If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Ownership Yet Deep Denial Of Personal Responsibility
Unity Consciousness #2490

(9axt of 11)

As expected and as always happens, now the blame game, after the ill-advised love fest.

1. A homeowner cannot prevail if they sue a contractor, architect, engineer or government agency, unless those people failed to perform their duties, including intentional or unintentional misrepresentations.
However government responsibility should be limited to the degree it is or isn't a government office under the control of someone you voted for. You voted for them to get benefits, now live with their failures of governance also.

2. Apartment dwellers can prevail against apartment owners or against owners of any building because there is always an implied warranty of suitably for the intended use. This does not excuse renters, or people who are in any building for any reason or any length of time, from exercising natural sense and taking action when they notice something.

Champlain South Tower, Surfside, Florida

3. You cannot sue yourself. Condo owners are homeowners and cannot prevail in suing the Condo Association Board because they themselves are the Condo Association.

4. Condo owners can only prevail if the Condo Board is self-appointed and can make all final decisions, without regards to input or voting from condo owners. Or if the Condo Board did not perform their duties such as failure to provide required information to owners.

5. Condo owners should not be allowed to avoid taking personal responsibility for building issues that any average or reasonable person can detect by simply living in the building and requires no expertise to notice.
Any reasonable person with a list of outstanding home repairs, including something labeled as “major” knows it will decrease home value and continue to damage the structure.

6. Condo owners cannot prevail in suing architects if building plans were approved by government. Government is responsible for standards used to reassure the public.

7. Condo owners can prevail against contractors if building specifications were not followed.

8. Condo owners can prevail against governments who do not perform their duty at any point, including inspections, site suitability and notifications to owners of what factors threaten site suitability, thus building integrity.

9. Condo owners can prevail against nearby construction contractors whose work damages their property.

10. Condo owners can prevail against governments who changed building codes but did not require retrofitting or more frequent inspection of older buildings.

11. Condo owners can prevail against whoever was responsible for conveying land subsidence information to owners.

12. Condo owners cannot prevail against home inspectors unless something in the scope of the report was missed.

13. Condo owners cannot prevail against the roofing contractor; however laws should be changed to require any contractor whose work could add significant weight or forces to a structure or could impact any structural member, to get written verification from the owner that the building is not in need of any known major repairs.

14. Condo owners cannot prevail against the 2018 engineers even if the engineers later said the building was okay. Written information supersedes verbal.
Recent Condo owners can prevail against the city official, agency and condo association who said the building was okay in a Condo association meeting after reading the 2018 report. I suspect the city official was paid (bribed) to say it by someone(s) who sold their condo(s) after that meeting and before April 2021.
Condo owners who made purchases after the 2018 report, and were unaware of it, should have recourse against the sellers for withholding material facts. Condo owners prior to the 2018 report cannot be allowed to set aside personal observations, collective observations and engineer observations and then blame a city official for saying the building was okay. To allow previous condo owners to prevail would be to allow people to get away with neglecting the basics of personal responsibility – thinking for yourself, especially when you have plenty of signs and opportunities to know better and behave more diligently and urgently.

15. Condo owners cannot prevail against government for not investigating the effects of nearby construction because the owners should have paid for a private assessment of potential nearby construction impact, and then sought reimbursement from government.

16. Property owners cannot be excused from due diligence and resolving conflicting information such as between written and verbal or between official or expert information and what a reasonable person can assess for themselves and become self-educated about and furthermore know is not normal, thus not okay to ignore or delay correcting.

17. Condo owners will have to rely a great deal upon property and life insurance to the extent that negligence does not invalidate their claims.

Remember, people of this building and community are being lavished with praise as being so wonderful. The price of the condos I've seen are half million to over 1.5 million. The people are basically touted as being good, the best, having their shit together and by extension well-educated and intelligent, yet none of them are accepting personal responsibility, but evidence points to personal responsibility. Knowing this does not require years of investigating or experts, just natural sense.

We must take personal responsibility for our own actions, lack of action, health, safety and choices about ways of living. We cannot pass it off and outsource it, then come back later and cry foul, even when government is involved, because we are the government, so we must live with the good and bad of the government we allow to exist.

Most certainly, the people of Champlain Towers South are in the favored group and are victims of their own logic that manifests in all the moving pieces associated with constructing the logic used every step of the way in each person involved. A culture of broken and weak logic is personally responsible. This way of thinking continues to make Champlain people say they were not warned of potential collapse, yet clearly and easily all they had to do was add one and one and one and one... or simply use reading comprehension, which we already know does not come with critical thinking, something purposely shut down by free will choice to avoid acknowledging true reasons for societal disparities.

All potential prevailings by condo owners can only be partial because they have at least 75% contributory negligence.

If they don't already, condo associations should now be required to carry insurance against failure to perform duties.

What Caused The Collapse

This is in addition to or repetition of what has been said in the past seven days.

1. A culture of miseducation. A chief logic flaw is “that doesn't happen in the United States of America.” It's amazing how prevalent this false notion is when the truth is, the USA is full of more weaknesses than strengths. Even after colossal failures we fail to acknowledge this fact, thus we are setting ourselves up for greater collapse of logic that is like deadly logic roulette, which is why fools believe and claim predictable deadly incidents of weak logic are random anomaly one-off failures of individuals and small groups rather than indicative of the failure of the larger collective.
Secondly, adopting logic flaws that cause us to begin a pattern of behaviors that go against achieving what we think we are achieving: health, safety, security, freedom, democracy, good education, wealth, a better life, and so on. These pairings of logic and behaviors contradict our desired effects, but they do not contradict predictions of cycles, circles and patterns that go against the grain and flow of wholeness and harmony.
2. Basic human weakness.
3. Giving benefit of doubt in unwarranted situations.
4. General delayed building maintenance.
5. Ignoring leaking water for years.
6. Water damage from weather and from pool leakage that damaged columns and slabs.
7. Partial slab collapse under the pool that led to almost instantaneous domino effect collapse. The slab collapse under the pool rapidly widened and fell into the garage. The force of the concrete and water pushed against already severely weakened columns above and below ground. The pulling apart of connections caused by corrosion and expansion caused by ongoing weather, pool leaks and then the pool collapse, pushed stability past the breaking point. To know these things only requires basic understanding of process and cause and effect and that everything is connected, the perfected and the defective. Thus weak logic in one place threatens logic in several other places. All logic begets more logic of the same nature. This begetting is more prolific when the logic is stem logic, system logic, fundamental logic that supports everything else.
To know in advance what will happen also . It also requires the logical use of metaphor of what we already know. This allows us to understand that what builds a strong structure and destroys a strong structure of any type, physically or philosophically, such as culture or safety or governance or country, are all subject to the same principles.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

NCAA FBS College Football Playoff Expansion
Unity Consciousness #2489

(9axs of 11)

NCAA FBS College football playoffs is like everything else controlled by favored groups such as white people- a means to money and power and control and self promotion of individuals and white collective intelligence.
Too much in sports in the USA depends on the logic of white owners, commissioners, executives, coaches, sports science, referees, umpires and judges.

Supposedly expanding college football playoffs from 4 to 12 teams is a significant improvement because it provides more opportunity. Yet the so-called college playoffs do not come anywhere near to representing all colleges and also favors certain conferences.

# Of Teams Eligible For Playoffs/# Of Teams In The League = % Of Teams Eligible For Playoffs

1. NBA 20/30 = 67%
2. NHL 16/31 = 52%
3. NFL 14/32 = 44%
4. MLB 10/30 = 33%
5. NCAA FCS 24/125 = 19% Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) (formerly Division I-AA) https://www.ncaa.com/championships/football/fcs/road-to-the-championship

6. NCAA FBS 12/130 = 9% (Proposed) Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) (formerly Division I-A)
7. NCAA FBS 4/130 = 3% (Current)

The flaws in the logic of professional sports extends to voting for Hall of Fame, team rankings, and awards.
In college this is made worse by the flawed system of bowl selections.
The NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) college football playoff system is a differently flawed system with the same fundamental flaws as all other sports owned and operated by the white collective.

Of course, even calling the winner of the NCAA FBS portion of college playoffs, “the national champion” is as ridiculous as calling winners of USA sports, “world champions.”

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Damn Divisive Critical Race Theory
Unity Consciousness #2488

(9axr of 11)

What white people mean when they say “critical race theory is divisive.”
Critical race theory helps divide people from the illusion of white superiority and black inferiority.
Critical race theory wakes people up to truth, thus makes them “woke.”

White people are also saying:

White goodness and civility is a false notion critical to maintaining white and black obeisance and maintaining acquiescence to the stats quo of racism by keeping people focused on individual aspects of the system rather than the true cause, the entire system, its federal and state constitutions and their institutions.

