If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Delusion Mental Illness Worldview Context
Challenging Delusions & The Consequences
Unity Consciousness #2655

(9azzzzzz of 11)

Someone said: “challenging someone's delusions can have unintended consequences.”
I say,challenging someone's delusions has mostly predictable responses, especially when the delusion is based on fear and increasingly self-evident incorrect knowledge of self and all else.

Clearly many individuals and groups, collectives and nations have delusions. This must be so because delusions are the basis that allow societies to exist and persist.
Most of these delusions are sub-delusion variants of more overall delusions.

Extremely Short List Of Delusions

1. Spirit-soul delusion – Causes spirit-soul, in conjunction with mind and emotion, to misperceive that its present incarnation incarceration in a particular form, is the ultimate manifestation of creation (deusion of grandeur).

2. Human delusion – sub-variant. This applies to all humans whose logic results in the unverified and unvetted conclusion that humans are the chosen better superior species. Despite being defouled with fouled logic we think the behavior that results from our vile and rotten logic comes out as magic shit that smells like honeysuckle blossoms.

3. Civilization-democracy-freedom delusion – sub-variant.

4. White folk delusion – sub-variant. They are the chosen race. The irony is that they are a sub-race of the human race, thus sub-human.

5. White folks who are jews delusion - sub-variant. They are the chosen religion.

6. Many more delusions of many other people – sub-variant delusions based on suboptimal identifiers of self including any demographic or difference used to group people. There are hundreds of these sub-delusions that continue to beget more variants. This means most people suffer from multiple delusion variants simultaneously. Most of the time, a single-delusion can cause significant confusion in most understandings. So now we have better insight into how fouled up our logic is, thus explaining foul behavior, including the uncountable number of continuous foul behaviors that comprise Maafa Racism.

7. African Black folk delusion - sub-variant that doesn't understand the delusions that keeps them at the bottom of the shit flow, and keeps us thinking that if we shit into the flow, that it flows elsewhere, thus allowing our participation to be misperceived as overcoming our use of the same foul logic used against us and the rest of nature.

8. It would be exceptionally rare, relatively speaking among humans, for someone to never have any delusions or now possess only one delusion or now have no delusions, especially without continuous conscious free will effort to inspect and correct logic, and then make improvements until perfect in that aspect.

These delusions run throughout all thought processes, thus to challenge these delusions causes someone to vigorously defend the prospect of losing one's mind and having to redefine their mind, something which is even scarier than the delusions, thus the person and persons defend the delusion at all costs using any means necessary. This is why challenging someone's delusions has mostly predictable consequences.
Consequences are only unintended when the challenger expects a person in deep delusion, who uses the delusion as justification to violate inherent rights, to behave reasonably when faced with truth, when historically and repeatedly, the person or persons have not heeded truth in their own minds or private collectives or when the natural world exposes faulty logic.

Bottom Line:

1. Like a non-beneficial virus, the delusion holder will prevail against other delusionals.

2. Similar to #1, the delusion holder will prevail against those without that particular delusion but are delusional in a way that allows the most dangerous delusions to remain uncorrected, or themselves unprotected from the behaviors of the defective collective people and their collective logic.

3. The delusion holder will have enough healthy logic left that provides an opening for healing truthful logic to come in and take over, thus save the organism from programmed logic death (apoptosis), that occurs due to inheritance and receptivity to nurturing by others and self. Thus the delusion holder will delude themselves long enough or significantly enough to make themselves nonviable to continue as an organism in a dynamically balancing ecosystem. They will delude themselves out of existence.

Go back and look at the delusions in the first list above and you should be able to understand why the thinking and behavior of each group, is what it is.
You should be able to place events taking place in the world as the effects of one or more delusion categories. This message then serves as another tool to help you no longer fool yourself.

