If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Cave Of Adullam & Black Adam
Unity Consciousness #2814

(9azzzzzzzzzzzza of 11)

The Cave Of Adullam is where Lot and his two daughters fled to seek refuge during the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
David also hid in this cave when being pursued by King Saul.

The Documentary: Cave Of Adullam

“At Jason Wilson’s martial arts academy in Detroit, the students’ emotional well-being is prioritized over athletic prowess. Here, these young Black boys are given the rare and invaluable experience of being seen and cared for as the vulnerable beings they are. Over several months, this documentary follows Tamarkus, Gabe, Daniel, and Kevin as they courageously confront their inner demons. Jason is more than just a martial arts sensei to these fragile tween boys who are silently suffering an array of hurts and fears and guides them to course correct at a crucial juncture where their trauma might otherwise calcify into darker behavior. Living out his mantra “it's easier to raise boys than repair broken men,” Jason teaches emotional intelligence instead of discipline, setting these children on a path to become whole and healthy adults.
In this tender documentary, Oscar-nominated documentarian Laura Checkoway presents a rarely seen methodology of raising healthy young men, weaving intimate verité footage into emotionally profound scenes. Devoid of melodrama, this film is a gift from scene one onward. Executive produced by Laurence Fishburne and told with warmth, impressive access and touches of humor, this heartwarming film is a beautiful testament to the healing power of love.--Karen McMullen”
See also https://theyunion.org/catta/catta-sharath-jason-wilson/ and https://theyunion.org/programs/catta/

Further Explained In An Overall Sense

The Cave of Adullam is a home, first and foremost. It is a safe house, a refuge, a place of transformation through training the entire self. Martial arts is a tool in this process.
The Cave Of Adullam Transformational Training Academy is sometimes shortened to CATTA and Cave Of Adullam.
CATTA is a form of Khatti and Khetti, the underworld of darkness, Amenta. In this larger place there are refuges, one of which is the Cave of Adullam. This place is in the South, the birthplace on Earth in Khafrica. Khatti is Aethiopia and Cassiopeia, Corona Crown Princess who has become Queen of the South. Cassiopeia Constellation Of Stars is the Meskhen hinder part of heaven (currently Aquaria-Aquarius, Great Mother-Great Father), a place of finding and founding that gives rebirth to souls, thus a place of great power that restores and releases the precious thing, the enveloped majesty so it can come out of the cocoon and unfold again. This is where the precious thing is preserved, where the truth, the true self, the trueness of self goes through the karrekh correction process of untying, tying, retying, unbonding, bonding, rebonding, unbinding, binding, rebinding, unlimiting, limiting, relimiting, unfixing, fixing, refixing and unconnecting, connecting, reconnecting.
Khatti (Catta) is a form of Kep-en-teriu where the spirit, the soul, the child, the precious thing, lies in wait for its return to reemerge into an ecosystem of institutions that support optimal beingness.
Wilson is a form of Karson and Kar Sun, the soul of life that leads others through the valley and shadows of darkness, enemies and perils. So is the name Jason and Chris Norris.
Chris Norris is also a form of Christ, Karest, leader who has travelled the same road before leading the pack back to becoming more and more intact.

Black Adam

https://comicbook.com/movies/news/black-adam-movie-justice-society-explained-hawkman-doctor-fate-cyclone-atom-smasher/ and https://www.google.com/search?q=black+adam+synopsis&oq=black+adam+synop&aqs=chrome.0.0i131i433i512j69i57j0i3i512j0i22i30l3j0i390l4.5599j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Black Adam is Jason and Chris in the previous section.
Black Adam, as discussed many times, is the same as Atum, Kak, Jack, Shu of the underworld who descends and becomes black and ascends and becomes white as color symbolism of the sun and of the reduced period of awareness, lethargy of logic, grogginess, sleepiness, thus the need for the awakening and to be woke. Black Adam is another aspect of the rising soul of life who is also a warrior who takes another approach in the fight to restore justice, despite the confusion illusion of justice claimed by the Justice Society (current day societies).

Keeping in mind the layers of delayed reaction, this message is another proof below of what has and is taking place above. It speaks to the impending and imminent change that is sweeping and will sweep through human societies with more godspeed than hurricanes, floods, wildfires and earthquakes. You can recognize the signs by opening your mind to truths confirming there are multiple ways of knowing. Then all you have to do is pay attention to repetitions. This is the easy part since everything is a repetition (duplication, variation). Do not close your sensing abilities off to repetitions. Sensing abilities allow you to go back from recognize and fetch reckon-wise, put the two back together. Do not dismiss or discount repetitions (patterns) because they are a primary way of knowing (quite possibly the first part of the first way. This is because the Creators first step in knowing self was to duplicate, replicate, complicate). Some repetitions are continuing; some are incoming, become more and more (in size, amount, number, quantity, quality, volume, mass, degree, frequency, duration, intensity, speed, direction or any other dimension (difference)), becoming revealed, moving into the foreground into primary position in a different perspective; and some repetitions are outgoing, becoming less and less, becoming hidden, moving into the background into primary position in a different perspective.

Three Things

1. There are ,many thousands of events taking place to bring about climate environmental change that will affect all inhabitants in this galaxy, and most definitely on this Earthstar and most definitely in human societies.
2. Black Adam is based on Egyptian Mythology.
3. The movie states, Black Adam has been asleep for 5,000 years.
a) This speaks to the fact that there are many awakenings and wokeness that can't be stopped by humans, crying foul when they themselves are foul.
b) 5,000 years is part of the timeframe of the almost 13,000 year timeframe of the suboptimal half of the Great Year. This takes us back to the Ages of Leo and Herakles (Shu). 5,000 is closer to half of that cycle. This takes us back to the Ages of Taurus and Draconis.
c) The number 5,000 is not as important as understanding that the warrior soul of life who fights against the current form of Justice has been asleep, and as he insists on a different kind of justice, of course, the current status quo, makes him out to be the bad guy, thus also, those who protest against current societies are always the bad guys. To say this another way, the main reason the current form of justice has succeeded is because the opposing form of justice has been asleep, which is why from the onset of current societies, everything is designed to keep people asleep in all aspects of self and all else.