Word Pluto from:
1. Pru-te from Tepru from Tefru-Pinu from Tefru-Finu from Tefru-Kinu that leads back to Tepru-Binu to Taprobane. In the form of Tefru-Pinu, we can see Pinu-Ru-Tef as containing word Pineal.a) The pineal gland or organ, forms in early fetal development and is located in the brain between the left and right hemispheres or halves. This reveals:
Word organ from urghan from urkhin from khinur from khiurn from khiurnt. This brings us closer to understanding word organize as khiurn-siu. Also word organization and word ergonomic.
Word gland from ghrint from khrint from khiurnt
Pluto is always aligned with Great Year Equinoxes or Solstices The last such equinox was 12,960 years ago. The last solstice was 6,480 years ago. This is why vagabond-led current societies are totally clueless, except for a relative tiny few who are mostly clueless even though they have their hands on ancient documents but really don't understand them, thus are only able to get a small amount of pathogen-preserving benefit from this information by bamboozling the masses with hocus-pocus-look-where-we-want-you-to-focus. This academy tells us Pluto's orbit is 248 years, however I say it is more likely to be closer to 240 years since that number is a factor of 25,920.
Pluto relates to Tefru as the Fetru, Fetrus, Fetus, the heaven with four corner feet, the quadrupedestal. This is compared to the heaven of zero division and one central foot, the pedestal. Likewise, the Pineal organ helps form the Fetus (Fet-US, Fetal, Fetar, Petar, Betar, Mater, Neter, word Future). US is to produce, become large, swelling, create and produce, large, extended, tie. Fet is Khut is a seed packet of elemental souls of life. Khet means, birthplace, cut, combine, stamp, seal, reverse, overcome. Word fetus from fetuk from kfetu from khetu. Khetus is the Goddess and God of everything, the Fu-Nen-Tera.
Khetu from Khuti from Khu-Khu from Khiu-Khiu from Khiur-Khiur from Khiurn-Khiurn from Khiurnt, the two circles of four divisions each. Word pedestal from Put-Ust-Ar from Fut-Ukh-Ru from Khut-Ru-Ukh. Word Quadru from Khuat-Ru, Khuat-Ur, Khuater, Kuater, Kater, word Water, thus the first quadruped is water-based on Earth and in the heavens this quadruped is the water-wheel, the circle, the being.
b) We can now see word Fatal as meaning death and/or dearth of fetal development during any portion of the life-cycle. Thus there are degrees of fatalities that kill parts of development of body, mind, emotion, spirit-soul. The accidents that have already happened are the walking fatalities who become a wreck on a wreck when they crossover and become the walking dead who then go on to kill those who are trying to un-kill them with doses of truth serum, but the Fates prevail.
c) Word pineal from kinuhr from khiurn. Khiurnt leads to s-pineal that leads to word spinal. Or khiurnsh that leads to pineal, spinal and spineal. The pineal organ is the spinal organ is the spineal khiurn-ru, the brains of the operation, the double head of the snake, the spinal cord central nervous system. This organizer is the seat of the Creator's consciousness within, the metaphorical third eye that is the actual third eye but first in formation. The word of God is communicated to every cell in the body and solar system from atop the pineal organ called (Pluto) because Pluto is closest to the black hole, but has taken a backseat in terms of human awareness. Word operation from Khepr-Atiun from Khepr-Mutiun from Khepr-Nuti-Um. In other words, an operation is Khefr Movement.d) The spineal gland and spineal column form the taproot to which all other roots (nerves) are connected. Word taproot from tepru-t. This division of the root into nerves might lead to word separate from seprut from teprut from tepru-tiu. Separate is definitely related to word sep and earlier forms such as tsef and kheper, thus word separate from tsef-para-itu and keper-itu. Separating and connecting is a fundamental principal of everything. Connecting pineal to the spinal column to the nerves to the cells to the nucleus, helps us recognize pineal as word pole from pe-rut or pu-ret from tepru.
