If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, February 22, 2021

Robin Hood 2018 Continues Batman's Gotham
Unity Consciousness #2357


(9asr of 11)


Robin is the young twin soul of life as the repa.
He is the one that causes the transition of reversals of fortune, each time taking from the rich and giving to the poor. The last such instance was taking from Africans worldwide and giving to the poor (all other groups who have feasted on the teats and backs of Africans and the lands they inhabited before the infecting mobs came.
Robin's Hood is the continuation of Batman's Hood (Gotham).
Robin Is Bata is Obatala is Kepheus.

One of the symbols of the elder twin soul's of life is the dog, wolf, fox, jackal. The Jackal of Wepwawet as Ursa Minor Constellation is transforming into the Dog-faced Ape of Kepheus Constellation. Likewise, it is the hood of John that robin takes. John is Jamie Foxx.
The fox’s skin was worn in the shape of a hood by mummers who were reenacting the transformation of one soul of life into another form. The fox is the elder twin, one of whose names is Sut.
Robin of Loxley takes on the hood (hat) of John and takes on his skill set taught to him by John. John becomes Robin's guardian and is willing to give his life in Robin's crusade for justice. John loses his left hand, a feminine symbol. John is said to be an Arab, but of course he is African first and foremost and a Bedouin Ta-seti archer discussed more than once.


Hood is Khood is Khud is Khut is Khat is Hut is Hat is everything that means womb, cave, room, house, place of residence, birthplace.
The hood as the hut is the ut (Hut) also denotes magic. This is no longer of surprise to us since the entire universe is based on magic that we call science, and what can be called the truths of heavens. It is the combinations of how these truths work that causes us to think of it as “magic” in the current Giri So sense of understanding. We are saying there is no other explanation except the unexplainable or an evil spirit. This is incorrect.
In the hood, the hut, all things were in harmony, thus they were in order. There was order in the khart (court). Those in disfavored groups who favor the logic of favored groups are also in contempt of khart. Judgment days have arrived.
A hood is a holy order and is the same as a heath, ghetto, slum and many other words for places.
It needs repeating that the story of Robin Hood is about elemental souls of life as they go through the transition from one cycle to the next, notably from one Age to the next.
Even so, Egyptians were also called the Hut and Gypsies were also called the Hood. A Gipsy is an Egyptian. However, the original Hood is the bitch party, a band of Merti men (souls in the underworld). We are also reminded that on Earth the original Hood of all humans is in the Great Lakes region of East Africa. No matter what place you call home or your origin, that place is a hood. Everyone is from the hood and everyone still lives in a hood, even the Supreme Being. Yes, Heaven is a hood and Heaven is a ghetto.


An, the place of commencement, exists at all four corners of the circle. Here is the Well of Source as the Pool of the Two Truths. This was the well of Neith or Anit, goddess of the bow and arrow and the knitter, weaver. The shuttle or knitter, is perpetuated in the name of Nottingham, a town of weavers or NET-makers. Anit is Hathor, goddess of the equinoxes (Neith in the East and Ma in the West). Thus Neith is a sign of the times in the twilight zone right before the crossover into the upper half of the circle. Hathor is Pisces is Neith below; Hathor is Aquaria is Nupe above the galactic equator. In the previous Age, Hathor is Aries is Neith below; Hathor is Pisces is Nupe (Nupu) above.
The foundation of all is the opening of the Beginning. The ancient British name for Nottingham was Tyogfawy, the house of the Cave-dwellers, or the Men who made Holes in the ground.
Nottingham is the county town of Nottinghamshire. The earlier name of Nottingham is Snotingham, which relates to making an opening for breath and/or blood. The first foundation depended on opening and dividing for the One to become twain. (NG1), (Names And Their Histories)


