If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Beauty, Belly & Belle Of The Ball | Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1499


(Part 9oc of 11)

We've just discussed the natural fact of the beautiful one giving birth to self as the beauty.
Beauty begins in the belly.

This of course begins with beau which is a form of bel, belle, bellus.
Belle is also spelled belly.

Beauty Based On Belle & Belly

In English, belle means to swell ; brew, boil. (BB 52/64)
Bu also signifies belly, womb, birthplace. (BB 481/493)

The original birthplace is the well as the abyss. This well swells and gives birth to seeds in the form of elemental souls of life. This causes universe, galaxy and planets to swell (gestate, ferment) and give birth (germinate, bloom). This is the same as the tree that swells with fruit and the female uterus that swells to form the belle (belly). (BB 498/510) (Churchward: Origin 414/510)

The well and the belly are mirror images. They represent the totality of source. (NG2 67/75)
Belly in the Nyamban language is memba. I wonder what the connection is to member and remember. The womb is the workspace where the universe is re-membered, recreated as another creation. This takes place by the logic being unpacked and recalled into existence. (NG1 126/144)

Reproduction is essential. The human female nature first showed evidence of reproduction by swelling in the belly. This makes the swelling belly one of the earliest signs of beauty, Beauty begins deep within the womb that gives birth to each creation. That beauty is based on the elemental souls of life. These are the beauties, the khuties, the cuties. (NG2 79-80/87-88)
By default, the full bellied tree, the full fruit and animal pregnant with fruit, all these represent the basic meaning of beauty. Beauty is based on reproduction and plenty. The first beautiful ones were the reproducers in the form of abyss, waters, earth, tree, pig, hippo, cow, human female. (NG2 282/290)

The beau, through transubstantiation process of pregnancy, becomes the belle. (NG2 79-80/87-88)

Beauty is in the place: the universe, the womb, the belly.
Beauty is in the person: the beau, the belle
Beauty is in the thing: the child, the seed, spirit-soul.

Moon As Belle Of The Ball

Once again the moon comes into play as a major cause of transformation.
Osiris is the sahu-mummy in matter of the soul of life in the sun. When the sun goes down, it becomes Osiris. Osiris reenters mother moon and is reborn as the twin moon of dual lunation (dark and light).
In other words, Horus the aging child, becomes Osiris, the father, who enters the mother Moon. The Moon becomes both father and mother. Now the moon can give rebirth to the twin souls of darkness and lightness (the soul of the polestar and the soul of the sunstar. Osiris contains the elemental seeds and so does the moon. These are the beauties. The moon is the belle of the ball. And so are all mothers. By default, since the beau is present in the belle. The beau, the father, is also the hidden belle of the ball. And by default, since it takes two beaus to make a beau-ti, the mother is also a beau. (NG2 284-5/292-3)

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Churchward, Albert, "The Origin & Evolution Of Religion," George Allen & Unwin Ltd., (London:1924)

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