If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Blacker The Berry, Sweeter The Juice
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3196

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The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice

Most of us have heard this saying and many of us have used this saying, yet we have reduced it to its most disgusting meaning that having sex with a black person is the best sex you'll ever have, thus once you go black you'll never go back. This is a free willing deep dive to drown sorrow in sickness in a suboptimalized society that has turned many a cravings into multiple forms of slavings.

Like all words and phrases, each one has many branches, but nowadays we tend to use the lowest branch, which is the broken branch on the ground, separated from the tree, circle and cycle.

The phrase, the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice, contains eight words, four of which are the word THE which has been discussed as meaning Khe, spirit-soul and plural. This leaves four words to go back and fetch from IT.
Starting off using natural sense, we quickly know there are plenty of sweet berries that are not black in color. This is a basic thought process clue that the word black means more than color. Same process for each of the other three words.

1. Word Blacker fromTsheru meaning red or black, an area or district that is not desert, but is bounded or bordered by desert, wilderness or wasteland. The land bordered on each side by desert was the Midbar, and this is Egypt of the Inundation beginning at Khartoom. The Egypt before reaching Khartoom, was not a Midbar, but rather was and is “The Garden Eastward” of Kheten and Khuten, Evah and Atum; therefore, in no need of Nile inundation for fertilization because the land was a rain forest. Tsheru also means, and leads to, the word desert. Tsheru is truesh is bruesh is bluesh is bluekh is blueck is word black. Now we can see Bu-lekh is Bu-rekh. Bu-Rekh from Pu (Fu, Hu, Ku Khiu), to divide and Rekh, relations, people of a district, the race, the people of the Ber-Ru, word Berry, word Belly, word Cherry, the mother’s side.
a) The bu-rekher the ber-ru, the sweeter the juice, means the more black and more red the people, the sweeter the juice. The more diverse the people, the sweeter the juice.
b) The more diverse the souls of life that make up a creation, the sweeter the juice.
c) The blacker and redder the sun, the sweeter the juice.
d) The blacker and redder the soul of life in the sun's ark gets as they go through the valley and shadow of death, the sweeter the juice.

e) Bu-rekh is Pu-Rekh, Fu-Rekh, Mu-Rekh, Nu-Rekh, Hu-Rekh, Ku-Rekh, Khu-Rekh, Khiu-Rekhi, Ru-Ukh
f) Ru-Ukh, is a Tu-Mes-Tekh (domestic), a washerwoman, laundress, laundromat for spirit-souls of life. Rukh means heat, water to boil or bake, wash, whiten, purify, heal, to full (fill), thus fulfill, the order (Rurt-Ur, Rurt -Ru, Rurt-Ro, Urt-Er, Urt-Tur, Khiur-Rut, Kar-Ker). The word “order” shares the same branch as word older, most likely from urt as mother circle and ur as great. Thus old is first in time and older is existence longer in time. Word laundromat from Ruan-Tro-Mat. Ruan is the gorge of the valley, the birthplace. Tro is a time, turn round. Mat is bundle, mother, place of the two pools the makh-nui, word machine.
g) Bu-Ru-Ukh. Buru or Beru, outlet of the well for that which boils, bubbles, rises, swells with force, fervor, heightens, rises to the top. The opposite is Bore as in Boring as in not exciting or interesting enough to hold attention. Bu-Ru-Ukh condenses to Bukh which means to conceive, engender, fecundate, thus since this is the Bukh-Kart of the Start, it becomes word Buck-Wild. This leads back to Khukh and Khiukh of the Khiurt.

h) As the concealed room, tomb, womb, cocoon, the Bu-Reka (Bu-Ruka) is a place for hiding. The more secret the conceal the more amazing the reveal.
i) From Bu-Reka and Aft we get Aft-Reka, Afreka, Africa, a well-known place of hiding and is the womb of the world.
j) The more Afreka Everywhere is leashed, the more overpowering it will be when its fundamental nature is releashed.

2. Berry. Perru (Peru, Perrie, Peri), food from any type of branch, appear, grow, manifest. Mer-Merru (Mer-Meru, Mer-Merrie (mulberry), Mer-Meri, Meri-Meri, Mary-Mary)
a) The blacker the mulberry, the sweeter the juice is definitely true for berries that change from green to red to black.
b) The blacker the appearance of the fruit, the sweeter the juice. Word fruit contains rui which means black or red. Kherfruiti might be the fuller form.
c) Berrier (Perrier) is the person who makes food appear. Thus the blacker or redder the berrier, the sweeter the juice because of More (Meru) the Merrier. This is true of the soil of mother earth. The more the merrier is a further reduction of the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice. This is a further reduction in meaning when we speak languages we don't fully understand, and instead barely understand enough to keep us functioning suboptimally using how much of our brain? And how much of our spirt-soul superhero?
d) Berru (African Galla) is a name for fire and the sun that means splendor, glory. The bu-rekher the berru the sweeter the juice. The blacker and redder the fire in the sun of evening, night and morning, the sweeter its splendor.
e) Berry is the womb. The blacker the womb of waters used to reproduce, the sweeter the juice used to nourish the shoot (blood, milk, water).
f) Bari is the (bark, ark, boat, ship) on the mountain (Har, Ar) of resurrection on the eastern horizon. In English, bari is bury, various types of enclosures on the hill, ranging from the boat to the burgh. (park, paradise, womb, garden). Skhi (sky:English), image of heaven. Ski, elevate. The bu-rukh-ur the bari, the skhi-ter the kuikui. The more elevated the tomb-womb-cocoon from which souls of life are exhumed the more like heaven the two truths will produce on earth.

