As long as you can control the institutions, you can control the [thinking and] behavior of people. - Dr. Bobby E. Wright
If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller
We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba AniMonday, June 29, 2020
Africa Is Closer Than We Think
Unity Consciousness #2174
Unity Consciousness #2174
Africa is closer than we think in all realities.
Africa is closer than we think mentally.
Africa is closer than we think emotionally.
Africa is closer that we think spiritually. Sahara is part of Africa and is the Sekari is the evercoming ones is the elemental souls of life of Africa that is present in self and in all else.
Remix Of Justice In Progress & Process
Unity Consciousness #2173
Unity Consciousness #2173
Justice, for the most part, is not something determined by humans. Justice is not an annual thing, a local thing or determined event by event, case by case. Justice is determined by the spirits of guiding lights that feed Earth and Earthlings. Those lights being moons, planets, suns and other stars by the trillions are entities.
All this is to say, that despite what humans can do to legislate, adjudicate, administrate and get justice here and now, the entirety of justice and the pursuit of it and the understanding of it, is guided by the lights aligned to shine upon this solar system and this Earth.
In summary, justice is mostly determined by Great Year cycles and the specific Ages aligned with the Solar System. Different cycles of justice rule the universe in different ways in different seasons, which is the same as what is taking place during Earth's physical seasons. Same concept. If you want justice, you must do what you can do as a human in your season of life, including getting aligned with the seasons of Earth, Solar System and Galaxy. By doing so, you will begin to understand the dynamics of the Star Ages, which is next level evolution of awareness. This brings forth understandings of how each Star Age symbolism and power is continuously being put into place to remix justice and flip the script that will reset how many things work and remix reset our understandings of the same. Another way to understand justice is that it comes through Maat, the word that summarizes justice. Thus unpacking the logic of Maat is to unpack understandings of what justice is and how it works, dynamically. Maat in the form of the two truths of Aquaria and Kepheus are the greater truths affecting us right now on this Earth and in this Solar System and Galaxy. Human justice is influenced by Earth's justice is influenced by Solar System justice is influenced by Galactic justice. Maat, the mother of universal justice is ruling the galactic equator balance in the form of Aquaria and ruling the galactic polar stability in the form of Kepheus. Justice is a lot more than some humans deciding right and wrong and enforcing it willy nilly. Only a short season is given for such things. Under no circumstances can current human status quo logic remain in a position of power to mete out the new remix of justice. If fact, as has always happened, they will be the inheritors and benefactors of their own brand of justice when the Great Year turns the corner and finishes installing the realigned powers 2B. So far it doesn't seem like humans are doing their part to remix justice. This leaves the masses of humans vulnerable to a lot of troubles due to still not learning from all the warnings that the way societies are constructed is the wrong logic. This must be why, with each changeover of celestial empires and human empires, a lot of people perish in a variety of ways, many in a flash flood and many in a few week's time due to other forms of deluge. If you haven't read recent messages, all this is to say, quit asking other humans for justice. Other humans are not the main arbiters and determiners of justice,not not even in personal one-on-one relationships.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Celebrate July 4th & Attack On The System Of Racism
Unity Consciousness #2172
Unity Consciousness #2172
Why? Because I have yet to see the changeover from the trial and errors of the past. The world has gotten stupider and more deceitful since most people claim to not understand this. The Most Intense Heartfelt Description Of Racism I Ever Filmed Black people were always Super-Americans. We had to believe in America more than other people did....we had to believe the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments meant something....we had a very powerful faith in the decency of white people. I no longer have that faith. But we had it then and that was “if we could only demonstrate to white people how rotten this system is, most of them will change and the country will change very rapidly.” Nothing will change using the same logic. Logic must drastically change so behavior can drastically change so the conditions for Africans can drastically change, not piecemeal by attacking pieces of pieces of the system, but by attacking the entire system and culture. Start by opting out of July 4th Then get knowledge of history and knowledge of self and knowledge of other people and more knowledge about anything and everything as it relates to history, self, others and all else. Get understandings to help repair your logic, otherwise this protesting shit will fizzle quickly as more black people are being killed every day in the USA by white people. Meanwhile black people are settling for placations from white people that don't do nothing about racism because it doesn't dismantle the system or make recompense and has yet to stop the killing and other abuses.
Simple Truth Of The Current War & Combatants
Unity Consciousness #2171
Unity Consciousness #2171
To be brief, the combatants on one side are Africans, Earth and it's inhabitants, Solar System and its inhabitants, Galaxy and its inhabitants.
The combatants on the other side are those who are opposed to the health of the rising tide. We are now in the period of cycles where the odd man out are humans who are not aligned with the turning pages of the Star Ages. The war is a war of the gods, thus it is spiritual, galactic, Earthly and human.
Each of these dimensions has suffered injustices and is going to get some get back. As long as you recognize Earth is in the same war as Africans, you'll have a better chance of knowing what logic and who to align with.
As stated elsewhere, here's the most recent example of core foolish logic.
U.S. Army Rangers: Why You Can't Stop Them in a War (Period) According to these usa fools, you can't stop their marines, air force, navy, coast guard, space force, army, police, fbi, cia, dea, and so on. It's foolish because they think the war is mainly among humans and human technology. As long as you understand it's gonna take the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual to win this war, you'll not overlook the main weapons, tools, weaknesses, strengths of the combatants.
The proper orientation to each of these and the proper understanding of when and how to use them requires unity consciousness.White people think, that with their Space Force in the Usa, that they have their butt-crack bases covered against “alien” combatants giving them an unprotected brokeback enema. The remnant knows that it is one's own logic that is the greatest combatant and the most controllable force of war.
Unity consciousness not only combines the forces of the four inseparable aspects of self, but also the forces of other attuned humans and also a lot of the forces of all else that are readily available for us to make use of. Our enemies have undue power because we are giving them our power due to the disunity of our personal individual logic that causes our logic within us to be at odds within us.
Africans, repair and re-pair your broken logic and the war will swing to our our side along with all the solutions to defeat our enemies. The unity of our consciousness will combine and reveal all the knowledge of how to use the resources of self, each other and all else to help us defeat the combatants on the other side. It is that simple.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
More Vaccine Meme Mean Dream Of Fiends
Unity Consciousness #2170
Unity Consciousness #2170
Bill Gates and Microsoft have been banned in Russia. This is seriously preventing Bill Gates’ dream of vaccinating the entire world so he can track everyone. Russia is going to add Bill Gates to the blacklist along with George Soros and Jacob Rothschild. The entire scheme of Microsoft and the others is to take everything that we do, create profiles, and then sell that to companies to endlessly market stuff to us. If I am paying for a program like Windows, I do not want endless updates that are really phishing for everything I do. They are not satisfied with paying for a product. They much destroy all privacy for a buck. It is ironic that perhaps the only free countries will be China and Russia since the West has chosen to run into the arms of Gates and his consortium. Russia and China collapsed under Marxism in 1989. We are now faced with the second wave of Marxists determined to create a Marxist world despite the fact it has never worked. Guess what — they are right on time. The collapse of Communism was 1989.95; add 31.4 years, and we arrive at 2021.35 perfectly as we head into the Monetary Crisis Cycle. Putin is at least protecting the Russian people against the manufactured pandemic. There are about 9.5 million people who die every year from cancer compared to Bill Gates’ virus of fewer than 500,000 deaths worldwide. About 645,000 die of heart attacks annually. There are about 15.2 million deaths annually from various diseases. We do not hear about that every night on CNN delivering a daily death count. If they did, it would probably also change behavior. In comparison, Gates’ virus is overly exaggerated for the sole purpose of terrorizing people into complying with his agenda and to defeat Trump to usher in the New Marxist Green Order.Note: George Soros is a significant funder of Black Lives Matter. Yes I do need to say more. The entire scheme is not that which is stated above. The entire scheme includes depopulation of all people, especially Africans by any name and no longer useful racists.
