If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Galactic Circle, Unknown Region & Divisions
Macro Paradise-Heavens
Unity Consciousness #1454


(Part 9mj of 11)

The Universe is composed of many layers of circles including many galactic circles, many solar circles and many Earths. From this point forward, we are limiting the number of circles in the universe to:
1. Circle of Preexistence
2. Circle of Existence
3. Galactic Circle that contains the Great Year Circle, the Solar System Circle and the Earth we are on.

1. Circle of One Division is Preexistence, Amenta, Timelessness, Immortality, Infinity, All Souls
2. Circle of Two Divisions is Existence, Amenetta, Time, Mortality, Finity, Seven Elemental Souls
Together, these two circles function in cycles and seasons of two truths such as darkness and lightness. We know this because the Circle of Existence is divided into darkness and lightness, thus when duality exists, a cycle exists. This cycle is just like cycles of 24 hours, annual seasons and Great Year Ages. This means that at any given time, half of the combination of the first two circles of the Universe, is functioning under one set of conditions, while the other half of the Universe is functioning under a somewhat different set of conditions. It will be helpful to come back and forth to this message and the previous macro paradise-heaven messages as we go into much more detail describing the smaller inner circles of the universe, including this very small Earth in relation to the circles Earth is contained within. So I'll say it again, since this Earth is relatively small, if our perspective of Everything is limited to Earth, without using Earth as a metaphor for the above, below, self and all else, we are universally estranged and Earthly in a lot of trouble due to allowing our universal genetics to be limited to a small circle of awareness. (AE1 327/337)

We can use the above paragraph to understand the universe must flip the script on itself. It cannot allow rogue reasoning to continue for too long. The universe continuously flips the script in macro ways, called climate change and also in micro ways. Any creation in the way of climate change physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually will be flipped out of the way using a variety of methods and processes. For humans, it's a micro mistake individually to kick against the pricks, but it is a macro mistake collectively to kick against the khekh. Why, because the khekh can take any form at any time to fulfill the need incentive. The universe does not have to always go about things slowly and neither must it obey the extent of the natural laws we understand. We live in a stacked deck of circles that are being continuously shuffled and re-dealt in time and space and forms.

3. From this point forward, by necessity of details unknown, we are further limiting the Galactic Circle to three of the circles it contains. The Galaxy is a child of the Circle of Existence. It was formed from the union of the seven elemental universal genetics plus the eight principles and characteristics of everything. Each of the seven elemental souls of life have seven fundamental layers. We live in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way Galaxy is to the Solar System as Earth is to humans. (BB 436/448), (NG2 207/215)

Preparing For The Next Stage – Milky Way Galaxy

Once the Galaxy is born inside the Circle of Existence, the Galaxy becomes Amenetta Revealed and the Circle of Existence becomes Amenta Hidden. Then, once the Solar System is born inside the Galaxy, then the Galaxy becomes what is hidden and the Solar System revealed.

Use metaphor to understand more. One the child is formed it becomes revealed while egg-sperm becomes hidden. Then the adult becomes revealed and the child hidden. Yet and still, the same seven elementals and eight principles in us, that are hidden, are also in all other creations throughout the universe.

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2

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