If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

God Almighty: Mother Jehovah, Father Jehovah
Third Creation – Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1448


(Part 9md of 11)

Jehovah is the Supreme Being who is both male and female.
Initially Jehovah was viewed as female only who had seven sons, the seven elemental souls of life.
Then, during the Age of the Jackal, Jehovah became mostly portrayed as father or both father and son. This masculine representation of God Almighty took place at least 26,000 years ago with the Age of the Jackal because the change coincided with the change from the stellar mythology (prepubescent) to the solar mythology (pubescent). Clearly, the solar age did not start with the most recent Age of the Jackal. 3,700 years ago. (NG2 315/323)

Like all Supreme Beings, Jehovah is based on the seven Elohim which are the seven elementals which are the seven souls of life which are divisions of spirit-soul which is the essence of the One. The seven Elohim are the Baalim, Ali, associate gods and other names. This is another reminder that God has always been singular and plural. God is monotheistic and polytheistic. Monotheism is not new or better or more civilized than polytheism. Both are equally insufficient unless both are both. All Gods of all religions are both singular and plural, monotheistic and polytheistic. Human awareness of the nature of their Gods and Goddesses does not change the nature of those deities even when we try to put them in a box or limit who they are. (AE1 435/445).

What we have said so far is that Jehovah God is both Mother and Father. This is because Jehovah is based on Ptah who is also female and male. This same God has hundreds, if not thousands, of other names. (AE1 423/433)

What we have also said (again), is that God is Baal is Jehovah.

What we have also said is that Jehovah is not a new God, nor is Jehovah the God of white Jews or of the Jehovah Witness religion. Jehovah is a form of God that came out of African mythology, just like all other Gods and Goddesses. (NG2 4/12, 17/25, 73/81, 80/88)

A few of the other names of Jehovah are Sophia, Ptah, Baal (B'Jah), Jah, Ihuh(Ihvh or Jehovah or Huhi or Hehi), El-Shaddai, El-Elyon, Israel, Jehovah-Jah, Atum-Ra. Javeh, Yahweh, Brahma, Adonai...(NG2 48/56), (AE1 181/191, 498-9/508-9, 519/529)

There are three basic cycles of representations of the Supreme Being,
1. As female only.
2. As female and male.
3. As male only.

Jehovah appeared to Abram, Isaac and Jacob as El-Shaddai (the mother). The God of the current Abrahamic religions started out as female only, then appeared to Moses as male and female, then was later changed to male only. (AE1 435/445)

As shown elsewhere, the Israelites, Hebrews and Jews are African black folks in their origin. The whole bibles of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are about humans as black Africans. As discussed many times, that's the only way the Israelites could go into Egypt Kemet and hide out and the only way Pharaoh could not know Moses was not an Egyptian, because Moses' parents were Egyptians because they were Chaldean who were Kushite Aethiopian, same as the Egyptians. (AE1 498-9/508-9)

What we have said is what applies to most things. Africans, in the form of Europeans, Arabs, Chinese, India inhabitants and others, have taken their African culture and claimed they originated it and changed the historical players, even when those players were not human.

When Isaiah 11:11-13 speaks of all those different people, all those lands were lands of black folks, including Pathros which is Pwnt, the lake country which has thousands of islands. We touched on most of these groups, including the blackness of the Syrians, Assyrians. (AE1 501/511), (BB 34)

What we have said is there are multiple ways, besides genetics, of knowing that Polynesians, Chinese, Sumerians, Samarians, Phoenicians, Mexicans, Hungarians, English, Scottish, Greek and all other groups of people were originally black in their outward Africanness.
There has never been a bird fly so high, that it didn't have to come down for a drink of water.
Likewise, we must come down off our high horse of logic about who we are and where we came from and the gloriousness of our gods and Gods and drink from the waters of Nun. This will help us understand all things including the natural fact that all deities have been represented in a way we like and a way we don't like. For the most part, humans today have most earlier representations mixed up as to what they mean. For instance, Jehovah as male has been proudly symbolized as an ass, a donkey. This is why Jesus and the donkey are together because they represent God the Son riding God the Father. Go back and look at all the passages in your bibles about donkeys and asses and understand it represents the masculine power of Jehovah the Father or Son. (AE1 506/516)

Bottom Line: The Ultimate Authority by any name is still the Supreme Being. The Self-Created Preexisting One is not enlarged or diminished by human understanding or human representations. We know this. Just because we say God is water, thunder, or lightning, doesn't mean Jehovah is not mountains, plants and moons. So let's be sure to understand that whether or not we say there is a Higher Power or whatever gender or color or look that Divinity has, still does not change who Allah is or where Brahma came from or the need incentive that explains the fundamental nature of why we are here. And if we take the need incentive further, we understand why our form and other forms exist in certain locations for certain periods of time under certain sets of conditions.

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