If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Weakspeak & Doublespeak
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1251


(Part 9es of 11)

Doublespeak & Triplespeak: Definitions and Meanings, Unity Consciousness #641

A large part of the problem is our concept of science.

But before that, the problem is our context, worldview, utamawazo...

All of the above is packaged into what we cultists call “culture.”
Therefore, weakspeak and doublespeak is cultural – part of the fabric and identity of the people, the country, the nation. If you find weakspeak and doublespeak at the bottom, you will find it in the middle and at the top and the other way around all sides.

Examples abound. Examples continue to confound.
Even so, these examples provide opportunity to practice critical analysis and re-sharpen our thinking until we are able to cut through the nonsense.

Article: It looked as if Earth’s ozone layer was healing nicely — until now

After reading this article, remember: a reporter is a scientist and a scientist is a reporter. One of those personalities is lying to the other. Again and again, it's the nature of the lie.
I will only briefly paraphrase and discuss a few things that stand out in the weakspeak doublespeak we encounter all day every day in multiple forms to keep us informed deformed.

1. The article says we scientists understand things enough to know we, the intelligentsia over you commoners, are the ones who saved the ozone layer, but we, the intelligentsia, don't understand ozone enough to know what's happening.

2. The article says we've detected something unexpected which is causing the ozone layer not to heal in the way we expected because we didn't know and still don't.

3. The article says, the ozone layer is getting better because of us, the overseers of you commoners, but ozone is not getting better, and it's not our fault and we didn't expect it and don't understand it, but we do know, whatever is helping the ozone is all due to us.

4. Not said in this article, but what is underlying the hullabaloo about the ozone layer is the increase in skin cancer among those with a melanin disorder. Along with this is the increase in solar radiation and other solar emissions.

5. The article says changes in how things circulate in the sky, could influence how things are distributed in the sky. Hmmn, changes in circulation affects distribution, i.e., diffusion.

6. The articles says, changes in the ozone and atmosphere could be related to climate change. Hmmmn, let's see, individual changes in areas of climate might be related to collective climate change, but we can't be sure until we study it, despite millions of years of continuous evidence of what an ecosystem means?

7. The article swears up and down that it's the UN Plan to reduce chemicals that is healing the ozone, but the future of the ozone depends on those chemicals not being reduced and the future of the ozone depends on climate change, yet, climate change has little to nothing to do with the “healing” of the ozone.

8. None of this is about the ozone layer or saving it or saving the environment or saving the planet. It is about saving their own skin – even as the “rich” are right now digging in to underground bunkers and planning on exiting to the Moon and Mars, leaving y'all wondering, now who will do our thinking for us.

9. After we read the article, then the press release, from which the article draws, we are reminded: so-called “media” are paper pushers and so-called “scientists” are vapor pushers. Lying hard for the money and working against the many. They must not know better because they are not doing better, despite being professionals and experts.

Practice reading things by removing words that are designed to mislead you. If need be, substitute better definitions.
1. delete: a team of international scientists ------- substitute: a group of white people mostly from western Asia and America.
In a world where most people are not white, how does this give any of the rest of us, confidence that these people understand and that we should be listening to them in an “open up and swallow, line up and follow” sort of way?
Let me be clear: What “international” means to you, is not what international means to them, thus we have doublespeak. This doublespeak becomes weakspeak when you allow it to self-defeat, your divine ability to detect truth and lies. When they say “international,” they mean Europe and America, because in their minds, they are the world and they are the only ones that matter, everybody else is a nonentity and don't matter. International means “between two or more nations,” thus it can be international and only be between nations in Europe. International does not mean global and balanced.
The saying goes: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. So why don't we start asking the Universe smart questions so we can get smart answers - from within?

2. delete: scientists ------- substitute: people who have gone to school and passed tests to do things all of us are capable of doing every day, that is, “pay attention to things over a period of time, and understand what is happening and then let somebody else know what you think.”

We must start over, rebuilding our logic, by getting context, definitions and meanings straightened out, recalibrated to their optimal forms, re-kalibrated to a different context of spirit-soul. Every single word carries meaning. Context is a main cause of all effects that gets us into and out of mess.

If the above is not enough to help you get to the heart of what is being said, then also remove all names and descriptions of where people are from and remove their credentials and insert, Person A, Person B, etc., then read the now much shorter article and see if that helps. See Below.

Weak: The Contorters
Weaker: The Reporters
Weakest: The Further Waterer, Numb, Dumb Downer Distorters. This article is third party information. This is the nature of most of the information we rely on for mental nutrition. Information in its weakest form.
These things have been told to us by Mama Nanas, Frances Cress-Welsing and Marimba Ani and Papa Nana Wade Nobles, that everything in these suboptimal cultures is about genetic proliferation, genetic annihilation and the fulfillment of the Asili. Which then boils down to power and money, which boils down to controlling the masses by any means necessary. Papa Nana Leonard Jefferies tells us we need a systems response. Strongspeak is answering by climate changing all systems.

Cleaner Version That Removes A Lot, But Not All, Of The Intentionally Misleading Language
The rescue of the ozone layer has been hailed as one of the great success stories of modern environmental regulation — but on Monday, a small cliquish group of white people, mostly from western Asia and Middle America, who were paid to study the ozone, raised doubts about whether ozone is recovering as expected.

“We’ve detected unexpected decreases in portions of the ozone layer, which is offsetting the recovery in the ozone layer we expected to see,” said Person A.

In 1987, countries belonging to criminal group, the United Nations, agreed to phase out chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that are responsible for destroying ozone. The reduced use of CFCs has helped heal the “hole” in the ozone layer.

The recently published study by Person A and his co-workers, focused on the lower ozone layer. A relatively small but hard-to-explain decline of ozone was found. Meanwhile, the upper layers of the ozone have been recovering.

“The precise cause of the decline of ozone in the lower layer is unknown but could be related to changes in air circulation, which has a large influence on how ozone is distributed,” said Person B. Those changes could be tied to climate change.

There’s also a possibility that new chemicals, not limited by the UN, could be contributing to the problem.

At the same time, though, it’s not clear there are enough of these chemicals in the air to be causing the problem.

“Although some of these new chemicals are increasing in the atmosphere and can contribute to ozone loss, based on their current levels, they are very unlikely to be the main driver of the unexpected decline in the lower ozone layer,” Person B said.

It's a troubling mystery because ozone protects life from ultraviolet radiation, thus any thinning of ozone is cause for concern.

“At the moment, there’s no proof of what’s causing the decline in the lower ozone, but there are some reasonable guesses that need to be investigated,” Person A said.

“We’re raising the alarm that we need to very rapidly investigate (1) whether it’s the new chemicals or (2) whether it’s climate change or (3) whether our context is not quite right, or (4) whether there’s something wrong with the data,” Person A said.

Person A said none of this means the plan the UN came up with to save the ozone layer isn’t working. It just means more government workers must figure out what's going on. The cause of the newly discovered undesirable trend “urgently needs to be figured out.”

In the meantime, despite Person A's contention that the UN Plan is working as planned, the new research raises questions about whether adjustments need to be made to the plan based on new information.

“The future of the ozone layer will depend on the interaction of chemicals not regulated and on what happens with our climate,” said Person C.

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