If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Vaccination By Choice, Then Okay By Force
Unity Consciousness #2494

(9axx of 11)

Evil Manipulation Tactics To Get You To Comply Against Your Best Interests

1. Fear. Cares with scare.
2. Miseducation fueled gullibility, ignorance, stupidity, mental illness, lack of critical thinking and lack of reading comprehension and lack of comprehensive thinking that identifies and resolves contradictory information and logic.
3. Buzzwords such as data, science, experts, officials, studies and so on.
4. Feeling privileged, special and lucky to have access to a vaccine.
5. Carrot-like incentives for ravenous donkeys
6. Peer Pressure. Nonstop programming the vaccinated to think they are in dire danger from the unvaccinated and the Delta variant, yet, in separate reports, ensuring the vaccinated that the vaccine is effective.
7. Patriotism
8. Choice
9. Coercion (Force) by various means including governmental and private enterprises such as businesses, thus the use of duress is okay.

Clearly, if some are allowed to choose vaccination, then no one should be forced. The vaccinated should stand down and the unvaccinated should stand up.

Why do the vaccinated care if the unvaccinated die from a covid variant? That's the choice we're making just as the vaccinated have chosen to roll their dice with vaccines.
Vaccinated trust humans; unvaccinated trust history of human behavior.
If the vaccinated have the right to choose to live, then the unvaccinated have the right to choose to die, if that is the effect of being unvaccinated. If those refusing to be vaccinated die, who cares? It reduces the population and rids societies of a bunch of dumb folks. Why should another person or entity be in somebody's medical business?

To say it's okay to force people to get vaccinated is the conclusion of a thought process that chooses to be a slave and wants others to be enslaved, so that they the slaves can feel safe because there is no challenge of authority, thus illusion is not cracked or shattered.

Perhaps the unvaccinated should threaten to force the vaccinated to do something against their will “to lower the risk of danger to themselves and to us all".

Perhaps the unvaccinated should threaten to force the vaccinated to do something against their will “to lower the risk of danger to themselves and to us all .

If the vaccinated want to feel safe in their minds, then they should get a Delta variant vaccine instead of trying to get others to drink their Jim Jones Juice.

If it's okay for the vaccinated to force others to get vaccinated, then it should be okay for the unvaccinated to force people to not get vaccinated who want to get vaccinated.

Truth is, whether or not the covid-19 vaccine is an mrna vaccine or adenovirus vaccine, the immunity it affords will adapt to variants of itself and create antibody variants, because this is the same thing that always happens once the immune system has encountered and survived any virus, no matter the method or form the virus (antigen pathogen) was contracted. And this is why we don't continue to get sick from variants of all the vaccines we've received since childhood.
And this is why, for instance, there has not been a massive resurgence of the Spanish flu, Zika, Bubonic plague, Ebola, West Nile, Swine Flu, Bird Flu or meningitis, even though no one was vaccinated before, during or after those “highly contagious epidemics” Yet we were made to feel afraid of the threat.

We are lied to when we are led to believe a virus only creates a variant (mutation) when it passes from one host to another. Viruses, just like your own dna (drna) and rna can and do mutate within you on a regular random basis before you pass on that genetic material.

Don't sleep on another point. Forcing people to get vaccinated will negatively impact non-whites the most.

Now, all of a sudden, on 07.08.21, in conjunction with the doubling down pushing of the Delta variant narrative scare tactic, Pfizer is saying its vaccine is losing immunity, thus will not protect you from serious illness. Of course this is false and contradictory on multiple levels, including the fact that immunity doesn't work that way.
To go with this, the USA's CDC says no Pfizer booster is needed, yet, talking head doctors say vaccinated people are still vulnerable to the Delta variant.