. Moreover, Kep or Kef, the goddess of the Great Bear, the ark of the seven Kabiri, survives in Kef, cabin, skip, skiff and ship, each a name of the water-vessel named after the water-horse (hippopotamus). (BB)

The Coti or Ketti we identify with the Abroi or Kabari, Kymry, Goths and Scyths.
The Afridi folk, found in India at the head of the Kamari, the Pacts and Scyths, may now be claimed as a form of the Auritae, Afruti, the primal Kafruti of Africa, and the brotherhood of the Kamari, Kabiri, Abroi and Kymry goes back to the unity of the black race, the first race that then varied into other colorations.

Possibilities continue to come forth. As a race-name, the Apru or Hebrew agrees with that of the Danakil, who call themselves the Apru or Afru, a still earlier form of the word. The Danakil are a different people to the Dongolawy, who are Nubians, yet the two names, word for word, are one, and the Nubians are still black. The Apru or Afru point backward to the Kafru or Kaffir, the black people of Africa, the land (Ka) of the Afru or Kaffirs. (BB2)


According to Names & Their Histories, the people of [Greece] accidentally acquired the name of Greece and did not call themselves Greeks, but called themselves Hellenes, signifying originally the people of Hellas, a small town in Thessaly in southeastern Greece.
Truth is, Hellen is the Renn(t) nurse, Rennut, of Har the Renn. This is Har-renn which becomes Hel-lenn.
The Hellenes are people who acknowledged the virgin mother and son of the mother as their divinities, thus Thessaly was another birthplace for transformation of people coming into Eurasia and of those who had come earlier. Thus the Greeks are a seed that came from a tree and was planted on the Greek peninsula and thinks it has no mother ancestry connected to the trunk of human ancestry.


1. Thessaly, a location in Greece.
2. Thessalonia or Thessalonica in Asia Minor, now called Turkey. Saloniki. at first called Therma, and afterwards Thessalonica, by Cassander, son-in-law of Philip of Macedon, stands at the head of an extensive gulf, called the Gulf of Salonica, in Macedonia. There is a Philip in the Judaeo-Christian bible who is a Roman and Herod's brother.
3. In Albania, Janna was called Thessalia. Janna or Yanina is said to located in Thessaly. This again suggests that Albania, Greece and Macedonia were at one time the same land and same people. Some of these people either populated Salonica in Asia Minor or the other way around. (American Universal Geography)


Names and Their Histories says “lonian” (Iones) is the oldest name of the Greeks and that Ionian is the same word as Javan, a son of Japheth. We know Japheth started from Inner Africa. Javan was also called Akhaioi. I wonder if Ionian is based on Akhaioi as Akha-ioi or Akh-aioi, thus aioi-an. It doesn't have to be to prove who the Greeks are.

Ionia was a colony of Kemet. Its location today would be on the southwest coast of the Mediterranean Sea in parts of present-day Jordan, Israel and southern Syria, also likely parts of Lebanon.

Kherp is the first form, model figure. The first division, called a Shire instead of a Caer, would be Kherp-Shire, or Kherf-Shire. Kherp is the most probable original of the name of Europe, answering to the first quarter named in the north. Kherp means first in form or any other condition of being and will equally apply to Europe as the north land discovered by the Kymry or Khafitic race.
This also is the most probable origin of Albion. Per Aristotle,“Beyond the Pillars of Hercules is the ocean that flows round the earth. In it are two very large islands called Britannia; these are Albion and Ierne.” Albion is not derived from Albus, the White. The ancient inhabitants are called Albiones. Uni is the Egyptian name for inhabitants. The Kherpiuni (Albioni) would be the first people of the isle, as the Kherp.
Kherp-ion (Albion now Great Britain) and Kheb-eriu (Ierne now Ireland). (BB)

Scythians & Goths

Herodotus speaks of the inhabitants of all the northern provinces of Turkey as Scythians, now generally supposed to be the same with the Goths. These were the successors of the Celtae (see Keltae). Scythians and Gothians are the chief population of Europe. The earliest Greeks were called Iones, and are generally considered Scythian. (American Universal Geography, V2)
Nennius, a Welsh historian, derives the Scythi and Gothi from Magog, the second son of Gomer, as Kymry of the second generation.

