If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, June 16, 2018

First Creation - Life & Existence, Meaning & Definition
Solution & Human Problem
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1380


(Part 9jr of 11)

Introductory Summary

The search for the meaning of life and existence must eventually make its way back to where life and existence begins – where all angles of light begin. Then all logic must make sense for all life and existence after that point. Not just make sense in the mind as the sole sense maker, but also make sense in relation to natural fact manifesting everywhere.

1. Before-Life & Existence
a) The Creator-Destroyer has Life and Preexistence.
b) No other creations exist in a dimension outside of Zero.
c) Humans do not have life or preexistence.
d) The After-Life is already taking place.

2. Life & Existence
a) The Creator-Destroyer has Life and Existence in a new form as many creations who exist in the Two Circles that together were formerly Zero. These circles, and creations they contain, have life and existence.
b) Humans do not have life or existence.
c) The After-Life is taking place.

3. Several Stages Of Life & Existence Take Place
a) The Creator-Destroyer continues to expand Life and Existence in many more forms. Finally, some earlier creations, called stars, transform into what we call Earths. Earths have life and existence in a new form.
b) Humans do not have life or existence.
c) The After-Life is taking place.

4. Several Stages Of Life & Existence Take Place
a) The Creator-Destroyer continues to expand Life and Existence in many more forms. Finally, some earlier creations called animals, are given an elemental booster shot, which transforms the animal into what we call humans. Humans have life and existence in a new form that is founded upon “the perfect beast.”
b) The After-Life is taking place, yet, humans have no clue it is.

5. Several Stages Of Life & Existence Take Place
a) The Creator-Destroyer continues to expand Life and Existence in many more forms. Along the way, human forms are transforming until we reach the form of human we have been for several hundred thousand years. Humans have life and existence in a form that is an adaptation of the previous form of human – an adaptation mainly sparked by learning how to live in the conditions of those times by using genetic potential differently.
b) The After-Life is taking place, and then finally, humans in the form we are, start thinking about Life, Existence, Preexistence and After-Life. This thought process of current humans, has taken hundreds of thousands of years before it flowed out of Africa.
c) Without any human ideologies to rely on, humans simply look at superhuman nature and nature and recognize these things about life and existence are not new things and pertain to all creations fundamentally, even if in different ways. Humans go through many cycles of optimal and suboptimal understandings. Eventually we end up at today when humans treat life and existence as if it only or mainly pertains to humans, including the after-life – as if the after-party was on hold until the human mind showed up. This kind of stuffed-your-head logic is the status quo logic of societies even though the entire basis of human preexistence, existence, life and afterlife is based on and depends on everything that existed long before the earliest human did.

All this is to say, if we want to understand the meanings of life and existence, we need to work our way back to starting from scratch. That is Zero, the Dynamic Duo principle of the Two Circles of Duality Reality and the Elementals. If our current conclusions as to what life and existence are about does not incorporate awareness of the essence of these things, in a Primordial Four sort of way, we are likely using a human framework that serves as its own self-created foundation, which is impossible as a matter of natural fact.

So if we want to understand the meaning of life and existence, we must get back to natural fact. Natural fact is the Sign-language that shows the way.

Additional Duplicate Tools To Use As Needed

Everything needs to add up to one and oneness, then to zero and wholeness.
We must look at all sides of dualities, just like the Ser in search, so we can find the Ser in Answer.

We are the Creator-Destroyer who is functioning in many forms and is seeking understandings of the meanings of self, life, existence and all else.

So far we have not mentioned salvation as having anything to do with life and existence. Salvation is a byproduct of life and existence. If we emulated the principles of how life and existence functions without humans, we would simultaneously be working out our salvation. We'd be closer to the whole truth.

Because we are deep in love with confused logic, we have mistaken natural fact. Humans are a combination of the elementals and other creatures who came before humans. Humans are supposed to be the guardian caretaker steward, not the dominator abuser. With these other creations, humans are supposed to be in the same relationship mindset as parent and child where we are both child and parent, thus we are supposed to see ourselves as all other forms of nature because that's exactly what we are.

