If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, February 7, 2022

Comparing Cellular Stages Of Sickness & The Healing Process
Unity Consciousness #2649

(9azzzzzt of 11)

Human Cells

1. In societies, non-recognition of internally manifesting symptoms (inappropriately called asymptomatic)

2. Inflammation and fever is climate change to add energy to make it rapidly conducive for the early immune agents and inhospitable for the pathogen; however, up to a point, fever is beneficial for the pathogen and uncomfortable for the organism, then becomes deadly for both organism and pathogen, if fever alone is unable to disrupt, weaken, unseat and remove the pathogen. This causes temperature to continue to rise unabated if fever is unaided with other healing measures.
This is why, after body temperature returns to the normal range, intermittent use of steam is a useful treatment measure as opposed to keeping the body in a continuous cold air conditioned environment prevalent in hospitals.

3. Additional symptoms in humans are runny nose, coughing, sneezing, wheezing, pains, aches, loss of equilibrium, sweating, chills (shakes), diarrhea, nausea, skin changes, allergies and more.

4. Recognition of external manifesting symptoms.

5. Rest in general as a normal sickness prevention and healing measure and extra rest. Sleep and activity reduction is self-explanatory. It is contradictory to envision the after life or heaven as a place of Rest and this life as a place of Work. Truth is, both places are places of periods of rest and work, higher activity, lesser activity depending on the set of conditions inside and outside the organism.

6. Fluids, mainly water but secondarily, teas which extracts the liquid and solid essence of plants. This provides nutrition medicine in an easily and quickly usable form. Time is of the essence and in the essences.

7. In societies, emphasis on Medication and treatments and not on food as medicine and food as nutrition. Thus we eat to heal and heal-thy self, rather than eat because of hunger, unless hunger is understood to be something cells are initiating and are asking for a mixture of the basic building blocks of elemental life inherent in naturally occurring edibles.
Starve a fever, feed a cold, is stupid. Without nutrition, you cannot stop sickness progression and death. This is why the divine made it simple and easy and combined food and medicine. Sickness detection and healing is not supposed to be a mystery and take a whole lot of what is not widely available for free. If our lives are trapped in a suboptimal sickness-healing mode, this mindset and its accepted defects (side effects) will produce additional defects, thus there's no way to reach the range of optimal best. Thus being unable to heal self optimally, we cannot heal the world optimally, which is why many solutions are problematic that are proposed and put in place by humans in societies.

8. Eliminate or reduce toxins, poisons in food, medication (human attempt to recreate medicine for profit), other medical treatments, indoor and outdoor household products and personal care products.

9. Logical use of metaphor to understand what is happening to self and how to help your self.

10. Repetition of persistence and patience to restore self-regulating dynamic balance.

Earth Cells

We know Earth is a cell because it is a container whose contents are self-contained (they do not spill out or leak out into surrounding space). Also, energy and matter can enter and leave Earth, thus the barrier border perimeter around Earth is the same as a semi-permeable membrane, just as cells in our bodies, cells in plants and cells in other organisms, including cells in organisms we mistakenly think are not alive.

1. Recognition of internal and external manifesting symptoms.

2. Inflammation and fever is climate change to add energy to make it rapidly conducive for the early immune agents and inhospitable for the pathogen; however, up to a point, fever is beneficial for the pathogen** and uncomfortable for the organism, then becomes deadly for both organism and pathogen, if fever alone is unable to disrupt, weaken, unseat and remove the pathogen. This causes temperature to continue to rise unabated if fever is unaided with other healing measures. Since raising cellular temperature is not enough to kill certain pathogens, other changes must be made. For Earth and the Solar System Galactic Network, this is environmental change in ways and on levels that the fragmented have yet consolidated, appreciated, detected or respected. Get re-tuned and stay tuned to recalibrate and raise your level of awareness and you will recognize bits and pieces of what I am is saying in regards to what is going on. Via muddled minds, these changes and occurrences have been, are and will be described in a contradictory confusing mix of morphological and etiological ways attributed to Earth, ecosystem, environment, events in outer space and changes in organisms inside and outside Earth.
**Humans have temporarily benefited and proliferated across a wider swath of Earth due to Interglacial Optimum temperature rise between Ice Ages.