Sahara Dust Cloud & The Evercoming One
Unity Consciousness #2169
Unity Consciousness #2169
I hope this year's clouds kill a lot of people by choking them to death and simultaneously fix the bugs in a lot of other logic.
Selah Ashe Heka Hiao Ra-Ise Kan-Aan. Come seek out the bad vibrations.
May these dust clouds enhance the vaccine-cure-healing-corrective effect of that which is being diffused through earth, fire and water outside earth, on earth and within earth.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Carelessness, The Rifleman & Africa
Unity Consciousness #2168
Unity Consciousness #2168
Pa, is it possible to lose a town?
Lose a town? Oh you're thinking about what happened with those prisoners last night, huh?.
Yeah, they could have taken the town away from us, couldn't they?
They could have taken it physically. Mark but they couldn't have kept it. Takes more than guns to hold a town. Naw son the only time a town, or even a country, is lost is when the people who live in it get careless and stop paying attention to how it”s being run.
You mean like the Roman Empire?
You up to that already?
Ms. Saturn started us on it last week.
Well then you know the value of studying your history. And you were a hundred percent right when you said like the Roman Empire. By knowing that mistakes people made hundreds of years ago, we can learn a lesson and profit by not making the same mistakes ourselves.
Well I hope so.
(minute 23:10, The Rifleman, Episode titled “Seven”)
(Adam 12) “There's always a first time for everything.”
(The Flintstones)
Free Nutrition Healing Abundance From Invasive Weeds
Unity Consciousness #2167
Unity Consciousness #2167
If you can boil it and drink the tea you can eat it without boiling (unless it's too hard or tough). Anyone who has been on this journey for a minute, knows how I feel about weeds.
One man's invasive weed is always earth's abundance and dynamic indicator of the state of balance in the ecosystem. Of course this balance includes humans and human influences. What we consider invasive is there for us as an opportunity to gain understandings to help us. In the mix with any of the following plants of natural abundance, you can boil ginger or any other item used for tea, including the skins and/or fruit of pineapple, skin of banana, apples, or any other fruit or vegetable you think would be a good mix in your tea. Tea is merely the essence of plant cells. This extract is mixed with the water we use in other to extract and consume the plant's nutritious essence.
Anything you like eating, that you think would taste good in tea form, you can and should experiment with it, especially with parts of plants we usually throw away. Decide for yourself what plants to use, how much and if your health situation is conducive.
The main concern is if you are taking man's maniacal medications. If you decide to move forward and make some of the teas below or any of the many others you can make from naturally growing plants in your vicinity, then start slow and small and slowly increase the ounces you drink daily and see how you feel. You should know something within the hour. Some of the invasive weeds I've eaten are dandelion, ramps, wood sorrel with yellow flowers, clover, poke salad, creasy greens and wild strawberries.
This year I have boiled and drank the following plants that are growing abundantly in my yard or very close nearby next door:
sourweed (japenese knotweed)
Knotweed flowering Knotweed shoots Knotweed stalks vine (lonicera japonica)
Honeysuckle flowering Honeysuckle leaves ........creeping charlie (ground ivy vine)
With this plant, variation is more common regarding leaf tint and leaf shape. Creeping charlie flowering Creeping Charlie flowering 2 creeping charlie flowering old (pollinated) Creeping charlie vine Creeping charlie vine 2 ......yellow wood sorrel
This plant pulls up easily but don't do it. Find the mainstem near the ground and pinch it off. This tea by itself is very tart for my taste, so I will combine it with something else. yellow wood sorrel ... yellow wood sorrel 2 .... yellow wood sorrel shade (growing in shade grows bigger with darker leaves and thicker stems
Plantains (Broadleaf and Narrow leaf)
broadleaf plantain ....... narrow leaf plantain . narrow leaf plantain 2 ... I boiled a combination of broadleaf and narrow leaf plantain, including the seed stalks and heads, and the taste was the mildest of all of those above. The leaves were neither young nor old, but old enough to produce seeds. Next time I will get a much larger amount to see if that makes a difference. The taste was almost nonexistent. If the taste remains mild, it can be used to mellow out yellow wood sorrel tea.
Wild Violets (This is not the same plant as African Violets)
wild violets ....... wild violets 2 ... wild violets 3 .... This plant also has a mild flavor but takes slightly more light fresh green leaves. The tea is dark green in color. The plant grows bigger and darker in partial shade.
Absinth Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
Also simply called wormwood, common wormwood and plain wormwood. Also loosely as sagewort and mistakenly as mugwort. Absinth wormwood is not to be confused with the leaves on wild geranium or several varieties of buttercups, including creeping buttercup.. Wormwood tea is said to be very bitter. Some say you should drink a little. Some say you can drink three cups per day. Its benefits are numerous. Wormwood also comes in a variety called Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia annua or sweet annie). This variety is also an antiviral and is also specifically used for malaria and covid-19 treatment. I suspect Artemisia absinthium also has similar healing properties, even if not by the same chemical mechanism. As far as I can tell, the distinguishing difference in identifying the artemisias, absinthium and annua, is that Annua has many smaller, finer leaves whereas absinthium has far fewer and larger leaves. I found one Annua plant in my yard. Why Artemisias Are Important for Health All things considered, I have chosen to drink one-half cup of wormwood tea cold or room temperature without sweetener, per day as supplies are available. Perhaps I should do the same with wood sorrel. Perhaps one-half cup of each, each morning. I could either mix them when initially making the tea or afterwards. wormwood ....... wormwood absinthium leaves . wormwood annua leaf . wormwood absinthium 2 .../ What is the difference between absinth artemisia and artemisia annua? Artemisia annua leaves are also not to be confused with the leaves of yarrow. 10 Herbs That Kill Viruses and Clear Mucus from Your Lungs wormwood +tea There are plenty of youtube videos on all these plants that will provide a better view of how the plant looks. oh yeah, if I get sunflowers to grow, I will also be making sunflower tea.
Interestingly, the beloved plant, kudzu, is also edible.
Use your smartphone to actually make you smart. Search any plant with the word “uses” or “benefits” or “medicinal” or all three.
The lesson for all these naturally growing perennials is that they are highly adaptable to many types of climate conditions, thus they have variations in some aspect of appearance under different conditions.
Poisonous – Do not consume the plants below. Too risky. Learn to identify and reckon-wise
Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus Repens)
not the same as:Hairy Buttercup (Ranunculus sardous) or
Hispid Buttercup (Ranunculus hispidus) or
Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus) or
Tall Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) buttercup ranunculus repens .. buttercup three leaves three petioles .. Creeping Buttercup Roots .. The buttercup in my yard is closest to creeping buttercup and has a long stem that lays down with only three leaves at the top. Multiple stems originate from one point at the base of the plant.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
The Greater Debate Within Self
Unity Consciousness #2166
Unity Consciousness #2166
The judge is God! Why is he God?
Because he decides who wins and loses, not my opponent! Who's your opponent?
He doesn't exist! Why does he not exist?
Because he is merely a dissenting voice to the truth l speak!
(From the movie “The Great Debaters”) This re-presenting of the quotes above is in no way saying that we Africans should engage in verbal debate of the truth, of justice, of freedom or of reparations with our enemies. In case you haven't noticed, those people are insane. No, the debate is within self, which then informs us as to the necessary and correct course of actions.
