If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, June 15, 2018

First Creation – Existence & Creation Begin
Solution & Problem
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1379


(Part 9jq of 11)

Two Circles exist. Bicycle. Each circle is one-half of Zero.
Time exists because motion has now been separated into two circles and continuity of motion is no longer guaranteed.
The Un-natural stage begins. Unnatural means the unlocked natural. Genetic potential has been opened into another circle for transformation and creation.
The potential for Khaos to become Chaos now exists because difference and separation exist in separate circles and knowledge of the whole total self has been divided. This establishes the basis for all differential treatment.

A star is born again. The Superstar is reborn into a new form as two daughters, sisters, mothers, twins. (BB 351/363), (NG1 69/87)
Some of the many names of these two circles are Great Mother, Iusaas (Neb-hetep), Hes (As, Ast, Auset) & Neft (Nebethet, Nephthys), Hathor & Nebethet-Nut, Venus & Isis, Virgo & Pisces, Cassiopeia and Ursa Major, Neith & Seti). (BB 351/363), (AE1 23/33), (NG1 531-2/549-50)

Creation by spoken word begins by calling into being things which did not preexist, did not have a separate name or that existed as one thing and not two things. Creation by spoken word is necessary to call things into being outside of self. (AE1 180/190, 407-8/417-8), (BB 236/248, 359/371)

The two circles are identical twins initially as 00. Then one of them transforms until they become 01. Binary code now exists. The upper circle functions more as Preexistence and Existence hidden, while the lower circle functions more as Existence and Preexistence revealed.

Khekh has now been divided into Spirit and soul. Each is one-half of the energy in Zero.
Soul of life in water's spirit energy is the upper circle. Soul of life in water's matter energy is the lower circle.

The two circles manifest as two mothers in one person. One circle conceives and nurses creations in spirit, the other circle gives birth and nurses creations in matter. (BB 426/438)

Trinity Seeds Revisited, Elementals, Elements, Khepera, Change, Transform, Reform, Evolution, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1352

The Two Circles are the waters of Nnun and the waters of Nnut.
North and south now exist. (BB 264/276)

Feminine principle manifests out front (masculine principle logic manifests by running in the background, hidden).

Creation Takes Place By The Numbers, Therefore Math Is Always Life

Since two circles represent one, we can gain additional understandings:
1. One by One is the same as 1 x 1 which equals one.
One times any number allows that number to function as one and multiply its effect.
When oneness is the multiplier, all divisions come together as one.

2. One plus One is the same as 1+ 1 which equals two.
One plus any number duplicates the basis of that number. 1 + 3 = 4. 3 is the basis of one (1/3+1/3+1/3). Now when we add one more we have 4/3. But we also have to change the basis so that 4/3 is based 4 because the one is now divided into four parts, and no longer three parts. Therefore 4/3 = 4/4 because by adding an additional 1/3, we are adding division to one, thus we are turning three divisions into four divisions, thus changing the basis from three to four.
When we add one to any number we are adding a division while maintaining oneness.
This can be considered as spiritual math that complements the mere adding and subtracting of numbers that does not lend itself to understanding the basis upon which these numbers are based and why add and why subtract.

3. Thus, from an overall perspective, Creation involves adding difference while maintaining sameness.
Are we to think these words are different and not the same: double, duo, dual, two, twin, entwine, couple, copulate, duplicate, pair, duality, mate, match, biune, bicycle, you, I the Ankh, both, neither as neutral as neuter, either, Me, We, Jew, repeat, repetition...

4. Through knowledge of self, the super-extended self, we must remember when to add, multiply, subtract and divide. This automatically means we will know what the numbers mean, starting from zero, then one-half, then one, then two. There is no need to go any further, until we understand those four numbers.
For instance, each number represents all four numbers.

5. This is essential, because at this level there is no such thing as human. Thus we can understand the basis of life and existence for humans, by learning it from the superhuman who are in sync with Zero and Duo.

Carrying Around Stumbling Blocks Of Logic
When mother and father are mentioned, this is not talking about humans initially or humans primarily. It is talking about the feminine and masculine principles of the universe that operate in all creations, all Creators and all Destroyers.

It's okay to start with the human basis as our perspective but we must work our way back to the larger, foundational, fundamental understandings of life that existed before humans existed. We must compare the human to the superhuman. We must seek to understand the sameness and difference. When there's a difference and we decide the human way is the way, we are likely in the way of progress and not in the way of regress.
This adds to the problem; subtracts from the solution by adding to Chaotic logic; subtracting from Khaotic logic.
Why do we think and behave so?
All manner of misery caused because we do not understand the meanings connected to adding and subtracting sameness and difference, nor the time and the place when they are appropriate and inappropriate. Thus, then, our motions are out of sync, causing all sorts of chinks, pileups and broken links. Going with this flow leads to the suboptimal. We must do a reversal to the optimal, in order to complete the cycle and be whole in Zero.

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