It's garbage logic when whites say critical race theory is about labels and stereotypes and that critical race theory teaches kids that we should judge others based on race, gender, or sexual identity, rather than the content of someone’s character.” This objection and false claim is being made even though governments, their media and businesses are all about collecting demographics based on race, gender, age and so on, labeling and dividing people.
At the same time, white people want black folks to consider themselves American and be proud of it.

Truth is, noncritical race theory is what is currently being taught by most education systems worldwide.
There is a long list of garbage logic statements being spewed by the confused. These can be easily defused, exposed and seen for what they are. For instance, the confused claim critical race theory teaches people to hate America. The confused do not say that the current education curriculum teaches people to love America (blind love without assessment leads to a continued acceptance of flaws because love for a country is merged with identity and self-esteem). The confused are most afraid of critical thinking. They do not want facts examined, compared and contrasted to allow people to come to evidence based conclusions. They want a court case where only the defense gets to speak. They want their beauty to be judged based on the make-up they wear and to never be viewed without makeup. Critical race theory only seems shocking to one side of the divide because noncritical race theory has been just as shocking to the other side who continue to be denigrated, harmed and suffer from all the things undeserving favored groups claim critical race theory will subject them to. Regardless of their insistence and resistance, turnabout is fair play.

Non-critical race theorists are the many bad people who prefer to stay asleep because they can't handle the truth. As opposed to the critical race theorists who are the relatively few good people who want to be awakened (woke) to, with and by the truth.

An academic perspective on Critical Race Theory origins as a legal construct.

“Critical Race Theory is an academic field of study that emerged from the work of scholars such as Derrick Bell and KimberlĂ© Crenshaw. Much of Critical Race Theory centers on race in the context of legal and institutional power and has become immensely influential in the debate over diversity and inclusion within universities, legal institutions, and corporate boardrooms. Critical Race Theory is neither akin to communism nor is it a generalized curriculum employed uniformly across public school settings.” https://www.blackagendareport.com/critical-race-theory-debacle-signals-collapse-american-empire

CRT is not a racialist ideology that declares all whites to be privileged oppressors, and CRT is not taught in public schools.
CRT describes the shortcomings of conventional civil rights approaches to understanding and transforming racial power in American society.
The common starting point of our analysis is that racial power was not eliminated by the successes of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. https://www.blackagendareport.com/critical-race-theory-opponents-are-just-proving-our-point-us

False Notion Damage Can Be Minimized Or Prevented
With Truth
Unity Consciousness #2487

(9axq of 11)

Kepheus is telling us to change our way of thinking and behavior. Separate ourselves from the suboptimal contradictory logic of our societies.
It doesn't do anyone any good to keep lying every step of the way and not admitting everyone who is at fault and being cheerleaders for how “on the ball” America is and how good certain communities are and how all the best technology and practices are being used when clearly something was deficient in each of these areas many years before the Champlain South Surfside Florida building collapse.

1. Stop always trying to make America look good and treat incidents as anomalies rather than more of a norm of broken logic. In 2018, the FIU-Sweetwater UniversityCity Bridge collapsed in Florida approx 25 miles away.

2. Buildings don't have to collapse every year in order for great concern to exist.

3. America has still not properly addressed flooding which happens frequently in the same locations.

4. Government regulations are not a substitute for natural sense.

5. Buildings built near salt water and whose strength depends on concrete, should be inspected much sooner. Besides the buildings are being battered by strong winds.

6. The danger of water at the footings and garage should have been a concern. Water intrusion of any amount in places where water should not be, is always a serious problem whose source must be found and plugged and any damage fixed and allowed to dry out.

7. There seems not to be a consolidation of information of everything related to each structure, something which is typical of the fragmented way of thinking and behaving in societies.

8. Feeling your building or house shake should cause concern. Building integrity also depends on balanced weight distribution of the structure and contents. Buildings moving can weaken connections at multiple points. We see what happens to knees and ankles when the balance point is just a little bit off and your weight is pressing on a knee or ankle. The weight of structures is constantly pressing down nonstop on each other, the foundation and the ground.
Natural laws always apply no matter how big or small something is and no matter what form is used. We don't always need lawyers, doctors, engineers and so on to tell us something. We have the ability to understand if we trust natural laws. We can tell what's safe and what's not.

9. The 2018 engineering report was sufficient to cause alarm and immediate action, but it should have been more plain speaking. No one receiving a major deficiency report on their car, plane, ship or single family home would feel safe using it.

10. Because almost every news report includes someone saying buildings in America don't fall down, this bubble will be burst again, soon. Hell, two American built Boeing planes recently crashed due to a series of logical failures by Americans. Don't forget all those space shuttle preventable tragedies.

11. People have to take personal responsibility for decisions regarding their own health and safety.

12. A major fault of logic is assuming it can't happen to you and then taking that position based on false evidences giving false senses of security, thus causing you to ignore warning signs and not break from groupthink group sink information processing.
We have to recognize that our personal philosophy is like a building constructed of many pieces of logic, most of which are large blocks of logic we borrow from the society we trust to have thought things out for us. Any weak spot in our philosophy can cause collapse.
Same goes for each major institution in a nation. If any one of these are faulty, the whole nation can collapse. Clearly every nation with favored groups are in immediate need of evacuating the culture and starting over from a more solid foundation, construction practices and continuous review process.

13. Someone said, “You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else.”

14. I say, Americans, and societies worldwide, are running out of time to be careless and arrogant.

False Notions Crash Down Like Air-Dancer Clowns
Unity Consciousness #2486

(9axp of 11)

For now, we will ignore the continuous tragedies that claim lives, maim and injure, yet the source is not connected as being the same. Tragedies in one location happen everyday, but the effects manifest on a single day or in a very short timeframe. As usual, depending on where and who, makes a huge difference in how USA white bred, white led, white perspective media portrays the event.

1. As said elsewhere, what we've learned is that no tragedy is the result of a single event. There must be a chain, a collective, an ecosystem of causes. A huge contributing cause in the USA, and worldwide, is the suboptimal context foundation of logic upon which all other logic is restless asleep.
This alone tells us there are significant flaws in USA logic as supposedly America the Beautiful Mind Of All Times.

2. The most obvious false notion is USA has the best, is the best and is using the best logical approach when it comes to anything because that's normal standard operating procedures in the USA because that's what we do and who we are. We are the best the human genome has to offer. All this is why buildings only collapse in third world countries, not in “a country like this”.
Media keeps repeating this false notion even though the USA has physical infrastructure failures such as roads, bridges, buildings, vehicle crashes, plane crashes, and explosions, and even though all areas of USA infrastructure are in serious need of repair.

3. In addition to truths mentioned throughout this message, the following points have been said in bits and pieces on news channels about the building collapse in Surfside Florida.
(a) It will cost millions of dollars, which is being freely given and spent by Federal, State local and international governments, in addition to money and resources from private sources worldwide. All these resources spent after the fact but not before the fact when the collapse was predictable and preventable. [This is what will happen to the nation, failure is preventable, but it won't be because they always claim to never have enough for the proactive and remedial, but unlimited resources for the reactive when the worst case scenario has been allowed to take place.]
Furthermore I guarantee you that these same sources of funds don't give a rat's ass about other locations in their jurisdiction.
(b) So the flawed suboptimal approach is “you pay before an avoidable event, but if you don't do enough to prevent the event, then we will give you tons of resources because now it's a tragedy.”
(b) These people in Surfside are a proxy for those living below many problematic dams in the USA. Oroville California comes to mind. Be certain that cycles of large decreases and increases in water levels (changes in pressure-tension), can also endanger dam integrity due to the expansion-contraction changes in both the human-made and natural components of a dam. This is natural sense no longer common sense.
(c) Surfside is being praised as a wonderful close tight-knit community, shops, vacation place, retirees, residential, wonderful people, beautiful people, upscale, jewish, melting pot, diverse, south Americans, latin [not calling them people of color], mothers, fathers, children, brothers, sisters, families community. Yeah, this place is most likely like Hyde Park and Oak Park in Chicago that gets similar accolades but is racist as hell, clearly unsafe for disfavored groups and falsely safe for favored groups. These type places and Surfside are not in a kumbaya caring Mayberry relationship with each other, as media wants you to think Surfside is.
Instead the people were gullible and stupid and victims of their unwarranted trust in multiple aspects of a criminal country. This because favored groups and disfavored groups have given all their power and responsibility to governing bodies and experts that cause us to suspend natural sense, append societal common sense and give the benefit of our doubt to others, even borrowing doubt to make following proven fools seem like the right thing to do. This is the greatest pandemic.

Multiple events are showing us that “the building called America” is on the verge of total collapse because the USA has the same false notions as other empires that all came crashing down like air-dancer clowns.
Societies and their favored groups and cultures and ways of living are built on too many contradictory conflicting pieces of logic, especially contradictory foundational pieces of logic, any one of which, at any level, can cause structural failure and rapid domino collapse of whatever part of your life depends on this multi-flawed logic, including an entire nation and its systemically flawed institutions.
The USA and all favored groups will fall and drag delusional Stockholm syndrome disfavored groups with them. Surfside is just another small example of a much more pervasive problem that is yet another warning of flocks of chickens coming home to roost in a perfect storm to all evil societies and their thought to be damn near perfect enclaves whose weak logic is being exposed to natural forces and suboptimal human forces.