e) The spineal gland is like a gyroscope that displays orientation and balance along two axis. This is a spirit-soul-mind-emotion balance center that informs our physical movements, our actions, our behaviors. A properly nourished pineal gland helps keep us from spinning out of control. Thus word spineal might be the parent of word spin. Spin caused by the two opposing and merging two-lane fluents from the ru-ru of the equator and the meridian as they meet in the middle and pass through separate chambers into the other fluent. This is, in one ear and out the other. Word ear is aru, a river for waves. Ru-Ru leads to word Rotor and likely word Rotation from an earlier Ruturtion that leads to word torsion and word torque. Word gyroscope from Karu-Skhep. Skhep or Skhep is to examine, verify, elucidate, clear up, enlighten, illumine, render brilliant, make live. The pineal gland is the centering balancing seat of awareness, understanding and self-correction of dynamic balance, levelness and plumbness. This is accentuated by spineal system release and distribution of Serotonin at dawn, sunrise and spring, while melatonin is released and distributed at dusk, sunfall and autumn. Both of these are released at the same time at night and in morning, in the west and in the east. This is so because while some things are being ramped down, other things are being ramped up, and the other side of town. All this makes me wonder if pineal as a two-part system, is responsible for word plan from plan-ie from prin-iu from pinuir from phniur from khniur from khiurn.f) In all likelihood, any creation that has a network system for sending and receiving messages from and to a central point, has some form of a pineal organ. This includes atoms and smaller creations.
g) Water is Nu, Na, N. Pena from Pe-Na is water. Tuna from Tu-Na is water. These two waters are both feminine and masculine, and likely tell us that water, at times, manifests more like one type of complementary truth than the other, then switches. Also, any water considered feminine or masculine is merely a slight reformulation of the combined water, thus likely has a recessive amount of the other. For instance, estrogen and testosterone. Together these waters take the plural form of Nai, the dual or plural waters. When Nai is added to another plural, Rui, in the form of Iur, Iru, Aur or Aru, we reach word Nai-Aru then N-Aru then N-Ilu then word Nile, as another name for water. This then brings us full circle from water as one name then water as two names then water as one name. This shows connecting, separating, contraction, expansion and sharing of terms, truths, resources, elements, as shown by Nai-Aru and Naru being the exact same words. The pineal gland is a centerpiece that helps us rightly divide words of truth and rightly connect them.
h) Remembering Tepru is an earlier name of Pluto, understanding is enhanced when we clarify Tep or Tef means, the starting-point of all movement in a circle. Ru is the outlet, gate, mouth, opening, door, exit, port, portal (tep-rur), uterus, horizon, pool. Tepru means oral commencement (through the mouth). Ben is the mother of source, wells, inundation, fish, the supreme height, the roof. Tep-ru-bani was an initial point in the solar circle. This is most certainly the outermost highest orbit in the solar system, Pluto's orbit. Since Tep is both the well hole and the top crown. Tep is that which starts at the bottom and rises to the top, repeatedly and does the same in reverse so the cycle and circle may be unbroken by those hoping to not be woken, as if that is a magic potion against perpetual motion.i) Tepru is also a name of Tabor, the mountaintop birth of movement in the northeast corner (eastern corner). There are old stories of sailors who encountered strange creatures described as mermaids that were met in the East off the coast of Taprobane, of which there is more than one location. The Mermaid of the zodiac is the original of this as Pisces and Aquaria.
j) A bundle of papyrus is used to depict the first food of humans on this Earth. The papyrus reed was also a symbol of beginning and was named Tufi. This is in keeping with Tep as first. Based on these spellings, the food was likely named first. Tufi-Uat has the potential to lead to word dubious.
Af (Ap) means born of,the first. Thus so also must be Ah, Akh, Kh on this branch. As a grass, papyrus reeds are plentiful. Under the name of Tufi, this likely leads back to word Stufi and forward to word Stuff, which is why, when we eat a lot, we say we are stuffed. Generically, stuff means a lot of something, more than needed Stuffy means a lot of stale air (stopped air, air in a pocket that has stopped moving and exchanging with fresh air). Thus societies are stuffy due to their favored groups who exist as stuffed shirts and stuffed skirts. Stuffy also means full of self, a false sense of self.