Listen to the entire movie again.
Innerstand what it takes to win. The movie, The Great Debaters, is a precursor announcement of what has always been urgently necessary and is still urgently necessary now!
I debate no one on this universal law. It proves itself as the epitome of self-evident. Africa is the truth the Great Year speaks.
All dissenting voices are merely fading echoes. Once you know the truth, you also know what must be done.
13 Points Of Balancing Problematic Vine Borer Imbalance
Unity Consciousness #2165
Unity Consciousness #2165
The Vine is the Lifeline, the expressway for the liquid essence, the essential goodness.
Through the vine vein comes all nutrition, all understandings necessary to feed the plant so it can grow. Through the vine and the vein I bore back to two previous growing locations that were two different growing sets of conditions. In one location and set of conditions, I had no vine borers and in the other I had plenty. In one I grew large pumpkins and a variety of other squash. In the other, I could barely get one harvest before death by vine borer occurred. (I wasn't into constant surveillance and triage). Through reflection, I see significant differences in the foundation, infrastructure and fundamental approach of those two growing locations, thus I suggest the following solution, deterrent and mitigation in handling the business of the borer. 1. Continue maturing in eco-sense. This is the summary of all the points that follow. All the points that follow are bits and pieces of what has been discussed in numerous messages. Pretty much then, everything below is redundant. 2. The problem starts with our understanding of why there is a problem in the first place. Simply put, something is out of balance that balances vine borer population. 3. Allow naturally growing plants to coexist in your yard garden farm. 4. Understand that your yard, garden or farm are all the same thing. 5. Encourage birds to nest in your yard by providing what birds need, including establishing the conditions that allow birds to know your yard-garden-farm is good, safe nesting and foraging ground. Nesting birds such as robins, sparrows and songbirds will hunt for food from sun up to sun down and most certainly catch that vine borer moth in the act. We must do everything we can to earn the trust of birds by training ourselves to be the steward-caretaker-caregiver-guardians we need to be, so a more diverse community of plants and other life can flourish and be nourished in/on our yard-garden-farm. This then will allow us to also be nourished and flourish in the cycle of return.
6. Do everything you can to support healthy soil.
This includes keeping the soil covered with naturally growing plants and plant residue, including leaves. Woodchips are good, but leaves are much better for everyone involved. Consider how many natural environments are covered in wood chips and how many are covered in leaves and other plant residuals. This goes back to the birds, leaves and plant residuals, such as branches and old plants provide materials for the birds and attract more insects.
9. The problem with vine borers exists somewhere in our broken logic of how to restore balance. Most of time we are not even thinking in terms of “the problem is imbalance, not the vine borer,” squash bugs, slugs, Japanese beetles, grasshoppers, potato bugs, cutworms, not powdery mildew, not fertilizer, not squirrels, not chipmunks, not crows, not groundhogs, not deer, not mice, not snakes, not rabbits and so on.
So for instance, in dealing with deer, the problem is not the lack of a fence or deer netting, but rather the lack of sufficient deterrents, distractions, alternatives, balancers. 10. Seek to understand the pre-human truth. Somewhere in the world, there must be other plants that vine borers feed on. If not, then the vine borer would be a parasite that kills its squash hosts and never allows them to develop mature seeds and reproduce sufficiently, thus the vine borer would have been in constant decline slide to self-destruction extinction. 11. Vine borers are not the problem, but rather are a symptom that is part of a larger syndrome of symptoms caused by a fundamental disease, i.e., a fatal flaw of logic that then deforms the rest of our logic which causes our behavior to conform to an abnormal set of conditions that we call culture or way of living. This culture way of living is filled with goo gobs of problems, yet we are not aware our culture way of living is problematic. 12. Much has been said about the components of an ecosystem eco-sensible mindset reset. Try to disturb nature as little as possible and leave well enough alone. Minimize your human footprint in your yard-garden-farm. If your yard looks like your human hands did the most noticeable and most significant work, you are disturbing the ecosystem way too much, thus disturbing the balance, thus creating problems. 13. Your farm garden yard should mimic and mirror the natural environment as much as possible, thus so must your understandings of self and all else. Grow yourself and grow all else. 14. 06.21.20 Update: There are so many things nature does that we are forgetful of. An ecosystem is more beneficial than not. I was just reminded of something I had already observed years ago in another garden I was apprenticing in. Ants are definitely insects that eat other insects. We can attract them to our plants with food scraps and with food jars that have a little residue left in them such as peanut butter, syrup, honey, jelly and so on. Feed the ants and help them multiply. A youtuber reminded me that ants eat vine borer larvae. This makes sense because I've seen ants attack and eat live insects and drag dead insects into their ant nest. So I think it would be worth it to place sweet things near squash plants to keep ants coming around and that way they will likely catch and eat the vine borer larvae before it gets too far. This is still an ecosystem approach because it feeds ants using food stuck in jars that we'd otherwise throw away in a trash bag. Be certain to understand that ants eat a wide variety of food that we throw away, not just sweet things. I also observed ants carrying away fingernails and toenails. Observe where ant nests are and do not disturb.
Friday, June 19, 2020
Rain Love Pattern Rhythms, Fanfare & Marchers
Unity Consciousness #2164
Unity Consciousness #2164
1. I love it when it rains so softly you can't hear it, and often can't see it falling as if all the clouds are slowly dripping. You must look elsewhere to know it's raining or you just have to be outside. 2. Then there's the rain that sounds like a steady urgent marching like a long shower. 3. Then there's the rain that pours down in forceful sheets as if trying to rapidly fill a swimming pool with a fire hose. 4. Then there's the wonderful wonders of electricity called lightning and thunder that can accompany any of the three types above. I get more excited when it rains in bunches of days, often more than once in the same day. It is reminiscent of the equatorial rainforests of a much earlier birth.
Fast forward to today and now I am in a part of the world categorized as Zone 6b. Here it will rain for a seven to ten day period once or twice a month. During this time there is no more than two days of no rain. This is largely due to the enormous amount of trees in these mountains of West Virginia. See trees and rain. Water in the form of rain is a signal and catalyst. Rain's rhythmic patterns must coincide with a multitude of life cycles moving to the next stage. Of course, one of those stages is germination (birth, rebirth, awakening). All this is to remind us that it is a good general rule to plant seeds and seedlings, bushes and trees when it is expected to rain several times. Every season and sub-stage has its signs, patterns, rhythms and listeners who march to the fanfare that often escapes human attention. These rhythms help us move spiritually in sync. Whether or not we are trying to plant plants, we can benefit from the advantages and avoid the worst of the disadvantages of periods of frequent rain if we learn to read, heed, align and march with rain's rhythms. As stated several times, none of this blog is a grandiose soliloquy just for the beauteous sound of words. Layered in every message are many messages to help us gain understandings and to know what to do right now. You can't get the nutrition you want and need if you depend on someone else to do the planting, harvesting and making it available to you. Begin planting things on all levels so you can control your own nutrition. The trees of all societies are long in the tooth, declining and dying due to inner rot of cancer. Your society has never been healthy. And if you don't know this by now, you will never ever know this. And the rain patterns will be the least of the things you'll miss.
Trial & Error
Unity Consciousness #2163
Unity Consciousness #2163
1. Trial Error
2. Error Error
3. Trial Trial We've forgotten the “trial-error-correction education process” and the trial-error-assessment-adjustment process and the repeated experimental practice process. Current worldwide protests are the weakest form. They are mobilizations on behalf of dismantling racism; however these protests do represent organization on behalf of sustaining racism. In other words our lack of organization helps racism strengthen its organization against us. Symbolic gestures and speeches and laws and statue removal are traps that we continue to walk into just like a good prey should.