The Great Reset is not primarily human based. Davos is a form of Kemet. Thus the human Davos Reset is the superhuman Kemet Reset. Kemet is a form of Khumat, thus Shu-Ma (Kepheus, the incoming Polar Potentate of the Milky Way Galaxy)

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Critical Race Theory, American Civil War & Slavery
Unity Consciousness #2485

(9axo of 11)

In the past few days, I've heard people on a news channel say the American Civil War was fought to end slavery. This is a complete lie easily exposed with critical thinking.

The American Civil War was a struggle for money and power between the North greedy and South greedy. The abolition of slavery, on paper, was a way to try to weaken the South, whose main strength was slavery, even using slaves as soldiers in the Civil War.

If the North was so against slavery, that they were willing to fight and kill other whites to end slavery, then the North...

1. would have given reparations to blacks in the North.
2. would not be racist like the South.
3. would have continued to fight against racism in every community.
Or do you think it's possible that the North was against slavery but not against racism?
What happened to all those good Northern white people and their descendants.”

What were the factors that changed Northern White 1619 slavery-is-okay mindset into 1861 slavery-is-not-okay mindset?
And how was this goodness-of-their-heart type of change reflected in Northern States prior to 1861?
What was it that caused a whole bunch of white folks to see the light of right and abandon whiteness and its privileges?
Who were the main originators and preachers of “whiteness is wrong and humanness is better?” Was it the 1831 CE Nat turner rebellion or the 1859 CE John Brown rebellion?
Whoever these people were, they need to be deified for getting so many white people to do an about face from disgrace and participate in their saving grace by seeking to correct the slavery they helped put in place.

And then, if the North was against slavery, why did they & the South (as the white collective called USA), participate in the 1884-1885 CE Berlin Conference where white folks worldwide decided who would invade and own parts of Africa?

Truth Is Evident In The Same North & South Behaviors Before & After The Civil War

”From 1865 to 1877, “Reconstruction” took place and Africans made rapid gains towards parity. Then in 1880, white folks increased their efforts of scheming to renege on all post Civil War promises and forcibly take back all African gains. Thus then, this is why by 1901 there were no more black people in federal congress in Washington DC.”

“1901, white power in the USA was consolidated once again with the departure of the last black Congress member. Congress was once again all white just about 35 years after the Civil War and supposed emancipation of, reconstruction with and reparations to black folks. In other words, the presence and acceptance of a prominent black person in the White House [Booker T. Washington] “spooked” the scary white collective because they had just finished rededicating themselves to enslaving Africans in another form via employment, unemployment, incarceration and schools.”

”Whereas after emancipation from 246 years of slavery, African-Americans soon saw the fleeting political, social, and economic gains they made during Reconstruction eviscerated by virulent racism, lynchings, disenfranchisement, Black Codes, and racial segregation laws that imposed a rigid system of officially sanctioned racial segregation in virtually all areas of life;” [from Slavery Apology]
“Whereas the system of de jure racial segregation known as “Jim Crow,” which arose in certain parts of the Nation following the Civil War to create separate and unequal societies for whites and African-Americans, was a direct result of the racism against persons of African descent engendered by slavery;” [from Slavery Apology]

Of course we know there are thousands of racist measures being used in every State in the USA.

The limited intent of the Emancipation Proclamation created partial freedom for some but not complete freedom for anyone. Since there was no intent for real freedom, the enslaved were left exposed to a variety of problems such as Black Codes, Jim Crow, voting restrictions, murders, segregation, lack of foundational wealth (land and tools) and despicable inhumane behavior of those in government and the general public who believe their survival depends on inhumanity.

All this is why Africans should not be impressed with Juneteenth holiday because it is an okie doke and false indicator of progress. Furthermore, to celebrate Juneteenth and “the Fourth of July” in the USA is like celebrating the birth of Christ and the birth of the Devil.

Obvious Question Routinely Missed

The Civil War began April 1861.
Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation January 1863.
If the war was fought because of slavery, why didn't Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation before the war or at the start of the war?

The answer is repeated. The Emancipation Proclamation was a tool and weapon used by the North to try to weaken the South and win a war being fought for other reasons, none of which were about the wrongness of enslaving people and taking all their resources.

I suspect some of the reasons for the Civil War were about who would control the wealth generated by enslaving people and taxes on that wealth and taxes on slaves as property and federal congressional seats based on a population that partially counted slaves.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Racist Means Liar, Racism Means A Country Of Liars
Unity Consciousness #2484

(9axn of 11)

Double Agent Liars Vacillate More Than An Oscillating Fan

Joe Biden said,... the “ugly poisons” of “systemic racism and white supremacy” have long plagued the United States.
“One of the core values and beliefs that should bring us together as Americans is standing against hate and racism, even as we acknowledge that systemic racism and white supremacy are ugly poisons that have long plagued the United States,” he said. “We must change the laws that enable discrimination in our country, and we must change our hearts.”

Kamala Harris said, “Racism is real in America and it has always been.”

Biden and Harris said, America has a "long history of systemic racism," calling it a "stain on the nation's soul." I say racism is more like a giant tumor that has replaced the heart, soul and brains of racist countries.
Harris said, "A measure of justice is not the same as equal justice," Harris said. "This verdict brings us a step closer and the fact is we still have work to do. We still must reform the system." "America has a long history of systemic racism."

Biden and Harris agreed with South Carolina Senator Tim Scott that the United States as a nation is not racist, but added that the country has a history of racism that cannot be overlooked.
Biden said, "... I don't think the American people are racist, but I think after 400 years, African Americans have been left in a position where they are so behind the eight ball, in terms of education, health, in terms of opportunity."

I guarantee you this vacillation came after threats from white people, including threats of not supporting Biden-Harris, even as white people march on with daily millions of racist acts, change voting laws, fight against voting rights for Blacks, fight against truth (critical race theory) and fight against reparations of any type.
Not calling Americans (whites and wannabes) racist is like saying Nazi Germany was an evil empire but the Germans were not evil.
America is racist and so are the overwhelming majority of it's citizens.
To say, “the United States as a nation is not racist, but has a history of racism” is like saying America is not a capitalist country but has a history of capitalism. It's like saying America is not a warmongering country but has a history of warmongering. It's like saying America is not a dictatorship but has a history of dictating to other countries what's right and wrong and issuing sanctions.
Maafa racism does not need anyone's acknowledgment. It exists. Failure to eradicate this cancer will kill, is killing, the people and societies that host this pandemic. Each one of the ten institutions that support racism is also killing the people and the society
Pay attention to all the problems affecting favored groups. They themselves have spread these problems and caused these problems because they are the infection. For instance, hasn't the USA spread the normalcy of mass murder and gun violence?

No Solid Foundation, No Progress, Yes Traitors
Unity Consciousness #2483

(9axm of 11)

You cannot make progress without a solid secure foundation.

You cannot sustain progress when your foundation is under constant attack by termites, mold, mildew, fungus and all manner of creatures who bore into things and weaken the integrity of the structure.

The foundation for Africans is our inherent rights (rights of creation) which Maafa Racism primarily targets and secondarily targets basic humans vices, virtues, weaknesses and strengths.

Africans! Stop trying to sound like a positive sounding optimist by agreeing that we've made progress. All we end up sounding like is punked fools hyped on junk food logic. Why?
Because our energies must be spent on foundation work over and over, and when we don't do that work, progress in the society is even more quickly taken away due to a foundation of rights constantly under attack, a foundation that is not strong, safe or secure.

For thousands of years, including the last 500, we've been shown that we will not make progress until we unify as Africans by name, thinking and behavior.
This is the foundation that racism fears most and has no power over when we self-determine (kugichagulia) to build our foundation and bet not nobody get in the way. This mindset is the type of foundation that you must have to make progress in anything. So how much more must this mindset of determination exist among African Blacks as a collective trying to progress in racist attack societies who have formed global collectives of enemies against us?

No, we Africans have not made progress until we unify.
This then is the trick. Despite not being unified, got us, like self-deceiving donkeys, braying we've made progress and are making progress. Thus we think we can make progress without African unify, thus our “progress” is racist collective-based, thus easily erased. In other words, our failure to have each other's collective back is what's holding us back. In other words, we cannot progress, while at the same time not have a collective approach to everything foundational to life and living. Momentary protests ain't it, only more Sh on top of heaps of ish.
In addition to following logic of racism countries, the plandemic is another way to hold you back.

No, Africans have not progressed in any fundamental area or fundamental right.

