If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Dementia Syndrome Diagnosis
Delving Deeper & Broadly Into Dementia Syndrome
Unity Consciousness #2147


( 9ako of 11)

In order to be an expert at anything, you must be a continuous learner. This process should bring you more in alignment with the whole of whatever it is you are supposedly expert at. This leads me to conclude the medical industry heart-mind-emotion is in the wrong place, if health is the goal and the parasitic virus is not in control of thought processes. Many evidences prove the modern medical industry worldwide is not interested in the proper diagnosis of diseases, but rather is interested in maintaining the deceit of status quo logic that has brought us to the point of supposedly being the most intelligent form of humans and then supposedly having the most intelligent of humans dominate the world and then supposedly have the best technology and culture, and yet, sickness is rampant across all four aspects of self for all demographics. In the medical industry, basic contradictions go unnoticed and/or are overlooked such as calling something an Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome but yet pigeonholing it as HIV only, when the very definition of a syndrome means it is triggered by multiple health disorders. This lie has been allowed to stand.
Thus, a proper diagnosis of which disease is triggering Dementia Syndrome starts out handicapped and strapped to mismatched poly-whacked logic. As a result, Alzheimer's Disease has become the default catch-all diagnosis due to the problems stated in all messages in this series, and throughout this weblog.

For now it is sufficient to say a lack of a proper diagnosis of which disease is triggering Dementia Syndrome is because doctors do not know what triggers Alzheimer disease. Consider that singular fact. The cause of Alzheimer's Disease is unknown, yet two thirds of all Dementia Syndrome diagnoses are attributed to Alzheimer's even though the only way to diagnose Alzheimer's positively is after the person dies and a brain autopsy is performed.

So based on what criteria are Alzheimer's diagnoses being made?

Many websites say they THINK Alzheimer's Disease MIGHT BE caused by a combination of Age, Family history, Genes, Protein deposits in the brain, Environmental factors, socioeconomic factors and Immune system problems. They might as well throw in the kitchen sink, a gaggle of geese and aliens as possible causes. In other words, pretty much everything is a potential cause for Alzheimer's Disease.

No single test can diagnose Alzheimer disease, yet somehow, Alzheimer's turns out to be the diagnosis two-thirds of the time.
To repeat the truth, the reason there is no single test for Alzheimer's is because the cause is not known; therefore, what would the test test?
Doctors are supposed to rule out all other conditions, before assigning a diagnosis of Alzheimer's. You can be certain this rarely happens. Especially when it comes to Africans in the United States of America. Just say it's Alzheimer's and give them some toxic medication. After all, this is war.

Before assigning a diagnosis of Alzheimer's to Dementia Syndrome, primary care physicians should do thorough exams of the person’s nervous system and also do a Complete health history, Mental status testing, Blood and urine tests, Brain imaging tests. CT, MRI, or position emission tomography (PET).
All over the place you find articles saying Alzheimer's is the most common cause of Dementia.
The correct wording is that Alzheimer's is the most common diagnosis “assigned” to Dementia Syndrome and is assigned at a higher rate to Africans in the United States than any other racial group followed by Hispanics.
I fully suspect patriots of racism, the makers of population control, flu vaccines and Alzheimer's medication have something to do with this.

According To The Mental Health Medical Bible

Inspired by unholy white people of the god of destruction, The medical bible called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), lists diagnostic criteria for neurocognitive disorders

1. The DSM-5 lists several medical conditions that can cause major neurocognitive disorder (Dementia Syndrome). The DSM-5 also recognizes many other non-neurocogntive medical conditions can also cause Dementia Syndrome.

2. The DSM-5 also makes the mistake of stating that Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia despite there being no way to reach a diagnosis of Alzheimer's except through the process of eliminating all other possibilities. The DSM-5 admits the specific cause of Alzheimer's disease is not known, but the signs of Alzheimer's disease include plaques and tangles in the brain that interfere with the brain's ability to function. [Plaques are related to protein malfunction. This could be related to processes that process proteins after the protein has been produced, the amino acids, the transport of amino acids, ribosome functioning, transcription rna, messenger rna or the process where instructions are copied from dna, which speaks to many other potential malfunctions]

Bottom Line: Alzheimer's is being assigned as a diagnosis when it is most likely a downstream effect of an earlier cause somewhere else in the brain or elsewhere in the body or a fundamental cellular malfunction serving as a substrate for various manifestations.

3. Lewy body disease is another category listed as a cause of Dementia Syndrome. Lewy bodies are also proteins malfunctioning. Thus Lewy body and Alzheimer's are connected and should not automatically be considered separate and distinct especially in light of how little is known about Alzheimer's, Lewy bodies and brain functioning.
Visual hallucinations are Dementia Syndrome symptoms that are an aspect of Lewy body disease, including problems with focus and attention. Other signs include uncoordinated or slow movement, tremors, and rigidity (parkinsonism).

