If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Individual Aberrations & Abuses of Collective Duality
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1117


(Part 9p of 11)

1. Individuality in the form of “to each his own.”
2. Individuality in the form of mutual benefit.
3. Individuality in the form of majority rules.
4. Individuality in the form of “might makes right.

All of these are merely greater and greater exponential abuses of indiviDUALITY.

We've discussed the “to each his own” mentality in multiple lengths. This “me first” mentality is founded upon the half-truth misunderstanding that “me” is singular. Me is both singular and plural. Me is dual. This singular and plural dual is the basis of the indivi-dual. This complete misunderstanding is near the root that causes many forms of logic errors that are aberrations and abuses of our essence of duality.

As logic is improved with knowledge of self, the individual becomes healthier in understanding self. As a result, thinking and behavior improves based on understanding self as plural in spirit, plural in function, singular in form and singular in function. Thus, the plural spirit guides the singular form to function as both an individual and as a collective.
Now we have come a long ways around back to ME as Manifest Essence.
Me is not me the singular individual. Me is me, the singular plural individual collective duality, totality, one, two, many and infinity. Me is everything because me contains everything. This is why me is a universe that is a metaform of the larger Universe. Me as a universe is a smaller version of the larger. This is why, me the individual can never be singular only. Therefore, when that which is both singular and plural, uses logic based mainly on the singular, then aberration and abuse must result, and is the result of much of what is corrupt in the world.
Take a moment and analyze some corruptions, aberrations and abuses by any name acclaimed or defamed, and you will find their link to this message. If you don't, then you have misunderstood cause and effect.

”Individual & Collective Greater Good | Definition & Meanings, Unity Consciousness #1089”

”Escapism Is Why We Cling So Desperately To Things, Unity Consciousness #998”

As we continue over familiar territory, we again encounter mutual benefit versus collective benefit.
It is sufficient to understand, that even though, duality means two, duality also means one, three, four...many, totality and infinity. Therefore, two individuals who operate based on benefit among themselves, are leaving out the plural aspect of who they are, thus, mutual benefit is an aberration of collective benefit, and is an aberration and abuse of the individuals themselves. In other words, mutual benefit eventually manifests a greater harmful effect than a helpful effect for the two individuals who use that logic and for the collective. We must not be deceived. Harm can exist even when results seem good, if greater opportunities have been squandered.

We already know “majority rules” is an aberration and abuse because it excludes and diminishes the minority. (Prime examples are democracy and capitalism.) Majority as a large number and minority as a small number are a duality, so when one is excluded from the ecosystem of logic we use, so also is the totality of logic, thus we do not have mental balance, thus only warped incomplete fragmented logic can result. Since this logic is non-contiguous, we make a lot of leaps in our thought processes to get from logic to logic to conclusion to decision to behavior. A lot of stuff does not add up or make sense, so we just leap over it using various methods in order to make cause equal effect.

By now we should know culture is a form of majority rules. Todays cultures are collectives functioning as an individual that views itself as singular, thus, most actions of each culture, puts their culture first without regard to other cultures, thus tramples through the world on the rights of creation. Culture is the summary of all aberrations and abuses. All aberrations and abuses within a culture are the result of the culture itself. For instance, a culture cannot be enslaved that has not enslaved itself as a normal part of its culture and a culture cannot be terrorized that has not terrorized itself as a normal part of its culture.
That which harms individuals and collectives, harms through the weakness of the individual and the weakness of the collective.
Culture, majority rules, mutual benefit, two consenting adults, to each his own and me first are all forms of each other.

”Poem | Legal System Of Violence - Unity Consciousness #22”

To repeat and summarize, individuality as singular only mentality is where the logic error starts and mental health begins to weaken towards unhealthiness.
Mental unhealthiness is born out of logic that perceives self as singular only, and produces the mentalities of me first, to each his own, mutual benefit, two consenting adults, majority rules and might makes right which is an aberration and abuse of “by any means necessary.”

In other words, all aberrations, abuses, suboptimal forms, evils, toxins, poisons, pollutants, cancers, mutations and bad things by any name are merely disharmonious forms of harmonious forms. These aberrations exist in seasons and cycles for reasons and must come and must go. Since our primary duti is to seek and get understanding, it is for us to understand these dynamics so we can continue to use the healthiest logic of beingness, even in the most unhealthiest of times, no matter how acceptable, common and legal unhealthy logic is.