Meanwhile more Africans have been killed, kidnapped, hung, abused and arrested since this recent spate of protests related to George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. To achieve a penny's worth of statue removal gain in exchange for more death pain and no plan to stop our enemies from killing us, causes protests to serve more as an antagonist that puts us into disorganized danger while thinking we are achieving something significant that is going to lead to dismantling racism. We haven't boycotted a damn thing except immediate African unity and Africa First & Foremost Now & Forever! The problem and confusion with the current mode of protest action is shown by thinking defund the police is a good strategy instead of defund America. More confusion is shown by thinking that kneeling is a good symbol when kneeling is what killed George Floyd and kneeling to pray has weakened us wholeheartedly. What will it take to move us from trial and error?
All I can think of is knowledge of self.
This will help us move from sick and tired to healthy, energized and organized. But perhaps it's meant for worldwide masses in every group to go down with the ship due to being unable to repair broken logic. Africans keep repeating the same ole protesting methods and getting the same ole results, same as the symbolic gains that came out of the Civil Rights Movement in the USA.
We are very good at Trial, Error, More Tribulation, Protest.
We are on another path of extended failure because we are not being strategic in all we do and don't do.
Stop waiting on the masses. The masses won't move until individuals who know better, do better. Do what you should individually and in smaller groups. The masses are stampeding out of control and will soon tire and end up with more casualties. This is exactly what has happened since Rodney King, Trayvon and Floyd and the dozens killed in June 2020 at the hands of the same racists who have set multiple traps and we keep putting ourselves into them and demanding freedom.
We keep avoiding the necessary next step to keep our enemies off our backs and necks.
The African group has long since been in trouble and should not be followed until the group begins to repeatedly consistently do whatever it takes.
We still haven't figured out what “just us” means. This is perhaps our biggest trial and error. You cannot get justice from people whose definition of justice is against us Africans as a matter of GP, their general principle and their God Principle. Our trial and error goes back to our understanding of context, definitions, meanings, asili. All of this is part of knowledge of self and knowledge of all else, both of which are inseparable because they are the same damn thing, just like any other tandem or trinity or foursome and so on, no matter how many times divided.
07.08.20 Update
"It was a serious strategic error to promote defunding. It is also a mistake to believe that cities will abolish the police..." [I say the mistake was knowingly made with the help of fiends that look like us and those who do not]Thursday, June 18, 2020
Police Reform Is Deformed Thinking
Unity Consciousness #2162
Unity Consciousness #2162
The police, government, businesses, legal system, education system, sports and more, are one. You can't sufficiently fix any part without fixing them all.
That's why racism is systemic in and endemic to all institutions and aspects of many cultures. No, neither can you reform America.
America will always be what it was born to be. Until she makes her transition into the next life known as the urn of history, ashcan of history, trash heap of history. The USA is like a tree standing tall but rotten to the core and filled with decomposers.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Practice Does Not Make Perfect The Way You Think
Unity Consciousness #2161
Unity Consciousness #2161
Whoever or whatever we consider to be the highest power, then that person, entity or being must also be the expert of experts. This is true even if we don't think of it in those terms. The two truths always apply, thus there are good and bad experts.
An expert achieves a desired result with a high level of consistency.1. Everyone and everything has been an expert in many ways and still is an expert in many ways.
2. Spirit-soul is the expert that makes all things possible, including expertise. Consider this is how an ecosystem with a high level of consistency was achieved through one word or one big bang, then followed by repeated experimenting.
We also already know there are many names for the expert of experts. All cultures have multiple names for their highest power.Since English, via degrees of separation, is blurrily based on Egyptian, hidden in English is Egyptian just as Ta-meri is hidden in America.
One of the names of Spirit-Soul in Egyptian that has survived in English is Amen. The only way for an expert to achieve desired results with a high level of consistency is through repeated experimenting. This understanding is mostly obscured in our use of the word “practice.”
No! Practice does not make perfect.
Repeated experimenting makes perfect.
No! Practice does not make experts either.
Repeated experimenting awakens experts.
The universe is what it is today due to repeated experimenting via the supreme scientific method. The supreme scientific method is the difference between repeated experimenting and practice.
This is beautifully expressed by merging the expert with that which the expert is and does. Experiment is expert + imen.
Imen is Amen.
Experiment is also E-spirit-men. Noun and verb are the same thing just as are person, place and thing, and just as are the thought and the behavior and each part of the truth. These words started out the same, and this journey is about reacquiring that understanding through repeated experiments of various configurations and combinations of spirit-soul. Experimental includes al (el), the highest and el the elemental souls of life, and el the elemental physical. So No! Practice does not make perfect but perfect practice does awaken and remember what's perfect when perfect practice matches experimental practice. That looks something like hypotheses thoughts, trials, errors, understandings, adjustment corrections, trials, errors, understandings, adjustment corrections, desired results, hypotheses thoughts.
Experimental practice is the approach and process that taps into the full range of genetic potential for a given area of manifestation expression by an organism under a given set of conditions. This is what the expert of experts, spirit-soul, is doing and what all creations are doing and what most humans are doing to a lesser degree than their capability.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Who Put The Panic In Pandemic?
Unity Consciousness #2160
Unity Consciousness #2160
Dem Has Many Variations
A few are: dam, dim, dom, dumPanic is that which is all spirit-soul, the totality of Being.
The harmonious form of panic is to be all in concert with spirit-soul.
The disharmonious form of panic is to be all out of sorts in spirit-soul such that you think have nothing reliable to rely on, no not even the ecosystem to save the many splintered thing you call life. This second form of panic, the disharmonious kind, leads to regularly scheduled panic attacks as slow-motion processes continue to mature into emergencies. This is so because we've been trained to remain disconnected from all our sensing abilities, thus we wait for those anointed as expert in sensing abilities to tell us what's what and when normalcy is over and emergency exists and what to do under both scenarios.
Everyday all day, when supposedly no emergency exists or no pandemic exists, people are still panicked about “making a living”, surviving, paying bills, making ends meet, keeping a job, finding a job, relationships, going to school, growing up, deciding what to do, wondering who they are and so on and so on. The arrhythmic sick form of panic is a pandemic that precedes other emergencies, epidemics and pandemics in the society.
Panic occurs when lack of understanding causes lack of preparation which then meets change that was predictable if there was proper education.
We've been living with acceptable levels of rampant sickness, and now have the numb nerve to be scared that a virus is going to kill us as if we care about our lives so much, we show it by what we put into our bodies. Contractions abound to keep us more lost than found. It's a contradiction to panic about the pandemic called COVID-19. We should be more concerned about our own logic and the logic of all the crazies assuming they are the automatic autonomous authorities of all spirit-soul. We've been living in normalized crisis mode for hundreds of years. We have caused almost all of it, thus we love the crisis and panic we cause and control but don't like it when it's out of our control, especially when it comes with an assist from superhuman nature. This then causes us to fear Africans and nature in general because we know nature is more than a formidable foe that lays low all human bravado. And this is why our enemies need guns and all other sorts of weapons and need mass collusion. It takes all that to try to hold all spirit-soul back. Yet both forms of panic are still coming to every damnation. It won't be covid-19 that is gonna do you in. Disharmonious panic is a sign of chemical imbalance and imbalance in general and elemental imbalance. Endemic to systemic pandemic is the intent to activate your ready to go panic button. Tell you it's a pandemic and you will do anything, including full enslavement, to preserve your neglected life that you have otherwise endangered thousands of ways by going along with the ill-logic of your society, bartering all your spirit-soul, so now of course you feel a loss of control. Why? Because you have fallen for hidden panic-producing dems to which you have given over all your understanding. You've fallen for democracy and the academics of the academia of the academy.