4. The DSM-5 states the viruses that cause HIV can also affect the brain. [Of course it can. HIV causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, a syndrome which affects the entire body because the immune system is all over the entire body and is in every cell.]
Severe depression and hallucinations are Dementia Syndrome symptoms triggered by HIV.

Since HIV is a disease that causes AIDS, it is likely that other conditions that affect the immune system, since they are AIDS, also trigger Dementia Syndrome. This further opens the diagnostic possibilities to hundreds of medical conditions whose common denominator still funnels down to cellular malfunction.

5. The DSM-5 lists Prion Disease as a cause of neurocognitive disorder. The word Prion is partly based on the word protein. Prion disease is another malfunction related to proteins (Alzheimer's and Lewy Body). Prion disease is said to be rare but this is questionable since the ability to diagnose which disease is causing Dementia Syndrome is sketchy at best and a dart game at worst. The other part of the word Prion is related to infectious, thus Prion Disease, besides being inheritable, can also be acquired through infection such as mad cow disease and a disease known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

[This is a good spot to be reminded that Dementia Syndrome can be caused by multiple types of viral infections]

6. The DSM - 5 lists “Unspecified neurocognitive disorders” where the cause of the neurocognitive disorder is not known. This then is the proper category for Alzheimer's Disease.
Alzheimer's disease is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer. In 1906, Dr. Alzheimer noticed changes in the brain tissue of a woman who had died of an unusual mental illness whose autopsy revealed abnormal clumps (now called amyloid plaques) and tangled bundles of fibers (now called neurofibrillary, or tau, tangles).

7. Neurocognitive disorder due to more than one medical condition. Due to this diagnosis not being mentioned in various studies, this diagnosis is rarely used even though it is common for Dementia Syndrome to be caused by multiple conditions including multiple neurodegenerative disorders. For those manifesting Dementia Syndrome symptoms, this diagnosis of “neurocognitive disorder due to more than one medical condition” should be the second most frequent diagnosis after “unspecified neurocognitive disorder.”

8. Another category of diagnosis is “Neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition not listed above.” This could include multiple sclerosis, malnutrition, normal pressure hydrocephalus and many other medical conditions. This should be a frequent diagnosis.

9. Neurocognitive disorder can be caused by prescription medication, over the counter medication, misuse of medication and illegal drugs. [The lesson is be careful what you put in your body, no matter how legal and expertly advised] This should be a frequent diagnosis.

10. Per your boys and girls at Harvard, despite this list from the medical bible called the DSM-5, the causes of dementia syndrome are widely debated. So don't get it twisted that the medical industry knows what it is talking about when it comes to Dementia Syndrome. We've seen the evidence with the problems of the medical ideology, methodology, definitions, inane insane naming conventions, and now the problems with laying out the criteria for an accurate diagnosis and reaching an accurate diagnosis.

11. We now move on to another method of trying to diagnose poorly understood causation of Dementia Syndrome. This method is based on the Global Deterioration Scale which lists seven stages of cognitive functioning.
a) Preclinical
Stage 1: Asymptomatic [not easily noticeable].

b) Mild or Early
Stage 2: May forget where they placed familiar items or they may forget names they previously knew well. Can perform normal daily tasks at work or in social situations; memory problems may not even be apparent to others

Stage 3: Trouble retaining new information, noticeable decline in work quality, getting lost easily, more noticeable memory loss, misplacing or losing items, decreased concentration. Decreased performance at work or in social situations; mild to moderate anxiety and denial.

Stage 4: Decreased knowledge of current and recent events, trouble remembering personal history, decreased emotional response, inability to perform complex tasks. May need help paying bills, buying groceries, traveling

c) Moderate or Middle Stage
Stage 5: Difficulty recalling relevant information such as: the date, season or day of the week; a longtime address or phone number; the names of close family members; the name of the high school or college they graduated from. Need assistance with daily tasks such as choosing the proper clothing to wear; no longer independent.

d) Moderately Severe
Stage 6: Greater personality changes, behavioral and psychological problems Need help with personal care, such as getting dressed, maintaining oral hygiene, bathing, going to the bathroom and staying clean.

e) Severe Or Late Stage
Stage 7: Loss of speech; rigid, painful body movements; muscle contractures; inability to sit up or hold head up; inability to walk; urinary incontinence; brain can no longer tell the body what to do. Need help with all daily tasks, including eating, moving and going to the bathroom; fully dependent

Thus the Global Deterioration Scale is based on outside observations and is only able to reach a general category of diagnosis regarding the level the symptoms of Dementia Syndrome have reached. The Global Deterioration Scale is not a tool to diagnose the cause. It is an early preliminary tool at best that should be part of the annual checkup of individuals in certain risk categories.

