If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Eighth Elemental Feminine Composite
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1370


(Part 9jh of 11)

The eighth elemental feminine is the combination of four parts: (2 and 3 are from the 7th elemental. 4 is new.)
1. Soul of life in matter and soul of life in spirit energy of the first six elementals.
2. Soul of life in blood matter from the terrestrial circle called Earth. This portion of the element is the feminine principle hesmen (the masculine principle is hidden).
3. Soul of life in blood spirit from the lower celestial circle called Khekh 2. This portion of the element is the feminine principle (the masculine principle hidden).
4. Soul of life in blood of the ruling pole star from the upper celestial circle called Khekh 1. This portion of the element is the feminine RA as mother and impubescent son as dual. (AE1 323/333), (AE2 551/15)

These four parts are the 8th elemental as the mother Octava who is both feminine and masculine.

These four parts are also the 8th elemental as the impubescent Son (Aethiopian Sabean Sut). Later on, the impubescent Son, under the name of Tum, was not considered 8th. (BB 312/328), (AE2 629-31/93-95)

The fourth part above represents a half-step up from animal as beast to animal as human. The fourth part of the 8th elemental transforms the perfect beast into the imperfect human. This half-step consists of more free willpower and more genetic potential to consolidate understandings from the other elementals and creations. This, like all understandings, are for the purpose of increasing knowledge of self of the One.

Considering The Whole & The Parts

Zero plus Seven plus One equals Eight because Zero is the totality and Eight is also the same totality presented differently. The Eighth Elemental is the totality of Zero presented as Two Circles, one on top of the other as a figure 8. Thus we have the two lands in many forms such as uptown and downtown, upper and lower Egypt Kemet, upper and lower Utiopia, Heaven and Hell, Earth of Eternity and Heaven of Eternity...

The Eighth Elemental is simultaneously considered one elemental, and eight elementals. This is not surprising since Zero is simultaneously considered One & Many, Singular & Plural. No matter how the eighth is viewed, it is still the ogdoad or octonary or Octava or octogon.

Sem means to assemble ”All Souls.” Smen signifies to determine, constitute, make durable, fix, and establish the primordial eight elementals. The Eighth Elemental is the reassembly of all souls of the elementals. (BB 294/306, 312/324).
Thus we can now see a much earlier origin and meaning for All Souls Day which is sometimes called All Saints Day. All Souls Day takes place in October.

Sem and Smen are part of Hesmen & Semen, the feminine and masculine liquid essences and seminal* substances which contain the eight primordial souls of life, which further contain the 8 principles and characteristics of everything.

*Seminal is liquid original, causative nutritive root essence containing sameness and difference in eight forms.

The word “human” is related to SHU-MAN which has a form in HU-SMEN. This means humans were created by the eighth elemental, which is what we have shown above and in UC#1357. We are remembering more meanings behind the name human.

Closing Notes

Whatever elemental soul of life force was ruler of the pole star of the Solstice-Based Great Year (which has 7 divisions), was also the ruler of standing-ground, dry earth. The power over land and solid matter is passing from Ursa Minor Constellation to Kepheus Constellation, which is to say from the impubescent to the pubescent, which is to say from the children as human to the adults as human. Meanwhile, the power over waters is passing from Pisces Constellation to Aquaria Constellation, which is to say from the mother who gives birth to matter to the mother who rears the child in their spiritual, mental and emotional development while also nurturing them physically so they can manifest the fullness of their genetic potential. All of this is the universe and galaxy and solar system and earth, working out their salvation through their creations. This also gives those creations the understandings to participate in their salvation. (AE1 499/509)

Some of the names given to the ruling power of the Eighth Elemental: Octava, Octavia, Sut, Taht, Sut-Anup, Anup (AE1 321/331), (AE1 324/334, 422/432)

This is the end of the first and primary creation based on eight which was brought forth in two cycles of four with the feminine principle active dominant and the masculine principle passive recessive.
This is also the beginning of the second primary creation based on eight which is being brought forth in two cycles of four with the masculine principle active dominant and the feminine principle passive recessive.
This is also the a major point of transition between two double circles, double cycles.
This is also the transition from Aethiopian Sabean teaching (feminine out front) to the Kemetic teaching (masculine out front) (AE1 433/443)

This post is incomplete and needs corrections and clarifications that incorporate Masculine Composite of Planet Earth, the Feminine Composite of Planet Earth and the Universal Composite that is the origin of the Earth-born elementals

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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