If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Sha'Carri Richardson, IOC & Rules are Rules Bullshit
Unity Consciousness #2493

(9axw of 11)

Much has been said on this weblog about “a rule” and “rules”.

Two False Narratives

1. False - To say rules are rules is to imply that rules must be always followed and there is no leeway for variance and that revision can't happen immediately and simultaneously when faced with an instance of rule violation.

Truth - All rule-making bodies always have the power, choice and discretion to decide whether to enforce a rule or to what degree. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is no different. We already see an example when the IOC said no political expression, now they say it is allowed within certain parameters.
There is no such thing as a rigid rule. All rules come with inherent flexibility, the application of which is determined by rule-makers and their appointees and delegates.

Per the IOC
The President may take any action or decision on behalf of the IOC when circumstances prevent it from being taken by the Session or the IOC Executive Board. Such action or decision must be submitted promptly for ratification by the competent organ. https://stillmed.olympics.com/media/Document%20Library/OlympicOrg/General/EN-Olympic-Charter.pdf
Any decision of the Session, including decisions on amendments to the Olympic Charter, comes into effect immediately, unless otherwise decided by the Session. A matter which is not listed on the agenda of a Session may be discussed if one third of the members so request or if the Chairman authorises it.
The Session may hold meetings and take decisions via teleconference, video-conference or any other appropriate electronic means. A resolution or decision may be submitted to a vote by correspondence, including by electronic mail or any other appropriate electronic means, of the members of the IOC Executive Board by the President.
The IOC Executive Board consists of the President, four Vice-Presidents and ten other members.
….., the IOC Executive Board may take any appropriate decisions for the protection of the Olympic Movement.......[the Olympic Movement is to promote competition among the best]

In other words, if the IOC wanted to be “just,” they could have admitted error and self-corrected, instead they chose to be just the same ole Age old out-of-touch racially biased organization they've always been, that beneath the facade and veneer, doesn't think Africans deserve equal treatment or consideration under any rule of law they have the power to administrate and adjudicate.
Even so, there is still time for the IOC to save face and do an “about face” (do the right thing).

2. False – A good reason for banning marijuana is because the IOC doesn't want athletes to be “high” when participating in an event because it could endanger the athlete and other athletes.
Truth – If this logic is valid, then alcohol should be a banned substance.....and so should any medication that has side effects or allows numbing of pain, thus enhancing performance by allowing athletes to push beyond unassisted limitations, which also opens the door to further injury.

Overall we know human-made rules are discretionary, but their enforcement is rigid when it comes to black folks and flexible when it comes to whites and all others. We see constant examples of this in all aspects of daily life.
We know how differently things would have been handled if Sha'Carri Richardson was a “great white hope.”

To dem who extend no mercy or grace, neither shall they receive any from the Universal Committee and its most recent delegates implementing Climate Change and Environmental Change.

Additional information: https://news.yahoo.com/celebs-athletes-show-support-shacarri-141300078.html


USA Track & Field (USATF) Bullshit

"First and foremost, we are incredibly sympathetic toward Sha'Carri Richardson's extenuating circumstances and strongly applaud her accountability -- and will offer her our continued support both on and off the track".
"While USATF fully agrees that the merit of the World Anti-Doping Agency rules related to THC should be reevaluated, it would be detrimental to the integrity of the U.S. Olympic Team Trials for Track & Field if USATF amended its policies following competition, only weeks before the Olympic Games," USATF said.

In other words, the USATF thinks it would be “detrimental” to immediately stop enforcing a stupid rule.
The USATF claims that immediately fixing a stupid rule would harm the “integrity” of team trials.
They claim the harm to integrity would be due to amending “its policies following competition, only weeks before the Olympic Games," The opposite is true. It would improve the integrity of the Olympic Games.
The USATF's entire statement is a lie and shows their intent to shut down people questioning them and their policies and racist logic.
If a white person had apologized under the exact same circumstances, the USATF would have at least allowed them to participate in an event after their suspension ended. Instead, there was no yielding on their part, which again makes their statement above, more bullshit.

Sha'Carri took the high road while the IOC and USATF dug a newer lower road because that's who they are.