The Kymry in Scotland, divided into Northern Picts and Southern Scots.
The Kymry in India and Afghanistan divided into Northern Pacts and Southern Scyths.
Both of these sets of people were named after the Great Mother who divided into Pekht and Sekh. (BB) Scythians are Sekhti, mariners. (NG2)

In the modified form of Khefti, Kheftim, Gevim and Gutim, we have the Ketti, Coti, Catini, Gadeni, Cotani, Catieuchlani, and others. With these must be classed the name of the Goth. Thus the Goth (Scyths) are part of the Inner African northern division as the Kheft, as opposed to the southern division as the Khaft.

Alban, Albania, Albany, St. Albans

The Welsh called England the land of the Rekh. Lloeger is a name for England known to the Barddas (Druids from Egypt). The Britons divided the island into Lloeger, Cymru and Alban. (BB)
Names and Their Histories makes it back to the truth in its entry on Albany. It says Albany is the English form of the Latin Albania. Albania is the name given to the kingdom of the Picts when it was inherited by the kings of the Scots.
Alba means hill, highland, mountains, mountainous.
BREADALBANE (Braidalbin) is the breast or upland of Alban.
ALBANIA is the name of the mountainous region east of the Adriatic.
Britain was called Albion supposedly because of the white chalk cliffs of Kent. Albania has snow-clad mountains. However, “white” is the not the basis for the name Alba, Albania or Albion. In addition to Alba, the following variations also indicate mountains: alp, alpine, alpes, ailp, 'a hill, alpaca, elba. (Names and Their Histories)

Argha-Naut, Argonaut, Arnaut, Astronaut

Names and Their Histories claims the reason the Albanians of Epirus are called ARNAUTS is due to Albanitae being corrupted into Arvanitae, then, due to another corruption, we have Arnauts as the modern designation of the Albanians.

I suggest a more likely possibility based on the following:
The womb is the argha, the boat. This God as Mother is Argha-Nautha. Argha is Arkha, Arche, Ark, the sign of all beginning in the north hinder part of heaven. “Arka” in Assyrian is the hinder part. (NG1)
Simply put, Arnauts are Argonauts are navigators by, on or in water. They are arghanauthas who travel by nautical miles. (BB)

The Egyptian “Ka” supplies the terminal “Ch” to Welsh, Scotch and Dutch adjectives. The word “Welsh” is the same as Corea or Corca or KarKa. Kar is native inhabitant and Ka the type of person or function. But Kar is essentially the lower, the nethermost, the earliest.
Karka becomes Arka becomes Argha becomes Argo.
The Welsh Nav is the Lord, the Supreme, the Lord of all.
This gives us Argo-Nav as in Argo-Navis, a southern constellation.

By this measure the Albanians, thus Greeks are from Wales, thus African.

Back To The Basics Of Letterology

The letter G is not an original letter. The word Greek had to have an earlier spelling. Greek would be Kreek. K is not primary by itself but usually begins as KH. Kreek would be Khreekh. The letter E is not primary. Khreekh would be Khraakh, Khriikh, Khruukh, or some combination of these letters. Out of all of these, one of them led to the word Greek. Then Greek led to Crek, Creek.

Creklade or Greeklade is a town not far from Oxford, England. Cricklade is famed in ancient traditions as the place to which certain Greek philosophers came with Brute (Brutus) who is Baal, who was Sut, the star-god, in the Sabean mythos, and Pryd in the solar. Both Creklade and Lechlade in this shire (Oxford) derived their title from these Greeks (Lechs or Leeches).
British, English or European Lechs is the same word as the Egyptian Rekhi, the learned, the wise men, the mages, the men of science, physicians and astronomers, builders, masons, religious teachers and metal workers.
Rekh becomes rek becomes rak becomes rat. Rat is a stone and means to engrave, cut, plant, RETAIN THE FORM. Rat is the equivalent Lade, a place, to plant, make fast. Lechlade is Rekh-rat is the settlement of the Rekh. This settlement is Creklade where Oxford University was started before it was called that. The Greeks, who were rekhi from Africa by way of Egypt or by way of Northern Africa west of Egypt or by way of far western Asia or by way of eastern Asia (India and Afghanistan Scyths and Ionia), are those people who planted the seed of their genetics and knowledge for a new Amenta-based era in Europe. I suspect the Greeks are primarily a combination of at least these four influxes.