The papyrus reed is a natural food due to its quick growth, abundance and being easy to access by primates as they made their transition out of the moisturized rainforested mountains and into the valley marshlands of the lake region. Of course, all food, eaten by any creation, is fruit. This reveals word fruit is Tifru or Tepru, thus food, in all nutritious forms for all aspects of self, is a first formation and accompanies first formations and beginnings of cycles. Fruit is also fruith is forth, birth and root, thus ultimately connects to word water and word wetter as khet-iur.
Ter (Tur, Ter, Tar, Tor, Tir, Rut, Ret, Rat, Rot, Rit) is repetition, repeatedly, several and is determined by a bundle of reeds tied up, the symbol of a period of time, a cycle. This bundle, with the article P prefixed (from Pe-Pe), is Pe-Ter is word Peter, Putar, Petar, Puter, Pluto), meaning to show, explain, the time. Depending on the orientation used for reckoning time, the time is the climax of another year, which is either summer solstice or spring equinox. Peter (Pluto) is the rekh of ages, the reckoner of time, the rock of ages.
3. Plu-tu from Pliu-Tiu from Prui-Khiu from Frui-Khiu from Kfrui-Khiu. This reminds us Pluto is based on the same principles of division and elemental souls of life as all other creations.
4. Plu-tu from Put-ul from Phut-ur from Fhut-ur from Khut-Ru from Khiurt. Pluto is a cart full of spirit-souls, gods.
5. Bruto from Brute from Prut-Ar. The masculine Repa is the Prut, the Prut-Ar, the male Fruit-er, Brut-er and Brut-Ar (Breather and Brother). Brute is Polaris South. See Belus later in this message.
a) The feminine Repa is Repit is perit is purti is word purity is perti is word pretty is parti is word party and word tribe. Fruit is Prut which means to appear, manifest, emanate, pour out, shed seed, spread out. Brute is Sekhet, the deep abyss and beginning of all waters, thus of a complete feeling due to a complete in-filling.
b) Pluto is also plute then plete. By adding the second mouth as ru, we get word replete which contains ru-p-ru-te. Word replete means a variety and abundance of fruit. Fruit to create new beings, fruit to eat, fruit to perform any function.
c) Using the recreative process, we can expand replete to ruplutu to ruipluitui to ruifruitui to rui-tui fruitui to Tutti frutti, which is actually pronounced with the but sound of ut, as in tut-ti-frut-ti. Also with the boot sound of oot. If fruit had been transformed as many other words containing U, it would be spelled froot, frooet, frooeet, froote, frootee, frooti.
a) Pluto is Tu-Plu is Du-Ble is word Double and word Duffle. The phrase, On The Double, that means hurry up, is quite possibly, AnTu Tu-Ple that means Makheru Up when the sun is on the double line at the equinox.
b) Putah is the hollow place, void or cavity. Ta is the earth viewed as a hollow tube, a pipe. Also Ptah, Peta and Putah as Futah and Ftah is the Ptah-Er, the piper (Peter Piper), puffer, fuffer of breath into the hollow tube, the Pafter. Word hollow possibly from karrak and Kherrekh, and Kheru and Herru, since hollow is an expanded form of word hole.
c) Uah means ploughman, escape, pass, great, very much, astonishment, increasing, pouring forth. The meaning of UAH as a prefix or as an accompanying word, is to augment and increase the thing, as is done by the expression of wonder. Uah becomes word Wow from Uahk from Khau from Khiu from Khiun. This relates to Uakha as a celebration of abundance. Thus the wow factor is inherent in the name of water, fruit and other Khiu, which in turn are a part of all creations. Thus the wow factor and IT factor is present in everyone and expressed in everyone in some kind of way.
d) Word Peer from Piur from Phiur from Khiur, the circle, which is equal to the eye.
e) Word Pressure from Pre-Tseru from Fru-Khiur from Khiur-Khiur
7. Mut-ar and Put-Ar is Mother and Father, the two truths at the place and release of the word as seed nutrients for the four inseparable aspects and quarters of self in the circle of life.
