On February 28, 2025, I encountered the following information, first from Learning With Sean The Science Kid, and then, via followup, which led to the following article. Per BBC, “Throughout January and February [2025] six planets – Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune – have been visible in the night sky. During just one night – 28 February – they will be joined by Mercury, a rare seven-planet alignment visible in the sky. It is a spectacle that will not be visible again until 2040.”
Comments about this BBC article.1. According to current societal reckoning brought to you by the academy of pretensions, February 28 occurs under the zodiac sign of Pisces. Contrary to earlier times when reckonings were flexible and updated along with calendars, the current use of monthly Zodiac signs is a static method, divorced from the Great Year and divorced from the basic fundamental principle of ever-moving celestial bodies, each having their own length of revolution. As a result we follow leaders who make no adjustments to calendars. Their great achievement is leap year and daylight savings time; however even if the proper adjustments were made, our understandings would still be superficial, in keeping with the official duty of a society.
Currently Pisces is actually the first sign of the Zodiac because it rises at the Spring Equinox, but we think its Aries because the first day of Spring occurs during the last few days of Pisces. Aries used to be the month of Spring Equinox over 2,100 years ago. Therefore, in the northern hemisphere, the Zodiac dates for Pisces should be moved forward to begin coincident with Spring Equinox.
2. All this is to point out that the February 28th alignment occurred during the sign of Aquaria which will end the night before Spring Equinox.
a) Since the Age of Aquaria is 14 to 16 years from being fully installed, the calendar date for the beginning of Aquaria should be at least March 15th. This means the February 28th alignment occurred during Capricorn. This also reveals that April showers bring May flowers because April is actually more aligned with Aquaria and Pisces, two water signs. The front end of March and the back end of February bring more snow showers.
b) Word February from Kepru-Aru and Kebru-Aru and Kapura-Ru and Fuf-Ru-Aru
3. 2040 CE is during the time when Aquaria is fully seated and coronated as the corona ruler of the eastern equatorial zone.
4. In order for planets to align in a straight line or arc (car, kar, iurk, ark) curve, their revolutions must be multiples and factors of each other. Thus, if this is true of planet siblings, then it must also be true that moons, suns and the parent black hole, are multiples and factors of each other. Lastly, this must also apply to the connected separate currents of the fluent-fluids they are moving in and influencing.
5. Earth is part of this so-called “planetary parade”, thus making the number, eight, in the February 28th alignment.
6. This brings me to the confusionist-delusionist-illusionist sick rick trick of the suddenly disappearing planet Pluto. These humanoids are not the god I trust as the brain-trust, thus the total February alignment is nine, the plural of plurals.
7. If you want to read the idiotic pathetic lie, given as the reason for declassifying Pluto from Planet to Dwarf Planet,look it up, or stay tuned for the next message in this series.
Definitions Of Syzygy
Pronounced see-ZEE-gee, see-zee-gee, sih-ZIH-gee, sih-zih-gee
1. Alignment of three or more celestial objects
2. Per Oxford Languages, a conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun.
a) a pair of connected or corresponding things.
We can now remember that word syzygy is related to word synergy and harmony and synonym and synthesis.
Per etymonline.com, word syzygy, in astronomy, is the "conjunction or opposition of a heavenly body with the sun," 1650s [CE], from Late Latin syzygia, from Greek syzygia "yoke of animals, pair, union of two, conjunction," from syzygein "to yoke together," from assimilated form of syn- "together" (see syn-) + zygon "yoke" (from PIE root *yeug- "to join").
Earlier Origins Of Syzygy
1. Syzygy from sy-zy-gy from st-st-gt from kh-kh-kh, three clicks in a row.2. Syzygy from sy-zy-gy from su-su-gu from khu-khu-khu from khiu-khiu-khiu from khiun-khiun-khiun from khiurn-khiurn-khiurn, three spirit, circles, cycles.
3. Syzygy from ky-ky-ky from khi-khi-khi from khiu-khiu-khiu, three primoridal elements.
4. Syzygia, see #2 above.
5. Syzygein, see #2 above
6. Syn-Zygon, see #2 above
7. Sy-Zy-Gy from sy-zygy from syn-zygon from... syn-yeug, see #9 below.
When clues don't immediately pop-up, we use the process of moving from the general to the specific and the broad to the narrow, the now to the then. The next step is to use the bolded meanings above and take Sankofa Road back to the Nile Valley where we find the following words and meanings:
8. Syzygy from Sy-Zygia from Svas-Tika.a) Tika or Tuka (Egyptian), to cross, touch, cut, join, twist, go together, unite, attach,adhere, mix, multiply, intertwine as in weaving. Thus alignment are aided and abetted by the Khekh motion which strings things together.