Greek comes from Khreekh or Khraakh we started with above. The Kar-rekhi are those who come out of the Kharrekh or Kharrakh.
The name of Crek classicized into Greek is probably derived from Kha, a book-place, an Altar, and Rekh. Kharekh would naturally abrade into Crek, and be as naturally read Greek. Creklade is thus the college of the Rekh. The magi of Egypt are the pure wise spirits and intelligences.
Kharrekh is the process of regeneration and re-birth by passing it through the Kar-rekh or circle of purification. Kherrekh, Kharekh, Kharrakh lead to Greek, Greece, Greco, Creek, Crek and more. (BB)

The Egyptians have preserved for us the means of interpreting the vastness of knowledge (science) that connects to the root of truth based on natural fact, natural information, not information manufactured by humans. There is natural fact and human fact. Get this one thing straight and you'll be much better off.
Understandings of early Sign-language, the basis of human understanding, has gotten confused near and far in inner Africa, Australia, India, Greece and elsewhere.
Souls of life are the superhumans, the superbhumans, the magi magicians, the performers, transformers who pass through the underworld Kharrakh furnace while assuming various shapes in a series of rebirths. Understandings of this great year process was perverted and turned into foolishness in India, Greece and elsewhere. (AE1)

See Greek this weblog.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Royals In The Plastic Bubble
Unity Consciousness #2372


(9atg of 11)

Warning: To avoid danger of suffocation, keep plastic bags and all plastic packaging away from babies and children.

It's perfect that royal becomes loyal as two forms of the same word.
I sense that Harry and Meghan and/or one of their children will rule Britain in the next nineteen to thirty years. Or the ruling group will fall out of power as the society continues to disintegrate due to being out of sync with the Ages, thus the rights of creation and acknowledging their Mother Africa ancestry is the entirety of their genetics.

Meghan's Lineage

Markle is an American citizen and a 24th generation descendant of King Edward III. The lineage was discovered through Rev. William Skipper, a royal descendant who arrived in New England in 1639. He's an ancestor of Markle's father, Thomas Wayne Markle.

Paternal Grandparents:
Gordon Arnold Markle (Pennsylvania) and Doris Mary Rita Sanders (New Hampshire and California)
Paternal Great-grandparents:
Isaac Thomas Markle “Papa Ike” (Pennsylvania) and Ruth Ann(e) Arnold (Pennsylvania)
Fred(erick) George Sanders (New Hampshire) and Gertrude May Merrill (New Hampshire)

Mother, Doria Loyce Ragland

Maternal Grandparents:
Alvin Azell(a) Ragland (California) and Jeanette Arnold (Ohio and California).
Steve R. Ragland (Georgia and California) and Louise “Lois” Russell (Tennessee)
James Arnold and Nettie M. Allen

Paternal & Maternal Great-great-grandparents:
George Benjamin Markle (Pennsylvania) and Mary Jane Mangle (Pennsylvania)
Adam A. Arnold (Pennsylvania) and Martha Jane Sykes “Mattie” (Pennsylvania)
George Sanders (Essex, England and New Hampshire) and Maria Ellsworth (New Hampshire)
George David Merrill (New Hampshire) and Mary Bird (Island of Malta and New Hampshire)
Jeremiah M. “Jerry” Ragland (Georgia and Tennessee) and Claudie/Claudia Ritchie (Georgia and Tennessee)
James Cunagan Russell (Georgia and Alabama) and Virginia Lee Betts (Alabama and Tennessee)

Paternal & Maternal Great-great-great-grandparents:
Isaac Markle (Pennsylvania) and Leah Reisenberg (Pennsylvania)
Thomas Mangle (Pennsylvania) and Louisa Long (Pennsylvania)
Adam Arnold (Pennsylvania) and Mary Musick (Pennsylvania)
Thomas (name could be William) Sykes (England) and Mary Ann Short (possibly Sharp) (Lincolnshire, England).
John/George Sanders and Elesebeth (Elizabeth Raynor?)
George Ellsworth (New Hampshire) and Ph(o)ebe H. Palmer (New Hampshire)
Jacob Lee Merrill (New Hampshire) and Mary Bessie/Hussey Smith (New Hampshire)
Thomas Bird (England-), shoe maker and Mary Smith (Ireland)
Steve(n) Ragland (Georgia) and Mahalia Texas Henrick “Texie” (Georgia).
Ritchie and Mattie Turnipseed or Henderson (Georgia)
Lewis Russell (Georgia) and Emily (Georgia)
Jacob Betts (Alabama) and Ida Biskly Sowers (Alabama and Tennessee)

