If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Tawy: Two Lands of Khebt & Egypt
Monumental Age Of Egypt
Unity Consciousness #1509


(Part 9om of 11)

Double Earth Is Two Lands

The Earth we are on is also referred to as the Earth of Time. Surrounding this Earth is the Earth of Eternity. The lower portion of the Earth of Eternity is called Amenta, while the upper portion is commonly referred to as Heaven. See also Amenetta.
Earth of Time is one small circle contained within the Earth of Eternity which is a vastly larger circle. These are the two circles, the double earth, the two lands.
Some other forms are: (1) Egypt as South Karua Parent who became child and Egypt as North Karua Child who became parent; (2) Nile Valley as Egypt and as Nubia-Kush-Aethiopia; (3) Khent & Khept (upper south lands) plus Khebt and Kheft (lower north lands); (4) Egypt as Westerners and Easterners; (5) Within Amenta Below there is an upper land called upper egypt and a lower land called lower egypt; (6) Amenta Below as Lower Egypt and Heaven Above as Upper Egypt; (7) The circle of Earth and the circle of Heaven are commonly referred to as heaven and earth. These are two lands. (BB 34/46), (AE1 508/518), (AE2 637/101)

In terms of human understanding, although Egypt on Earth was named first, the Egypt in Amenta Below was finished first conceptually and became the basis for all of our most beloved religions of today.

Metaform & Metaphor Are A Form of Two Lands That Form Two Lands

A basic form of metaphor is darkness and lightness. Then there's polestar, moonstar and sunstar. One thing is two things is three things, but not always so, in human understanding. This explains why thinking and behavior, which is one thing in two parts, does not always function optimally. There is a learning delay, a learning curve so to speak, as we travel around the circle of space and time. This is the same as light delay that exists elsewhere before it reaches this Earth.

When the soul of life, as the Sun, travels full circle, it connects and unites the two Circles, two Earths, two Lands, two Metaphors, two Understandings, two Truths. This connection is on all levels spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically.

A very concise way of describing the process of uniting the two lands is as Horus (Jesus, the Sun) going through birth, death, burial and rebirth each day, each year, each great year. And in doing so, maintaining the continuity of life in all dimensions of the sun's kingdom. (AE2 782/246)

Even during the most recent declining phase of Egypt, Female Pharaoh Hatshepsu, understood Horus, the Sun, unites the two divisions of Egypt which allowed her to rule two lands on Earth, just as the Sun rules double earth. (AE2 788/252)

To summarize: When we hear Two Lands in regards to Egypt, we must remain aware there is more than one form of the Two Lands and more than one form of Egypt. Egyptians mixed metaphors. We do too because that's all there is.

Unity Of Understanding Is Required For Salvation Per The Need Incentive

Because the elemental soul of life called Horus, existed as one, then as two, then as four, these divisions of the circle (divisions of the land) must be reunited in some ways always, then in all ways some day, in order for the completion of all phases of the evolution and de-evolution of the Supreme Self.

Using what Apostle Paul said as a basis: He has made both one, and has removed dividing lines by changing behavior and laws in order to transform two into one by reconciling all logic to reestablish unity based on cross connections, which is the same thing as the circle connected in all aspects. (Ephesians 2:14-16)

Ruler Of Two Lands: Har-Sam-Taui

Horus, the soul of life in matter, goes by many names. So also does Horus, the soul of life in spirit. Each of these represent one-half. When these two souls of life go through all phases and complete the circle, they become one by virtue of being united in consciousness. Beingness, becomingness and beautifulness become one again. When this two-way by three-way holy kiss reunion occurs, Horus is now called Har-Sam-Taui, the united soul of life who unites two lands in all forms so they too can function as one for the effecting of eternal salvation of self and all else by fulfilling the need incentive for understandings. Har-Sam-Taui is the double Horus, the one who took primitive essence, divided it into double primitive essence, then recombined them into one ruling power over one united kingdom. Humans are metaphors of all this and so are all human groupings. Therefore when the King, the Prince of Peace, wears the double crown of white and red, so also do human Pharaohs wear the double crown in Egypt, and then in other lands, including one of the most recent, America of red, white and blue. Same is, same as. Sem-sem. (AE2 793/257, 797/261)

All of this sounds familiar when talking about Egypt on Earth, but now we must continue to remember all of this applies to all other forms of anything that is one thing, but is now divided into two or more things. This is the greater understanding, the greater mystery, that no longer need be inactive and unaccessed in our computing memory when we are processing logic.

Taui is a form of Uati. Uati indicates two waters. See “ua” and Khept elsewhere. Uniting Two Lands is ultimately a form of reuniting Two Waters of Nun. Thus Taui and Taua are a macro-duality of reuniting the Supreme Self.