You condemn and demean the wrong damn things. Yesterday, I jokingly asked a store clerk if they had any marijuana and they looked at me in shocked uncomfortable amazement, despite the growing legality of marijuana. We fallen for demagogy, the political activity and practices that seek support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.
We have allowed the demolition crew of demons who demonstrate their faith to deputize us and demonize us. This has demoted us from full godship to demigods and finally to the village of the be damned. We do not know how to rightly divide the word of truth. Thus we fail at demarcation.
Knowledge of self is in a dementiated state of pandemic across all demographics.
We have personal modems but still haven't learned what we should from the internet and spirit web.
This then is the greatest threat to our demise and the only thing that will indemnify us and provide redemption.
Along with panic, wisdom is also at wits end.
Call Me Becky, Not Karen, Mother Of All Racists
Unity Consciousness #2159
Unity Consciousness #2159
Cry Baby Karen
“ Call Me Becky, Not Karen,” says Becky-Karen, “because calling me Karen is hurting me more than calling me Becky.” Karen is Ka-ren. One of the meanings of Ka is to call and cry out, as when being born spiritually or physically or reborn in awareness through naming. This crying out is also a death cry of the spirit heading towards the other side. Crying is Kaing is Karring is Kalling is Calling. You must be name-called if you are to exist. You must be name-called because you exist. If not named individually, you take on the name of a larger collective you are part of that has been named. In response to the pathetic cries of terrorists, redundantly speaking, another crazy-ass white person has spewed logic that don't make no damn sense. Because racist females are caught on public display of their racist roots, they throw their shit up on the wall and cry foul that calling them Karen is racist and sexist. Do I need to debunk what is junk logic and full of powdery mildew funk? Suffice it to say that calling someone a dick has never been called out as a sexist or racist terms because it would be ridiculous to do so, however, crying Karens do not understand their re-dick-ulousness.Understand Karen Before You See It
Ka-ren, means " the name of the spirit." or "to name the spirit." It is similar to Pa-ren-t as in Parent. Also as in children. Thus Karen also means REN which is renewal and making young. Karen is a duplication of spirit that is a prototype archetype. Karen is a collective group name, thus identity. This is how we are using it now to name a group of Becky's. Ren is also akin to Rem. Re-search to rem-em-ber. Ka is Kha and is part of the s in TS.Of course Ka has many other forms such as Cha and ca as in chaos, change, call.
Ka also has forms such as Quo and God. Actions and behaviors name themselves. They misname themselves when they come out of a suboptimal context.
In the case, of nigga or nigger, as discussed elsewhere, those words suffer from the psycho-sociopathic misunderstandings, misspellings and mispronunciations; thus those words are in the vicinity of truth but still totally miss the mark. Karen, as manifesting through racist white females and wannabe females, is the public face of an already long since mature rotting spirit. What was hidden and narrowly defined is now showing its true ugly savage terrorist face in every shape, form and fashion.
The Kha of Aqua-ria and Ke-pheus is shining new light, revealing what has already been there and calling out Ka-ren spirit of the Jac-ka-l, the outgoing Age of Wepwawet. Karen is the mother of all living racists, and being a Jackal-ass(istant) will follow the path of the Jackal. Karen is the female, but only in the sense of female out front and male hidden or lesser revealed. Karen is the Pa-ren-t who gives birth to the logic of racists and nurtures that logic close to the breast incessantly, whenever the child is hungry for knowledge of self, but there is only racist milk to feed them. Becky, you are Karen, the Dickhead, the Jackass of the Jackalass. You have conferred your own name upon yourself. We recognize it and give you credit, calling it as we Bene So see it. Karen, you are not okay. Everything you give birth to, keeps you on public display. I'll repeat what has been said above.. Karens are responsible for the birth of and continuation of racism logic, whiteness, manifest destiny, plausible deniability, qualified immunity and other such ideology. The evil demented genius is the white woman and like-minded wannbes. They are the power behind the racist throne. To them that are utilizing their abilities to keep themselves from falling, let them reach out and teach the nearest one that wants to be saved. Consider the simultaneous dynamic connection of the Ka to Co-lin (Ka-lin) Ka-epernick. (kep, khep, kepher, kephera, kepheus, Ka-fri-ka, Kap-ri-ka, Kape-ri-ka).
Karen Is A Form Of Karem
The Creator yearns to create, to release spirit-soul in another form for the purpose of gaining understandings. Each time word is born, spirit-soul called Ka, calls out, weeps out, cries out, comes out, tsreams out, streams out, creams out, djreams out, dreams out. The Ka Screams, ka-reams, ca-reams, creams out. Ka + Rem forms Karem, then eventually, Karen. Racist Karen in human form was born out of the Racist Karast in Star Constellation form out of the spiritual shift that shifted Nile Valley Mythology and Egyptian Christianity into many forms of current religions including Christ in all colors except African Black.Karen Is A Form Of Egypt
Miriam (Egypt) was transitioned through Moses who took them to the promised land, then Aaron ruled the Ka-naan. Miriam was the female spirit out front in name and also ruling Egypt behind the male throne. This location was shifted into Asia with the same dynamic and then shifted to Ka-merica with the same dynamic. Now the female spirit of Karen is tired of being a closet racist in the background and wants a piece of the pubic racist action even as the racist female spirit is fighting suffocation from their males. And this is why they are all screwed up and crocodile tear crying. Karen is a form of Egypt just as America is a form of Egypt.07.03.20 Update
What's behind the crying, screaming 'Karen' meltdowns that keep going viral? Experts explain I'm surprised that this white author was able to hit some very important points; however, I would love to see an article from an African-centered author in the same field as this author. We can be certain to gain some different deeper plainer perspectives about white people and their racism and about self and about all else.07.05.20 Update
Karens are pissed because they and their spirit never got to rule during this cycle and now their time is up along with their masculine spirit and males. And so now they are acting out in numerous ways including the #metoo movement.According to their standards, the financially poor among them and the middle class are also pissed because they did not make it to the next level as they thought they could and should. And this is why they hate any non-white person who achieves anything. It highlights their self-failure and the inherent weakness of their privilege. Even billionaires among them are falling from grace out of the untouchable class because the ship is sinking and even those who paid the most for their tickets on the Racist Ship, are being tossed overboard and denied lifeboats and life jackets. Soon enough the police, military and other law enforcers will incur the justice they have handed out, this coming from their own people.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Mandatory Vaccines A Deadly Goal Of Control To Stop Revolution
Unity Consciousness #2158
Unity Consciousness #2158
Ashe (ah-SHAY), Heka (hay-KAH), Hiao (hee-AH-o) Abosom (Ah-BO-som), Egungun (eh-GOON-goon), Nsamanfo (n-SAH-mahn-fo),
Nun/Ptah/Atum, SÅ¡3t, TÅ¡w8t, Khepera, Sehkmet-Ra, Mami Wata Sirene Oshun, Obatala, Nehanda,
Amen, Yebo, Na-na-na-na Selah
It has been written, spoken and heard, so now let the legions emerge and converge and purge the scourge.
May 13, 2020
The above article was published on that date. May 13, 2020 was ...1. 20th Wednesday.