b) Teka or Tekau, to see, behold while hidden, lie hidden, escape notice, unseen, corn, flour, beans, fixed frontier, spark, sparkle, illuminate with the determinative of the symbolic eye. This is the, now you see me, now you don't, when crossing over and under, thus Teka-Tekau is Teka-Tu or Ku or Deja-Vu.
c) Tekau, to lie hidden. Tek is (T + Ka. Tek of the Tekani (Decani), or stars that crossed every ten days.
d) Tekhen is to open and shut the eyes, wink, sparkle, illumine. Tekhi, without the article prefixed, is the Akh, or Khu, the splendid, illuminated, colored bird; a sun-bird, the symbol of spirit, lustre, and light.
e) Svas (Sanskrit), breathe, live. The Svastika, or Swastika Cross, is a sign of life represented by the vivifying fire; this has the shape of a double Z. This Z Z has the force of Zis, Ses or Svas, denoting the life, the breath, the generative fire
f) This section reveals that the current alignment stated as consisting of seven is not the only alignment taking place and taking the same shape.
9. Syzygy from Syn-Synty from Syn-Syn from Senti from Shenti
a) Synty means, of regeneration.
b) Shenti is two birthplaces, divide, twist, tie, connect and align in various configurations.
c) San means to charm, heal, restore, and save.
a) Taht (David, Dud, Tut), lord of divine words, the mouthpiece, speech, language, math, measuring, knowledge, logos, Scribe of the seven gods. Tut means to unite, engender, establish; DUD, to unite, join together, bind, make fast, or establish. Taht, the moon, is the servant of Ra, the Sun.
b) Shen, Sen, Shem or Sem is the second form of Khen or Kin that results in the two mothers or two sisters. Khenem is to unite, join together. Sekhen is the womb, birthplace.
11. Sen-Sen-Yoke from Shen-Shen-ZugÕn from Khen-Khen-Khekh
a) This is the alignment of the two corners of the equator with the center. Also the two corners of the meridian with the center.
b) Yoke (English) from Yûka (Sanskrit) from ZugÕn (Greek) from Jugum (Roman) from Jugum (Latin “Ruten”) from Khekh (Egyptian) for the balance, scales, cross, crosser, crossing, or equinox, also meaning to check; and the English yoke), indicates the yoke which may be found in Libra or Maat, the Egyptian sign of the scales, as Ò the original of the abbreviated g symbol.
c) The cross, balance, and yoke, are types of the equinoctial level, the crossing, the horizon, the mountain top, ridge line, height. Khekh names all three. Thus syzygy alignment is heightened when the sun is transitioning through the Middle Passage of the equator. One form of this is shown annually as equal hours of dark and light.
d) The four-footed animal trained to the yoke is our mare with fettered feet, and the monster whose tethered turnings round denoted the earliest year, that of the Great Bear, Ursa Major. It was by aid of the Great Bear that the early observers determined the equinoxes and solstices, thus on a larger scale, the crossings of the sun through these way stations. Ursa Major is an around the way girl (curl, whirl, whirr, khir, khiur).
e) Tekha is Sekha which has an earlier form in Tsekha and Tes-Kha, while a later form is Tsui-Ta, Sesh, Sesht, Sekhat, Sekhet, all of which mean the deep abyss of all beginning and waters. Tsekha and Sekha become Tes becomes Tzi (Assyrian), the in-dwelling spirit of life. As a location, Tzi is Tsuita and Tzida (Beth-Tzida, Beth-zida, Bethsaida, Beit-Tzaidah), the Void of Procreative Nature, i.e. the uterus of creation, the temple of life.
12. Sy-Zygy from Syn-Suge.
a) Tekh is Sekh is an earlier Khekh, meaning water and fire, blood and spirit, a four form, four part syzygy. Kheka is an altar and reckoning. Sakhu-hut is fermented bread. Alcohol was a stimulant used to heighten the senses, whereas alcohol today is a depressant that dulls the senses, thus alcohol then is not made in the same fashion as then. The inner Africans moved beyond the use of alcoholic inspiration, to divine mental illumination. Some Inner African names for this deity are: Suge (Susu dialect); Soko (Nupe; Sokoa (Esitako); Sogei (Kise-Kise); Sokwo (Nufi); Tsoka (Marawi); Tshuka (Ibu, now Ebo, Igbo) is masculine, while Sekhet is the feminine form of the same word.
a) Resistance to truth is futile. Either I will consume truth or truth will consume I.
