If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Why Fully Believe “The Bible” Founded On Haters, Child Neglect & Child Abuse, And When...
Unity Consciousness #3172

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...that bible, the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim one, is able to explain the entirety of creation in one chapter, then it takes 1,188 more chapters to explain how we should live, interact and treat each other and the rest of the natural world?

You can imagine a lot was left out of Genesis Chapter 1.
You can imagine a lot of unnecessary stuff, necessary to societies, is included in the other chapters.

As explained elsewhere, clearly Genesis 1 says one thing regarding human creation, then Genesis 2 says two more things.
Genesis 1 says let us make humans in our image, then creates male and female, yet most religions swear up and down god is only male.
Genesis 2 kinda loosely says male was created first. This is because man does not denote male or female, but through use of prepositions and later verses, and the name Adam, we must conclude we are to believe males were created first. So we do. (The word Adam has been excavated many times. A shortcut is Second Adam)
Then Genesis 3 tells us the word Eve means mother of all living.

Wait a minute! In some creation verses of Genesis 1, we are told God created the living.
Then in Genesis 2 it says man became a living soul.
So how then can a female, a woman, a mother of all living, called Eve be created after the male she created, including his living soul, and how can a female god who leads the way in creating all creations, turn around and create a human male first. If this is true, then all other creations and animals were created male first, then put to sleep and a portion removed to create the female.

Say again why you still believe the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim bible?

Furthermore, God put a naked male human in the garden by himself, then said he was going to create a helper, but proceeded, to go back through the entire book of souls and created all other animals in the flesh except another human. This is the first example of child neglect! Both God and the male were surprised there was no help to be found. Not even a clothes maker. Couldn't God spare an angel to babysit those kids? But God quickly found some angels with flaming swords to guard the garden and kick those newborns out of the house.

Now before all this happened, God told the male through firsthand communication to not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; so it was the male who told the female, and evidently, something was lost in the translation.
So although no other animal was a helper to the male, along comes a serpent who was a hurter hater to the male and female. Thus GOD created the first hater, hurter and liar right there in the garden, but gave the male and female no way to have knowledge of good and evil, yet punished them for it. This is the second example of child neglect and abuse. This is like putting your baby, who can crawl but not walk, hunger and thirst but not think, near a ring of fire and saying don't touch that baby bottle in the midst of the fire, and then you walking away, coming back and whooping the child's ass for the rest of it's life for getting burnt. All this in the home sweet home you created for them and call Paradise.

Say you, say me, why we still believe the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim bible?

Finally, why did God and them have to do a doubletake in creating humans and beasts, creating them both in Genesis 1 and 2, but God and them did not have to a doubletake to create anything else created in Genesis 1?

No group of people believe or follow their bible fully or even halfway in hopes for a better life in a spiritual heaven cause they are all sore afraid to die and will do anything to anyone for a piece of bread and drink of water. Clearly white christians and jews don't. Except for far too many black people. For the umpteenth time, Black people, you better do like Angel From Heaven John Henrik Clark said, and I take full license to reword, you better pick and choose the parts of any bible that you can use for your immediate benefit in the right here and right now, forget about anything having to do with an afterlife, sin, salvation, turning cheeks, forgiving enemies and human laws and throw the rest in the been-a-fool-too-long compost heap.