If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, October 9, 2022

All Abaut Author | Origin, Definition, Meaning
Unity Consciousness #2810

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Author is Au-ther is Au-Kher is Ua-Khar is Khar-ua is Kharua, the birthplace above and below.

Au is is the oldest, first, most primitive one who manifests both truths. “UA” is the waters (Ua-ters), the universe, all space, all time, all beginnings, all roots, all seeds. Au-ter as Author is the same thing as Ua-ter as Water.
Kher is Kher is word, to know, reckon, voice, speech, utter, victim, attacker, savior, kill, war, parent, child, spirit-soul, all things.

Yes, No, Maybe Or It Depends, It's All The Same Thing

It doesn't matter whether you think life and existence is overseen by a God, Creator, Maker, Divine, Deity, Supreme, Highest, Overseer, Being, Humans, Ruler, King (Kha-ing), Queen (Khu-ing), Prince, Savior, Messiah, Devil, Power, Environment, Ecosystem, Climate, Habitat, Universe, Spirit, Soul, Energy, Matter, Force, Holy, All in All, Big Bang, Laws, Science, Genetics, Species, Races, Countries or Nothing At All.
It is a certainty that you believe in several of the above.
Each one of those concepts are understandings about the beginning, the author of life and existence. This is so because an author is a person, a place, a thing and an action, plus modifiers of each and each other.
Person – Author, Waters, Originator, Au-rehk-an, Original (Aur-regnai-al)
Place – Authority, Waters, Origin, Original
Thing – Authorization, Waters, Organization, Original
Action – Authorize, Waters, Originate, Organize

What am I here to author and authorize?
And what am I authoring and authorizing?

In the English variation of language, the er or or is added to the end of words to indicate the person who does something. To a lesser extent ar and ur are used. These are a form of the Ar, Ur, Ra and Ru in Egyptian these can be anywhere in the word and have many more meanings than the doer or the person, for instance, parent, spirit-soul, chief, birthplace. These are what we don't see in Author but are part of Kher and Ter and in siblings Kek, Rekh and Tekh.
Author is the first of all truths in all times and in all spaces. The Auth-or, Thua-or, Khau-ur, Skau-ur (Scholar). These words are synonymous with many words, a few of which are the Maker (Ma-kher), the Hacker (Kha-kher) and the Banger (Ba-ing-kher, Ba-Ng-Kher, Ba-an-kher, Ba-ankh-kher)

Abaut is Ab-au-t, Abt, uat