If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Glaciers Melting Along With Carbon Crusted Pumpkin Pie In The Sky Climate Changes
Unity Consciousness #2933

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzj of 11)

If you are observant, the universe won't lie and neither will life, existence, experience, but you can still lie to yourself and others.
If you ask the question and seek understandings, the universe won't lie.
If you ask enough of the right questions, not even societies and their information sources can lie for two reasons: liars can't coordinate and account for all questions and cover all lies, plus information sources will tell the truth unintentionally when relaxed and under the assumption, no analysis will ever take place to compare and contrast what each institution is saying.

When Did Glaciers Form?
According to National Geographic Society, glaciers formed during the last Ice Age.

When was the last Ice Age?
According to https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/sites/default/files/2021-11/1%20Glacial-Interglacial%20Cycles-Final-OCT%202021.pdf
We call times with large ice sheets “glacial periods” (or ice ages) and times without large ice sheets “interglacial periods.” The most recent glacial period occurred between about 120,000 and 11,500 years ago. Since then, Earth has been in an interglacial period called the Holocene.
According to https://www.cdm.org/mammothdiscovery/wheniceages.html#:~:text=The%20glacial%20periods%20lasted%20longer,lasted%20until%2025%2C000%20years%20ago.
There were at least 17 cycles between glacial and interglacial periods. The glacial periods lasted longer than the interglacial periods. The last glacial period began about 100,000 years ago and lasted until 25,000 years ago. Today we are in a warm interglacial period.
According to https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn18949-the-history-of-ice-on-earth/#:~:text=It%20wasn't%20until%20around,southern%20ice%20sheet%20was%20born.
It wasn’t until around 34 million years ago that the first small glaciers formed on the tops of Antarctica’s mountains. And it was 20 million years later, when world-wide temperatures dropped by 8 °C, that the glaciers’ ice froze onto the rock, and the southern ice sheet was born.
According to https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/climatechange/science#:~:text=Global%20temperature%20is%20projected%20to,7.2%20degrees%20Fahrenheit)%20by%202100. ,
Global temperature is projected to warm by about 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7° degrees Fahrenheit) by 2050 and 2-4 degrees Celsius (3.6-7.2 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2100
Since when does a warming climate conditions that melts snow and ice in colder regions, spell catastrophe?
According to https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2019/02/06/todays-earth-looks-lot-like-it-did-years-ago-all-were-missing-is-massive-sea-level-rise/#:~:text=And%20they%20found%20that%20the,by%20ice%2C%20the%20scientists%20believe.
researchers working on Baffin Island, in northeastern Canada, sampled the remains of ancient plants that had emerged from beneath fast-retreating mountain glaciers. And they found that the plants were very old indeed, and had probably last grown in these spots some 115,000 years ago. That’s the last time the areas were actually not covered by ice, the scientists believe.
Humans have been alive during the timeframes above. Humans have survived and continued to multiply, especially in Africa. Humans have survived when it got colder and when it got warmer; however, I suspect this was only due to reliance on natural sense and not miseducation about many things that current societies promote and rely on to control masses and masses of resources.
Neither the formation of glaciers, duration of glaciers, increase in glaciers or decline in glaciers is a climate change catastrophe.

Stop Fear (Fools Eating Artificial Reasoning).
Just say Hell no, because Hell is Cold and Hell yeah to climate environmental changes.
Global warming is creating a new heaven and new earth and making it uncomfortable for hellions.

Lastly, for now: “Scientists are still working to understand what causes ice ages. One important factor is the amount of light Earth receives from the Sun. The amount of sunlight that reaches Earth can vary quite a lot, mainly due to three factors:
1. how much Earth is tilted relative to the Sun
2. whether Earth wobbles a lot or a little as it spins on its axis (kind of like how a toy top can wobble a lot or a little as it spins)
3. the shape of Earth's orbit as it goes around the Sun (whether it is shaped more like a circle or more like an ellipse or oval) https://www.amnh.org/explore/ology/earth/ask-a-scientist-about-our-environment/how-did-the-ice-age-end#:~:text=Over%20thousands%20of%20years%2C%20the,ice%2C%20starting%20an%20ice%20age.
So, as we should know, the amount of sunlight, as determined by Earth's orientation and motions, is a major factor in global temperature changes. Carbon ain't even mentioned because carbon has never been the primary culprit.
Or perhaps out of all the times global temperatures have risen and fell, this time around, carbon is the culprit along with the Great Pumpkin.