We now have another way of knowing self through the alignment of logic that leads to Soko as a name of the half-human-looking ape. Sekha is the portrait or likeness. Soko is the animal of recognized likeness. The Soko is a menstruating ape, a further likeness. Shoka (Swahili) is the woman’s word for menstruation.
b) Additional paths to the word human are from Sekhumu-Nu or Sekhu- Menat, Sekhu-Manes, Sekhu-Manu, Sekhu-Mena, Sekhu-Mu-Annu, Sekhu-Menut, a measure; Sekhu-Meni, Sekhu-Men, Men to establish, to penetrate.
c) One thing is certain, As above, So Below is real, along with the other fundamental keys. Thus also whatever rights and privileges humans grant themselves, this automatically gives the primary Gods the same rights and privileges because they are also citizens. h2>Coming To, By Going Through Conclusions Syzygy and Synergy begin with the one who became two, then three, four, five, six, seven, then eight and nine, then ten, then eleven, then twelve, then thirteen....
In order to maintain order in the court, the universe, various forms of connection are necessary such as an ankh, a yoke, a tie, a bond, a collar, a forced connection, a voluntary connection, a forced marriage, a voluntary marriage, forced enslavement and voluntary enslavement called employment.
Planetary alignments are also about conjunction and opposition of spirit-soul, emotion, mind, body, thinking, behavior.
We must not limit alignments, conjunctions and oppositions to celestial bodies arranged in a straight line or curve. Alignments can take any shape, thus alignments always exist because they are a basic principle of how everything works via form and function.
Syzygy is alignment of spirit-soul, motion, energy, power, fundamental principles and fundamental forces.
Syzygy is always about alignment of the elemental souls of life, the khuti which include, but are not limited to, waters, sparks, winds, earths, woods.
We Are Rebuilding Syzygy because We Be Syzygy
Celestial bodies are not just physical objects doing random things. By plan and by fate, celestial bodies are aligning in a certain way to bring about a sart-ten set of effects for sart-ten days and cert-tain ages.We ourselves, are celestial bodies, objects, debris (tep-rus, tepru the top heaven). If Planet Earth is, then so are we.
Like everything else, celestial objects are also forms of spirit-soul, one name of which is Khi, from Khiur or Khiurn, the circle, which is a cycle containing cycles. We know planetstars, moonstars and sunstars are floating, swimming, flying, levitating, moving, rotating, revolving and rolling, thus are Khi tumblers in the Rekh (Khiur), which is the same as saying, key tumblers in the locks, that open and close pathways to allow fluids to enter and exit.
Word fluid from flu-it from word fruit from kfruit from khruit from khiurt becomes rikuht or rhkuit becomes word liquid. Fluid and Liquid are two forms of the same word that represent the fullness (flu-nes) of heaven (IT). More of the same is word blood, word flood, word filled.
Taking one step to add Nu or Nut to Khiurt yields Khiurnt, which yields word Fluent as the base of word influence, word confluence, word effluence and word Affluent. IN from Un from word open from Hkun from Hiku-N from Khi-Un from Khiun. By referring to a human as “affluent”, we are saying they are rich and wealthy money-wise, thus living a good life, smart, intelligent, well-to-do, sophisticated, has class, has good behavior. Dealing with behavior issues first, we know good is god is both good and bad behavior. We also know one form of word money is mah-nui. We can now show word fluid is triply fruit, kft-rui and fut-rui, each of these rui, nui, rui-nui, runui, renewal represent creations from the source in their very early form.
We can now show word khiur as kh-iur and word fluid as fd-lui. These forms plainly show word rui which is uir is word oil and word ore.
We can now change course to show kh-iur as kh-oil as khekh-oil, as click-oil as spark-oil that forms word water, word fire, word air and word earth, each of these words contain spark and oil, the kh-rui, the khiur. Also, oil as uir as iur is niur is word nile.
Word Coming from Chumint from Khiunmt from Khiunmt-Ru from Khiurnmtu from Khiurn-Tmu or Tema or Mut.
This reinforces coming and going as the same two-part motion that connects two places at the same time. I am going over there. I am coming over there. Where did you come from? is the same as Where did you go from?
Understanding the “who” of who we are, and understanding the “where” of where we are, helps us understand who we came from and where we came from. This explains the going forth of our coming forth. Coming precedes going precedes coming.
This work-through process provides a breakthrough clue to process and understand that word ID and word EGO are from khuti as khu as ukh as egh as ego. IT is ID. All creations possess id and ego, the two-part collaboration conspiracy of seven elemental souls of life that are part of the infrastructure and super-structure and architecture of the archetype.
Alignment is a fundamental principle of our form, function and what this existence life is about.
Since we are khu, then, we be khu, which is we be ghe, we-be-ge is wybygy is we be, ge be is an earlier form of heebie-jeebies.
Briefly stated, Webegebe, like syzygy, represents the sense of alignment, while the current nomenclature of heebie-jeebies represents the sense of misalignment, thus fear, doubt, uncertain, unease, disease, jitters, spooky, all of which can be summed and encapsulated in word nervousness rather than niur-mes-nes.