If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, June 12, 2020

What Happens When Predator Or Prey Change Ways?
Unity Consciousness #2156


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We shall use the lion as an example, but the lion is not the epitome predator.

What happens if any animal, as a collective, pursued by the lion, decides they are sick and tired. Then that animal waits until the next time the lion succeeds in killing any animal. Then that animal, let's say the antelope, waits until the lion has eaten his fill and is sluggish and sleepy. Then all the antelope bumrush the lion and trample it. They don't need to kill the lion, only injure it. The lion will either die or think twice about attacking the antelope. The antelope need not wait for the lion to attack, because the lion surely will. The antelope can simply monitor the lion, any lion, and when they are distracted and attacking one group, the antelope picks off the younger lions one by one. This is in fact what the lion is doing. There are no one-sided rules in nature that says prey cannot become predator and that the prey must protest peacefully, except when a fool believes.

What would happen to the predator? We've already seen the answer played out through nature every day.
What happens when when one bee becomes sick and tired?
It might sting us, but it dies or we swat it away.
But when all the bees decide they've had enough, we either get stung to death, hurt ourselves trying to get away and if we live, we think long and hard about messing with bees. Even if we come back and destroy that hive, we will leave well enough alone when it comes to bees, thus preserving our well-being and changing the behavior of generations.

From ants, to gnats to mosquitoes to locusts, we see all kinds of animals attack back when they are being attacked. It's time for more of nature to do the same thing against humans.

That which is taken advantage of and preyed upon must flip the script of logic.
The smallest organism can defeat the largest, or at least push back hard enough to keep the largest off its back.

It's not enough to be sick and tired.
We must also be healthy and energized and organized.

Which animals successfully fight back?
Those who have one identity and see themselves as one collective regardless of their individual differences. And this is why the antelope, zebra and others, hang tight because they know they are in the same plight and fight. They don't fight each other because they understand themselves enough to know they are not their greatest threats.

There is a type of virus that works and weaves its way through populations selectively. It will not tarry where it is unwanted and unwelcome and unbalanced. This is the first commandment selective infectious love of self and hate of all else.
In other words, it not the presence of coronavirus of the hating kind that's the problem but rather the absence of the coronavirus of the loving kind.
In other words we have too much parasitical predatory virus logic in us and not enough symbiotic communal beneficial virus logic in our upper layers of subconsciousness and consciousness.

Understand clearly that antelopes run because their survival is not tied to one who is supreme. Bees fight back because they understand the queen is supreme and must be fought for at all costs. The African Queen is Africa the continent and Africa the Spirit of the Most High, Most Low and Most Broad. Until we recognize our lives and fate and all generations is one life tied to the Supreme Seed that gives birth to variations of self, thus gives us, the ambassadors of the almighty, the supreme authority to fight to live as we please we merely live barely and mostly dangerously careless in the midst of predators..

Understand clearly that predators cannot change their behavior in a non-predatory way. They must be a predator in order to survive. Any instance of a “tamed” or “domesticated” or “civilized” predator is an anomaly. Most are closet predators on well-behaved pubic display who still feed on what predators eat. As remembered elsewhere, the wolf adopted sheep's clothing only after all other deceptions no longer worked. Thus predator changed its ways and look what happened.

Human lions make other lions their primary prey. There's something deeply flawed within them that is an abomination worthy of damnation.

Prey is not born to be prey. That's why they at least run or hide or try to protect themselves in various ways, including looking out for each other and sounding the alarm. An organism that is a true prey would welcome the predator as if they created the predator and can reshape predator logic. This makes them easy-please me prey because they neither fight nor take flight. Instead they invite. And on the other hand, quickly dislike each other.

Strengthen yourself watoto on nutrients that nurture the logic of what you need to be right now in the short term in order for you to be what you are destined to be in the long term, not just in this life, but through the duplication of your total self redeemed through changing your ways. Only a well-trained prey says to the predator, let's put our differences aside and work together or show me some respect, apologize, give me justice.

I am that which I am invoking the spirits of Anansi and Brer Rabbit in their sick and tired, healthy, energized and organized, Africa and Diaspora forms to plague us in our sleep. Africa, Come Forth! By both Day and Night. Predators currently rule doublespeak in the weak and we are the ones of double sight, the might with which to defeat all predators who seek our life, but whose bed is the Book of the Dead.