If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, March 29, 2021

Georgia & Germany | Origin, Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2392


(9atz of 11)


Georgia in the Usa is another large scale proxy for Maafa racism that has not diminished one iota. In Georgia they hate you so much they don't want black asses to vote but they care about you so much they want to help you get a vaccine to keep you alive so they can deny your right to vote. Wouldn't it be easier just to let you die? The pandemic and vaccine agenda is different than the one you are being sold and you keep buying bypassing common damn sense. Even so-called “dumb” animals learn after being hit in the head and kicked in the ass and okie doked, not to trust anything that remotely looks like or behaves like their attackers.

Based on what can be pieced together from etymonline, “George” means “earth has work to do,” specifically in terms of tilling the ground. In the absence of other information and in the presence of many messages on upheaval, I take this to mean two things: the spirit-soul of upheaval is here on Earth with Georgia as a proxy for the rest of the USA who is trying to do the same thing as Georgia. On one hand upheaval is trying to be restricted and on the other hand upheaval is being assisted.
The USA is overdue for geographic upheaval on a large scale coming from water, fire, wind and earth. This time it might be earthquakes or that which comes out of earth or opens earth or causes earth to shift. We are early in 2021 with enough time for the energies of the evil ones to call down upon themselves the wrath. In close sequence should be similar events in other Europe logic infested places. Australia has already been catching a lot of hell from the natural world.

Georgia In The USA

A secret language is called Argot (French) and Gergo (Italian). Argot and Gergo are two forms of Kher-Khut (Egyptian)(likely Kharut, karuti). Kher is speech while Khut is shut, sealed, thus secret speech. Georgia might be a point of release for what has been hidden in plain sight. (BB) Georgia is said to be named after George II, an ancestor of Queen Elizabeth II of Britain so we know what kind of evil spirit that is. Georgia was supposedly a colony for the poor and helpless and an asylum for insolvent debtors and persons fleeing from religious persecution. (Names and Their Histories)

Georgia In Western Asia

Georgia has been called Gurgustan, Gurguftan, Daghistan, Shirvan and Carmania. (American Universal Geography)

Per Volney in his Travels Through Syria & Egypt, Vol. 01 during 1783-1785 CE, Georgia was formerly Colchis.
Herodotus said, “'I believe the Colchi to be a colony of Egyptians, because, like them, they have black skins and frizzled hair.” Volney adds, “the ancient Egyptians were real negroes, of the same species with all the natives of Africa; and though, as might be expected, after mixing for so many ages with the Greeks and Romans, they have lost the intensity of their first colour, yet they still retain strong marks of their original conformation.” (1) and (Volney)

Colchi is Karkhi, Karkha, Karka, Keltae, Karti, Karut, Corca, Welsh. All these are the same word as Colchi.
The Corca are Egyptian. Thus this matches Herodotus. Some of the Corca might have come from Wales, Ireland and places in between, all of these still being an African derivative. (BB)

The form of Karka closest to Colchi is Kerchi in Armorican.
We can be certain that, like most groups of people on this planet, the people under the Colchi and Georgian names were a mixture of many African varieties of different degrees and durations of separation from Africa.
Following a different angle of light, we now turn to Germany to learn more about the Kher-Khut, the same people who inhabited Georgia in Asia.
The name “Georgia” flowed from Kher-Khut, Ker-kot, Gergot and Gergo.
The name “”Germany” flowed from Kher-Khut, Kher, Ker, Ger.
Georgians in Asia and Germans came from the same tribal offshoot of people.


Germans are the Celts and Cimbri who have been shown to be early Africans. Later came Finns, Goths and Scyths who are simply more African varieties separated by degrees of generation and culturalization.
An ancient name of Germany is Teutschland, named after the people called Teutones (Teutoni), or named after their god, Teuth.

