If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Justice Unlimited, Definition By Meanings
Quit Thinking About Justice In A Limited Sense
Unity Consciousness #2648

(9azzzzzs of 11)

Justice is entire and complete.
Justice is not individualistic.
There can be no justice for one person if the next person is subject to injustice.
Justice not only protects and frees the innocent, but also punishes the guilty and complicit anywhere in the process.
Justice for a cell can never come from a pathogen trying to take over the nucleus of mind-body-emotion-soul, to use for the virus' purposes.
As such then, justice for Cell Earth cannot come through the collectives who participate in destroying Earth and its inhabitants.
There can be no justice today, if injustice exists today.

Human societies are synonymous with injustice. Injustice today means injustice tomorrow. As, the greater justice moves throughout, the promoters, particpators and protectors of injustice will encounter their just rewards in many ways that will seem as if God has abandoned them. They will be correct because this is the effect of abandoning knowledge of the entirety of God.
Justice is achieved by spirit-soul above and below before it manifests in matter above and below. The reason there has been no sizable sustainable tangible achievement in justice in human societies is because there has been no sizable sustainable change in spirit-soul of the favored group collectives who rely on injustice to make up for their own inadequacies, faults, flaws, deficiencies, vices and ignorance spectrum disorders.

Human governments are not the final arbiters of justice.
Justice did not begin with humans and is not limited to humans or human legal systems.

In a physical sense, Chief of the Chief Justices is the liquid essences, collectively known as the waters of Nun.
In a deeper perceptive sense, Chief of the Chief Justices is spirit-soul.

Justice is even-handed in the long run.
Justice has a self-balancing, self-correcting dynamic balance component. This means the proportion of balance is continuously changing, and most of the time, the proportion of balance is not equal to 50-50 in the short run, individually or in the smaller organism or smaller collective sense. This overrides and overrules all lesser domains that are out of compliance with justice.
Justice approaches the ideal as knowledge of self and all else approaches the ideal.
In human societies, since we know justice is at the opposite end of the spectrum and approaches the ordeal, then human knowledge of self and all else must be at an all time low, even lower than our evolution into this species.

KhesTes (Justice) is the result of spirit-soul in motion. These motions produce all causes and all effects in the Universe, back then, right now and ever-coming.
Justice is also Khesti, Khesteka, KhesTek, Djestes, jestes.

Those who claim to have no awareness of truth or understanding that something is wrong, are people who lack good sense.
Not just for self, but also for members of larger collectives we influence:
1. doing truth is salvation; not doing truth is damnation.
2. there is nothing from preventing the just from receiving their just rewards and the unjust from receiving their unjust rewards.
3. “I didn't know,” is a piss poor excuse. A claim of perpetrating injustice due to an unknown defect in logic is invalidated by known logic defects uncorrected. The process of correcting known defects reveals other defects. Furthermore, everyone, no matter their home and societal training knows the basic difference between right and wrong. This understanding covers all rights and all wrongs, no matter how complicated or justified an issue is made out to be.