12. There are a number of risk factors linked to Alzheimer's disease. This means some people are more likely to develop the disease than others. However, it is unlikely that the disease could be traced to a single cause. It is more likely that a combination of factors lead to its development, with the importance of particular factors differing from one person to another. I say, this flies in the face of protein plaques being the main, primary and definitive cause or sign of Alzheimer's Disease and Lewy Body Disease.
I also say, that under the suboptimal context, the larger the population a certain set of criteria is applied to, the more inexact the understandings, diagnosis and treatments will be. This is true for all medical and health issues because a population is not a homogeneous monolith, except at its foundation, thus is not best served by a homogeneous one-size-fits-all monolithic non-fundamental approach, especially when it comes to different races of people and ESPECIALLY when one race is the prisoner of war of another race. The enslaving race will never apply any principle or practice to help prisoners of war achieve clarity or parity, but will only apply principles and practices to keep that race subjugated. This is what Africans must recognize when dealing with other races and when dealing with other Africans who use the logic of our enemies.
A second reminder is that in order for racist collectives to exist, all members of the racist collective must also be subjugated, but given what they believe to be relief through the subjugation of others. Racist collectives are miserable bastard savage terrorist destroyers of what is good in the world and cultivators of what is bad. Understand this applies to all aspects of such a society, not just the medical industry and not just the police department. And this is why the carnage and carnality of Ice Age logic still prevails as an epidemic in their epigenetics.
At best, the diagnosis of Dementia Syndrome causation is the fourth woefully inadequate and terribly inexact part of the process after Definition, Methodology and Context. I suspect there is intentional misdiagnosis so as to direct more people to a series of treatments for profit, pain and genocide of the population deemed to be past its useful life, even the no longer useful racist race soldiers.

Despite the fact that it is common for people to have a combination of two or more types of [conditions that trigger] dementia syndrome symptoms, I again repeat that I did not run into any double diagnosis categories in any of the many articles reviewed, including those touted as “studies,” thus supposedly more thorough.

a) Alzheimer’s disease is currently ranked as the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, but recent estimates indicate that the disorder may rank third, just behind heart disease and cancer, as a cause of death for older people. This bullet point should say Dementia Syndrome instead of specifically Alzheimer's. This more accurate change of wording then allows our minds to open up to the wide range of health conditions causing Dementia Syndrome that is steadily rising as a top killer. Dementia Syndrome, heart disease and cancer are all forms of cellular malfunction. This speaks to a malfunction of countries which are ideological cells. Thus the suboptimal context of countries is to blame for the health crisis pandemic that has existed for centuries (Dementia codified in 1906, but obviously manifesting much earlier). This we already knew due to the precursor ideologies of whiteness and Maafa Racism. Now the avalanche has snowballed from the spiritual to the mental to the emotional and now to inundating the physical, and all the while many of them are still trying to make Africans and the African female the face of Dementia Syndrome.

13. The National Institute of Health in the USA has created yet another general non-invasive anecdotal based diagnostic scale for Stages of Alzheimer's Disease:
a) Mild Alzheimer’s Disease - Problems can include wandering and getting lost, trouble handling money and paying bills, repeating questions, taking longer to complete normal daily tasks, and personality and behavior changes.

b) Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease - Damage occurs in areas of the brain that control language, reasoning, sensory processing, and conscious thought. Problems recognizing family and friends. They may be unable to learn new things, carry out multi step tasks such as getting dressed, or cope with new situations. In addition, people at this stage may have hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia and behave impulsively.

c) Severe Alzheimer’s Disease - Plaques and tangles spread throughout the brain, and brain tissue shrinks significantly. Cannot communicate and are completely dependent on others for their care. Near the end, the person may be in bed most or all of the time as the body shuts down.

d) Again I say, I'm not sure how these criteria were developed based on brain damage that can't be determined until an autopsy is performed.

e) Alzheimer’s arises from a complex series of brain changes that occur over decades. The causes probably include a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. The importance of any one of these factors in increasing or decreasing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s may differ from person to person. Two things to consider:
This is yet another statement that speaks to the illegitimacy stupidity cruelty of giving people medications that target a specific chemical in brain cells.

Since there is no single factor that applies to an entire group, if Dementia Syndrome symptoms are manifesting disproportionately in Africans in the USA, then there must be another common factor affecting all Africans in the USA. Do I need to keep repeating what that is?