1. Teuth is the Egyptian god Tut, Tahuti, Tehuti, Taht, Tat, Tuta, Tutu. This is the soul of life in the moon, a lord of the underworld and a rebalancer and a uniter. Taht is the intermediary, midway point, balance and transition stage from night to day.
Tut is a form of Khut by way of Sut. Khut leads to Sut (sabean) leads to Tut (lunar).
Tut with the terminal (KH) gives us Tutkh, Tutch and Dutch. Tut, tat, tata, denote the upper of the two, the head, chiefs, princes. Tut is the mountain. Tut is also the mother.

2. At one point, Germany and Wales were considered the two lands that represented the whole world. Germany was upper and latest while Wales was lower and earliest. The Welsh are the people of the Kar, or Well, the underworld lower half of the whole. This distinction was then assumed by those in the Upper portion of the “world”, the Teuts, Teutons, or Dutch.
If these were named same as Egypt then Wales would be Upper Egypt and Germany would be Lower Egypt because the Teutons of Germany populated a great many lands in Europe such as Holland (Batavia, Bata-vi) and Netherlands who are also called Dutch France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Scandinavia and more. This boils down to a matter of perspective and orientation. (American Universal Geography Vol. II), (Names and Their Histories)
From the Teutonic lands of Germany, a language shift began to take place, This would have taken place during the lunar mythology prior to 37,000 BCE, and likely much earlier. Egypt was in full swing then.

3. Teuton is a combination of Tiu + Ton.
Tiu from Tut and/or Shu, the Egyptian Mars, as well as the divinity of Kepheus and Cor-Leonis, the alpha star of Leo Constellation. (BB2)
Ton (tun, tomb, den, home, womb) means to fill up, terminate, determine, a region, an elevated seat, a throne, the under-world, enclosure of the living, enclosed land as property.
Thus Teuton was the home of those born under Tut and/or Shu, because both are lords of the underworld. They are the Tuat-ones (Tuatones,Teutons)

4. “Home” (English) comes from the Teuton tribe. The word “home, as well as the feeling of home”, was brought across the Great Green Sea (Mediterranean) into Eurasia by the Teutonic colonists from Africa. There was no notion of “home” in Britain, nor was there the feeling for home, till the Teutons came. Home comes from Ham and Hem, that go back to the Inner African birthplace. This is what home is really about and why, despite having houses they call home and countries they call home, most people still have not reached the satisfaction wholeness feeling of the true sense of home that comes from the source of human birth and resting place and being back in the safety and harmony of the womb. This then is zen as the sem in the mes, the semsem. (BB)

5. Teu means means two halves and has forms such as Dya, Dyu, Dvi, Ti, Tiu, Dva, Two, Twy, Tvi, Tvai, Dub, Duo, Di, Tuai, Taui, Tio, Div, Devi, Dian, Deuce, Divinity, Duality, Deo, Jeo, Jo, Djeo, Iu, Ju, Juno, Dif, Tsef, Djef, Tseb, Kef, Djovis, Tzeus, Djandja, Deus and more.

6. Tsef represents duality and divides into Tef (Seb), the divine mother who was much earlier than Tef (Seb), the divine father. Tef passes into Tui, Tiu, Teu, thus Ti for Two and Tue for Tuesday. Even after Tsef divides into Tef, it still maintains its duality. Another name for Tef is Jupiter, lord of the fifth day, and the name of Seb signifies number five as lord of earth and the fifth region. Tut is also number five.
Although Jupiter is both the mother and the father, Jupiter is identical with Seb-Kronus, the first father in heaven as a timekeeper. Jupiter the father superseded Sebek or Sevekh, the son of the pole star because Jupiter's orbit around the sun was only twelve years. (NG1), (BB2).
All this is to say the emergence of the Teutons as a named group likely took place during the transition from lunar reckoning to solar reckoning and recognition of the father. It is possible that the Teutons came from two birthplaces, south in Wales and eastward in Asia. This might have also continued the skin lightening process from the blending of two tones (Teutones) of home and hue and further periods of natural and forced isolationism.

7. Tuetones as two tones and a name signifying duality, and relating to the Dutch might have something to do with the phraes “Double Dutch” and “Double Dutch Bus.” Buss is to kiss, conjoin; to baste is to tack together. I suspect buss is at the root of business since buss is mess, thus messiness is bussiness, thus the phrase it's a messy business or this business is a mess.