2. 20th day of Ramadan Some of the top news stores in the USA on May 13th 2020?.
1. House Democrats unveil new $3T relief bill with aid to states, direct payments to Americans 2. Twitter employees can work from home forever, CEO says 3. Black woman shot and killed after Kentucky police entered her home as she slept, [Breonna Taylor] 4. Trump Celebrates 'Two Great Congressional WINS' in Wisconsin and California
5. Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down ‘Safer at Home’ extension 6. Fauci tells Congress 'no guarantee' the coronavirus vaccine will be effective We should not wonder why the mandatory vaccine article is not listed as a top story. The media sources most relied upon by the masses, will never tell you what is most important. You will only be told what will misdirect your focus. Time To Unite Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds To Reuters Fact Check on COVID-19 Vaccine Genetically Modifying Humans
Friday, June 12, 2020
Can't Stop Talking 'Bout The Pure OD Okie Doke
Unity Consciousness #2157
Unity Consciousness #2157
There's an interesting dynamic taking place with all this public display of outrage by celebrities, popular people, well-known people. I'll divide this into three groups.
Black People
1. I wonder if the black well-known people have always felt this way and have spoken out but it has not been widely reported? 2. I wonder if this later group of murders and the protests have reached another level of critical mass for another group of Africans worldwide. 3. Of course there are the popular blacks saying crazy shit. 4. What now happens? Will the noise continue and there be silence no more? Is this the extent of difference this time while Maafa racism remains fully entrenched? 5. In the timeline of the greater year, what is happening now is part of the process. In the timeline of the lesser year, we know humans could dismantle racism in a few short months if they wanted to. Likewise humans could walk away from their society logic if they wanted to. No one is forced to participate in racism, it is a continuous choice. 6. So I wonder if this outcry by the well-known is a false flag or a baby step instead of some large scale shift in consciousness. 7. Understand clearly that there are more non-well known Africans than well-known. We must not depend on what or who is popular. Those who do will wilt in the wind at critical moments. 8. Africans who are ass-kissers deserve whatever hell they catch from the asses they kiss, especially when they no longer want to pucker up. 9. Colin Kaepernick back in the NFL is a bad idea unless there is deep structural change including the compensation structure, hiring of personnel and the NFL's dealings and influence on college and high school football. The NFL, a bunch of white male sickos, must stand up to their sicko fans and employees. This ain't gonna happen. So what benefit is it to the greater good for Colin to play? 10. It is deceitful to say BLM is achieving change, when they don't show up until a black person is harmed and many others step out first.White People & Their Wannabes
1. I wonder similar things. Have these momentary linebreakers always felt this way and just been scared or that deeply asleep and enfeebled by miseducation and other forms of malnutrition? 2. Why now? Is this sustainable or is it knee-jerk or is it sense enough to do what it takes to dismantle racism as if their asses were on fire in a crashing plane? 3. Interesting how many who have publicly spoken against the interests of Africans are now, in this one moment, doing the opposite? 4. Interesting how all of a sudden there is swift punishment for saying the wrong thing, and slightly swifter for doing the wrong thing. This is on a piecemeal individual basis and not on a systemic institution basis. 5. Interesting how, despite swifter retribution, many racists are still saying things that they know will provoke outrage. What's really going on? Are these things being staged and played for your entertainment and distraction? It's not so important that we get people fired because another one will take their place because they breed them like maggots. It's more important that we destroy the system that creates their logic and boldness. Thus the punishment must extend to the group in order to achieve change. Fire the group from getting your resources. 6. Why should Africans be glad that white people are admitting white privilege? As long as we know the truth and what to do with it, that's what's most important. Who gives a shit if a criminal admits their crime, they're still guilty. 7. George Lopez and Jimmy Kimmel are card carrying racists. 8. Julianne Moore, Kristen Bell, Sarah Paulson And More Encourage White People To Call Out Racism In NAACP’s #ITakeResponsibility Campaign. I am not impressed by these people or the NAACP. Africans have been calling out racism since day one. If you really called out racism you would never have a minute's rest of breath for the rest of your life. The okie doke is that people are still being programmed to think of racism as events, instances, individuals, soundbites instead of ever-present, ever-active, all-encompassing, leaving no racist free zones anywhere, not even in African homes.Symbolic Gestures Abound That Amount To Bullshit Rebranded
How do these things change Maafa Racism? 1. So what if Clemson removes the name of one racist from a college (John Calhoun). Is Calhoun the only racist in a supposedly non-racist school? Definitely not, Not back then and not right now. So is this a victory? I guess so. 2. Starbucks relenting in the face of a boycott is not the same as repenting. This is actually the consideration and measuring stick we should give to everything in this message. 3. I can see how, out of all this, more people can see the power of working together to create some change, thus what if we stayed the same course on the much large issue and not relent for a second? 4. People kneeling in support of a misguided BLM movement is just plain stupid and insulting, but it is who they are, can't be mad at them for that. 5. GMA firing Jessica Mulrooney. Somebody needs to fire Gayle King and boycott Oprah's ass along with a whole lot of news reporters who are so purely racist, they can't hide it for a second. 6. There are so many stories about people and companies being called out for racism as if it's unique, new or just realized. None of that is true. It's a disservice to the dismantling of racism to treat any racist incident as singular. No matter how many racist incidents are reported or people punished, it won't amount to one percent of what is taking place. But a fool believes much progress is being made. 7. In the case of Ice Cube, leave it up to the Jews to always cry Anti-semetic. They are pathetic and top zionist racists. 8. The fake news report that George Floyd and Derek Chauvin were at odds while employed together is part of a long term setup to program the jury for Chauvin's kangaroo court circus performance called a trial. 9. Why are Africans not boycotting all the sponsors of Fox News and their other programming? Black Live Matter would never tackle anything significant, and in fact, I suspect many of these events and apologies are planned to create false achievement. And even if unplanned the achievement is minuscule. 10. Evidently the Olympic Committee doesn't give a damn about black lives. Of course not, neither does the global population. 11. Be certain all these supposed victories due to protesting are soft targets of things that racists really don't care about but you do. No flag, statue or symbol has ever killed anyone. It takes current terrorists. 12. What kind of job will a person take in exchange for their soul? Why do miserable people hide their actions behind a job? Because they are not proud of who they are so they gain pride in doing a job that harms others. 13. All these companies telling people they can't protest but yet encourage them to protest for climate change and how wonderful it is and blah blah bullshit. 14. I hate it when things said in the lamestream media gets everyone's attention more than the same thing being said for decades by Africans and in African media and the everyday effects of racism taking place that everyone is aware of in some form. But I guess this is necessary since the masses have been programmed to follow the wrong people, so now perhaps it will help them free themselves by seeing these things admitted by the sources they trust. Perhaps the two Lords of the Rings have more merciful plans for the masses by giving them another chance to redeem their logic. I was once as lost and highly susceptible to many forms of okie doke smoke, so much so, I had OD'ed and didn't know it. All day every day in every way we are being offered tokes. Just say Nope.
What Happens When Predator Or Prey Change Ways?
Unity Consciousness #2156
Unity Consciousness #2156
What happens when when one bee becomes sick and tired?
It might sting us, but it dies or we swat it away.
But when all the bees decide they've had enough, we either get stung to death, hurt ourselves trying to get away and if we live, we think long and hard about messing with bees. Even if we come back and destroy that hive, we will leave well enough alone when it comes to bees, thus preserving our well-being and changing the behavior of generations. From ants, to gnats to mosquitoes to locusts, we see all kinds of animals attack back when they are being attacked. It's time for more of nature to do the same thing against humans. That which is taken advantage of and preyed upon must flip the script of logic.