1. You can't progress in government, labor, law, politics, economics, education, entertainment, religion, sex, war and non-profits when doing so in a racist collective controlled system.
2. You can't progress unless you are doing so in the rights of creation.
3. You can't progress if you are not doing so in the 64 basic needs that are spiritual.
4. You can't progress if you don't do so spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Don't we know we's sick in all these areas, yet we join dem in claiming to be making progress. That's as idiotically insane as a lung cell trusting the word of coronavirus that says - “well you're getting the best medication and treatments from the best healthcare system and you're on a ventilator and you're in the best place, a hospital, and you have health insurance, of course you're making progress, never mind that my virus logic is what's making you sick and I'm determined to undermine anything healthy so I can survive, multiply and rule your body, we're in this together, be a patient patient.”

The main thing evident is thousands of Africans getting bits and pieces of pseudo easily interruptible progress, but not solid progress itself, for self or for the African collective.
Again I offer the challenge of someone to show me an example of collective progress, the only kind that qualifies as progress overall when talking about we, us, blacks, Africans.

No, the emancipation proclamation in the USA and Juneteenth are not examples of progress because we failed to hold onto unity and its accompaniments, something which racist collectives are attacking, and getting us to base progress on joining them, even though they are against us every step of the way in all kinds of ways. Thus then we can say “emancipation” was progress, but after Reconstruction (of racism), the net effect was for Africans to take many more steps backwards. Which is why we still fight (by asking) for foundational rights, such as the right to breathe.

Stop talking about African progress when we used to “own” and govern our own lands, when we had more black wall streets, more black fundamental businesses, more black farms, grocery stores, banks, insurance agencies, schools, healthier knowledge of self and more effective black organizations. Get the funk and hell outta my spiritspace, emotionspace and mindspace with that “we're making progress” bullshit. You're a traitor to truth and a friend to what evil far-reaching prolific grass-like roots continue to produce in societies such as colonized brain cells.

Monday, June 21, 2021

White People Only Fight For Wrong Rights
Unity Consciousness #2482

(9axl of 11)

When was the last time white people had to fight for a basic right?
Was it the right to drink alcohol legally? No. That doesn't qualify.
Was it the right for white women to vote? Nope, for the same reason.
When was the last time white people fought for a basic human right?
Never. No war have they ever fought to help someone who wasn't white.
All the fights of white people are against white people and against others for wanting basic human rights (rights of creation) that white people say are a given, inherent, unalienable and so on.

White people, since the USA's deception inception, have not had to fight for basic rights because the country is designed on basic rights supposed to be preinstalled in whiteness.
No one can honestly dispute or refute this.

Because the government on all levels has ensured the rights of whites, whites have not had to think for themselves or fight for anything basic. The greatest life effort of white people goes towards ensuring white people are in as many positions of power as possible. This must be so in order to hand the reins of racism down from generation to generation which is why racism exists today as strong as ever and why white people say racism doesn't exist because they are shielded by their rights; blinded by their self-deception and immorality, yet exposed to the fatal flaw of their disharmonious unfriendly logic.

White people have given all their power and responsibility to governing bodies, and now that a small handful of governing bodies are suggesting a few non-system changes, as usual, white people are crying and claiming foul now that small attempts are being made to begin the process of mitigating the wrongs of “white people rights” based on being white (i.e., racism and favored groups).
White people are dedicated to keeping wrongs wrong and keeping you agreeing that things are better, even though black people's rights are still in ICU on life support in a coma. Plus, the rest of the natural world, under their watch, has been treated like everything else, as if made for taking by any means necessary by white people.

Generations of White people continue to receive shortsighted benefit from government, labor, law, politics, economics, education, entertainment, religion, sex, war and non-profits.
All the white people I've ever been around, even for a second, have benefited, and continue to benefit from the whiteness rights of racism.
This is why White people only get up upset when their ill-gotten privileges and unfair advantages are threatened, because then, they'd have to begin having to live based on their human merit rather than skin color as the weakness enabling trump card for all their human deficiencies of corrupt logic that all humans have to some degree. White people also fear facing truth and giving back stolen resources, even though both requirements are components of their legal law. [(1) the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth (2) and asset forfeiture]
This is why you never will see any group of white people by themselves, complaining, protesting or petitioning against any infringement on the rights of blacks, and doing so with the venomous spitfire they use to defend racism, the basis of their rights and the basis of who they think they are. They are either silent or quick to not implicate racism, culture, themselves. Their response, all of a sudden is all lives matter, and the stupid blue lives matter.

As always, this message applies to all the wannabes and people of color who are also part of racist collectives.

Davos Great Reset
Unity Consciousness #2481

(9axk of 11)

Davos Great Reset. Schwab himself has admitted many times that the COVID-19 crisis is the necessary tool to usher in the Great Reset...

You've been told time and time again.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Miss Millie Vanilli Kind Of Good White Person
Unity Consciousness #2480

(9axj of 11)

Miss Millie in “the Color Purple” is the perfect example of what “good white person means to white people then and now.

The ones who would be friends, love us to death as long as we live in their illusion and are okay with racism, don't challenge it, don't understand it and agree with them.

Dem think their compliments and approvals are the things we most treasure.

They always act in a gang and gang mentality. Always. And always become even more vicious and aggressive when challenged by us and their own challenges.

Because white people think life is as good as it gets in the societies they control, they also falsely assume they are good – good in a way that's good for African black folks.

The logic of Miss Millie Vanilli kind of white folk is a grotesque drunken lipsync of the best humanity can be.

Until you do right by ME, everything you think about is gonna crumble, is crumbling, is cancerous, is toxic, is failing....

If we simply took self-pride and left their asses, their crumbling would come a lot sooner.

This has already been historically proven many times.

A good white person is an abolitionist of everything racist, a John Brown, someone who is bad for white society. Any black person who is a friend to a white person who is hands off racism, soft on racism, there is no racism, will adopt logic that is not good for self, mommy, daddy, family, Africans.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Integrated, But Unequal | Integration Re-imagined
Unity Consciousness #2479

(9axi of 11)

You don't have to know you're sick, to be sick.
You no longer have to be confused if you don't want to.

White Jews & White Germans

Imagine you were in Germany and you have to teach white jew kids and white german kids. You had to teach them in same classroom and teach the same information. Since you were in Germany, the curriculum favored the many false notions of the German perspective because the Germans were still in control of Germany.

Imagine you were either a white german student or white jew student.

Imagine you were either a white german teacher or a white jew teacher.

Then imagine living daily life, going to college and to workplaces and the entire society and you and your classmates and co-workers were all taught the same lies about each other and all else.

Imagine if the white jews were only taught white german religion and followed that religion and no longer followed the white jew version of religion.

Imagine if white jews were only taught to speak, read and write the German language.

Imagine being a white jew and all your logic about, life, living, food, love and so on, came from the white german perspective.

Imagine calling yourself a jew-german.

Imagine thinking germany was a beter place than Israel.

Imagine being a white jew in germany and all the laws, businesses, were owned by germans and you were called and considered a good-for-nothing minority.

Imagine thinking white germans were your friends even though generation after generation of germans continued to maintain nazi institutions.

Imagine you were one of those white germans or white jews and you thought integration of schools and workplaces and public places was an equal situation with equal results and equal opportunities for both groups, yet somehow white jews were making progress despite starting out handicapped and living in a system that favors white germans.
You'd have to be plumb crazy to think this kind of veneer window dressing pseudo-integration was good for everyone.

And this is why white jews separated themselves and govern themselves and teach themselves and do whatever it takes to be self-determined white jews (despite being also skewed). In other words you can't live with your oppressors under their systems and culture and think you are going to integrate and be treated equally. This has never been the case for Africans anywhere in the world not ruled by Africans.
The fallacies of integration of Africans with other groups have been discussed in part on several occasions. African integration is only good when Africans maintain control of all institutions, thus maintain control of land, all other resources and the country.

And this is why, once again, Africans are being false progress slick tricked with the useless symbolism of Juneteenth holiday. What good has MLK day done for Africans?

If anything, those two holidays should only be allowed for Africans.

Let's give them another federal holiday, not reparations. Let's continue to have to vote on whether blacks can have voting rights. Let's continue to make blacks the livestock slaves of the “justice” system. Let's continue to make marijuana illegal and opiod abuse, not illegal. Let's continue to make the sale of all drugs, alcohol, marijuana, opiods, cigarettes, vapes, and so on, legal for white people to sell. Let's continue to claim the USA is not racist. Let's continue spreading racist memes in all forms of education and media. Let's continue being psychopathic and sociopathic in all institutions and expect blacks to go along with our mental illness logic. Let's continue being two-faced forked tongue lying bitches and bastards and continue integration, as is.

