If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Creator's Signature Moves
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1122


(Part 9u of 11)

Duality is the signature move of the Creator. Once the Creator transformed within self to create duality in order to duplicate self into another form of duality, then duality became the signature move and basis of all creation beyond that point.

“Signature” is the long version of the word “sign” which is another version of the word “nature.”
Sign and Signature are forms of nature, the root source of matter and spirit-soul (energy).
Every sign is a signature. Everything in nature is a sign. I am a sign. You are a sign. I am a signature move of the Creator. You are a signature move of the Creator. We are based on duality aren't we?

Everything in nature is the signature move of the Creator and the Sign of the Creator.
The Creator used the signature move of duality to take the root nature within self and duplicate it into the Nature we call Universe. Existence is the fruit of the root, which then, that fruit became our intermediate root.

Also related to signature is signal, significance, signify, design, designate, symbol, representation and all other words in all languages used to express anything. All of it is based on the signature move of duality.

Creation is a combination of signature moves.

Signature is si + nga (na) + ture.
Si = Is = Ses = Yes = Breath.

Nga is the Living One who brings forth breath out of the waters of self to transform life within self into another form in another dimension. The First Truth of Water gives birth to the Second Truth of Breath. No gives birth to Yes. Preexistence creates Existence.

Na is nature, no and genetic potential at rest. Genetic potential is in the waters and is the liquid essence of life in all its forms.

Ture is Ter is the Circle-Maker, Circle and contents of the Circle. Thus Ture describes everything in the Universe including Crea-ture, Crea-ter, Creator.
Ter also means to “try” as in interrogate and question.
In other words, the Creator transformed self in order to put self to the test for the purpose of understanding self in different dimensions and conditions in order to put the powers of eternal life to use or else lose it. This is the need incentive and the purpose of Creation, you and me and all else. Creation (Universe, Nature) is the signature move of the Creator. This then could hardly be some random explosion out of Chaos. (BB 86/98)

The signature moves of the Creator to create Duality and Existence are for the purpose of challenging and understanding all aspects of self in order to provide a feedback loop of understanding that travels back and forth between the Du of beginning infinity and the Du of ending Infinity. We are in between these infinities, thus in the path and part of the feedback loop of understanding that exists throughout the Universe.
We have separated sign from nature from signature and do not currently remember these three words are the exact same thing. This miseducation is a signature move of the Creator.

In summary, when we take the si-nga-na-ter that is Preexistence, and transform it, we get the sig-na-ture that is the nature of Existence. This is the signature move of the Creator for the primary purpose of moving out of the comfort zone of harmony in Preexistence and into the zone of eventual disharmony in Existence to gain knowledge of self to continue to evolve genetic potential and maintain eternal life by reestablishing harmony.
There is only one main player and we are pieces of the puzzle being moved and making moves to a much smaller extent relative to the main universal game. Life and existence can be explained through the game of Spider Solitaire.

”Ankh | Mother Creator Basis of Understanding, Sankofa Life By Expanding Definitions & Meanings, Unity Consciousness #940”

”Part Of Me Lyrics By The Creator Through En Vogue, Unity Consciousness #224”

“Stars Are Spirit-Souls Of Life Called Khabsu, Unity Consciousness #981