If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Forty-Two (42) Admonitions To Maat
Third Creation – Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1445


(Part 9mb of 11)

The 42 Admonitions Of Maat come in many names, wordings, shapes, forms, fashions, sides, dimensions and number. All of these variations are a reformulation of One Whole Total Truth that divided into Two Truths and then continued dividing.

Although we use the term “Two Truths,” each of these are actually one-half of the truth.
All variations are only part of One Truth, thus they must be reshaped and merged to show how they equal One Truth. These variations must be pieced together like a puzzle and placed in their proper position and perspective so we can understand how all these different forms of the Truth, do not represent the Whole Truth, but instead represent a portion of the Whole Total Truth. This then prepares us for understanding how we get from One Truth to 42 Truths.

How Do We Get From One Truth to Forty-Two Truths?

Truth goes through a basic 3-step process.
1. One
2. Two (each is one-half)
3. One (the two are recombined back to one)

This three-step process of how the truth travels full circle is the same as:
1. One Parent
2. Two Parents (each is one-half of the One Parent)
3. One Child (the two parents are recombined, therefore the child is actually the One Parent, which is why the Child is the ever-coming One. Because the Child is the ever-coming renewal of Oneness in all forms. This is why the Child is the Savior because the Child is the Parent Truth in a different form in a different dimension.

So now we have a basic 3-step process that we have just explained from the perspective of Oneness and the Whole Total. Then we reach the stage of perspective where:
1. The 3-step process is viewed through the lens of one-half of the Truth as if that was the Whole Truth.
2. Then the 3-step process is viewed through the lens of the other half of the Truth as if that was the Whole Truth.

This totals 6-steps. Each of these six steps are manifested by 7 elemental souls of life. Therefore 6x7=42 (or 3x7 + 3x7). One Truth has now become manifested 42 different ways. Even as we move from one to two to three to six to seven to twenty-one to forty-two to eighty-four, we are still using a macro perspective of the Truth because there are many more forms of Truth that are all a smaller part of the Whole Total Truth.

Remembering Maat

What we just learned above can be applied quickly.
Maat as a goddess is only one-half of the truth. Maat is also a god.
Maat is both goddess and god at the same time when we use full circle perspective.

Truth Is More Than One Thing And More Than A List Of Things

There are many basics in life. Basically there are 4 levels of awareness. This message goes into a fuller discussion to avoid being another list without moving us towards a more optimal context whereby we can assess information in any form more optimally. It's past time for us to move swiftly into Bene So awareness and then mature steadily through the other levels of awareness.

Name Calling

On many occasions we've emphasized the importance of understanding names and words that are used to describe the same thing, yet not always describing the same thing to yield the same understandings. Sometimes the 42 Admonitions of Maat are called truths, laws, negative confessions, declarations of innocence, sins, transgressions, crimes, legal this and that, commandments, nguzo saba, rights of creation, cardinal principles and many other lists of rules and tenets to live by. Some of these lists are more complete than others and some are more intentionally incomplete than others.

These different names for truth take us back to UC#422, where we discussed how no truth, ideology, philosophy, culture or religion can be developed before the people actually live it for a long time. (This explains everything in current societies)
In order to develop a religion based on “love your neighbor as yourself,” the people would first have to have practiced that ideology as a natural part of their thinking and behavior for a long time – thousands of years. The practice of “love your neighbor as yourself” is not evident in cultures on the Asian continent or in their diaspora in Australia, South America, North America, and other lands. This is why we must go back further and farther into history to places where the cultural connection is to both of the Two Truths and not just to One-Half of Truth.

The 42 Admonitions To Maat were developed over hundreds of thousands of years all the way back to the Pwnt birthplace of Totemism, plants, animals, elementals and Primordials. None of these five things are well understood or respected in current societies worldwide. This is why current societies lack the basic cultural civilizing context for thinking and behaving in a “love your neighbor as yourself” kind of way. And this is why there is very little “doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Instead there is more “doing to you whatever I can do when it suits my fancy and infancy logic.” This is a suboptimal super toxic version of the essence of Maat.