White jews said, “we can be crazy all by ourselves,” and they've proven it with their part in Maafa Racism. Africans worldwide need to say, “we can't do any badder all by ourselves.” Then disintegrate back to a way of thinking when we were integrated with ourselves.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Chicken Shits & Chicken Littles
Unity Consciousness #2478

(9axh of 11)

Chicken Little is an honest but immature child's mind that relied on false evidence appearing real, thus feared the sky was falling. Chicken Little's existence was mostly ground based. The ground was her firm foundation while the sky was the upper limit, about which little was understood.
Chicken Little had to assume whatever came from above, came from the sky, and by misapplication of extension, was the sky. She did not have enough information experience to conclude otherwise. Chicken Little's conclusion was evidence based. This is in stark opposite contrast to Chicken Shits who ignore an abundance of evidence, logic gaps and contradictions among the things they are sure of and re-lie on.

Chicken Little's are correctable curable redeemable, because their problem is one of knowledge, whereas Chicken Shits are not correctable curable or redeemable, because they choose the weakest combination of logic and weakest form of morality.

In other words, Chicken Littles are honest and mostly naive, but Chicken Shits are dishonest and mostly deceive.

Culture Is Motivation Is Motive For
Mayhem, Murder, Mental Illness, Mo' Problems
Unity Consciousness #2477

(9axg of 11)

Problems exist mainly due to two things which guide primary use of free will:
1. lack of understandings, knowledge, wisdom.
2. lack of healthy morality. Healthy Morality is dynamically balanced logic which maintains harmony within self and with all else.

In societies, daily life for all people is filled with unnecessary avoidable solvable problems. In societies such as the USA, many of problems daily discussed could be solved as quickly as the coronavirus was “addressed.” Which is to say, “if the will to create and amplify the narrative existed.”

As stated before, if favored groups wanted to alleviate all lingering problems and guarantee their security, freedom, health and wealth, all they have to do is focus on respecting the rights of creation for the most disfavored – Africans (Blacks). The direct net effects would be immediate activation and continuous self-checking self-correcting processes that would solve all major societal problems, including those related to the natural world ecosystem, including climate change.
You cannot solve problems for favored groups without solving the same, similar or related problem for the disfavored group. Any attempt to do so will only make matters worse, even if there's a delay in recognizing this. For instance, you cannot solve school and mass shootings until you solve the killings of the disfavored group. The same sickness logic by which you create the conditions for killing the disfavored group is the same logic that finds its way into school and mass shootings. All you smart and honest people, analyze, compare and contrast the two types of killing and you will find a common source infecting the psyche.
As a second for instance, you cannot be secure, safe, free, healthy, wealthy or wise while simultaneously doing things to make life insecure, unsafe, slave-based, unhealthy, impoverished and difficult for the disfavored group. The favored group will suffer a plethora of problems they think is just part of life, but is the same shit in a different way that causes problems to happen.
As a third for instance, you cannot solve problems related to nutrition and housing for members of the favored groups if you do not solve access to food and housing for the disfavored group.

Dem (favored groups) tend to ask a bunch of insincere questions such as “what is the motive,” even though they never want to hear or face the truth and instead are seeking another escapegoat excuse to numb their decayed depraved wisdom tooth in bad need of a root canal. Dem always squawking 'bout problems and solutions but never once looking at self as the core problem that has grown bigger as the ill-logic fills and disfigures, country, nation, culture. In other words, the biggest crisis is the crisis of culture, something which can be further separated into knowledge and morality.
Dem never admitting publicly, privately or silently, that in order to infringe upon the rights of creation, an entire group must work together against another group, and do so by using all major institutions in the society. With few exceptions, all members of a favored group must be complicit co-conspirator gang members.

Remember, the direct effects of a rights infringing collective of institutions is to also dysfunction for all groups, thus cause almost all people to display dysfunctional thinking and behavior. Thus a racist collective creates its own “lingering” problems that can never be solved while intentionally creating a shitload of other problems.
Thus then, the answer to all questions seeking to understand the nature, cause and motive of problems and their solutions is: your institutions, your society, your culture, your self.
Yes you, and who you identify as and what that identity represents and what that identity implements (laws, institutions, culture). This answer also has application to the disfavored group.

The inability to look at self is also the inability to look at larger views. Thus leaving self unbalanced skewed. Thus not only is the mind closed to honest self-inspection self-reflection, the mind is permanently closed to honest inspection of groups, communities, culture, country and worldview.
All this is the direct effect of fostering fear of truth that comes with the territory of adults knowingly clinging to a selfview and worldview that are extremely insecure, artificial, suboptimal, contradictory and self-destructive.

A scary nature, scared of one's own reflection in the mirror of all else, takes being “chicken” to the level of Chicken Shit, a cancerous character flaw that is far worse than being a Chicken Little. Why? See the next message for details.

All this is rooted anciently in ice age desperation devastation scarcity epigenetics and recently in “suboptimal identifiers of self” that forms the asili seed for culture and worldview. This then falsely creates notions of being favored and simultaneously creates fear of being “found out.” Thus Dem Chicken Shits must always first and foremost resist and deny telling truth to self, offspring, family, friends and gullible others. Thus also always keep you sucked into their fears, their worldview, definitions, meanings, culture, education, media, way of life, crises, emergencies, pandemics and so on. For dem, the sky is always falling, and it is dem who hold it up, provide protections and solutions with the so-called civilizations they create far from barbarism that represent the highest achievements of humanity.

Understand clearly, that a hallmark proof of a civilization is a continuous, all-institutions-on-deck focus on supporting people in continually becoming better human beings.
The absence of this is another way of saying what was said in paragraph one above. It leads to motivation and motive for mayhem, murder, mental illness, mo' problems.
This is why there must be continuous improvement in knowledge of self. It is preventative medicine against chicken fear and the fatal foolishness of chicken shit thinking and behavior.

Biden Administration, Blacks & Maafa Racism
Unity Consciousness #2476

(9axf of 11)

Biden Administration and Blacks (Video of discussion with Dr. Claud Anderson)

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Poor Excuse For A Human
Unity Consciousness #2475

(9axe of 11)

The equivalent to “I never thought something like this (racist) would happen to me” is the equally delusional statement that sounds something like, “things like this don't happen around here, we live in a good neighborhood.”
Newsflash: there's no such place as a good neighborhood in a country based on disparities or that tolerates disparities.
Why not?
1. In societies, good neighborhoods are doublespeak. A good neighborhood is that which upholds the human perversion of status quo.
2. In societies, a good neighborhood that was attempting to correct disparities, is always under attack by surrounding neighborhoods, counties, states and the federal neighborhood, called nation, country.

Claiming to live in a good neighborhood is to also acknowledge there are bad neighborhoods, thus good people live in good neighborhoods and bad people live in bad neighborhoods. This is lazy morality and mentality. This goofy logic claims goodness is based on where a person lives. This mucked up logic claims neighborhoods are separate constructions from each other and from multiple larger geographic designations.

For certain there's not a single good “State” in the USA's United States. So how can there be good counties and good neighborhoods in bad States?
Are those self-proclaimed good neighborhoods claiming to behave differently than the State status quo deformed norm?
Yes, the logic contradicts.

Therefore we know the USA is not a good country and we also know the majority of people in the country are not good people, especially especially those who claim to live in good neighborhoods and are always “signifying” (rubbing lotion on their flaky lying) when their good neighborhoods are exposed for the healthy frauds they are.

What's really happening in the broken link filled thought process of “good neighborhood people” is that they are using the status quo logic of their neighborhood, county, state and country as the basis for determining what constitutes good and bad, right and wrong, moral decency.

The use of status quo logic (such as legal, illegal, culture) as justification for thinking and behavior, is a poor excuse used by a person who is a poor excuse for a human being.
Why? Because you are no longer in a status quo of being, beingness, becoming in the process of finding your way back to wholeness of harmony with all things doing the same. Instead you are simply repeating the prevailing logic of a human group as the way of ways.

Status Quo | Expanded Definition & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2474

(9axd of 11)

“Status” is the current state, condition, level, position, situation in relation to the whole set and layers of circles, all parameters within each perimeter.
“Status Quo” is the current condition of the quo.

Quo is Khu, thus spirit.
Khu is Khuti, thus spirits, beginning with the two truths.
Khuti is quota, thus an amount, portion, part, partition.
Quota is quote, thus, to repeat exactly without variance.

Status quo means “the condition of the “dynamic balance” between the twin spirits that rule logic.”

When we follow and go along with the status quo, we are repeating, quoting what has already been established as the dynamic balance. When we do this, regardless if we live in societies or civilizations, we are doing our part in keeping things the way they are, upholding the status quo, cosigning the status quo, consenting and agreeing with the status quo.

Status quo is the status of the whole, the status in relation to the whole.
What is the condition of something right now, in relation to its wholeness condition?

The main problem right now among humans is that we follow the status quo logic of a group of humans who are deeply fragmented and tormented. Yet we follow their worldview logic rather than us coming forth into knowledge of self, thus maturing back into following the supreme being status quo, ecosystem system status quo, trueprint blueprint status quo.