Vast trees used to mark the boundaries of English counties. The great “Shire-oak” stood at the meeting-point of the three counties of York, Nottingham, and Derby, and its branches extended into each like the typical tree of the three regions, in the triple division of the heavens (lower, upper, middle or north, south, equatorial or darkness, lightness, twilight or Sut, Horus, Shu-Tefnut). Horsemen could find shelter or shadow under the Shire-oak. (NG1)
Shireoaks, in Notts, stands at the point where three shires meet. Shireoaks is Shirewood is Sherwood. Notts, formed an almost impenetrable barrier between the northern and southern provinces. Thus Notts or the shire of Nottingham was in the middle, the midsection. (Names And Their Histories)
Sherwood Forest in Nottinham was one of dozens of stolen properties ruled by a lord, shire, sheriff, reve, repa.
In earlier times, Nottingham was located in an area called Mercia, which is now called the English Midlands. At one point, Mercia was one of the most powerful kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England but rulership did change hands several times between ethnic tribes. This is typical of all lands.

Robin Hood What Remains To Be Said

Yahya (John) is a form of Batman, the elder twin. Just as Batman is the caped crusader, so also is Yahya (John).
Robin also becomes the masked or hooded crusader by taking on the hood of John and taking on his skill set.
The usual cast of villians are present.
1. priesthood (church)
2. kingship (state) government as back room killers
3. prophets (experts)
4. military (all forms of enforcers as front line killers
These first four are in cahoots with the second six areas of people activity and are used to control the masses who comply and punish the remnants who do not. This we can see in the 2018 Robin Hood movie and also in most movies about money and power and government and government appointed gunsters under hundreds of names.
The biggest threat is the masses because they hold the temporary power of societies and civilizations. This is why all effort is expended to control thinking, thus behavior. The masses are complicit in all that's either wrong or right. And this is why Maafa Racism is in full force and effect. The masses include the superhuman.
Robin Hood the 2018 movie is worth watching because it tells several truths, any one of which, if learned, will be helpful.
As Khem the bull is also the British bull, it is probable that Num is the British “green man.” Num was represented in the Egyptian portraits of him as the green man, and his name signifies the winepress. The green man and winepress is equivalent to our “Green Man and Still.” Num wore the ram or goat’s horns on his head, and our green man also carries the horn. If it be said that the horn was to blow, and this was mere Robin Hood imagery, the answer is that such imagery is wholly mythical, which means fundamentally scientifically true in the intermingled superhuman and human realms, even if not exact in all details according to the various metaphors of mythology used to repeat those truths. (BB)

Connecting Subplots and Dots

Will in the 2018 Robin Hood movie turns out to be a traitor against the rights of creation and accepts the position of Sheriff of Nottingham because he craves money and power.
Will in the 2014 Divergent movie, is simply traitorous throughout for the same reasons.

I take this as an indicator that it is our will, our free will that we must pay attention to, with ourselves and in others. How are we and others using our free will? This will tell you a lot about who they are and what they will do at the crossroads of many decisions.

At the superhuman level it is the WHEEL of motions, of cycles, of movements, of actions that tells all tales and all truths to help us know in advance what to expect next in the behavior of the natural world. This is free wheel, pree wheel.

Here I must add a few 02/20/21 experiences.
1. I encountered several white people who were voluntarily nice to myself and my mother. This is in a state where blacks are only 3.5% of the total population. This is in a state that voted for trump. We know what trump represents. Even before voting for trump, this state is a home of supreme racism in every hamlet and hollow. I am unimpressed by niceties from people who support racist agendas. My experience is that those people are nice on the surface and still want racism to exist because they have not changed their free will to change racism in their town, county or state. It is not possible to be a little bit or partially racist.
2. I also encountered one black person whose logic regarding American sounded like a trump supporter, yet the person has been helpful to me and my family and to blacks. Christianity and good education miseducation plays a major role in that person's logic. When the chips are down, I am uncertain which way free will will flow. Will it be with the American way or with self-preservation as a black person? I now suspect it would be the former when having to choose between Americanism and blackness. I can say this because the person said democracy in America, though flawed, is the best system in the world. I said to myself, how can a system based on racism be the best and how can a black person think that way? They choose to based on how they choose to use their free will to grow and learn, and have ignored the opportunities afforded by experiences, even in one's own lifetime.