If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, December 16, 2013

Television, Terrorism & Hate Crimes

Television content contributes significantly to the following:


Terrorism is the use of violence as a means of coercion for political purposes. Television content manipulates thoughts to alter perceptions, thus behavior. This is mental abuse. Mental abuse is violence. Manipulation is also mental abuse. You already know this when it comes to child abuse and domestic violence. These crimes are forms of mental abuse and manipulation to maintain control over another. Television content does the same thing but the control sought is to influence behavior to maintain the current political status quo and class structure (haves and have nots).

A lot of television content functions as “soft” terrorism, a slow, underhanded, less shocking lethal poison that hijacks the sensibilities in order to reverse reality and illusion.

How can television content, manipulation and abuse not be violent when someone is attacking your mind and your spirit and your emotions? The purpose of these attacks is often veiled in an ulterior motive sort of way. The purpose of these attacks is to get you to act willingly against your own best interests. This is terrorism. This is television.

The irony is, those who commit such acts are also acting against their own best interests and the best interests of their descendents. Treble damages are accumulating unto them under the majority worldview - the spiritual/harmonious/karmic.

Another Way To View Terrorism

Television content contains so many factual errors, a sane person, one rising in knowledge of self, will quickly conclude someone is up to terror bull. TV content is filled with a profusion of misdirections and mis-educations to support the current craziness. It is filled with historical inaccuracies and current event inaccuracies to the point, any truth encountered, must have gotten in by mistake. It is evident television, due to its large imbalance of good content to bad content, supports most of the major problems in existence today.

Hate Crimes

An excerpt from Study Perspectives: Later Stone Age:

Yet, everything else about these people and their cultures associated with this and other sites built by original people (black-skinned) is not taught and honored as a matter of fact, especially in school textbooks, religious bibles, movies and television. In fact, nearly everything about the people and the cultures who built things of universal value, is marginalized, minimized or vilified – this is an ongoing hate crime against humanity.

And from, Day 8: Human History Is Revealing & Healing: Truth is, every branch of the human family comes from one rootstock. Historical representations that deny or ignore this fact, fuel superiority, hatred and disparities.

More On Terrorists & Terrorism.

The epitome of terrorism is the systematic poisoning of minds which leads to disharmony in general and racial disharmony specifically. This is what fosters terror in the world.

Note: In today's world, the meaning of terrorist is someone who is your enemy. It also means someone who doesn't agree with the current political and economic system or one of its supporting institutions. I guess this is why Nelson Mandela was a terrorist according to the U. S. till 2008. In his later years, Madiba was more of a friend to the discriminatory South African and U. S. Governments than he was to his own people.

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See “television” in the keyword list in the right margin.