In other words, humans did not invent the status quo, but human primary use of free will, can temporarily circumvent greater status quos by causing delays and trying to hide ever-present unavoidable consequences.

Understand clearly, nothing humans do is the highest, best, most powerful, such that it cannot be removed, defeated, laid low, made weakest. Current human status quos are pathogens that sicken and kill their hosts. What remains of these productive self-destructive seductive societies and their logic, the Great Doctor will remove, is assisting setting up for a fall like cascading dominoes, despite how much they are propped up.

Monday, June 7, 2021

People Of Color Ain't Your Sisters & Brothers
Unity Consciousness #2473

(9axc of 11)

[Paraphrased] Honolulu, Hawaii — Lindsay Myeni [white] and her South African husband [black] moved to Hawaii, believing it would be safer to raise their two Black children here than in another U.S. State. Honolulu police killed her husband.

“We never thought anything like this would ever happen there,” Lindsay Myeni said.

To some, her husband's death and the lack of outrage from Hawaiians, is a reminder that Hawaii isn’t the racially harmonious paradise it’s advertised to be.
Whites are not the majority and many people identify as having multiple ethnicities made Hawaii a place that felt right said Lindsay. “We were refreshed to be back to somewhere that is so diverse.”
Of Hawaii’s 1.5 million residents, just 3.6% are Black, yet in Honolulu alone, Black people made up more than 7% of the people police used force against.
Even though Hawaii is one of the few places where people of color are the majority, there are still anti-Black sentiments — at institutional and individual levels [otherwise known as racism]

Acknowledging Hawaii experiences racial bias in law enforcement like other parts of the country “explodes the myth that this is a paradise...Lindsay Myeni said her husband didn't encounter racist incidents in Hawaii....“people are warm and friendly and outgoing,” she said. “All the things he loved about South Africa, Hawaii has a lot of those.” https://www.yahoo.com/news/no-mass-protests-honolulu-police-155633667.html

[Sadly, like many Africans, and those who prefer “black,” Lindsay and her husband lived in almost complete delusion and ignored what Africans have been shown worldwide for millenia. We have no friends, not even people of color. We've been down this road many times before and have not learned the only friends we have and need are ourselves and each other. Africans stop calling yourselves people of color and including people of color as if they are on our side and in the same boat.]

In Ypsilanti Township, Mich., a 6-year-old Black child was shot in the arm by his neighbor who reportedly was upset that the child’s bicycle was in his front yard. The neighbor, an Asian man, first allegedly threatened the boy with a sledgehammer after he went to retrieve his bike, then the man went inside his home and fired a shot through his front window striking the child.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Intro To Blood Pressure Regulation
Unity Consciousness #2472

(9axb of 11)

Blood pressure is affected by multiple systems and factors, all of which must be functioning properly.
1. Blood circulation (heart and vessels)
2. Blood volume
3. Blood osmolality. Osmolality refers to the balance of solutes and water within a solution, in this case, the blood., salt, potassium
4. Blood viscosity
5. Systemic vascular resistance (SVR), also known as total peripheral resistance (TPR), is the amount of force exerted on circulating blood by the blood vessels of the body.
6. Interstitium and Interstitial
7. Lymphatic
8. Renal (includes kidneys)
9. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). The renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) is a critical regulator of blood volume and systemic vascular resistance. The RAAS involves the kidneys, lungs, systemic vasculature, and the brain.
10. Liver
11. Bone Marrow
12. Nervous system
13. Immune System

Additional Factors

1. Hydration and Diet
2. Drugs (Prescription and Non-prescription)
3. Stress Management

Contrary To Modern Medical Belief

1. Age is not a risk factor. Instead it is Age combined with culture.
2. Gender is not a risk factor. Instead it is Gender combined with culture.
3. Race is not a risk factor because race is based on skin color. Instead it is the disfavored group combined with the culture of the favored group. It is an ill-fit of logic that contributes to illness.
4. Family history is not a risk factor. Instead it is family history combined with age, gender, skin color and the culture one follows. Culture as a risk factor for blood pressure malfunction, can be termed “passing on bad habits.” This is why culture is also family history related.


1. Physiology, Blood Volume

2. High blood pressure (hypertension)

3. Low blood pressure (hypotension)

4. Physiology, Renin Angiotensin System

5. Physiology, Systemic Vascular Resistance

First point: Managing blood pressure with medication is a low value approach because the cause of blood pressure malfunction is unknown, yet multiple systems are involved. This is why a medication approach results in the need to take several, each with problematic dangerous effects, affecting various body parts and systems. Thus, as always, the best approach is a whole body ecosystem approach to health that gives the body what it needs to restore and maintain cellular balance, thus keep all systems dynamically balanced.

Second point: Culture is the biggest risk factor for all imbalance, thus all illness. Our current cultures continue to blame anything and everything for problems and illness, except blaming the culture itself.

If any other species had the societal problems humans have and had the physical and mental illnesses humans have, and was the cause of problems for us and so many other species, not only would that species self-destruct itself out of existence, we'd hate the thought of that species and consider it the most worthless species ever created.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Expanding On Undercover Racism
Unity Consciousness #2471

(9axa of 11)

We know racism operates both undercover and out in the open. Racism also operates semi-undercover.
We must now remind ourselves of the sameness of other words such as deep cover, okie doke, subterfuge, ulterior motive, snake in the grass, back stabbing, double cross, sneak attack, smiling face (grin of the evil that lurks within that pretends to be your friend), trick, doublespeak, triple speak, hoodwink, switcheroo, bait and switch, sike (psych), fake out, psych out, betray, traitor, scam, flim flam, liar, snake oil, pull the wool over our eyes, cheat, deceitful, veiled.
All these things attempt to conceal and hide racism.

In UC#2463, I related the story of being in the middle of asking and writing down the question: “How do you hate someone, have ill intentions towards them, yet convince these targets you are friends?”
Before I could finish the thought process, I received additional information: ”Most people will tell you their bad intentions if you just listen.”

If You Just Listen

hearing + sensing

Sensing Abilities Are Perceiving Abilities

Listening is perceiving with the ears while seeing is perceiving with the eyes while smelling is perceiving with the nose while tasting is perceiving with the mouth while touching-feeling is perceiving with the skin while intuition is perceiving with spirit, soul or inner mind.
Thus all these ways of perceiving are sensing abilities, thus the descriptions are interchangeable. For instance, ears can also see, smell, taste, touch (feel), intuit. Thus racism can be detected using more than one sensing ability

Be not deceived by miseducation. We named the sensing ability of our ears, hearing. If we were taught that we see with ears and hear with eyes, then we would. The name we give something does not change its ability, its function. We associate hearing with ears because it has been named and defined that way. Thus we must learn to break free from the name description of the sensing ability and trust that each sensing ability is able to perceive (sense) what it was designed to.

All sensing abilities function by processing information, external and/or internal. this information is then associated with other information in two main places:
1. cells in the central processing unit in our head that we call a brain
2. cells elsewhere in the body.

The brain is the main brain. Cells elsewhere in the body are mini-brains, mini-possessors.

If we just listen with all our sensing abilities, we'd be able to detect more racism that might escape our ears, eyes and recent memory. We must reach back and regain a better sense of understanding of what factors led to creating the current status quo in each society, nation, state, county, city, community. We must especially use the sensing ability of recalling the memory of our experiences and the memory of our ancestors in our genetic library.
When we use more sensing abilities and also use them in expanded ways, racism has no cover to hide under or behind because we can detect racism in any form in any place.
We no longer deceive ourselves.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Blatantly Clear Racism In Supposedly Non-Racist Institutions
June 2021
Unity Consciousness #2470

(9awz of 11)

More Will Be Added As Encountered

”White children, experts say, are more likely to be sent to therapists or returned to their parents for the same behavior for which Black children are arrested, a pattern reflected nationwide.” New York
Racist Institutions: Government, Law, Education

“Retired Army Lt. Col. Barnard Kemter‘s microphone was cut off while giving the keynote address Monday at Markillie Cemetery in Hudson, Ohio as he began to share a story about how former enslaved Black people were the first to honor deceased Union soldiers after the end of the Civil War, the origins of Memorial Day.”
Racist Institutions: Government, Nonprofit

“A white prosecutor in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, told deputy prosecutors not to make plea deals with a Black lawyer who criticized systemic racism in criminal courts, according to emails seen by the Tribune Review.”
Racist Institutions: Government, Law

race norming nfl concussion protocol
Racist Institutions: Economics (includes healthcare), Education, Entertainment (includes sports), Labor

A short list of black towns destroyed by whites physically and by other treacheries
Racist Institutions: Government, Law, Police, Military, White Mobs

1. 1863 Draft Riot, New York, NY
2. 1866 New Orleans, LA
3. 1868 Opelousas, LA
4. 1873 Colfax, LA
5. 1887 Thibodaux, LA
6. 1898 Wilmington, NC
7. 1906 Atlanta, GA
8. 1917 East St. Louis, MO
9. 1919 Elaine, AR
10. 1919 Chicago, IL
11. 1919 Washington DC
12. 1919 Knoxville, TN
13. 1920 Ocoee, FL [see Ochese, Muskogee]
14. 1921 Tulsa, OK (not the only Black Wall Street. Wall Street simply meaning financial and business district)
15. 1923 Rosewood, FL (see the movie)
16. Seneca Village, NY
17. Five Points District, NY
18. Weeksville, NY
19. Freedman's Village, VA
20. Allensworth, CA
21. Freedman's Town, TX
22. Davis Bend, MS
23. New Philadelphia, IL

All these are in addition to the nonstop gentrifying of black neighborhoods.

