If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Societies Will Never Cure Cancer, Dementia & Other Chronic Problems
Unity Consciousness #2816

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzc of 11)

This is a reminder.
Most people in the top promoted societies have their noses up in the air that we are somehow doing better in life than people in other countries. A whole list of parameters proves this to be false. Yet, hardly a day goes by that I don't hear someone in places like the Usa say the USA is the best country in the world.

1. Top Ten Diseases In The Usa: Heart Disease, Cancer, Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis), Obesity, Alzheimer’s Disease, Diabetes, Substance Abuse, Influenza and Pneumonia, Kidney Disease, Mental Health Conditions [includes emotional, spiritual and logic disorders]
These account for hundreds of millions of people. There are only about 332 million in the USA, thus most of the population currently has several sicknesses at the same time. https://www.talktomira.com/post/10-most-common-health-conditions-in-the-u-s
You can look up the number of people at https://www.google.com/search?q=top+ten+diseases+in+usa+and+number+of+people&newwindow=1&ei=s9JXY8zqMu2pqtsPgJCa8A4&ved=0ahUKEwiMkMKWrfv6AhXtlGoFHQCIBu4Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=top+ten+diseases+in+usa+and+number+of+people&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEKIEOgoIABBHENYEELADOg0IABBHENYEELADEMkDOgYIABAWEB46BQgAEIYDOgUIIRCgAToFCCEQqwI6CAghEBYQHhAdOgcIIRCgARAKSgQITRgBSgQIQRgASgQIRhgAUKcLWLpFYKdIaA1wAXgAgAGNA4gBmxySAQgwLjE1LjQuMZgBAKABAcgBB8ABAQ&sclient=gws-wizu

2. Dementia.
”some of the world’s lowest dementia rates [are found] in Amazonian indigenous groups.”
“among older Tsimane and Moseten people, only about 1% suffer from dementia. In contrast, 11% of people age 65 and older living in the United States have dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.” What is 11% of 54 million? https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+people+age+65+and+older+in+usa&newwindow=1&ei=wtJXY_rrG8WyqtsPxYaz8AM&ved=0ahUKEwj61L6drfv6AhVFmWoFHUXDDD4Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=how+many+people+age+65+and+older+in+usa&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6DQgAEEcQ1gQQsAMQyQM6BQgAEJECOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6DgguEIAEELEDEIMBENQCOgsILhCABBCxAxCDAToECAAQQzoLCC4QgAQQsQMQ1AI6CAgAELEDEIMBOgUIABCABDoLCC4QsQMQgwEQ1AI6CAgAEIAEELEDOggIABCxAxCRAjoICAAQgAQQyQNKBAhNGAFKBAhBGABKBAhGGABQ0w9Y8m5gyHFoA3ABeACAAfABiAGwKZIBBjAuMzcuMpgBAKABAcgBBcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz
According to the study, “Something about the pre-industrial subsistence lifestyle appears to protect older Tsimane and Moseten from dementia,” Yet we fools think we are fortunate to be in so-called ”developed” countries, while being sick as hell.

3. Where Are the Lowest Rates of Alzheimer’s in the World?
“the rates of dementia differ greatly around the world, from the lowest rates in Africa, India, and South Asia, to the highest rates in Western Europe and especially North America. Is it all just genetics? Well, the incidence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is significantly lower for Africans in Nigeria than for African Americans in Indianapolis, for example—up to five times lower.” There are 206 million black folks in Nigeria and only 45 million in the USA, yet blacks in the USA are more dementiated. Why? Because black folks drink the USA Jim Jones juice that comes in many appealing flavors of poison logic.

4. Dementia & Who the Hell is WHO? Their information is contradictory.
WHO says, “Currently more than 55 million people live with dementia worldwide, and there are nearly 10 million new cases every year.” If this isn't a pandemic, then what is? Yet we already know that the USA has 6 million cases.
WHO says, “Worldwide, around 55 million people have dementia, with over 60% living in low- and middle-income countries. ” The USA must be a low and middle income country since 6 million is 10.8% of worldwide dementia, even though USA's percentage of world population is only 4.15%. This means the USA is almost 3 times more dementiated as a percentage of its population. So truth is, income is not the primary factor in maintaining health, and neither is current forms and usage of technology or the current context of what constitutes “science” or the approvals of governments and their henchmen (universities and their studies) telling people this technology, this treatment, this protocol, this medication is a-ok.

5. What are the countries with the highest cancer rates? Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, United States, Denmark, Belgium, The Netherlands, Canada, France, Norway. White folks are obviously sicker.
What are the countries with the lowest cancer rates? Sudan, South Sudan, Djibouti, Timor-Leste, Tajikistan, Republic of Congo, Bhutan, Nepal, The Republic of Gambia, Niger
Six of the lowest in Africa. Black folks are sickest when they take on the logic of sick cultures, USA being # 1 pathogen.

Quit running around thinking that sickness is caused by being poor, in a financial sense.... or poor in an “uneducated by sick people” kind of sense or poor in an electricity sense or poor in a grocery store sense or poor in a homeless sense....

For these reasons and more, societies that think they are all that and a bag of chips, will continue to slip into the quicksands swamp of their logic.

Changing the climate of your logic is the only cure for cancer, dementia and all other problems humans are manifesting supported by their tens of thousands of laws that all have the same fatal flaw.

Cancer, dementia and other illnesses (societal problems) are the result of systemic, endemic, pandemic, institutional implementation of suboptimal theory thinking and behavior. In order to heal, societies must “come clean” and purge themselves of their legion of vices, a chief one being bearing false witness (addicted to lying, afflicted by lying). By nature, societies are only willing and capable of doing the right rot thing (the diminution of the mahaht thing) .