If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Blood-Letting By Humans
Unity Consciousness #1505


(Part 9oi of 11)

Blood-letting performed by humans began as an act of releasing blood, usually to cleanse and purify. This came after early humans observed the pattern of females who, at a certain age, experienced periodic blood-letting, releasing it upon the earth. This coincided with other changes in the female which helped early humans realize the female had matured enough to reproduce. Humans had also been witnessing births that also involved blood-letting poured out on the ground. These are the basic reasons why the blood of females is the first form of blood-letting which informed other types of human blood-letting for the purpose of sacrifice, cleansing and purification.

A common theme of nature is its periodic manifestations. All forms of liquid essence in superhuman and human nature have a periodic flow. This includes the Nile inundation which is a form of releasing fluids as sacrifice that purges, purifies and refines. The Inundation is a periodic flow of the blood of Mother Earth, thus an inundation is a form of blood-letting libation-sacrifice that brings forth fertilizing waters of life. The mother, from within her womb abyss, gives of her blood so humans and other life forms can have life and have it more abundantly.

This is why earlier humans were voluntarily pouring out their blood or ingesting things to cause the release of blood. They witnessed good things come about after the pouring out of female blood and the blood of the human mother and the blood of the Mother when the Nile overflowed, and when Mother Earth rained from above causing life to blossom.
As a result, humans began to sacrifice their liquid essence more and more to encourage things they wanted and to discourage things they didn't or hoped to reverse or prevent. These libation-sacrifices of blood were made to and upon Mother Earth and to the souls of life. (BB 244-5/256-7, 301/313, 348/360)

Early humans often performed their blood-letting under the tree or on the rock as an altar. These were symbols of their first totems which connected them to the human mother, mother earth, all her creations and the souls of life in the elementals. Together, these four cornerstones of life provided humans with everything they needed. (AE1 285/295)

The tree under which libation-sacrifices were made was the same tree on which gifts were later hung as offerings. This is a clear precursor to Christmas trees and stockings hung on stone fireplaces. The root meanings of nature, through sign-language are still in use and still in vogue today at another level of awareness. On special occasions, early humans celebrated and so do we. We sign, dance, decorate with certain symbols and eat certain foods, especially certain animals, thus there is specific animal sacrifice associated with our traditions and holy day holidays.

Regardless of our awareness and intention, whenever a liquid essence flows, even if we are not the one who pours out the blood of the animal meat we eat, a libation-sacrifice is taking place because there is life in the liquid essence.
Perhaps closer to home is the natural fact that even when blood circulates within us, libation-sacrifice is taking place because the life in blood is poured out into the cells. This life comes from the libation-sacrifice made in the stomach and intestines. This life came from the life in the food that was consumed and converted digested. This life in food is poured out from earth, sky and sun into plants and animals. Each step of the way, libation-sacrifice takes place. Each step of the way we are still connected to and dependent upon the mother's womb for nourishing us with liquid essence. We are still connected to mother earth and still connected to the elementals.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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