...Republican legislation that would restrict teachers from discussing certain topics in regards to racism, sexism and oppression with students. Republican lawmakers in states like Florida and Iowa have worked tirelessly to enact laws that would prevent public schools from adopting lesson plans on critical race theory and other frameworks that openly and honestly examine how racism is systemically embedded in U.S. History.
Racist Institutions: Government, Law, Education

Terry’s case concerned the reach of the First Step Act, a bipartisan 2018 law signed by former President Donald Trump. Aimed at reducing racial disparities in sentencing, the law allows prisoners convicted of older crack crimes to seek reduced sentences.
But the law specifically addresses crack possession only above 5 grams for one category of possession and above 50 grams for another category.
That allowed crack cocaine kingpins to seek reduced sentences, but it left convicts like Terry in a legal limbo, with courts around the country coming to different conclusions.
Racist Institutions: Government, Law, Economics

It's Okay To Threaten Unvaccinated Employees
Garbage Logic Exposed
Unity Consciousness #2469

(9awy of 11)

“The justification for allowing employers to mandate vaccinations is based upon the logical and strong premise that unvaccinated employees present a ‘direct threat’ to others in the workplace,” according to the National Law Review.”


1. The government is not mandating vaccines, because they have no justifiable reason. Yet the government says employers have a justifiable reason.

2. The government claims the justification is “logical” and “strong”
3. The government calls the justification a “premise”
4. A premise is a previous statement or proposition from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion. For example, "if the premise is true, then the conclusion must be true"

5. So what the government is saying is that since unvaccinated employees present a ‘direct threat’ to others in the workplace,” then employers can mandate vaccines

6. Meanwhile the vaccinated and unvaccinated are allowed to mix and mingle in public places.

7. Why can't the unvaccinated simply be required to wear masks instead of being fired? Because it's punishment for free independent thinkers.

What this boils down to is coercion, punishment and using employment and employers as scapegoats to do the government's dirty work of forcing people to put something into their bodies they don't want to.

Notice how the justification “is not to save the lives of the unvaccinated.” Who can force you to save your own life?
The government and employers can by working together against you and forcing you to choose between a paycheck and poison. Remember, government and business are bed buddies and two sides of the same coin and two of the ten arms of societal control. The government has simply passed the buck, baton and bullshit to businesses.

The justification to allow employer to mandate vaccines is weak because it claims the vaccinated are exposed to a threat.
Truth is, the unvaccinated are only a threat to each other.

Also remember, employers don't have to mandate vaccines.

Also remember, it is an invasion of privacy and HIPPA to be forced to reveal any type of health status. Should we be required to also confirm that we don't have HIV or herpes or kiss-ass-itis?

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Unashamed Bribes To Take Covid Vaccines
Unity Consciousness #2468

(9awx of 11)

Our own lives are already being used to bribe us into taking vaccines. “Here, take this vaccine and you get to keep your life.”

Now the pretense is gone and bribes are out in the open.

Who doesn't see the sinisterness of many localities offering financial incentives to get people to get the covid-19 vaccine, including giving them preferential freedoms? Crazy-ass Jim Justice of 95% white West Virginia is raffling off custom rifles and shotguns also.

All this bribing and desperate push to get desperate people to take the covid vaccine is occurring even as many restrictions are being lifted and a “Summer of Freedom” is being promised.

So why the still urgent push to get people vaccinated, using any enticing means necessary?
Either there's life-threatening danger or not from covid, its variants and the unvaccinated.

When are you gonna recognize and admit you've been lied to and still are?
Whatever happened to, “we need everybody to get vaccinated so we can get back to normal?”

Beautiful Creeping Charlie Beats Back Ugly Respiratory Virus
Unity Consciousness #2467

(9aww of 11)

I can again testify that bitter, spicy and hot foods (by taste or temperature) are expectorants. They also help raise body temperature, thus cellular temperature. Raised cellular temperature helps weaken and kill pathogens. This is why the body naturally develops what we call “a fever.”

In recent months I've had a lingering not too often cough with a little mucous (phlegm), sometimes with a little bright blood. I decided to let my body take care of it on its own. I used this approach many times before covid-19 plandemic days. Each time, the cough went away, but much sooner. So I'm fairly certain this was a respiratory virus, either influenza or coronavirus. Part of the good news is that my body has had time to develop antibodies.

On 05.30.21, I had noisy breathing and a hard cough with blood. By 06.02.21, I had neither. I had a soft infrequent cough. All I did differently was drink creeping charlie tea, three times a day, spit out anything coughed up and get rest. I'll continue to drink the medicinal tea, at least once a day, for a total of seven days.

I'll repeat what has been said elsewhere.
“The moment you feel any type of cold, sneeze, cough or mucous buildup, jump on it immediately by eating healthier, resting, hydrating and getting every little bit of infection out of you, spit it out, blow it out, take castor oil to excrete it out, drink water to piss it out, each spicy foods to raise internal cellular temperature to create an unpleasant environment for the virus or bacteria. Take steam baths and showers. Overdress to the point of always feeling hot and sweating. Drink teas such as ginger, honeysuckle, knotweed and others.”

Now let's go back and imagine the simplistic beauty laid out for us to follow.
Free Nutrition Healing Abundance From Invasive Weeds, Unity Consciousness #2167
All these plants and more are eaten by chickens, cows, pigs, horses, sheep, rabbits, groundhogs and many more. This is how these creatures stay healthy by eating the food that is also their medicine.

Then to add more beauty to the trueprint blueprint, bees drink the juice of these and many other plants, which is why honey is so healing.

By now we should know that what we are eating consists of a form of earth, a form of water, a form of air and a form of heat-light-fire.
We are supposed to use these Primordial Four to feed and heal the Inseparable Four, both sets of which whose names are interchangeable, I.e, the primordial four are the inseparable four.

Mental Health & Illness | Expanded Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2466

(9awv of 11)


Apart from going to a psychological journal or book that uses an “optimal theory” worldview, the following is the most uniquely comprehensive discussion of mental health, mental illness, you'll find. At a minimum, this message lays an expanded foundation that allows us to then rebuild better understandings of mental health and mental illness.

A critical step in understanding mental health is becoming aware that we live in societies that invest heavily in ensuring we have mental illness (gullibility, ignorance, stupidity, miseducation, low critical thinking...). Most of us don't want to admit we've been miseducated to not know what we need to know to live optimally (maintain total health).
Furthermore, our societies define mental health/mental illness in a very confined, fragmented suboptimal way.
Go to a search engine and type: what is mental health.

Better Definition - If it is true that cells are the basic unit of life, then cells must also be the basic unit of health and illness. All illness is caused by cellular imbalance. Cellular imbalance causes cellular malfunction. Cellular malfunction manifests as physical illness, emotional illness, spirit-soul illness and mental illness. In other words, mental health depends on cellular health.

The basic cause of cellular imbalance is not enough nutrition and too many toxins.
Any imbalance in our cells, begins to simultaneously lessen our physical, spiritual, emotional and mental health. We are usually not aware of this until the imbalance is large or long existing. Therefore, we must not be deceived into thinking mental illness is a new human illness or is limited to a relative few. Truth is, the masses are mentally ill.

It is possible to correct and recover from cellular malfunction, thus recover from any illness, by restoring cellular balance. Simply put, this requires making adjustments to choices. Of course our ability to restore cellular balance depends on how much and how long our cells are out of balance and the thought processes and methods we use to correct the imbalance. All this is firstly impacted by whether we are using an optimal or suboptimal context to inform and guide our thought processes.

You don't have to be fully versed in mental health in order to begin addressing your mental health. There is no need to run out and talk to a mental health professional. You start by stopping a lot of what you are doing, getting rest, nutrition, reducing toxins, asking the universe and listening to your spirit-soul.

Discussed elsewhere more fully, part of toxin reduction is eliminating stressors. Everyone experiences stress, but, for various reasons, not everyone is able to properly process certain types of stress so that it is released or released in a healthy manner.

Simply put, stress is tension pressure that builds up. This causes extra pressure within and between cells which throws the cells out of balance, thus causes cells to malfunction. This always simultaneously affects us physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally (These four areas are the “four inseparable aspects of self.”)