Metaform Variations Become Metaphors:
As a Person: Horus Sam-taui, Per- Hōr-sema-tawi, Har-sma-tawy, Her-sema-tawy, Harsomptus, Har-sema-tawi, Maat, Mati, Mama, Ma, Shu, Ma-Shu, Anhur, Kepheus, Harmachis, Har-makhes, Hor-em-akhet, Tum, Atum-Iu, [insert your name here].

As a Place: tawy, sema-tawy, semi-tawy, [insert your location here]. (AE1 535/545), Spiritual Secret Behind Sema Tawy


Har-Makhu was the ancient name of united Horus of both horizons, both equinoxes and especially of double earth. (AE1 536/546)

I wonder if Hor-em-akhet is a name of the Sphinx on the East Side as it travels the upper portion of the circle after resurrection in spirit and matter, while Har-Makhu signifies the West Side as the sun travels the lower portion of the circle??

Hor-em-akhet means “Horus son of Akhet.” This can be said in the form of “Akhet as Horus.” Akhet means number one and the old first one. Thus Hor-em-Akhet is Horus, son of the old first one who is the only one. In other words, the old first one who is the only one is Horus. The old first one became one again when the father as Ptah was reunited with the mother as Apt. This occurred at the same time Amenta Below was created. Prior to this the Great Sphinx was created as a means of representing the means whereby the Sun was able to reunite two horizons, two lands, two truths, (NG1 189/207, 264-5/282-3)

Ptah Understands

Human understanding is described this way: Ptah, the Parent as father first, built heaven and earth, but there was no way for any soul of life in matter or spirit to return to heaven above because there was no heaven below to form a complete circle cycle. As a result, before the time of Ptah as Father, souls of life, especially that of the sun (the son of Ptah) had to take a detour shortcut around the mountain of Earth or through Mother Earth as cow or through the Great Sphinx. But when Ptah created heaven below, now the two lands were again united (in understanding). Now, as a result, human thinking and behavior had to go through stages to adjust to this understanding. (AE1 326/336, 333/343, 345/355, 406/416, 410/420, 412/422, 416/426).


The Metaform Supreme Being transformed self into Metaphors Supreme Beings. A common name for these metaphors are elemental souls of life or as Horus or as countless other names. The King became Kings because the Universe Kingdom was divided into Kingdoms such as Galaxies, Stars, Earths and so on. Everything is part of multiple kingdoms, thus multiple kings. As a small example, there is a king for every zodiac sign, a Lion King, Bull King, Water King, Scorpion King, and so on. The King of each dimension and period of time takes multiple forms in multiple locations as ruling power shifts around the circle as the soul of life goes through motions of transforming self through cycles. (AE1 343/353)

Since the current kingdom on Earth had been completed, thus perfected, what we have been experiencing for at least 13,000 years is the dismantling of the kingdom so a new kingdom can be established. This dismantling reaches into every dimension.

There is a uniting that fosters evolution and a uniting that fosters de-evolution. Likewise there is a dismantling, a breakdown, a falling apart, a decomposing process that fosters evolution and one that fosters de-evolution. All of these things taking place simultaneously because the Macro Kingdom is composed of many micro kingdoms. Some that will remain and some that will not, but all will be changed.

Long before Egypt of the Two lands united by Narmer Mena Menes, Egypt had already been united as part of the two lands of South Karua and North Karua. This was the uniting for evolution. The most recent uniting coincident with the most recent Age of Taurus was for de-evolution.

At some point during each cycle, one side of truth rules the vast majority of the kingdom. Then it changes and the other side gets its turn before the cycle can be completed. Who doesn't know the truth is changing? (AE1 419/429)

A major takeaway from the advent of Ptah is that this was the first reunification of the Parent as female and male in human understanding. This then is likely when the two lands as South Karua and North Karua formed the reunited Nile Valley. This then was under rulership of divine dynasties of Gods and Heroes, not humans. This is likely when King Scorpion prevailed because it was the Age of Scorpio.

I repeat: Narmer Mena Menes of approximately 4400 BCE is a human dynasty that took place after a battle during the Age of Gemini where twin powers were fighting for control and one emerged during the Age of Taurus.

The main difference is that King Scorpion was a battle in the heavens and was for evolution. King Narmer was a battle on earth for de-evolution that has produced one-sided logic, chief of which is patriarchy that suffocates every aspect of culture. We can know these things because after Ptah, the people proceeded toward perfection and optimal, whereas for thousands of years, we have been moving towards imperfection and suboptimal. (Diop: African Origin 204/345)

At the same time as the rise of Narmer, a new divine kingdom was already being conceived in advance preparation to reestablish the balance of the two truths.
The use of metaphor helps orient us in space so we will know whether or not something is talking about things in heaven or on earth. It also helps us know what time it is based on the stage (form) of the metaphor.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

Diop, Cheikh Anta, "The African Origin of Civilization: Myth Or Reality," Chicago Review Press, 1989 or non-searchable pdf format.

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