If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Delayed Reaction Of Human Understandings
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1508


(Part 9ol of 11)

Human understanding is always a delayed reaction to what is taking place anywhere in the Universe.*
Everything in the universe was here before us. By default of our late arrival into this universal drama, human understanding must react to the Universe. Even when we are being proactive, we are reacting to nature that already existed.
Therefore humans have existed on Earth longer than the understandings we currently display.
We can use this as a gauge, so when we encounter what humans have produced, we will already know evolution and de-evolution takes time, yet humans must exist in a geographic location longer than the summation of their understandings as evidenced by what they produce.
Another way to say this is: humans are always seeking understandings from a retrospective perspective:
1. Because of our late arrival
2. Which causes a delayed reaction
3. Which cause delayed interaction
4. Which causes delayed understandings
5. Which causes delayed evolution and de-evolution in relation to the evolution and de-evolution of other creations in the universe.

This is true under both scenarios: (1) whether we are seeking brand new understandings or (2) whether we are trying to remember what we once knew. However, our failure to consider the delayed reaction when we are evaluating past accomplishments of humans has unintentionally further delayed our acquisition of brand new understandings.
The absence of these critical contextual considerations has allowed us to be sucked into a developmental matrix quite small, yet seems large, because our genetic potential has become “djindja in chains.”
This must be properly understood: What humans produce is a delayed reaction to what they understand, which is a delayed reaction to how long humans have existed.
Therefore, wherever we find any form of evidence of human existence, those humans had to exist longer than the evidences of what those humans produced.

Why? Because moreso than the evidences telling the story, it is the processes and stages it takes to produce the evidences.
If we encounter the existence of humans in a particular geographic location, and the timeframe for the conception, gestation, development, production and refinement of what those humans produced exceeds how long the humans existed, then, by default, those humans must have received their understandings from other humans in other geographic locations who have existed long enough to develop those understandings as they went through all the necessary processes and stages.

A prime example is the United Fakes Of I Am-Erica. The land called America, currently suffocated by Europeanized worldview, has only existed for approximately 300 years. That is not enough time to even conceive the need to develop “the alphabet,” let alone even develop an entire language. Therefore, the English language, as evidence of what American intelligence produced, tells us the understandings that produced the English language must have come from another geographic location.
When we apply the same open-minded logic to England, we also realize, however long England has existed, is not enough time to originate the English language. We must look elsewhere.

So then, how can Americans or other Europeans, without claim to the language whereby all of their other productions depend, lay claim even to those productions in their first instance of coming into existence?

Likewise the example extends to all other human groups.

We can use what we've learned in two ways:
1. When we know the timeframe of human existence in a location, we can compare it to the evidences of what those humans produce. This is a means of doublechecking the timeframe and the productions against themselves and against natural fact.
2. When we don't know the timeframe of human existence in a location, we can compare the evidence of what those humans produced to what it takes to produce them. Evidences are not just physical products, but also the products of thinking and behavior that produce, mental products, emotional products and spiritual products that allow physical products to come forth. This is a means of doublechecking by comparing and contrasting. This, of course, applies to #1 also.
Furthermore, “evidence” also includes evidences not produced by humans.

As discussed elsewhere in terms of evolution, there is rarely straight line development from start to finish. We know this is true when it comes to complex things, but it is also true with simple things such as understanding how to get fruit from a tree or a drink of water. This is so because we must also take into account many other factors and conditions such as the type, location and height of the fruit and the dangers involved. All of us have seen animals use different strategies to get a drink of water. Same for humans.

The process of trial and error (method of elimination) is long and slow, yet it is the surest path to the fullest understanding. These processes do not take place in plastic bubble-wrapped insulated vacuums. The acquisition of new understandings and the reacquisition of old understandings are always being influenced by other understandings we have. Any single context or definition in our possession can significantly help or hinder. When we consider this in light of the tens of thousands of understandings we possess, it's easy to realize how important it is to always seek to improve understandings about anything and everything, even if only a smidgen at a time. Unearned knowledge, especially knowledge acquired by theft, does not allow for the necessary appreciation for the proper use of that knowledge. In fact, unearned knowledge does not come with the layers of understandings that produce the end result. This fosters abuse of power and more delay of forward progress while hastening the self-destruct sequence. This is true as collectives and as individuals.

In defense of earlier humans deemed to lack achievement, including those not classified as homo sapiens, those humans were still humans just like us who had to come into existence and then go through a lengthy uneven development process, same as what we are doing right now. We are not greater than earlier humans or lesser, not smarter or stupider. We are the beneficiaries of the foundations they laid and deposited into the human gene pool. However a basic line of demarcation does exist among any human at any point in time who does not continuously seek understandings and/or does not do better once better is known. This applies to relationship with self, other humans and superhumans. Either of the two demarcations alone is the kiss of death because they both run counter to change. Therefore a mindset that attempts to maintain security via constancy without change, is a mindset constantly prick kicking against everything in the universe, thus becoming more insecure by the moment, which is evidenced by increasing mental illness and other forms of cancers.**

Lastly, by default of what it takes, understandings of anything else tends towards optimal as human knowledge of self improves.

This exposes the nature of those you trust. The intentional diminishing of knowledge of self taking place in societies worldwide, has led to unintended consequences mentioned above that are causing a further delayed reaction in forward progress of human understandings because we are resisting re-establishing healthy connections to the largest portion of human existence on this planet – our African heritage and everything those humans produced as evidence in some form or another in all human cultures today.

The superhuman Afra has already been coming out and is waxing pubescent, now follows the human.

*This also applies to the universe within self. Everything within us existed before our understanding of it. Every new thing or thought we take in, also exists longer than our level of understanding about it, indicates. Delayed reaction works to our advantage when we understand our position relative to all else. When we do, then we know to seek understanding in places they first existed.

**Cancer is cellular malfunction, but otherwise stated it is circular malfunction, thus the definition of cancer is broader than what the American Cancer Society is talking about.

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