If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Status Quo Of Mental Illness & Racism
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1360


(Part 9ix of 11)

Mental illness is rampant among the masses who are not considered mentally ill. Proof is everywhere. Disconnection from nature is proof positive of mental illness, yet connection to nature does not prove absence of mental illness. Not understanding African origins is proof positive, yet knowing is not proof negative. Having a view of spirit or soul as being primarily within humans is proof positive, yet an understanding of the spirit's ubiquity in all creations, is not proof negative. Not knowing what to eat to achieve health is proof positive, yet, knowing is not proof negative. And the list goes on. It takes all these things to sufficiently stave off or heal from socialized educated mental illness.
All this is to say, mental illness is the greater problem that gives birth to racism.
Since we know racism takes many forms, then we also know, so does mental illness.
When I am mentally ill, I cannot properly orient dualities to the wheel in order to heal self and all else in relation to each other.

Mental health requires maintaining homeostasis between the superhuman and human. This is the greater balance. In doing so, this informs balanced thinking and behavior between the human and human.
Our fight against racism must be against the human status quo which is based on stagnation and a commitment to imbalance, thus racism.

It's Dangerous Focusing On Individual Racism

Roseanne Barr is not the individual of racism. She is a proxy for the collective ideology that breeds Trumps, killer cops, killer kids, killer municipalities, kill food systems, killer technologies, killer education, killer religions and so on.
Racism exists because of culture which is why racism exists worldwide.
Racism is an attack on the rights of creation.

A cancellation of a tv show does nothing to stop racism unless the root is dug out and destroyed. As all root diggers know, the root of something long since established extends enormously in all directions from the part showing above ground. You can be digging for days and never find all the roots of racism. And this is why a complete excavation must take place.
Humans cancel shows; the superhuman cancels status quos.
If we stop at one individual and one tv show, what we are saying is “don't be overt about racism, be covert.” This must be so unless ABC and the tweet-o-sphere do everything within there spheres of influence to dismantle racism.

Thank God For The Superhuman

Human behavior always provides insight into the superhuman. If humans are beginning to kick against the verbal display of racism, but not all the physical displays, then this tells us, the superhuman has already been working to kick against the physical displays against the rights of creation. This is so because, as explained elsewhere, human logic and behavior is on a time delay in relation to the thinking and behavior of the superhuman. This is so simply because humans are formed by the superhuman, therefore humans are informed by the superhuman.

The superhuman will get humans to make corrections to the rights of creation, even if it requires creating conditions that makes us finally stop believing in the big ole lie that our societies are mostly “okay.”
Right now, we are being shown that the societal way of life is toxic. We are being shown that our thinking and behavior in relation to our 64+ basic needs and the acquisition, stewardship, distribution of genetic potential (resources) is way off.

I'll say it again. The status quo of the human only exists by virtue of the status of the superhuman.
The superhuman is the superstructure over and under and around and in between what humans have structured.
Human infrastructures of institutions have duplicated themselves in all ways spiritual, mental, emotional and physical and produced billions of Roseannes.
This tells us that a mentally ill status quo must mass produce mental illness in the masses.
They fired Jimmy the Greek and racism is still rampant in sports and sports reporting and sports fandom.

We must not attack individuals without simultaneously attacking the collective, their system and all that breeds racism into its Hydra-headededness.

What Is The Status Quo?

Status is the state of what be right now. By nature, status quo is always changing, even if humans are unaware.
Quo is Khuo, is Khu, is Kha is spirit-soul.
Status quo is what spirit-soul needs it to be in order to manifest the greater good universally. Included in this is a little bit of temporary leeway for human use of free will to see if we can be entrusted with more genetic potential to use for the greater good.

Just Stop It Already!

None of us are strangers to racism. We need to just quit faking surprise and abhorrence.
Once we get past the admittance of racism's everywhere existence, then we can move on to an everyday, everywhere, every way commitment against racism.
The danger in the current one person “put down” of racism is that it focuses on the individual rather than the collective and the multi-pronged system that allows racism to exist everywhere in every pore of every society. Let us see if ABC, Starbucks and others, including the “I can't stand racism” public, does some soul-searching to remove racism from their houses, workplaces, schools, media, governments, etc. What say these folks regarding the mentally ill fan base and NFL's collusion to squash protests against racism? Why don't everyone and all the sponsors ban against racism in the NFL?

There are so many dangers to our current approach that will delay our progress. There is a danger of the okie doke taking place that slants us against overt individual displays of racism, while doing nothing about the greater racism harming pretty much everything. Do you really think, that when racism doesn't make the daily news, that racism didn't happen that day? Do you really think that Roseanne's behavior was the only racist act and the most harmful?

In other words, it is not possible for a single solitary lone wolf renegade person to commit a crime of racism.
Racism is always a collective effort by many contributors whose crimes accumulate into the ones we choose to notice and choose to say are unacceptable when spoken, but okay when acted out in silence and okay when hidden behind other causes and effects and are okay when we benefit from the racism America is perpetrating all over the world, especially in Africa. No, but we're too self-righteously focused on ISIS, Boko Haram, MS-13, North Korea, the boogie man and all other sorts of gnat-like distractions while being stampeded by racism.

Every day in our societies, thousands are being born whose beingness is becoming the next generation of racism soldiers – attacker victims attacking victims. This must be so unless these children go through an extremely different learning process. Who will teach them? What will they teach them? Where will the information come from? Using what context? What is the incentive? Current generations must go through a relearning, remembering, resocialization process, of which cultural bias awareness is a smidgen that must expand into a comprehensive continuous process to reshape thinking and behavior because that's exactly how we were sickened into mental illness until we made most of it likable and normal, while simultaneously reserving a distaste for only a small portion of mental illness.

By The Way; I have still not found the context that makes what Roseanne initially said about Valerie Jarrett as racist. It is racist for us to assume that Muslim and apes means black folks. Perhaps someone can clarify where the racism is in her statement. What I did see was a lot of ignorance manifesting as stupidity.

Humans are next generation apes, genetically, evolutionary.

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