Clarity In The Midst Of Delusion

[Per the USA's National Institute of Health at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3016695/ ]

“A delusion is a belief that is clearly false and that indicates an abnormality in the affected person’s content of thought. The false belief is not accounted for by the person’s cultural or religious background or his or her level of intelligence. The key feature of a delusion is the degree to which the person is convinced that the belief is true. A person with a delusion will hold firmly to the belief regardless of evidence to the contrary. Delusions can be difficult to distinguish from overvalued ideas, which are unreasonable ideas that a person holds, but the affected person has at least some level of doubt as to its truthfulness. A person with a delusion is absolutely convinced that the delusion is real. Delusions are a symptom of either a medical, neurological, or mental disorder.” [It is likely that most delusions are the result of mental illness due to the ilogical (ill-logic)]
[Be certain to understand, as noted in several places on this blog, that this same National Institute source, publishes many delusions on this same website, despite presenting itself as thorough, unbiased and undeluded. See “natural products” in tandem with “ncbi” or “2624”]

Also remember that a delusion is a psychosis and a pathology. Thus we get psycho, psycho pathology and psychopath. This is due to a defect malfunction in psyche.

Great Big Handful Of Additional Delusions In No Particular Disorder

1. Human understandings are utmost.
2. Human science and experts and expertise and professionals are utmost.
3. There is no such thing as a genetic library that all humans have access to.
4. The educated delusion.
5. Understanding equals correctness.
6. Strong emotion-passion-devotion, plus belief, is just as good as knowledge without strong emotion.
7. Knowledge without consult with spirit-mind-emotion is karma free.
8. Knowledge and job title is evidence of veracity that automatically overrules human weakness and immorality.
9. The nationality delusion.
10. The religion delusion.
11. A matrix is whole within itself, thus a closed system. This is as false as thinking a seed is whole unto itself and is a closed system. A seed is a matrix, just as each organism is a matrix.
12. Diversity in practice is possible without diversity in dialogue (dialectic). This is as false as thinking an ecosystem is possible by the mere presence of multiple components even though those components do not interact and function in dynamic balance so as to obtain and maintain optimal functioning.
13. The to-each-his-own delusion.
14. Culture and tradition delusion.
15. Love delusion.
16. Humans are primates, but not related to or evolved from apes.
17. Separation of church and state.
18. The objective delusion.
19. Fear based and fear fed delusions.
20. Maintaining into adulthood, thought processes that make childhood make-believe and pretendings okay, but no so for mature thinking and behavior.
21. Pandemic delusion.
22. Medication out of harmony with the ecosystem, can help restore homeostasis delusion.
23. A hospital is a hospitable environment.
24. Balance, justice, fairness, equality delusion.
25. Legal – illusion delusion.
26. Crime and criminal delusion.
27. Health is possible without wholeness.
28. Free will is possible even though chained to chains of logic not of one's own choosing or verification.
29. Causes don't have effects.
30. Effects don't have causes.
31. Rule is obtained, guaranteed and appropriate by having a majority of something.
32. Power is in the taking of control and making of controls. Yet supposedly, the Highest Power gives us control.
33. Most people are not currently in slavery delusion.
34. Slavery only applies to black people delusion.
35. The who we are, where we came from and why we are here delusion.
36. The Confederate Flag is racist, but the Union Flag, Union Jack and USA Flags are not. Truth is, they are all remixes of the same thing. Look at them. Look at the thinking and behavior of the South USA, North USA, United Kingdom Europe and North America USA, and then tell me how they differ in their allegiance to Maafa Racism.
37. The separation of politics and sports delusion.
38. The separation of sports and the rest of life delusion. The only people for whom this is almost not a delusion are the Maafa Racism collective who are used to living highly fragmented lives and seeing no contradictions. Their Maafa Racism delusion and cognitive dissonance renders them incapable of perceiving or believing their many other delusions.
39. Pushback against Maafa Racism, including protests, kneeling and clinched fists, are more of a threat to non-existent unified USA, than the clenched hands-in-hands that are deeply entrenched to never relent from their Maafa Racism intent. This, like many other delusions, is classic projection of pathology.