The smallest organism can defeat the largest, or at least push back hard enough to keep the largest off its back. It's not enough to be sick and tired.
We must also be healthy and energized and organized. Which animals successfully fight back?
Those who have one identity and see themselves as one collective regardless of their individual differences. And this is why the antelope, zebra and others, hang tight because they know they are in the same plight and fight. They don't fight each other because they understand themselves enough to know they are not their greatest threats. There is a type of virus that works and weaves its way through populations selectively. It will not tarry where it is unwanted and unwelcome and unbalanced. This is the first commandment selective infectious love of self and hate of all else.
In other words, it not the presence of coronavirus of the hating kind that's the problem but rather the absence of the coronavirus of the loving kind.
In other words we have too much parasitical predatory virus logic in us and not enough symbiotic communal beneficial virus logic in our upper layers of subconsciousness and consciousness. Understand clearly that antelopes run because their survival is not tied to one who is supreme. Bees fight back because they understand the queen is supreme and must be fought for at all costs. The African Queen is Africa the continent and Africa the Spirit of the Most High, Most Low and Most Broad. Until we recognize our lives and fate and all generations is one life tied to the Supreme Seed that gives birth to variations of self, thus gives us, the ambassadors of the almighty, the supreme authority to fight to live as we please we merely live barely and mostly dangerously careless in the midst of predators.. Understand clearly that predators cannot change their behavior in a non-predatory way. They must be a predator in order to survive. Any instance of a “tamed” or “domesticated” or “civilized” predator is an anomaly. Most are closet predators on well-behaved pubic display who still feed on what predators eat. As remembered elsewhere, the wolf adopted sheep's clothing only after all other deceptions no longer worked. Thus predator changed its ways and look what happened.Human lions make other lions their primary prey. There's something deeply flawed within them that is an abomination worthy of damnation. Prey is not born to be prey. That's why they at least run or hide or try to protect themselves in various ways, including looking out for each other and sounding the alarm. An organism that is a true prey would welcome the predator as if they created the predator and can reshape predator logic. This makes them easy-please me prey because they neither fight nor take flight. Instead they invite. And on the other hand, quickly dislike each other. Strengthen yourself watoto on nutrients that nurture the logic of what you need to be right now in the short term in order for you to be what you are destined to be in the long term, not just in this life, but through the duplication of your total self redeemed through changing your ways. Only a well-trained prey says to the predator, let's put our differences aside and work together or show me some respect, apologize, give me justice. I am that which I am invoking the spirits of Anansi and Brer Rabbit in their sick and tired, healthy, energized and organized, Africa and Diaspora forms to plague us in our sleep. Africa, Come Forth! By both Day and Night. Predators currently rule doublespeak in the weak and we are the ones of double sight, the might with which to defeat all predators who seek our life, but whose bed is the Book of the Dead.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Depression, Hallucinations & Protein Plaques
Delving Deeper & Broadly Into Dementia Syndrome
Unity Consciousness #2155
Delving Deeper & Broadly Into Dementia Syndrome
Unity Consciousness #2155
1. Factors that are likely to play a role include:a) genetics; changes in the brain’s neurotransmitter levels; environmental factors; psychological and social factors; additional conditions, such as bipolar disorder 2. Depression is almost twice as likely to affect women than men and tends to have different contributing causes in women than it does in men.
a) Contributing factors in women include reproductive hormones, a differing female response to stress, and social pressures that are unique to a woman’s life experiences.
There are a multitude of genetic, hormonal, psychological, and social factors that come into play when citing the cause of depression in women. b) Biology and Hormones
Biologically speaking, depression runs in families – with scientific evidence that some genetic makeups are more prone to depression, whereas some genetic makeups are more resistant to it.
Issues with pregnancy, fertility, perimenopause, menopause, and menstrual cycles increase women’s risk factors of developing depression. Most of these are due to hormonal imbalances and rapid fluctuations in reproductive hormones. c) Psychological Causes
Women are more prone to psychological causes of depression than men. With a tendency to be more emotional, women are more likely to rehash negative thoughts during bouts of depression. While it is a normal response to cry, talk with friends, and rehash why it is you are in your depressive state, research has shown that ruminating about depression can cause it to last longer and even make it worse. In contrast, men tend to distract themselves from their depressive state – which has been shown to reduce the duration of symptoms. Additional psychological factors that tend to affect women over men are negative body images and stress-induced depression. Women are more prone to stress than men because their increased levels of progesterone have been shown to prevent stress hormones from leveling out. Negative body image issues usually begin in adolescence and seem to be correlated with the onset of puberty in women. d) Social Causes
Coping skills, choice of relationships, and lifestyle choices affect women differently than men. As a woman, you are more likely to develop depression from marital or relationship problems, work-life balance issues, financial troubles, and stressful life events, including the loss of a loved one.
Depression is diagnosed by first ruling potential underlying medical conditions and medications that might be to blame.
Common side effects of antidepressant medication include Nausea, Headaches, Sleep disturbances [These make depression worse and contribute to Dementia Syndrome symptoms] e) Depression in women can have misdiagnosis rates as high as 50%. f) In addition to medications and therapy:
Don’t keep your feelings bottled up –[yet the society is filled with many messages to tell you only put on a happy face, smile, look on the bright side, don't be negative, etc.]
Exercise regularly
Get enough sleep [medication works against this] 3. Major depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. 4. A lot of the logic above has holes in it and doesn't hold water. It shows that everything connected to the medical industry is a big guessing game with misplaced aim, blame and gain.
1. Similar to my take on who's crazy and who's not, here's my balanced take on hallucinations.If someone is considered sick or otherwise mentally ill just because they are seeing things that are not there (visual hallucinations), then so also should someone be considered sick or mentally ill for not seeing things that are there (dissociative rose-colored mental blindness). In other words, if someone is considered sick for seeing things we can't see, then aren't we also sick for not being able to see something that someone else can see? No, I'm not talking about hallucinations, I'm talking about not being able to see the truth, the lie, the okie doke and many other things obvious to someone else, such as the causes and effects of Maafa Racism's nonstop onslaught. Bottom Line: In societies, when you are in the minority, you are considered abnormally sick or abnormally genius.
In civilizations, both the minority and the majority are continuously assessed to understand if it's one or the other or both.
The ultimate solution (pure understanding) is often a set of variables and/or a set of sets of variables). 2. Visual hallucinations have numerous etiologies.
Numerous hypotheses have been suggested to explain the cause of visual hallucinations. : psychophysiologic (i.e., as a disturbance of brain structure), psychobiochemical (as a disturbance of neurotransmitters), and psychodynamic (as an emergence of the unconscious into consciousness). Visual hallucinations can be the result of all 3 processes, given the interplay among disturbances of brain anatomy, brain chemistry, prior experiences, and psychodynamic meaning. To date, no single neural mechanism has explained all types of visual hallucinations; however, the similarity of visual hallucinations seemingly associated with diverse conditions suggests a final common pathway.. a) Irritation (e.g., seizure activity) of the primary visual cortex causes simple elementary visual hallucinations, while irritation of the visual association cortices causes more complex visual hallucinations.
b) Lesions that cause deafferentation of the visual system may lead to cortical release phenomenon, including visual hallucinations.
c) A multitude of lesions can cause this loss of input and inhibit other cognitive functions. Of note, visual hallucinations may be induced by prolonged visual deprivation. There is strong support to the idea that the simple loss of normal visual input is sufficient to cause visual hallucinations.
d) Finally, due to its role in the maintenance of arousal, the reticular activating system has been implicated in the genesis of visual hallucinations. Lesions of the brainstem have led to visual hallucinations (as in peduncular hallucinosis). Further, visual hallucinations are common in those with certain sleep disorders, and occur more frequently in those who are drowsy. The observation that visual hallucinations occur more frequently in those who are drowsy (even in the absence of frank sleep pathology) suggests that the reticular activating system plays a role in visual hallucinations, although the precise mechanism has not yet been established. 3. Conditions That Can Cause Visual Hallucinations
a) Psychosis (schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder) - While the majority of hallucinations reported in primary psychotic disorders are auditory, they may also be visual, olfactory, tactile, or gustatory.
