If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Rethinking, Part 4 Of 4 | Don't Knock It (Magic), Till You Try It
Earlier Name Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3178

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzu of 11)

Put the shoe on the other foot can become mixed up in human minds and used to say, don't knock it till you try it. Many humans use this phrase to say you must actually and physically try something in order to understand it and form an opinion or make a decision. This is clearly foolishly dangerous and plain think thupid. So supposedly...
1. Don't knock murder , sex with a dog, racism or bungee jumping until you try it.
2. Don't knock genderism, heroin or child pornography until you try it.
3. You can knock immigrants in the USA because, don't even try it, you are one. You've tried it and failed to acknowledge the truth of your exposed roots.

Knock is Nakh is negate, take a strong position. Try is Tar or Ter, from Kar and Khiur, meaning circle, encircle, sieve, to interrogate, question, sift, filter, screen, separate, group, compare, contrast... IT is Ti is Tu is Ut. Ut is magic, Tar-UT therefore means magical evocation; magic applied to “TRYING the spirits (khar-uts)” or evoking them, invoking them by understanding their cycles, movements and influences. Their rekhs and effects.
Variations: Taurt, Ashtaroth, Taroth (Teruuth) are rolls of papyrus containing Mdw Ntr. Haphtaroth are secret papyrus rolls.

Thus, don't knock it till you try it means:
1. Don't disregard someone's ability to speak things into existence and call (pray) forth assistants for assistance, until you have understood what they are doing, how and why.
2. Don't knock it till you try it means, don't make early conclusions until you have tested and inspected and tried it by turning it as a truit druid who holds it up to the night, the light, the left, the right. Checked it out, khekhed it out. Looked into it. Reked into it.

The bastardization of this is Tarot cards, that someone can read your fortune via a deck of cards. This is even more of a shortcut to figure-out-my-life, than religion bibles and their tithe-worthy groupies.
Even so, according to some truthseekers, there is a hieroglyphic alphabet in Tarot cards printed by certain companies. Terut signifies the teru, colored drawings, ideographs, pictographs by the hieroglyphist. Thus the wide-range of made-up mish-mosh cartoonish comic bookish outlandish images used in tarot cards to support the deception that someone else can contact gods, spirits, the dead, on your behalf, but you can't...and that those gods, spirits, dead, want to give you a message but can't figure out how to tell you except through someone reading cards, your palm, a crystal ball, a ouija board....Come on now! Haven't those spirits heard of HIPPA?
Why are you believing more in the power of another person than the power of the god, spirit or ancestor you are consulting? And why believe in the power of another person to do something on your behalf that for some unexplained reasoning, you can't do for yourself. Is it because you lack trust in self, faith in self and knowledge of self?
Get that hell nonsense outta here, and don't come back until you bring with you the heaven nunsense you call home.
Are you under hypnosis, hype nosis, hippa gnosis, kefa gnosis, sankofa gnosis, khebti gnosis or khepera knusis? How many who's have put a spell on you?

Like most words in all societies, we currently have a lot of messed up notions about the word magic. This is another example of, the one thing that leads to another. Messed up is bound to happen, because it is tied to happen when any two things are connected. Interaction always leads to another action, reaction, interaction. Messed up begins when the wrong asili and utamawazo thought process path is followed, thus starting off on the wrong foot or being enticed along the road to perfection by beingness bandits, causing you to choose to branch off onto the wrong footpath and remain there feeling lost but refusing to change due to the identity crisis fallacy of sunken cost.

The word Magic is a form of the word Hekat who is a twin sisters to Seti (Sati), both of whom assist the sun as it travels and transforms. Their names are formed from and represent the word Khekhti, the two halves of the circle. The names of both sister-mothers contain the word Khiu. Shu is a son born of Hekat of lower north and nursed by Seti (Seku) of upper south. Shu carries the symbol of Ur-Heka or Great Magical Power on his head as he travels and transforms from west to east, also assisting the elemental souls of life and death in the ark of the sun who are also transforming in this tomb, womb, cocoon.

Magic simply means using words and actions to call forth and bring forth transfer motions and transformations. All humans use magic. It is the only thing we can do and may do.
On this line of reasoning is our use of the word might. I might, means I could, maybe, if I want to, it's possible. That's because the word might is the word magic, thus might is power because magic is power. Thus what we might do, can do and is possible for us to do, is our might, our magic power.

So don't rush to knock how others use their magic and the magic of others until you have tried the reasoning, sifted it through a thought process screening.
The word magic is magit is lagit is legit.
Besides, the word IT, is one of many names for heaven. IT must be magic to create a universe filled with the diverse that can converse between heavens and earths.
You mean to tell me I can't communicate with you if you are not within the sound of my voice, unless I use human technology, but I can communicate with God regardless of the weather, regardless of having a cellphone and without having to pay a phone company or tarot reader?
If that ain't magic, then what is?
Come on now! Quit being a clown and holding up a society full of misinformation that's holding you down.

Thus don't knock it (the all mighty magic powers of upper-lower heaven from which you were born), until you have tried all the powers you are capable of combined with, in conjunction with, aligned with, the powers of others that are willing to be culpable with you in the fulfillment of your and their general and specific destinypurposes.

Because magic is Ut and Ut is a form of Hekat and Sekhet, and because Ut is Us, magic happens when any two truths interact.
We know this. Don't we?

For a quick second, slow down the reject reflex, think about the following contradiction. You believe and know that shit happens all the time. Yet you don't believe and act like you don't know, that magic happens all the time.

Heading Into The Close

So, either wear shoes correctly or go barefoot.
In other words, either think through things or say, I don't know.
In other words, if you are unfree-unwilling to learn how to use shoes (khiu) and wear them correctly, then don't cop out and say I'm undecided. Don't say that because that suggests and implies you are in the process of deciding, understanding, learning. Don't lie and just opt out and say, I don't know and I'm not going to invest in the process of knowing, but I have my belief and will keep it to myself and not allow it to influence my interactions because a lot of untried belief about self and all else, is way more dangerous than a little knowledge of self and all else.

Don't negate or discount or ignore the strong power of magic until you really try it, fully try it out (go through the process of learning how to be better prepared and aware of what magic is, so you can use it for the betterment of self and all else).