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1. You know who, has co-opted “woke” and defined it in the most suboptimal of ways. There are multiple versions of this suboptimal usage.2. ”Woke” was then slightly expanded and explained as applying to black people who are woke to racism's current existence. This is partly true but still woefully inadequate.
3. “Woke” is now expanded to its fullest extent in a macro sense.The term “Woke” is a version of being “awakened” due to “the Awakening.”
Those who are “woke” are engaged in the continuous process of being awakened, staying awake and being more fully awake. They do not necessarily understand the origin or “Woke” or the fullness of what The Awakening is, neither of which is necessary to be understood until each person needs to know for their journey.
The Awakening, as mentioned often on this weblog, is something that has been mentioned in several cultures for quite some time. Some call it a shift, enlightenment, evolution, coming forth by day or other words that indicate humans worldwide are in a phase of becoming more aware, increasing awareness to reality, truths, lies, self and all else. This Awakening is taking place in stages and to various degrees in individuals. Many people will not be awakened one iota, jot or tittle. Many people (the masses) will not be awakened sufficiently enough or will not remain awake. One reason is due to fear causing a reversion to trusting in untrustworthy status quo cultures that have lulled us asleep into false senses of securities in this, that and the other.
The Awakening applies to way more than humans. It more fundamentally applies to Earth and all species and all Earth contains. The Awakening applies to our Solar System and our Galaxy. It applies to Climate Change and Environmental Change.
4. Think about it. How can “woke” be a bad thing, unless you're trying to go to sleep, stay asleep or keep other's from waking up, being woke and feeling ashamed or afraid to be woke to truth and greater awareness of self and all else?
5. Understand clearly that when we are physically asleep, we lose most of our consciousness of self and all else, except in lucid dreaming. Same is true when we are mentally and spiritually asleep. Earth and Solar System have been asleep and are being wokened. There is nothing humans can do to stop it. The Tribe Called Remnant understands this.