We are now in the period of the cycle where everything is boiling back down to Two Truths. We are being redirected back to the basis of the Two Truths, the Primordials, the elementals and spirit-soul. Everything boils down to that which balances itself out when properly applied. The safari in the spiritsphere from heaven above to middle heaven to heaven below is part of that process. Each of these macro portions of the journey are made up of countless processes.

We are sankofa-ing, going back, remembering, khekhing and fetching, doing what we can to recognize and reckon wise the duality of same and different so we can be more optimally, more than one dimensional in all aspects of self as we move forward.

In order for this to happen, climate must change. Natural law and Natural order must be restored. This law and order is Maat at the superhuman level in a universal way. Current law and order in societies is Maat at the human level in a non-universal way. Even so, we are being rebaptized in many ways individually and collectively. Two truth logic is being reborn resurrected. The world is saved every time by two truth logic being restored as it passes from one truth to the next. This is the almighty lord, the sem-sem, Maat, spirit-and soul, the essence of truth. Maat is two truth balanced full circle logic that adheres to the understanding of spirit-soul as sem-sem as self-all else. This type of thinking automatically informs behavior that satisfies Maat, thus salvation. (UC#1424)

Two-Sides Of Two Truths

Another basic understanding to become aware of is the list below represents at least 84 things not 42. Each item below is two-sided. For instance number one also includes in the background on the other side the admonition “I have done right.” This applies clearly to all the folks who say, I am not a racist, but who have not done right in counteracting the racism they know takes place, not episodic, but continuous ubiquitous pervasive.

All 84 Admonitions To Maat could be summarized in many more ways such as “I have not wronged spirit or soul. I have done right by spirit and soul.”

Begin Moving Back Towards Your Whole Total Sense Of Self

Maat is not just something outside of self. Maat is you, me and all else. Maat is self. Maat is within. The laws of Maat and the Judgment Hall and Judgment Seat exist inside all creations. One way of knowing this is because God is everything and God is in everything and God is in us. Therefore, the laws of Maat are self-talk, self-rule, self-check. The laws are for the purpose of talking to self to remind self constantly of the proper thinking and behavior as we move about in the universe interacting with ourselves in different forms. Each person and each part of each person is judge, jury and executioner. Maat is a being, a location and a thing.

Every part of our bodies and every part of all creation contains a record that is being read and will absolutely meet justice in the next life if not in this one. Meanwhile ancestors and descendants are reaping what we've sown that is now revealing the hidden cancer in thousands of forms spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically that we thought was normal and healthy. More revealing of the hidden is taking place.. The superhuman is always working to move us through the process. Time's up for the way things have been on one side of the truth. We are in the Twin Truth Zone aka Twin Lights aka Twilight Zone.
The Two Truths in the form of 42 Truths are provided to help us remain aware of Truth in different forms so we won't get fixated on one form and think that satisfying one side of that one form is enough. That's foolishness, just like feeling righteous for not smoking marijuana while at the same time ingesting pharmaceuticals. Thus following the societal truth of not harming self while disobeying the universal truth and harming self by accepting the side effects of medication because it's legal and we think there is no better way.

