If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Minimum Wage Is Psychological Warfare
Unity Consciousness #70

Psychology is a major and integral aspect of the war we are in. Everything has a psychological component. It is a normal and natural part of life and existence. However, the Global System of Racism, via its nine major institutions, uses psychological warfare continuously, and though extremely common, it is in no way normal that psychological warfare persists. The Global System Of Racism uses this type of warfare even more than it uses other types of warfare we commonly associate with war.

Everyday all day, in all that is said, done and shown, psychological warfare is being carried out. Minimum wage is one of the many thousands of ways.

Minimum Wage

Regardless of how minimum wage came into existence, for the past several decades and still today, the notion of working for minimum wage has had and still has a negative effect upon self-esteem. To feel like there is no other choice to survive except to work for the lowest wage, the hardest, in the worst jobs and still not be able to find the ends, let alone make them meet, is a form of psychological warfare.

To add to this, we are trained to beg for a raise in minimum wage for years, then it is finally given not by the employer but the government has to force the raise upon the employers. This is not a sign of appreciation. Pity is shown for the poor by politicians. Thanks, but excuse us while we check to see what's missing from our pockets and this picture.

Do not be fooled people. The recent announcement some states in America are raising minimum wage, sounds good, but it is not. First, we've already been underpaid for years, we should be getting back pay. Secondly, if the intent really was to raise wages, they'd just lower withholding and income taxes for certain income levels and/or raise the earned income credit and make it simpler and universal for all minimum wage earners. Thirdly, it is a certainty other measures are in place to take away all the money being given. We can never live as intended when we depend on someone else to parcel out our bread and our thinking is programmed by their ed-ucation.

Historical experience tells us, capitalism requires an underclass to fuel the middle and upper class. The middle class fuels the upper class. This minimum wage increase is a sign of more bad things to come economically for America and other dominoes. We know the System always lies, always uses evil manipulation and always uses lower self discrimination; therefore, if minimum wage is being reported in media as a good thing, it is a bad thing for us. If the System is trying to make us feel good, it's Novocaine® so we won't notice the pain. Buckle all seatbelts for the turn of the coming decade – 2019 to 2024. Several shifts, including the shift from 12 to 21, occur during this period. Our pockets will continue to get shorter along with time unless we realign.

The intent of raising the minimum wage is not to help us, it is to get us to fuel the economy one last time with inappropriate consumption. It is a convenient excuse why other wage earners can't get a raise and why “benefits” can't be increased or must be cut. It is to make us think, maybe we shouldn't be protesting the System in multiple ways. It is to cause us to push the snooze button so we don't notice the house burning down, falling apart, being condemned and overrun with rats, roaches, termites and powdery mildew. The criminals are already on the move heading for the exit hurrying soon to a city near me and you.

Victims Conduct Warfare Against Themselves & Other Victims To Support The System They Think They Need More Than Anything Else

Since riches, wealth, money and wages are held in high esteem in many societies, people without all forms of nutrition, must, will and do, use money as the context for their self-worth and what is good. All things must be justified somehow. The mind requires it.

For instance, many of those who earn more than minimum wage, compare themselves to those who “only make minimum wage.” This comparison often leads the higher wage earners to conclude they are doing better and thus these people feel better about themselves in terms of money. The same is true in reverse. Thus the two groups are in competition for positions while having to work together while not liking each other for System reasons.

The value of wages is inappropriately transferred by people as representative of their personal value. This becomes a large portion of these people's total self-esteem because they do not have sufficient knowledge of self. These people project a facade of feeling good about self, even though within, they do not feel good about self. It is not possible to feel good about self if self is not known. This is the real identity theft and identity crisis. It is at the center of why most of us are working for the System and against each other instead of working together against the System so we we can all share what the one percenters in the world have stolen and get back to civilized living on all levels. This is not it. A raise in minimum wage has no chance of changing things fundamentally for the better for anyone. History tells us this.

People who believe they have self-esteem yet do not have knowledge of self must get fulfillment from outside attachments. These attachments and definitions of who we are satisfy the culture of the society but does not cultivate the consciousness of the Creator within. Since current societies are all about the institutions that maintain the System, the self-esteem of most people is defined by these institutions. Contemplate the list of institutions in the Definition of Racism and you will know this to be true.

As a result, those who cannot achieve status in one of the institutions or lose status feel devastated. Let's be clear. The System is the representation of the people's culture, character and value system. So unless it is our System, it will be harmful to adopt other people's ideas about self. Even if it is our System, if that System is not geared towards knowledge of self, it will absolutely harm us as well. I say this to the prodigal sons and daughters who are Victims A because they are the first to be poisoned and they spread it in their words and actions amongst themselves and then to others, like us, Victims B. This is the basic continuous cycle of abuse that must be broken in humanity via increased nutrition and decreased toxins.

Too Many Ways To Count

There are many more ways that wages, jobs, careers, professions, vocations, degrees and status are used by the System and by the victims to harm self and each other.

Just like above, many people also feel devastated when they lose money, property or some other asset in any way because they have lost their notion of self-worth. Thankfully we are all resource rich when we are connected. This moves us from a minimum wage barrier-hurdle to optimal African consciousness. We give ourselves a raise as we raise consciousness.

Truth is, if we are not using our genius for the greater rights of creation, we are underpaying ourselves, playing games with God and shortchanging our ancestors and descendents.