Paternal & Maternal Great-great-great-great-grandparents:
Conrad Markel (Pennsylvania (1809-), son of Johann Markel who in the late 18th century emigrated from Germany. Conrad married Catherine Hovis, who had ancestors in Prussia and Switzerland.
Daniel Mangle, until mid 1800s Mengle/Mengel/Mingle (Berks or Mt. Pleasant Mills, Snyder County, Pennsylvania) and Catherine Long (Mt. Pleasant Mills, Snyder, Pennsylvania)
John C. Long (Pennsylvania) and Suzanna/Susan/Susannah Charles (Pennsylvania)
David Merrill (New Hampshire) and Sarah H. Lee (New Hampshire)
John Smith (New Hampshire) and Mary Polly Mudgett (New Hampshire)
Richard Ragland and Mary
John Jackson Hendrick (Georgia) and Mary Elizabeth Jane Wood (Georgia)
Tom Turnipseed (Georgia) parents from South Carolina. And Dolly McElroy (Georgia). father from Georgia, mother from South Carolina.
Joseph Betts (1819-) and Catherine (1825-)
Oliver Sowers (1830-) and Louise Townsell (1830)

Harry's Lineage

Diana is of Earl John Spencer and Frances Ruth Burke Roche
John is of Albert Spencer, who served as the 7th Earl Spencer, and Lady Cynthia Hamilton.
Albert is of Charles Spencer, 6th Earl Spencer and Margaret Spencer, Viscountess Althorp.

Frances is of Edmund Maurice Burke Roche, 4th Baron Fermoy and Ruth Sylvia Gill.
Edmund holds a title in the Peerage of Ireland. He is the elder son of Edmund Roche, 5th Baron Fermoy, and his wife, Lavinia Pitman.

Charles Phillip Arthur George Mountbatten-Windsor, Prince of Wales, is the heir apparent to the British throne as the eldest child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.

Paternal Grandfather
Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark was born Phillippos. He became Prince Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh when his wife Elizabeth became Queen after they were married.
Philip became a naturalized British subject, and adopted the surname Mountbatten, the anglicised (englicized) version of his mother’s name of Battenberg. Why? Because Philip is a great-great-grandchild of Queen Victoria through his mother’s family. Besides his father's Greek royal lineage is much weaker than his British side.

Paternal Great-grandfather:
Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark. Philip's uncle was King Constantine of Greece.

Paternal Great-grandmother:
Princess Alice of Battenberg.

Paternal Great-great grandmother:
Princess Victoria of Hesse and by Rhine (and Prince Louis of Battenberg)

Paternal Great-great-great grandmother:
Princess Alice of the United Kingdom and (Grand Duke Ludwig IV of Hesse and by Rhine)

Paternal Great-great-great-great- grandmother:
Queen Victoria, originally named Alexandrina Victoria, after her godfather, Tsar Alexander I of Russia.

Paternal Great-great-great-great-great grandfather:
Edward, Duke of Kent (and Marie Louise Victoire.)

Edward, Duke of Kent is the son of George III of England.

Harry's Paternal Maternal Grandmother
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor became Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth in 1952 [conquered territories by first degree murder]. She became Queen in 1952 when her father, King George VI died.

Harry's Paternal Maternal Great grandfather
George VI (Albert Frederick Arthur George Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) was the last Emperor of India and the first Head of the Commonwealth. He was the King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth between 1936 and 1952.

George VI became king when his older brother, King Edward VIII, gave up the throne. Prince Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David (he went by David).
David became King Edward VIII when George V died. He gave up the throne to his younger brother who became King George VI.

Harry's Paternal Maternal Great grandmother
When King George VI died, his wife, Queen Elizabeth, wife of King George VI, became known as Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother to avoid confusion with her daughter, Queen Elizabeth II. Earlier, in the 16th century, there was another Elizabeth who was Queen Elizabeth I.
Queen Mother Elizabeth was born Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon.

Harry's Paternal Maternal Great great grandfather
King George V, a grandson of Queen Victoria.
George V ascended to the throne when his father, King Edward VII, died.

Harry's Paternal Maternal Great great great grandfather
King Edward VII, eldest son and second child of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.

Harry's Paternal Maternal Great great great great grandmother
Queen Alexandrina Victoria Married her cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha[Goth, Gothic, Gotham, Golgotha].
Named Alexandrina Victoria, she was the only child of Edward Duke of Kent (father is George III) and Victoria Saxe-Coburg. Came to the throne shortly after the death of her uncle William IV who had no heirs. [William came to power when King George IV died with no heirs]
During the time of Queen Victoria, the British Empire stretched so far around the globe from Canada to the Caribbean, Africa, India, Australia and New Zealand. The Victorian era was a time of immense industrial, political, trade, scientific and military progress for Great Britain. Her husband Albert persuaded her to take a more constitutional role and leave the rest to parliament.