Forty-Two (42) Admonitions To Maat

1. Hail, Usex: Strider, coming forth from Annu, not have I done wrong.

2. Hail, Hept Seset: Embraced with flame, coming forth from Kher-aba not have I despoiled.

3. Hail, Fentiu: Fentiu (The Nose), coming forth from Khemmenu, not have I robbed.

4. Hail, Am Xaibit: Eater of shades, coming forth from Qernet, not have I slain men: twice.

5. Hail, Nehaa-hra: coming forth from Re-stau, not have I defrauded the offerings.

6. Hail Rereti: Double Lion-god, coming forth from heaven, not have I diminished [oblations].

7. Hail, Maa-f Em Xet: Whose two eyes are of fire, coming forth from Saut, not have I despoiled the things of the god.

8. Hail, Nebat: Flame, coming forth in going back, not have I spoken lies.

9. Hail, Set Qesu: Breaker of bones, coming forth from Suten-henen, not have I carried off food.

10. Hail, Utu Neser: Shooter forth of flame, coming forth from Memphis, not have I afflicted [any ].

11. Hail Qereti: coming forth from Amentet, not have I committed fornication.

12. Hail, Hra-f Ka-f : whose face is behind him, coming forth from his cavern not have I made to weep.

13. Hail, Basti: Bast, coming forth from the secret place, not have I eaten my heart.

14. Hail, Ta Ret: Blazing legs, coming forth from the darkness, not have I transgressed.

15. Hail, M Snef : Eater of blood, coming forth from the block, not have I acted deceitfully.

16. Hail, Am Besek: Eater of intestines, coming forth from Mabet, not have I desolated plowed lands.

17. Hail, Neb Maat: Lord of Maat, coming forth from Maat, not have I been an eavesdropper.

18. Hail, Tennemiu: Strider backwards, coming forth from Bast, not have I set my mouth in motion [against any man].

19. Hail Sertiu: coming forth from Annu, not have I raged except with a cause.

20. Hail, Tutu-f: Doubly wicked, coming forth from Ati, not have I defiled the wife of a man.

21. Hail, Uaamenti: Double Serpent, coming forth from the torture chamber, not have I defiled the wife of a man.

22. Hail, Maa Antu-f: Looker at what is brought to him, coming forth from Per-Amsu, not have I polluted myself.

23. Hail, Her Uru: Chief of the mighty, coming forth from Amemt, not have I caused terror.

24. Hail, Khemiu: coming forth from Kesiu, not have I committed offence.

25. Hail, Seset-Xeru: Disposer of speech, coming forth from Urit, not have I inflamed myself with rage.

26. Hail, Nexennu: Babe, coming forth from Uab, not have I made deaf myself to the words of right and truth.

27. Hail, Kennememti: coming forth from Kennemmet, not have I caused grief.

28. Hail, An Hetep-f: Bringer of his offering, coming forth from Sais, not have I acted insolently.

29. Hail, Sera-Xeru: Disposer of speech, coming forth from Unaset, not have I stirred up strife.

30. Hail, Neb Hrau: Lord of faces, coming forth from Netchefet, not have I judged hastily.

31. Hail, Sexeriu: Sekheriu, coming forth from Uten, not have I been an eavesdropper.

32. Hail, Neb Abui; Lord of the two horns, coming forth from Sais, not have I multiplied my words upon words.

33. Hail, Nefer-Tmu: coming forth from Memphis, not have I harmed, not have I done evil.

34. Hail, Tem Sepu: Tmu [in his ] seasons, coming forth from Tattu, not have I made curses of the king.

35. Hail, Ari Em Ab-f: Working in his heart, coming forth from Tebu, not have I fouled water.

36. Hail, Ahi: Sistrum bearer, coming forth from Nu, not have I made haughty my voice.

37. Hail, Uat Rexit: Provider of mankind, coming forth from Sais, not have I cursed god.

38. Hail, Neheb-ka: coming forth from his cavern, not have I committed theft (?).

39. Hail Neheb-Nefert: coming forth from his cavern, not have I defrauded the offerings of the gods.

40. Hail Set'eses-tep: Arranger of [ his ] head, coming forth from [ his ] shrine, not have i carried away offerings from the beautified ones.

41. Hail, An A-f: Bringer of his arm, coming forth from (the double town of Maat,) not have I carried off the food of the infant, not have I sinned against the god of the town.

42. Hail, Het' Abehu: White teeth, coming forth from Ta-she not have I slaughtered the cattle divine.

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