8. Pruta from Put-Ra from Ptah-Ra from Ptah-Khepra, the All-One.a) By the way, Pathros is Ptah-Rus, is both the lower and upper heavens of the sun's circle. Ptah-Rus can be Phat-Rus, Pat-Rus, Pit-Rus, Put-Rus, Pet-Rus, Tep-Rus, Tep-Ru, Teb-Ru, Tebru, Teblu, Teble, word Table.
9. Pauth from Putah, god of the solar four corners. Putah is Ptah and Put is the circle of nine gods, or circle-cycle-based beings created using nine elemental souls of life. Thus nine planets. Understandings of this Put cycle and Put process provides the proof that is in the Putting (pudding) from the Pudentang, that leads to a greater sense of belief, trust, faith based on the Put cycle. Before the Put there was the Fut, and the proof was in the Futting (footing) of the four corner feet, which Put also represents. This then leads to African Blacks worldwide, using some version of the phrase, put your foot in it, when referring to doing something excellent, usually in reference to cooking (kheking with khiu, nui and rui). To put your foot in it means you kicked it on all points, all areas, all four corners and in the middle, crossed off everything and did all that needed to be done to create excellence.
a) Pluto from Putu-Ru, a birthplace. Putha (Ptah) is the opener. Opening is at the root of all awakening, expanding, unfolding of the mind. Put (Egyptian) becomes Bud (English), applied to opening in the form of blossoming and flowering. Putha is Budha is word Buddha whose mind and inner sense have been opened and expanded, until fully Enlightened.
b) Math or Maut (English) is word Mut or word Maat from Makhaut, the great mother whose meanings include, to die, death, tomb, underworld. Thus the origin of word Mute. Mut was accompanied in her wanderings by the dog. Thus the origin of word Mutt. The earlier Britons, the Druids, had Mut in her respected form, as Mother Nature who creates out of nine principles or elements. Nine principles are the seven elemental souls of life plus the two generators, the parents, Octave and Ptah. Octave is the the mother alone with her seven children, while Ptah is Octave, plus the father out front. This is why both Ma and Pa, Mom and Pop, Math and Ptah, represent number nine and nine-ten. Nine is the plural of plurals. Plural begins with three, thus the plural of plurals is 3 x 3 = 9, the ending and beginning of a cycle. This is word plurality as Pru-Rer-Itu.
c) Word nine has passed through many transformations, a few of which are Nâmâ (Sanskrit), Nomen (Latin), all of which are from Nem from Khnem from Ken-ma, the mother-title, the nurse, the educator, bringer-up, title, name, function, relationship, tutor, smell, perceive, select, choose. Word nine from Makhten from Makht-en from Makhaut-En from Khen-Makhaut from Makhaut-Makhen from Makhen-Khuat from Khiunm-Khiut. Thus the cycle begins with the mother out front, moves to the father out front and then consolidates at the equinox as the two truths in equal measure, thus one truth must increase, while the other decreases, this being like two ships passing in the night that is more like twilight. This occurs slowly, then suddenly, all at once, as the scales are tipped (tept and tepht) back and forth in a shaking sifting winnowing motion. This measure is named number ten and called Iu-Ptah-Ur, later Jupiter. This is the parent in an-old new formation as one and as two. This is the primary-binary condition called the child, sister or other mother, each of which is a consolidation of the former and present. The name is shortened to IU-Pater to IU as the ever-coming one, the christ, the savior. IU becomes IO becomes 10 becomes number ten. Word Ten from Tenu from Thenu from Khenu from Khnem from Khen-Am. Ten means to extend, spread, and stretch out, division. Lunar eclipses are Tennu. They cut off the light, and occur at the dividing-place. Tenu is the joint or break, as is the number ten. All this is one way of knowing and reckoning the combined lunar (seven-three) and solar cycle (nine-three), thus be able to properly understand the signs of the times, starting with moon, sun and earth, but extending to the rest of the solar system and the celestial bodies and constellations interacting with the sun's revolution. Word nomenclature might mean, the nine creator. In an earlier iteration, IU is Miu from Mhiu as Me and You or My and You. Even earlier as Kiu from Khiu as I and You.