We humans are in a stage where we are functioning more as destroyers of harmony, rather than restorers of harmony. We fool ourselves with mindblind words that say we are the best form since humans became multi-colored. “Look!”, we say, “at all we've accomplished.” Yet, anyone with a healthy perspective knows what we've accomplished is life diminished.

Technically Defining Life

The word “Life” is synonymous with “Rep,” to grow, bud, blossom, and bear like the tree, or as Repit the Ultimate One. Life is about repeating repetition of the Ultimate One, which is what happened when one became many within then became two. Repetition has not stopped since and continues up to this very instant. The initiate can see the Repit as Parent, gives birth to another form of self as the Repa, the Child. (BB 245/257)

In the umbilical Nile Valley, life was viewed as a way for motion to renew itself. Thus life and existence is about our own motions that renew life and existence. Since we know we can't renew our own life without contributing to the renewal of other humans and lifeforms, then we know all focus is supposed to be a simultaneous awareness of how the motions we do or don't do, to self or others, impacts life, existence and salvation of the whole total. (AE1 181/191)

As we continue to search, we always find an expansion of understanding. Many of us know “Ankh” means life. A simple expansion is that Ankh means “life that was, is, will be.” Thus Ankh means the before-life, life now and the after-life. No wonder the Ankh is a ubiquitous symbol in Egypt Kemet. Unknowingly, we use to more frequently greet each other with the following exchange:
“What it is? (First Person)
“What it was.” (Second Person)
“What it be like?” (First Person)
“You know, same ole same ole.” (NG1 436/454)

Be Like Ife

Back in Ancient days in Inner Africa, Goddess Venus was both female and male at the same time. Venus is called “Iye,” which comes from “Ife” which leads us to the word “Life,” This means Life is about the unity of duality and their simultaneous functioning. (NG2 8/16)

I am the Repa who repeats.
The life before, the life now and the life after, are the same life in different forms and stages.
Therefore, it doesn't add up for us humans to seek salvation via a life after, and yet, not seek to solve the inequality of the life now by consulting the life before.
Under no circumstances is salvation achieved in any religious/spiritual building or book or membership or ritual, unless that stuff translates into healthier and healthier relationships with self and the extended self of all else.

This life on this Earth is the workspace for working out sustaining the eternal life. Not by way of choosing an ideology, but by practicing what came before human ideology.
We don't get to skip over the temporary life of Existence, and leap back into the eternal life of Preexistence. And then when we arrive at the Black & Gold Gate, base our entry on human ideology. That's ghetto thinking.

We don't get to live in a diminished state of knowledge of self and then expect to be endowed with all understanding once we die and wake up on the other side. That's some serious restorative sleep.
Life and Existence is a two-way stream that flows in all degrees of direction around us. We have to give ife and existence now in order to get life and existence afterwards.

What we've learned is that life and existence is not based on gender, religion, spirituality, race, national origin or any other identifier that humans use in a suboptimal choke-the-life way.
Humans have thought themselves into an unperceived corner of invasive species logic we can be proud of because 'looka here, see my name, my culture, my flag....” On this basis we defend anti-life and anti-existence logic, mainly based on legal and illegal, which is the weakest form of thinking any human can do.

Preexistence, life before humans and the after-life, all three took care of themselves. One of our main understandings is how humans fit in without messing up what was already taking place that allowed us to have life and existence.

Bad news: the human problem has become the largest problem of most creatures on Earth.
Good news: the human problem is the Creator-Destroyer's problem who is climate changing the multi-level problem in truth, into a multi-level solution in truth. These changes are making it harder for the “bad guys” and easier for the “good guys.” Therefore, humans must continue to change in conjunction with changes taking place in superhuman dimensions. Our job remains unchanged: strive for improvements and help others do the same in regards to the basics of life and existence.

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