More On William IV

William IV was king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 1830. He was the third son of George III and Queen Charlotte and as such was not expected to succeed to the throne. In 1811, William's oldest brother George became prince regent (later George IV) when their father was declared insane. William became heir and then, with the death of George IV, king in June 1830. William died on 20 June 1837, without surviving children. His niece Victoria succeeded him.

Additional Ancestry Bits & Pieces Of White Supremacist Ideology

King Edward I, son of Henry III who became King of England, son of England's King John and Isabella of Angoulême. John became King after the death of his brother Richard I (Richard the Lionheart), son of Henry II.
??Henry II, duke of Aquitaine , had a claim to the English throne, and he invaded England in 1153??
King Stephen agreed to accept Henry II as his coadjutor and heir. When Stephen died the following year, Henry succeeded without opposition, Henry I became King as son of William the Conqueror, Norman invader. William the Conqueror defeated his Saxon opponent King Harold II at Hastings.

Harry's Father, Charles, Prince Of Wales

Charles is Kharrak. Diana is Tiamat. This is the furnace and the Great Mother.
It is not a coincidence that the heir apparent comes from Wales, by title. Wales is a seed colony for the United Kingdom. Some of the names for Wales are Gales, Karti, Kars and David. The Repa, or Prince, was the completer of the solar course, and in him the trinity of father, mother, and son was fulfilled. This is sacred in Egypt. The first Prince of Wales, the Repa, the heir-apparent was Prydhain, the Horus of the Bards. Prydhain yields the name Britain. Bards are Druids are Egyptians.
Thus it is a certainty that if Prince Charles dies before Queen Elizabeth, that Prince William would be named Prince of Wales as the next apparent heir because he is first in line.

Prince William. Duke of Cambridge, and his children will succeed the throne after his father.

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and his children are next in line.
Sussex is the nest that expands and then frees. At the crossroads in the Hundred of Twyford (twy-fold, twofold), the river Medway receives two of its effluents, one rising in Kent, the other in Sussex. Twyford (Twi-fort) is also a celestial location at the equinox where all things transitional to a change of rulership takes place.

Master Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor is currently number 7 and his sibling is number 8. If this sibling is female, I will consider it another sign to match the Ages.
Harry becomes Khari, Kari, Hari, Harru, Ur-Har. Meghan become Makhan. Archie become Ark-ia

Meghan's people lived in New England, USA for the greater portion of the USA's brief history. I suspect royal is a form of rule, rut-ar, rut-ter[a form of sem-mes mirror imagery]
England is suffocating in a plastic bubble of who they are and where they came from and their rights as white-skinned whiteness humans. Anyone who thinks Englanders are not racist is sleep walking in quicksands of sewage surrounded by signs with the names of sweet-smelling flowers. Thus despite all evidence to the contrary they believe words. Like the overwhelming majority of people in human-constructed favored groups, they are royal because they are loyal to many lies that keeps their mini-matrix alive.
Royalty and loyalty based on murder spree is on its way out the same way it came in.

Last week on CNN with Don Lemon, I heard someone say that people in the UK don't think they are racists because they didn't have slavery. This is complete cognitive dissonance on many levels. This is complete miseducation. This is complete lazy-mindedness. This is a flat out lie. This is plastic bobble-headedness-a head that only moves the way the society moves. Maafa racism exists in the UK in all their institutions. Secondly, the existence of “the monarchy” is evidence that they have made people in their lands and in other lands, subjects to them. Do what I say or I'll do this to you. The UK has partnered with most if not all European and Asian nations in maintaining Maafa racism. People in most lands are slaves to their governments because you must pay them money for many things way beyond that which is necessary for the common good, yet the common good is not even the reason for determining how all these extortions of monies are administered – it is solely for maintaining favored groups and the elite as rulers.

What we basically have is a tradition of whiteness and taking whatever you want with weapons, just behaving any ole kinda way. In walks Meghan, the antithesis, at least in appearance of her ancestry. This is the same maga stuff going on in the USA and all lands occupied by Euros outside of Eurasia. Why would anyone think these people care if you die?
What do you think they mean by, please take the vaccine so we can get back to the normal pursuit of the Barbarian Dream?