We have just explored a primary path for the earlier naming of Germans.
The German tribes nearest to Gaul called themselves the 'all-men,' a term Latinised as Allemaimi. Hence the names Allemagne, Allemagna, Alemegna, Alemanni, Alemania, Alemannia (Swabia), Allemanha, Theodiscan, Deutscheland, Dutchland. (Names and Their Histories), (American Universal Geography, Vol. II)
Allemagna and Allemagne are possible combinations of Gale (Wales) and magna.

Other names for Germany were Germania, Germani, Garman, Kerman. (American Universal Geography, Vol. II)
The word “Germany” replaced the older English name Allemagne, an Anglicised form of Germania (Latin). This clearly shows how Anglicizing and Englicizing cause significant leaps in word spelling. We have also seen this in Latin and Greek. I suspect this is common in that words moving from one language to the next sometimes maintain their closeness of spelling and meaning while others do not.

Another name for Germany is said to be Tedescbi, an Italian corruption of Theodiscans; however, Theod is said to simply mean people, but based on Theo Teo, Teu, Deo, it likely means people of a dual nature or followers of a dual divinity. “Dual divinity” being a redundant phrase.
Theod is said to be a form of Deutsche, and it likely is since Theod is also a form of Tuat, Tuata, Tuatha and Tuatha de Danan is a name of the Teutons. (AE2)
The Tuat is a place of entrance to and egress from the underworld, the netherland. This sounds like the twilight zone place of transition at the midway point of a cycle. These souls of life are the Tuata. Since this location is land beneath the waters, it is called Tanen. The Tuat is in Tanen, thus the Tuata-Tanen are the souls in the Tuat underworld. They are called Tuatha de Danan in Irish and considered mythical heroes or divine ancestors. Tanen (Tann) and Danan are Mother Earth, then Father Earth. Thus “Teuton” also has a naming connection to this mother of the underworld and Hathor of the full moon giving rebirth, through the man in the moon, to the father in the sun. I suspect the earliest this could have happened would have coincided with the Age of Herakles in 38681 BCE. Bottom line, all of the main places currently inhabited in this world by humans were first inhabited by Africans of a darker hue and the naming of themselves and their settlements began with those people. (AE2)

Tuatha de Danan is Tuath:Irish for the tribe; Tud:Breton; Thuida:Gothic; Theod:Saxon for a people, and Tauta:Oscan for a community.

The Tuat is in the changeover transition twilight zone and releases the mummies, the sekari waiting to be resurrected. One of the chief attributes of these Tuatha de Danan is the power they have of assuming any form desired at will when crossing the stargates into or out of the Tuat. Thus announcing themselves through many sayings such as “where there's a will, there's a way,” “where there's a wheel, there's a way,” “where there's a well, there's a way,” “where there's a hill there's a shade,” and the saying “by any manes necessary.” Many transformations are preset and scheduled according to the cycle, while others are flexible and variable based on the set of conditions necessary to keep the need incentive on course and establish the next set of rulerships.

According to Caesar, the Druids taught the Gauls that they were all descended from Dis Pater (Jupiter), the god of Hades or Amenta, who is Tanan as consort of the goddess, and whose name was taken by Ptah-Tanan, the better known Dis Pater, who was earlier than Osiris in the Egyptian cult, and from whom the solar race ascended, whether from Puanta or from the Tuat. Thus interpreted, the Tuatha or tribes who brought the ancient wisdom out of Lower Egypt or the Tuat were Egyptians, as the traditions of the Keltae and Kymry strenuously maintain. (AE2), (BB), (Names and Their Histories)

(1) Volney was limiting this comment to the Greek and Roman era in Egypt to match Herodotus' frame of reference. We know this because in this same book, Volney mentions all the other groups who have mixed with Egyptians (1) To paraphrase Volney, As of 1785 CE, Egypt had been deprived of 23 centuries of occupation, which has continued to this day in 2021. Egypt has been invaded, conquered and colonized by Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Georgians, and Ottoman Turk Tartars. (Volney)