3. Additional symptoms such as loss of water circulation, shakes (earthquakes), skin eruptions (volcanoes), fires, floods, droughts, blight, tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons and other symptoms.

4. Rest in general as a normal sickness prevention and healing measure and extra rest from the pathogen via seasons, Ice Ages, Room Temperature Ages, Hot Ages, desert conditions and coverage by water. Among the many changes occurring on Earth are higher temperatures in some places and lower temperatures in other places. Since Earth is a living being just as humans, metaphor helps us understand these simultaneous temperature occurrences are the same as Earth having fever, chills, aches, shakes, chills and bakes.

5. Fluid intake, dispersal and outtake from within and without in different forms as liquid, air, light, earth, blood, milk, sap, oil, plasma, gel, slime, mucous, mucilage, magma lava. This aids in flooding our cells (recreating Waters of Nun conditions). It also aids in expectorating and excreting through various entrance-exits of bodies, cells, organisms. This process helps alert the rest of the body (other cells, planets, moons, stars, asteroids [star steroids], comets, meteor, meteorites, dark matter, dark energy, aliens) to assist. This is the alarm call for all hands on deck using any means necessary.

6. Food-Medicine via releases from within Earth and from outside Earth in forms liquid to solid, wind, plasma, energy waves, external winds, gas. Food-medicine changes to existing organisms to alter their logic, thus behavior to make them useful in the alerting and healing process. This is why all organisms always already have available to them, advances in medicine via adaptations in plants. This is accessible unless there is loss of habitat, destruction of habitat or significant loss of knowledge of self and all else.

7. Eliminate or reduce toxins. What is toxic to Earth is that which harms the ecosystem. No organism harms the ecosystem except humans. Earth will eliminate or reduce us if we are harming Earth. Through the ill intentions of ill people, this is why coronavirus is killing more people in the USA and likeminded places, than anywhere else.*** This is also why a huge number of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual sicknesses are also killing people in societies, because a society is a tumor.
***This is sorta backfiring, but not really, because coronavirus is killing a lot of weak people and old people who are costing the society a lot of money.

8. A pathogen is a toxin is a poison. These cause cellular imbalance and malfunction and mutation that seem normal, until it is finally recognized to not be. All these are stages of how cancer leaps up and bites the hand that feeds it. Cancer is more than what happens to cells, because cancer happens at the sub-cellular level (components within the cell become cancerous first, especially in the nucleus control center central federal government). In human most societies, governance is decentralized from local to federal to global and also resides in many other bodies, organizations and entities. These function in a highly fragmented manner, but in other ways they all work together as a collective to uphold the same asili and utmawazo. This cannot be determined to be either healthy or unhealthy until we assess the impact of this logic on inherent rights. Anyone who does so, and concludes their society is healthy or slightly sick or recently sick, is deeply infected with corrupt logic they've learned to live with and can now no longer distinguish or extinguish.

9. Logical use of metaphor. As stated earlier, Earth's healing is not its own sole soul responsibility, since Earth's health affects the health of all else. Also responsible are Earth's inhabitants and the collective immune system of solar system galaxy.

10. Evolution happens when an organism is at its healthiest and mostly isolated from the unhealthy culture in all ways pertinent to basic needs and maintenance of inherent rights. Humans came into existence and made configuration and knowledge evolutions based on this.
11. Also, be certain to understand that many places on Earth and in Earth and outside Earth have been isolated from humans on this Earth. In at least some of these places, it is certain evolutions have been taking place.

12. Repetition of persistence and patience to restore self-regulating dynamic balance.

In a physical sense, we are a cell divided into many cells. We were reborn through the Cell of Earth. It makes good sense for us to turn to, rely on and seek understandings from Earth first as nurse, doctor and expert.
Healing, like sickness, happens first at the cellular level, then takes place in the larger, composite parts of the body these same cells form.

Lastly we are reminded that we are inside the Universe. The Universe, if it is everything and the Supreme Being is Everything, must be one and the same. Therefore we inside the universe are inside the body of the Creator. Thus we are one of many creations in the universe body, thus we are one of many cells in the multicellular organism called God. Understanding these things helps us to more fully understand stages and processes of sickness and healing, thus helps us use the ecosystem context to understand what is going on with Earth, in societies and in our bodies and what we must do to heal and preserve self by not behaving like a pathogen against self interests, including those not understood.