d) Plural as Plurer, is the whole nine yards, khe khiur ninu karti, which means, all hands on deck, all feet on tekh, the full variety of primary souls of life who are circle-beings, as are all creations. This is due to the natural state of emergency that exists when Ages change, especially the first set of Ages, as is the current case.
a) Belus is also Balus is Barus is Bar-Su, Bar-Us, Bar-Sut, the mother's firstborn male child, Polaris South. Then, in the form of Bar-Us, is the Night Sun, who becomes Horus, the Light Sun by going through the valley and shadow of death, then rising and crossing over. Ber is the eye as an image of the circle and circle-making.
b) According to a paraphrased Berosian account of the universe, Omoroka, the mother is Selene (Serene, Serena), the moon who presided over all creatures, each of which had body parts of all creations. And since the entire universe was full of moisture, these animals were continuously being created because the conditions were ripe. This is why, even today, the oceans are full of an abundance of magnificent creations. Belus, Polaris South, came and cut the mother in half to create Omoroka as both heaven and earth. This opened things up and allowed light in and allowed for periods of dryness. Many animals were not able to survive this climate change, thus there were mass die-offs. At the same time Belus pushed the reset button by destroying the remaining animals (reduced them to their elemental parts). At the command of Belus, one of the gods cut off the head of Belus. Belus then mixed his own blood with the elemental souls of life. This formed animals capable of bearing the rise of light, heat and temperature effects in the two main (domains). Men, as humans, were formed when this blood mixed with the earth. Belus (Pluto and/or Jupiter), put the universe in order. This account changes human creation to the father-blood Polaris South and the night sun called Atum, later Adam. This comes after first being attributed to the moon as the source of mother-blood, water and earth. The mother, as the pelican or vulture was said to pierce her own thigh to shed blood to feed her offspring Word pelican from peru-khiun, the holder, catcher, scooper and carrier of the seed as fish. All this speaks to the inundation in general in many forms, and speaks to the Nile inundation above and below that releases red and black waters, waters mixed with blood and bile, forms of berry juice. It speaks to the elemental souls of life as those who are always scooped and saved from the inundation in an ark, this time a pelican. The garden eastward in East Africa at the equator is of a much higher elevation than the land that extends radially from this birthplace, thus, despite the birthplace being a well of deep source, the natural flow is guaranteed by dual elevation change as a pressure differential first pushes water up through the narrow pole pipe tunnel funnel to the mountaintops, then released. This upward movement of water is likely aided by a pumping pushing action from beneath the waters caused heat expansion from the core that must have a way to distribute, dissipate and diffuse its energies. This might be Phek-khep that leads to word hiccup. Water might be continuously super-heated into steam, then rapidly cooled and condensed at the top so that it spews and springs forth. Word Omoroka from Ur-Meru-Heku from Ur-Heku-Meru.
c) The Night Sun, born of Mother Earth and Mother Heaven is now said to give birth to the Light Sun along with the principles of Hu and Sa which are the Heku of the mother. Thus Tum unites the Father with the Mother with the father and son out front and mother third. In this third position, the feminine later becomes becomes totally obscured just as the masculine was in the beginning of consciousness.
d) We are reminded that humans made their transition from other primates under the light of both the moon and Polaris South, the moon mother out front, the southern circumpolar father in the distance.
e) Belus the son becomes the husband and father to Omoroka. Omoroka is likely an earlier Khu-Khufu, Kukufa and Khef-Khuf that lead to Heku. When the masculine was assigned the name of Khuft, the path became Khut, Sut, Har, Bar and Baal, the southern dog who became Sut-Anubis, the two headed dog south and north during the Sabean Age (northern birthplace age). Sut-Anubis became Bel became Sutekh, dog and ape in the moon; became Beli became Baal of light lunation, ape and man in the moon; and Belus, man in the sun, thus son of man. This is telling us that the position of celestial bodies generate the energies to cause transformations throughout the spheres of influence. During the transitions of certain Ages and other celestial alignments, even greater transformations take place.