3. Sweeter. The word sweet is so badly decomposed, it must be recomposed through scattered fragments.
a) Sui-Uat. Sui is Hui is light, limit, boundary, sun. Uat (Khuat, Tuat, Tu-Uat, Khuit, Suat, Suit) is the birthplace of waters and signifies blue -green water of earth and heaven, heat and wet, Uati as heat, later fire as Ut. Uat means distance, the long, long road, and is determined by three roads arranged lengthwise.
b) Sui-Hut. Sau (Siu, Kiu, Khiu, Kau, Khau) is the precious thing, seed, soul, essence, stone fruit, the word cornerstone. Hut (Khut) is both womb and child.
c) The bu-rekha the berru, the more nourishing, more complete, more on time, pleasing, deeply satisfying, pure and plentiful the juice.
d) Kh-uat-ur is water is more like the complete pure fire waters of life. The blacker the berry the khuatur the juice.
e) Tuat is twat is twet, tweet is sweet. The Tuat-Ur the juice, more fully formed mature, renewed, fresher, more representative of the four elements. Uat is word wet. Uat-Ur is water and wetter. Tu-uat or Tuat is the cave of the uat.
f) Su-uat is sw-eet as the child of the source, which is why sweet is associated with Sut (Swt) the south and uat the north. The bu-ru-ukh the berru the su-uat-ur the juice.
g) Suta is to please.
h) Arsu-IT. IT is a name of heaven. The more nourished the womb, the more like heaven, the child, the Arsu of IT, the SW-ET-ER.
i) Suakh, cease, stop, molest, cut up, harm, destroy. Uakh, entrance, road, wet, marshy, inundation, festival (celebration of a re-occuring event). The bu-rukha the bari, the suakha the khuat, the more swollen with waiting khuit (cubits, spirit-souls, brand new, refurbished and repurposed), the more forms of the juice (khuat the waters of womb) will produce to create upheaval of the status quo and fulfillment of the new world order.

4. Word Juice from Iu-sif is Jusif is Jusi, the child, offspring, product, fruit, result.
a) Iu-su is Jusu. Iu from Khiu. Iu means go forth as the dual child of darkness and light, Iu-Iu or Ju-Ju. The blacker the night, the more satisfying the light.
b) The more intense the drought, the more intense the inundation. Light is sun-juice. The Sun is the Juicy Fruit of the Sycamore Fig Tree Of Life

c) Juice from IU-Uati
d) The more complete the womb the same is the nature the child assumes. In additional words, most humans will only become what the society is.
e) Ma is water and Juice can become Jesti, which then becomes Majesty. The Enveloped Majesty is a tied-up bundle of joy (word joy is kui, khui). Thus Kher Majesty is Her Majesti is Makhesti is Hes Majesti is Hus Majesti is His Majesty.
f) The bu-rukha the meri the su-uat-ur the majesty.

g) The blacker and redder the child of the waters, the greater the fertility of the waters and the Hiu-Mes (word humus).
h) The blacker the soil in Egypt after the inundation compared to the red desert, the more fertile and succulent the fruit, especially the grapes.

i) Juice from Iua-ka. Iua means to smelt, beat, reshape, wash, that is, to purify and whiten (khiuten, restore wholeness of all fundamental souls of life to the child, the seed). Word white from khite from Khuti from Khiuti from Khiu-Khiu, the twin pool ru-ukh wash cycle, once in each of the two pools of two truths, the KH that reproduces the IU. IU is also Al, IE, AU, I em and I am and more. Each of these mean come and bring, so the fuller name of Iu-Em-Hept is the peace that comes and brings peace of the seven on the seventh day. Word peace is word Juice thus Iu comes with juice and brings the juice, the ichor. The greater the violence the greater the peace through niur-unti-enti. The greater the grief the greater the relief. Thus woe is me to the thief in the night saith the priest of the light.
j) The greater the travesty the greater the majesty. Majesty is Majuicy is Makhuti is Ma-iu-ti, is Ba-au-ti is Beauty is Ma-Iu-Sif.
k) The greater the Ukh-Ru the greater the Ru-Ukh. Ugh (English), which is to feel a repugnance, to be terrified. Ukha or Ukka is night, the solar ark (circle), seek, follow, create, mold by pounding. Ugh-Rekh becomes word Ugly. Rekh means family, race, mankind. Thus we have the origin of beauty and the beast as two forms of the great mother.

In Summary

The peasantry in the parish of Bishop’s Thornton, Yorkshire, object to gathering blackberries after Michaelmas Day, because, as they say, the devil has set his hoof on them. The triumph of Typhon, the Egyptian Satan, began with the autumn equinox, when the sun entered the lower signs, and Osiris was shut up in the ark of the underworld. The black fruit was then said to have passed into the possession of the dark power, the Apophis-serpent of evil, who, as Satan, made his trail over the berries [cast his shadow over them, thus stepped on them]. The berries thus rejected are often the ripest and finest, yet the superstition holds its ground against the temptation of selfish gain. Thus the origin of the saying is, when the earth, the berru, passes below the horizon into autumn, the darker the earth, due to lessensing sunlight, the sweeter the blackberry because this coincides with the harvest of the berry, thus its peak ripeness. This metaphor, like all metaphors, has broader application, one of which applies to dark people during Great Year Autumn & Winter. But more broadly it applies to spirit-soul that is rejected and diminished in all creations of light, which allows nocturnal beings of the north, west and deep waters to prevail.
The night sun is a black eye and evil eye.

I sit in the lapis tree of gods who take turns kneading into me my daily bread. And there I, the essence of the nightlife, the kuk-ur in the rurt, captured and enraptured, sup on kepcakes fulfilled with karruts and mermerries until I become khepr in the coffer changing from red to black to copper to gold to silver tepr riding home and back in sweet chariot, along with the conductor of souls.