If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Punked By Pandemic Programming That Equates
But Doesn't Compute With Truth
Unity Consciousness #2513

(9ayq of 11)

"As the number of infected cases has just become too big, this allowed the novel coronavirus more opportunities to mutate.”
This is the often repeated programming we are being fed that we are equating with “justification to get vaccinated” yet the logic doesn't compute with truth or make sense when compared with other pandemic pieces of information.

The programming stated above is telling us the virus has a higher chance of mutating due to unvaccinated people.
Truth is:
1. If that is true, then the virus is also mutating in the vaccinated, even if they don't feel sick at all or don't get that sick or don't neglect their health to the point of needing to be hospitalized.
2. No one goes to bed feeling fine and having no symptoms of any sickness and then wakes up and has to be hospitalized due to covid-19. The person who does has neglected their health and ignored the signs and has relied on counterproductive self-care home care measures.
3. Furthermore, it is ridiculous for the average person to be hospitalized for more than two weeks due to covid. What the hell is the hospital doing? Obviously not the basics discussed ad naseum in the weblog.
4. Viruses don't mutate just because they enter a new host. Each time a virus makes a copy of itself inside a host, it can vary that copy. This is the natural common behavior of a virus. Thus within each person, including in all those who are currently vaccinated, if the virus entered your body and began to reproduce duplicate make copies of itself, you can be certain the virus made several variants inside you.
5. Consider how in many organisms, that when the parent gives multiple births at once, that often many of those offspring are variants. They are not all identical. Same is true for viruses. Quit being punked and tripping on pieces of logic that don't add up to truth. Connect the dots and correct your thoughts.

6. I'll say it again. Variants of how an organism's genetics manifest in form and function (abilities) is normal and natural and necessary and lifesaving. Plus there are adaptations. Plus there are also errors in genetic processes that are not corrected.
7. All those viruses we've been vaccinated against, they all still exist. This includes Polio (poliomyelitis), Measles, Rubella (german Measles), Mumps, Hepatitis A & B, Tuberculosis, Chickenpox (Varicella), Diphtheria, Flu (Influenza), Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B), Hpv (human Papillomavirus), Rotavirus, Shingles (herpes Zoster), Whooping Cough (pertussis ), Adenovirus, Anthrax, Cholera, Dengue, Diphtheria, H5n1 (pandemic Flu), Plague (plague Vaccine), Rotavirus, Smallpox, and a lot more. Since these viruses still exist, they are still producing variants (mutations), yet most of us never get sick due to these virus variants. We survive due to natural immunity or one vaccine dose despite being as health-ignorant and unhealthy as we are. https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D8;jsessionid=AEC27E2C4496FE05BF104672D67B
8. Notice How There are no vaccines for the said to be deadly Zika, HIV, Ebola, Swine Flu, Bird Flu and many more. And somehow there has been no planned pandemic. Corona virus must be the plague of God on the unrepentant with hardened hearts who follow barbaric humans rather than the truthful examples programmed into the rest of the natural world.
9. The purpose of immunity is not to kill the virus such that it no longer exists in nature so that you don't have to come in contact with it. To do so would be detrimental to health of self and all else.
10. The purpose of natural immunity (encountering a virus and overcoming it) is to give your body a chance to develop an immune response based on the core genetics of the virus and whatever variation it is. In order for this to be as effective as possible, an organism must remain in good health. An organism cannot wait to attend to healthcare when sickness occurs. An organism can't rely on non-natural means to bail it out and save it. An organism cannot never abandon food as medicine.
11. You cannot put a suboptimal formulated substance in an organism and expect that substance to be the cure all for all the organism's failures of healthcare and lifestyle and culture.
12. Why are humans the only specie that relies on artificial means of healthcare? Yet we have more ailments and illnesses and maladies and diseases than any other specie.
13. Why hasn't any other species been wiped out or decimated by the viruses they encounter?
14. How do all other species manage to live in a world filed with viruses and variants?
15. How did humans manage to overcome spanish flu?
16. Are viruses and variants new among humans?
17. Why aren't there several million people dead from covid-19 in “third world” countries, especially Africa?
18. So in case you haven't noticed, there are many variants of humans. It's up to all harmonically tuned humans to mitigate those who are scared, pathetic, pathological, diabolical, destructive to self and all else. If humans don't correct the failed logic of humans, then multiple other aspects of nature's immune system will correct the problem humans and the problems the human virus have created. These truths are self-evident. Meanwhile human virus collectives that continue to move about as if nothing can abate their thirst for control over any and all resources, including nuclei, brains, emotions, spirits and bodies, will continue to use any means necessary to fool those it needs to use as weapons and tools. We are in the midst of the last day for sich depravity called democracy. No single species or subset of that species or variant of that species can ever take over the world or attempt to do so without activating a more than adequate opposite set of responses that disrupts that virus-like species and expectorates it from vital organs and critical systems. All this is exactly what is taking place right now worldwide, especially in the heart and soul of the infection of societies where chaos, confusion, fear and dog-eat-dog cannibalism of genetic potential is normal and the virus is trusted to “handle” the problems its creates.
19. To continue to be punked by pandemic programming brought to you by the virus itself, is like continuing to look in mirrors and not recognizing self in any of them. The truth of all else as it manifests in self, and others of your species variant, doesn't compute.
20. There are two main coronavirses. One created by humans to maintain control. The other created by superhumans (Kepheus and Aquaria) to take back control and prepare the way for their corona-tions and installment of new order programming for the renewal of worlds back to their last known good configurations. This fulfillment requires upheaval of status quo ways of living called normal. This is what is taking place right now. At least for the next 13,000 years, there will be no return to this aberrant variant of normal. In the short-term it will get worse before it gets better. As always, human logic will help make better or worse. For those with ears, eyes, noses, mouths, hands, spirits and memories, let their sensing abilities restore heal-thy outsight and insight as one double vision.
21. All things, all creations, all creatures, all organisms and all viruses have beneficial and non-beneficial aspects. The degree to which we experience either aspect is determined by how we behave interact with that lifeform, which is determined by our thinking (logic) which is determined by the wholeness of information we are using, which is the same as the wholeness of knowledge of self and all else. Each specie and each creation in that species has a mind of its own that is not to be owned by another's manipulation and interpretation of information, not without independent verification. Those whose minds are owned by the logic of another and who do little to no independent verification of information, are easily punked as a tool and weapon for others all because of what a fool believes because a fool chooses to not use or trust her/his own ability to perceive.