If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Our Mummy, Which Art Our Ancestor
Unity Consciousness #2384


(9atr of 11)

We must be mummies if the Supreme Being is, if spirit-soul is, if a seed is.

After digesting the previous message, the body as a mummy should be less of a mystery since the human body is a mummy containing spirit-soul. A mummy is both dead and alive. A mummy goes through a range from passive to active, from potential to kinetic, from dormant to wide awake. A mummy is a life, a life-form, a soul of life that goes through processes of transformation. This is what we are and what all creation is. Each stage and phase of ourselves is a mummy and a continuation of THE MUMMY FIGURE.

Each cell is a mummy containing more mummies of genetic seeds, for instance, the nucleus is a mummy. The brain is a mummy. We are made up of a combination of many mummies in various stages of mummy-hood.

Mummy Ancestors

Not just human ancestors and not just because they are “dead”.
Our ancestry goes back to the First Ancestor and the Second Form of the First Ancestor...then the Seven Ancestors as the elemental souls of life.
The mummification of a human body represents these fundamental collective ancestors common to all creation at the root of the tree of life. The tree of life is not only a tree of human ancestry. It is tree of animals, animation. We are spirit-soul beings having a human experience.
Mummification primarily symbolizes another stage of transition for spirit-soul, not for the preservation of the physical body.
Mummification represents the human totemic ancestor, that included other aspects of nature. This is “the very self preserved, the self-sameness,” the extended self, the hyper-extended self, the kheper-extended self.

Mummy Tes

“Tes” is an aspect of the great mother that means the enveloped form, enveloped soul, the concealed in-dwelling, the very self. This very self is fundamental to everything in the universe. “Enveloped” is as in a cocoon.
“Tes-Tes” is the duplicated mother, thus the male is the duplicate as tes-tes, thus testes, thus the name of the male mummy, the seed cocoon, the balls, the nuts.
I suspect the word “test” is an abbreviation of testes. Test meaning to tie and connect the question and answer so that the two are equal and one and the same, thus connect tes to tes.

Tes (Tek) is the inner self of a thing, the spark, the spirit, the soul. This is the Ancestor, the great mummy. This is why, when word is reborn, we say spark an idea, which is to say, the spark of the ideal self. And this is why ideas give us the feeling of invigoration, which is why we crave inspiration, to feel the sensation of a breath of fresh air in the essence of our being to help us make it through another day filled with the stale air of the drudgery-filled societies we live in. Inspiration makes us feel more alive because it is in-spir-ation, the motion and mation of spirit, that awakens and transforms the spirit mummy. So we humans, feeling dead but not really calling it that, yet knowing something is out of whack, seek inspiration, euphoria, beingness, completion, wholeness but do so in suboptimal ways in pursuit of aspirations to escape the lingering feeling of desperation. This would be like the caterpillar in the cocoon trying to become a butterfly by attaching things according to the world it has seen, rather than becoming winged through inner transformations. The caterpillar is a mummy is us. Most of us feel like caterpillars trapped in cocoons, unable to get the next level of being more of what we are capable of becoming. We are experiencing too much of the dormant part of being a mummy rather than the active part of evolving. (BB)

Mummy Kherp

Kherp (Khart) means first formation, a model figure. An English form is Selvage which is self-edge which is to self-create one's own boundary, container, envelope and edge to seal off from unwanted unraveling. Selvage leads to salvage and selfage (selfish). This is all part of what a mummy is and does. Self is the first person, the first personation, the chief one who produces linen to envelope oneself. This can be viewed as a spider's web and that which creates its own cocoon and the egg that creates its own shell or placenta or scab or skin or membrane.

Another form of Kherp (Khart) is wharf, warp, wrap, arp and rap which mean a bank, a boundary, a binding round, engirdle, encircle or alongside of the water. The hieroglyphic determinative is a skein of thread, generally linen. The land equivalent to wharf is curb (kerp). This indicates the word “orbit” comes from Kherp-it. Khart is an orbit and Kher is a course. The first orbit is that which the mummy makes around itself to contain itself. (BB)

Linen About, Wraps It Up

Huma (Egyptian) is hemp. Humamaui is hemp or flax made bright or beautiful. Thus flax is prepared processed hemp.
Linum is Latin for flax. Linum leads to Linen (Renen: Egyptian, the blanched bleached hemp, the virgin, pure, unblemished, hence the virgin white.)
Rekh, make full, purify, make white.
P-Rekh or F-Lekh is the thing whitened, purified, blanched, whence flax. (BB2)

This explains why mummies are wrapped in white cloth, linen, if available. It is to mimic the cocoon where transformation takes place and to remind us that this is transformation of spirit, our ancestor who is us and is the Ancestor of All.

The mummy is wrapped in a woven (weaved) container. Sekhet is the weaver, knitter, sewer as is Neith (Anit) is Khat, Kat, At, Khet, Ket, Kheft. What is weaved is a net, a web made of hairs, threads, fibers, strands. The finished product is called a basket, a ba-sket to hold the ba (soul) of Sekhet.
To weave is to Kab is to turn round and round while crossing over, forming loops and tying knots.
Kab (Khab) is to turn, double, turn corner, return, and redouble. A Khab-er becomes Waber becomes Waver becomes Weaver. Babbin is another word for weaving, thus the phrase, weaving and bobbing, which did not originate with the sport of boxing, but did originate with “boxing in” by weaving around from side to side and forming the net, the container, the holder, the cocoon.

As spirit-soul makes a new motion, each action is simultaneously woven into the fabric of the universe, woven into the body of the Creator, woven into memory, connecting us to all ancestors, future, present and past. This is the common thread.

Per Cheikh Anta Diop in Civilization or Barbarism, “The historical factor is the cultural cement that unifies the disparate elements of a people to make them into a whole, by the particular slant of the feeling of historical continuity lived by the totality of the collective. Historical conscience, through the feeling of cohesion it creates, constitutes the safest and most solid shield of cultural security for a people. The essential thing, for people, is to rediscover the thread that connects them to their most remote ancestral past. In the face of cultural aggression of all sorts, in the face of all disintegrating factors of the outside world, the most efficient cultural weapon with which a people can arm itself is this feeling of historical continuity. The erasing, the destruction of the historical conscience also has been since time began part of the techniques of colonization, enslavement and debasement of peoples.”

Thus, because spirit motion weaves and binds, spirit motion also causes unwinding and unraveling of the threads that connect things. This is at the core of the processes of all change, there must be simultaneous raveling and unraveling.

Current human societies are unraveling as quickly as they began because they were shabbily woven in the first place. The raggedy nature of human societies continues to be exposed.

Meanwhile, spirit-soul is also weaving in new connections, especially to ancestors that are becoming more active.