Simply put also, one example of an unhealthy buildup of tension pressure is when we take in too many outside views and expectations, but do not release enough of the inside views and expectations of our spirit-soul. Ashe. Asante Sana.

Expanded Discussions & Examples

1. 12.12.12 Day 1: Mind-Centered Living & Disability

2. 12.16.12 Day 5: Choosing To Succeed Or Fail This is about nutrition.

3. 06.09.13 Crazy | Basic Mental Health Resources & Issues And So Continues The Meaning Of Life & Existence (Part 8l)

4. 05.19.15 Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Part 1, Unity Consciousness #249

5. 05.21.15 Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Part 2, Unity Consciousness #250

6. 05.21.15 Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Part 3, Unity Consciousness #251

7. 05.21.15 Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Part 4, Unity Consciousness #252

8. 05.23.15 Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Part 5, Unity Consciousness #253

9. 05.23.15 Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Part 6, Unity Consciousness #254

10. 05.24.15 Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Part 7, Unity Consciousness #257

11. 05.25.15 Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Part 8, Unity Consciousness #260

12. 09.01.15 Slavery Apology, Cognitive Dissonance & Psycho-Sociopathy, Unity Consciousness #441

13. 12.09.15 Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Part 9, Blues To Blacks & Blues To Ballyhooed To Boohooed Skies, When Chicken Little Cries Crisis, Unity Consciousness #562

14. 04.25.16 Who Is Crazy And Who Is Not?, Changing The Mental Health Conversation, Unity Consciousness #670

15. 09.12.17 Definition 1 – Based On Nutrition: Nutrition | Mental Health Definitions & Meanings, Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Pt X, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1094

16. 09.13.17 Definition 2 – Based On Self-Preservation: Self-Preservation | Mental Health Definitions & Meanings, Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Pt X, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1095

17. 09.13.17 Definition 3 – Based On Culture (Asili & Utamawazo): Culture | Mental Health Definitions & Meanings, Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Pt X, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1096

18. 09.13.17 Definition 4 – Based On Race: Race | Mental Health Definitions & Meanings, Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Pt X, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1097

19. 09.13.17 Definition 5 – Based On Results (Outcomes Of Mental Functioning): Mental Functioning | Mental Health Definitions & Meanings, Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Pt X, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1098

20. 09.14.17 Definition 6 – Based On Reparations: Reparations | Mental Health Definitions & Meanings, Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Pt X, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1099

21. 09.14.17 Definition 7 – Based On Nature As & Of Mental Health: Nature | Mental Health Definitions & Meanings, Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Pt X, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1100

22. 09.14.17 Definition 8 – Based On Beingness: Beingness | Mental Health Definitions & Meanings, Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Pt X, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1101

23. 09.16.17 Definition 9 – Based On Duality: Duality | Mental Health Definitions & Meanings, Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Pt X, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1102

Cells are computers. They function based on information (elements) in the form of duality (binary code). The information must be paired with it's equalizing balancing components. When information in our cells, in our minds, is out of balance, fragmented, unpaired, improperly paired, thus contradictory, then the ecosystem of self does not compute properly because it is out of equilibrium homeostasis, thus we feel ill because we are.

24. 05.30.18 Status Quo Of Mental Illness & Racism, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1360

Making The Separable Inseparable Again

Mental health is connected to, thus codependent with, spirit-soul health, emotional health and physical health.

Mark 10:9 (KJV) What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
The Supreme Being joined spirit to mind to emotion to physical.
Mental health is an idea whose time has come back around once again because of the rising new Ages. Religion has been unable to lead the healing of the total self because religion's job is to make mental health and mental illness, unnoticeable, thus also even make us not understand why we are physically sick and the common connection. This is why we automatically, but mistakenly, turn to religion when illness occurs, rather than relying on spirituality every day in every way to keep us healthy. We rely on religion to hopefully fix the effects of our broken logic, rather than relying on spirituality to continuously self-correct broken and incomplete logic. Thus a return to ancient traditions of spirituality is necessary to tie back, spirit-mind-emotion health to physical health.


Mis-education is a contributor to mental illness for various reasons. Overall, miseducation makes us unaware we must give the same daily attention to mental health as we do other aspects of health.
Mis-education lowers self-awareness, self-esteem, self-study, self-help, self-support, self-knowledge, self-determination, self-worth, self-respect, self-commitment, self-concept, self-image, self-improvement, self-assistance, self-assessment, self-education, self-communication, self-communing and self-love.
Some of the many other names of mental illness are: racism, evil discrimination, infringing on the rights of creation, cognitive dissonance, bad behavior...

I AM repeating the fundamental solution for health: increase nutrition, reduce toxins.
When ill, it is counterproductive to ignore nutrition and then increase toxins by using treatments and medications that have one or more negative toxic direct effects (deceitfully called side effects).

Understand clearly. No person gets sick when one cell is out of balance. Sickness occurs when many cells malfunction and remain out of balance. (Racism occurs when many people have Stage IV mental illness.)
We have multiple annual checkups for various parts of physical health. Even doctor's visits check temperature, lungs, heart rate, blood pressure and so on.
Because the current cadre of mental health professionals are born, bred and fed by suboptimal theory, they are ill-equipped to provide an appropriate definition and address mental health optimally. If they were, they'd be promoting mental health checkups and nutrition; however, there is another group of psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, teachers, ngangas and other mental health professionals who are much better equipped because they follow optimal theory, upon which the African Utamawazo is based.

All this is also saying that just as individual healing comes from the birthplace source of earth and universe and must reach our cells, so also must collective human healing come from the birthplace source in Africa and African Utamawazo informed knowledge about self and all else. We cannot continue to use the suboptimal contexts, definitions and meanings of the societies we live in, if we want to change those societies and ourselves towards the much better humans are capable of.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Suggestions & Low-Value (Mostly Annoying) Media Practices
Unity Consciousness #2465

(9awu of 11)

Because of the new Ages, all suboptimal behaviors must change. The media has been a megaphone for the suboptimal status quo thought processes.
An interview is supposed to enhance understanding. Most media interviews of athletes do not.

Short List Of Suggestions & Practices

1. Asking people about their next opponent. What do we expect the person to say that's so revealing that we've not heard over and over?

2. Requiring losers to give an interview.

3. Requiring winners to say something.

4. Interviewing popular players too much.

5. In tennis, requiring the runner-up to speak and be in the same ceremony as the winner.

6. In playoffs and tournaments, requiring winners to say something after each victory.

7. In basketball, requiring coaches to say something before the game is over.

8. Asking players about their injuries. What do you think they are going to say?

9. Before a game or match, reminding players of past losses, failures, mistakes or the difficulty of winning. [this is one of the things Naomi was alluding to]

10. Insisting a question be answered or pointing out that the question wasn't answered, as if the interview is taking place in a courtroom setting.

11. Pre-game, post-game and halftime shows should be cut in half. Offer instead live or pre-recorded entertainment.

12. Require interviewer name, face and company to be known for each question asked.

13. Require interviewer's to also have to answer questions, if the interviewee so chooses.

14. Quit defending the media because you are part of the media. Just change suboptimal behaviors to optimal behaviors.

15. It often feels like the person being interviewed is being “put on the spot” and has to answer the question, as if in an interrogation. Interviews also seem like parent-child interactions where it's, “you better answer me.”

16. Be humanly sensitive to what the person might be going through. Listen closely, show respect, adjust questions on the fly. Stop hiding behind “I had to ask the question,” or “it's my job”. Put yourself in the other person's shoes and quit acting like you're in charge.

17. Remember, asking a question doesn't make it an appropriate question.

18. Non-conversational interview approaches are one-sided and consist of questions not tied to each other and not built on previous responses. Do your homework on the person being interviewed and take differences into account.

19. We are interested in the experiences of others because we relate them to self, consciously or subconsciously. No one enjoys or benefits from being asked the same questions, just because it's a different day.

20. Because the masses are mentally ill, so also are the majority of people, thus most of rhe media is also mentally ill. Understand via optimal theory, what mental illness is.

21. Quit being insatiable for information and claiming the public and fans want or need to know. Wanting to know is not the same as the right to know or should know.

22. Quit claiming “player obligation” as your right to access to force someone to talk to you so you can justify your job.

23. Quit coercing players in backrooms by getting leagues to require player participation.

24. There are thousands of media outlets who need content everyday of the year and they are competing with each other to differentiate themselves, thus get viewers/listeners, thus get adverting dollars, thus fund their payrolls.

25. Admit media is mainly about money, power and control.

26. Media covers who they want to cover and asks what they want to. They don't often allows players to set the context, control the narrative or say what they want to say. Media doesn't like it when they need the person being covered more than the person being covered needs them. The media creates this imbalance by only wanting to cover famous people, stars. So then, by giving these people preferential attention and coverage, the media automatically must also defer to the wishes of those famous popular people when they don't want to answer questions.