Visual hallucinations in those with schizophrenia tend to involve vivid scenes with family members, religious figures, and animals. The hallucinations are usually described as colorful and involving normal-sized people and objects. 4. Delirium is a syndrome that involves an acute disturbance of consciousness as well as a diminished ability to sustain attention, is caused by myriad medical conditions, metabolic disturbances, infections, drug effects, and intracranial processes. It is often manifest by symptoms (e.g., hallucinations and delusions) that are suggestive of a primary psychotic illness. Among those with delirium, visual hallucinations are the most common type of hallucination. 5. Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is the second most common form of dementia after dementia of the Alzheimer's type. Prominent symptoms include parkinsonism, visual hallucinations, and cognitive fluctuations. Visual hallucinations occur in more than 20% of patients diagnosed with DLB.[This is low, thus not an indicative symptom]
The visual hallucinations in DLB involve seeing objects move when they are actually still and seeing complex scenarios of people and items that are not present.
b) Visual hallucinations also occur in up to half of patients with Parkinson's disease. These hallucinations are similar to those in patients with DLB, and can range from seeing a person or animal to seeing more complex, formed, and mobile people, animals, or objects. DLB and dementia associated with Parkinson's disease are “more similar than different” and noted that the major difference is in the timing of symptom onset (with motor symptoms preceding cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease and vice-versa in DLB).
c) Posterior cortical atrophy is another neurodegenerative syndrome associated with visual hallucinations and parkinsonian symptoms. The chief pathologic features of posterior cortical atrophy are neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques similar to those seen in dementia of the Alzheimer's type but with a distribution limited to the occipital and parietal lobes. Patients with posterior cortical atrophy may present with visual agnosia, anomia, apraxia, and features of Gerstmann syndrome. Neuroimaging typically reveals atrophy of the bilateral occipital, parietal, and posterior temporal lobes. 6. Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS) involves the occurrence of visual hallucinations in the visually impaired. Any cause of visual impairment (including macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, cerebrovascular disease, and tumors) may be associated with CBS.
b) The visual hallucinations in CBS have been described as clear and detailed; they often involve people, faces, animals, and inanimate objects. While patients may initially be unaware that these images are indeed hallucinations, one of the hallmarks of CBS is the eventual development of insight regarding their visual hallucinations. 7. Anton's syndrome is a rare condition in which patients with cortical blindness deny that they have visual loss. 8. Seizure-induced visual hallucinations have often been described as simple, brief, and consistent for each patient; they usually consist of small, brightly colored spots or shapes that flash. Content of the hallucination may be distorted in size or it may suddenly change shape, moving from a lateral field toward the center of the field of vision. Those that remain isolated in 1 visual field suggest seizure activity that originates on the contralateral side.
b) Since occipital seizures are frequently accompanied by a postictal headache, they may be difficult to distinguish from migraines.
c) While neurologic literature indicates that visual hallucinations associated with seizures are simple, there is a growing body of work that describes complex, formed visual hallucinations as ictal, peri-ictal, and intra-ictal phenomena. These symptoms may occur as part of a broader ictal psychosis that may feature delusions and paranoia, and may be indistinguishable from a primary psychotic disorder, especially if the seizures are of the complex partial type. The occurrence of complex visual hallucinations as a symptom of epilepsy can be a point of disagreement between neurologists and psychiatrists. 9. Migraine-induced visual hallucinations can be a classic aura of migraine as well as a less common manifestation (such as migraine coma and familial hemiplegic migraine). 10. Peduncular hallucinosis is characterized by visual hallucinations that arise following an infarct of the midbrain. The mechanism has been difficult to pinpoint since the literature features a wide variety of lesions. Lesions may involve the cerebral peduncles, but most often involve the reticular formation or its targets. 11. Sleep disturbance-induced hypnagogic hallucinations are visual and auditory perceptions that occur during sleep onset, while hypnopompic hallucinations occur on awakening. 12. Drug effects
a) Many drugs are labeled as hallucinogens because they alter perceptions, although true hallucinations are perceptions in the absence of any actual stimulus. 13. Tumors that lie along, or compress, the optic path may cause visual hallucinations. 14. Inborn errors of metabolism.
a) A handful of inborn errors of metabolism may cause visual hallucination. 15. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a fatal progressive neurodegenerative illness caused by central nervous system prion infection. Prominent symptoms typically include fatigue, anxiety, and personality change, with progression to dementia, ataxia, and myoclonus in the later stages. Symptoms of CJD may also include visual hallucinations. 16. How Can the Etiology of Visual Hallucinations Be Determined?
a) Given the broad variety of potential etiologies of visual hallucinations outlined previously, it is clear that an accurate diagnosis is required before effective treatment can be initiated. A thorough history and clinical examination are the most vital elements of a workup for visual hallucinations. An EEG is potentially the most revealing diagnostic study, since it can not only highlight seizure activity, but also detect delirium and CJD. An MRI might also help.
Protein Plaques
1. Protein plaques are a buildup of protein in certain areas of the body, including the brain. This is fundamentally caused by cellular malfunction which then results in disorders such as cancer, metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases and more. As always multiple processes and cell structures are involved. This includes endosomes, lysosomes, golgi appratuses and a host of other mechanisms in human cells to recycle amino acids and proteins. 2. Some researches think a cellular machine, called FERARI (Factors for Endosome Recycling And Retromer Interactions) might be responsible. 3. Some researches think a cellular component called the proteasome is responsible.. 4. “Proteasome inhibitor medication already exists and is currently being used to treat some cancers.” 5. Medication (toxins) are always implicated as causing disorders because that's what side effect means. Depression, hallucinations and protein plaques are common to many syndromes and diseases, yet these things are used to try to pinpoint a disease and prescribe a medication. This is the end game – to drain the person while draining their pockets and insurance money. The drug industry is the tail that wags the dog of the medical industry whose corrupt heart and soul are universities and their government parents. These messages are not about trying to understand these topics so as to become an expert of suboptimal logic, but to allow our spirit expert to show us that the logic of the experts we are following is deeply flawed and so are we for following. Humans in societies have a fundamental disconnect between their cellular homeostasis and the ecosystem, both being the same thing in different forms. We are earthlings of a Human Earth. If not, then stop saying Mother Earth. Stop saying man was formed of Earth. And if Eve is the mother of all living, then that makes her Mother Earth. And since humans were made in God's image, that makes God the same as Adam, Eve and Earth. There is only one way out of our death spiral and it does not involve relying on medication or other lifestyle methods put forth by madmen and madwomen who will do anything to avoid starvation, yet starvation is who they are starved of the essential goodness, thus starvation is their M.O. Magnum opus modus operandi.Sankofa to Sankhemet and Horus-Chem, Lord of the land of San and the new Sandemic authored by the New Age iterations Aquaria and Kepheus and the others at six more corners..