If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, June 3, 2019

Is Your Current Context An Agreeable Life Sentence?
Unity Consciousness #1606


(Part 9qf of 11)

I heard a statement about a month ago, and I've been saving it because I knew I would be using it.
“I've lived long enough to had enough of white people,” someone said.
I add to it.....”and their socio-pyschopathic shenanigans.”

I've had enough of european logic that comes out of their worldview context along with all its definitions and meanings used in their suboptimal way of thinking.

For this next sentence, use your best high falutin; low class voice or your best stockholm syndrome voice, i.e., your racist collective voice or contorted bend over butt-kissing coonin' voice:
Well, you know we've made progress and progress takes time and things are better and it would be disingenuous to say there hasn't been any progress and I know we still have a long way to go but if we just work together.....”

Let me ask you this to see if you agree or disagree.
When you put an innocent person in prison, and you know you done done wrong, do you tell the person, well we realize our mistake, but it's gonna take a while to get you out, we're working on it, I'm sure you understand.

No, you don't do that. In a civilized world, you let the person out of prison. Not only that, you also restore the person to the degree possible to the condition they were in before they were unfairly imprisoned, including interest, fees, penalties and treble damages. All this to the satisfaction of the one who was wronged not by the supporters of the system that created the wrong.

When someone is wrongly imprisoned, you don't slowly move them into imprisonment by telling them to just show up and visit the prison at first, then stay on the weekends, then try a tuesday thursday schedule and then stay for a week at a time, and so on until you get used to it.

So in other words, when black folks were enslaved worldwide by white europeans and other groups, none of them slowly moved us into enslavement. We were not inched into becoming prisoners of your war against humanity and neither will you inch us out. That might be your plan, but it's not ours. We had to make sudden adjustments on the way in and you must make sudden “uncomfortable” adjustments as we rise up out of this mess, starting with the context of our logic.

If Trump can say whatever the hell he wants against humanity and still be elected to a job by a mob, then anyone should be able to say whatever the hell they want in defense of humanity and not be afraid of retribution at the hand of God.

Does the context your logic is based on give you freedom or not?

The only time you're supposed to be satisfied with that “we're making progress” logic, is when everything possible is urgently being done towards progress. The absence of urgency and persistence of effort to bring about progress is so long overdue, the credit score of societies should prevent us from giving them credit for a few things done here and there for a few people but never fundamentally to change the logic that enslaves everyone.
When we see that rapid movement, then and only then should patience be allowed, but only until the next moment or until Shiloh comes.

I've had enough of making progress and being worse off for the wait.. I speak in the form of I am we. For those who choose not to be in that number, I speak truth to light in the form of I am ME.

See Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's book, "Why We Can't Wait."

Another human can enslave you but your own logic makes you their slave and servant for life.
Only logic can save you or betray you.
For instance, when someone lies to you, it is a testament to their logic and a test meant for your logic.
To be fooled by a lie tells you several things in your logic need to be corrected.
The test is continuous, built in to your current set of conditions, whether you fix your logic or not.

Smile right along with those who wish you happy holidays, a good weekend, good morning and good day, yet that is the extent of the intent of kindness they display throughout society in every way that chokes the life in breath away.
Smile right along with beguilers, the defilers of the rights of creation.
And at the same time be working on getting creation right in your own mind.
Lest you remain numb to the wacky daffy duck mine all mine grabbers and black stabbers of your own participation.