If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, March 31, 2017

From Pangaea To Pandora & Native To Non-Native Plant Species
Unity Consciousness #970


In a particular geographic location, if a plant will grow and survive year after year, with or without human assistance, it is native.
In a particular geographic location, if a plant will not grow and survive year after year, with or without human assistance, it is still native.

What is native and non-native, invited and invasive, are temporary dichotomies.
This dichotomy is caused by the difference between human understanding of the partial, in relation to human understanding of the whole.
In other words, human understanding of First Truth and Second Truth in relation to human understanding of Zero Truth.

How Species Appear

A specie appears when genetic potential in that geographic location has found another way to express itself in relation to all other environmental influences (occurrences in relation to need incentive). Genetics begin to vary when potential meets need incentive meets challenge. These interactions are the beginning of a diverse range of processes which cause what is native to change significantly enough to be mistaken for something new that has its own origin without relation to that which came before. What is non-native is always the offspring of what is native. This we will come to understand more as we understand ourselves in relation to species outside Earth.
A specie disappears when genetic potential in that geographic location has not found a way to sustain itself in relation to all other environmental occurrences (influences in relation to need incentive).

Due to insufficient understanding of the previous two sentences, we humans tend to call a specie “native” or “non-native” when the genetics of that specie and the environment are not in optimal dynamic balance with each other.

In other words, species appear and disappear by genetic formula that is resident within each specie in relation to all other genetic formulas in the Universe.

Temporary Imbalances Cause Temporary Dichotomies

There will always be temporary imbalances because everyone and everything is always changing and because all things do not change at the same time.

All problems are caused by differences of understanding.
The current problems among humans is due to humans not yet adjusting sufficiently enough to restore their ability to live healthily with their own personal self, thus with their most recent family ties, thus with larger and larger family groupings, thus with all else.

Understand Pangaea & Solve The Pandora's Box Of Misunderstandings

All plants are native to all lands because all lands are pieces of Africa – the nucleus of the Pangaea.

All plants came from the same genetic tree, just like humans.
All plants, humans and lands came from one land mass, called the Pangaea.
The Pangaea started out much smaller, then grew, then separated by drift, uplift and downlift above and below water.
All lands are connected.
Land is only separated by water that fills very deep valleys. We call these valleys, “oceans” and seas.”
Land is buried under water and civilizations are buried under water, deserts and forests. Thus, there is a Pangaea of civilizations buried across Earth that are “missing” puzzle pieces which connect all people.

All land, plants, humans and other lifeforms, only became diversified after moving away from the originating point in Africa and then remaining separated for tens of thousands of years.

Humans, for the past few thousand years and up to today, mistakenly think humans, plants and other lifeforms are native to certain lands because we do not understand the Pangaea.

Thus we have opened the problematic Pandora's box of woe and misery (because woe is not whole and misery is not mystery.)

In other words, because we mistake the partial for the entire cycle, we end up with missing logic links. Thus “whole mystery” becomes “woe misery."

All because we want to be Native to some place without being Naga to any place.
All because we want to be function as part of different races and not as part of the same universal specie.
So we transferred these basic misunderstandings onto plants and other lifeforms and the Ages of human afflictions began in keeping with the cycle of nature..