Investigating Other Sources
1. Read a handful of the search results regarding what happened to pluto.
2. Per IAU.org, “The IAU stated that Pluto falls into the dwarf planet category because it is located in a part of our solar system known as the Trans-Neptunian region (beyond Neptune) where other objects might cross Pluto's orbital path.”
a) I say, based on the reasoning above, Earth is also a Dwarf Planet, because certain, meteorites, comets and asteroids qualify as debris, including human-made space debris. Leave it to beaver to junk up heaven. My apologies to all beavers. Pluto is said to be reclassified because, “it has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit”. "Clearing the neighborhood" around its orbit means that a celestial body has enough gravity to dominate its orbital region. This means that there are no other bodies of comparable size in the area, except for its natural satellites.“ The IAU links its definition of “dwarf planet” to Wikipedia. This ought to tell you that the IAU is about the science of lies trying to hide the fact that the ever-changing universe of objects and knowledge has revealed that Pluto is playing a significant role in the current and coming changes in our Solar System. The IAU, NASA, their wing-men, wingtip men and fan-men (fans who fan the profane), don't want you to be woke, but nothing can stop it, even if being woke occurs at the last moment, when it's too late for the masses moving frenetically in dried molasses morasses. In other words, the current foundation of intentional misrepresentations began as misogyny syzygy and then expanded, as expected, to all other truths.
Closing Thoughts & Guidelines For What A Planet Is
Pluto is the Pineal Gland of this solar system, a living being that uses and attracts riu materials to use as hormones for various parts of the solar system. Pluto is the outermost orbit layer of the solar system, Pluto is the first fruiting branch of the river.I suspect Pluto is the firstborn planet of this solar system. Then other planets were added from the inside, pushing Pluto into the outermost orbit, after Pluto helped feed and seed the other planets and moons. Word planet from Plu-Ten from Tepru-Pinu from Tepru-Kinu or Kipru-Tenu. Net is twin-total. Pra (Per, Par, Pre, Pir, Pri, Para, Peru) is seed, fire, be visible, wrap, surround, enclose, be round, show, cause to appear, exhibit, reveal, manifest, explain, make obvious, come forth, road, route, way, path.
Word planet from plannet from P-Rannut. Tenu or Tennu is to go round. Also a name of the moon and it's, number ten. Ki is Khiu. Kipru is Kepra.
Planet as Pla-Net is Pri-Nut is Khiurnt, Khir-nut, Kherf-Nut, Khiurkh-Nut, the model, figure, Kherp.
Since Pinu leads to Pine from Kinu from Khiun, the circle, I suspect planets are not born in a round shape, but rather in a somewhat elongated shape like a pine cone (pinu kinu) and the way the heads of children are elongated as they pass through the birth canal, and as other things have an elongated quality as they drip from a source. Planets become round through growth and their various turning motions as on a lathe and potter's wheel.
Pluto, as a Pineal Gland, pine cone and pineapple, is part of a much larger Pineapple Express atmospheric river inundation, deluge, flood.
Just as Pluto is the dog of Mickey Mouse, so also is Pluto the dog of Makhu Mashu. The mouse is a symbol of the hidden, now revealed. Pluto is part of exit strategy and entrance strategy for Ages. Thus also for changes in the ruling class in the Solar System and on each celestial body. Mashu is Shu-Tefnut and Tefnut indicates first movement in a new cycle.
Pluto and its moons are still in this solar system and are orbiting the sun. Pluto is a planet. The reason given for demoting Pluto is as demented crazy as any plausible deniability. This is because plausible deniability is based on:
It is what it is because we, the creeple, say it is, so trust us based on our so-say-we-say-so. We oughta know because all we do is tell you the truth to help you achieve big deep sleep dreams. We have no hidden agendas or ulterior motives. We are not liars. We're the good guys, the civilized. Can't you tell by what you see and what you get?