If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Hot Scalding Coffy, Mother Before Cooler John Coffey, Son
Unity Consciousness #2818

(9azzzzzzzzzzzze of 11)

Coffy is Kafi is Hapi, the feminine principle soul of life in Aquaria and in Kepheus before Coffy, the masculine principle in Aquaria and Kepheus illustrated in the movie, The Green Mile.
In the song, Coffy Is The Color, by Roy Ayers, it says, Coffy is the color of your skin, Coffy is the world we live in.
In the 1973 movie, 7 times 7 years ago, Coffy is a Nurse (wet nurse) who avenges the drugging of her 11 year old sister.
Pam Grier speaks of the importance of water and the well. It is significant that Vitroni, a proxy for whiteness, dies in pool water of his own symbol of opulence. Vitroni kills King George, thus Vitroni is a proxy for the Usa rebelling against King George III of England. Then George Washington becomes the supposed first president. Then George Floyd becomes the blood sacrifice to usher in the next phase of purging, retribution and reparation. George, like Coffy, is a form of the ever-coming soul of life called Horus.
Coffy is described as a liberator.

Pam describes Coffey as a medicine woman and healer who fights for other people. This is exactly the spirit-soul of the Ages of Aquaria and Kepheus.
Times up for the drug pushers who push poisons to the physical, the mind, the emotional and the spirit. Notice who Coffy enacted vengeance against also included aiders, abetters and wannabes, employees and law-abiding citizens.

In the next movie, spirit-soul as Foxy Brown becomes the answer to the Pale Fox in the form of the white, wannabe and person of color women. Foxy is called a whole lot of woman. She tells her brother, who thinks it's better to join the enemy, that “they got a stick of dynamite up your ass and the fuse is burning.” There are also many other fuses impaling and burning as prophesied by patterns of history playing out in current thinking and behavior. All empires rise and fall by killing resistance to climate environmental change of rulership. These times are no different, but as Foxy says, death is too easy, first comes suffering of the type of the hate you give and the pharoah's self-inflicted curse, first in the spirit realm among principalities and then in the physical realm among animated persons. The spirit realm is continuously amping up and the physical dimension is continuously ramping up. Which spark will bring forth the final domino avalanche series of implosions and explosions? Whatever it is, it will unnecessarily come like a thief in the blindsight of beliefs.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Dimensions Of Middle Muddle Age Years Of Forgetfulness
Unity Consciousness #2817

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzd of 11)

In this dimension, I've been in school, in the formal predominantly deforming sense for 21 years (14, 4 and 3).
In the informal predominantly normative sense, I've been in schools all my 59 years.
It is true, time does fly by, but only when not looking where you should and doing what you should. From age 18 to 48, I can only account for a few hours per week, even during the last thrid of this stage when beginning to recover from amnesia. The rest of time, all merges in a blur of insignificance and rote repetition of mildly beneficial and harmful habitualness.
I can say that age 18 to 48 are the middle years of age. These 30 years are significant as the period to reach adulthood, but when this occurs during Middle Ages, it is the adulthood of adulteration and denaturation. Middle age is the second stage. It is the stage after you were under a parent's almost complete tutelage. Middle age is also the time before you return, not only to the lessons of that tutelage, but also expand into the lessons of the current dimension and earlier dimensions, thus correcting the logic impacts of suboptimal parenting, including that derived from village people.

Earlier dimensions are what many humans call “history.” More broadly, earlier dimensions are all dimensions of space and time for all creations through which spirit-soul has traveled, existed, lived and transformed through.
Once we forget and or stray away from the lessons of those times (ages), we have now entered the MIDDLE AGES, the Great Middle Ages, the twilight zone of right and wrong.
Right now, and for at least 6,000 thousands of years, humans have been in another period of Middle Ages. We've tried this and that and lost track of what matters, what's most important (inherent rights of creation).

With this now being said, worked through, written down and spoken aloud, I can now say that time flies (loss of keeping track of time, thus space, thus moments and places) when we lose track of our place (space) in this dimension and in earlier dimensions, and our impact on earlier, current and future times, spaces, moments, places. Thus we lose track of self and all else, thus we really don't know who we are, where we came from and why we are here. This causes mismatches such as being in the right place at the wrong time or wrong mindframe.
All this losing track of time (space) can be called “middle ages” and “muddle ages”. Being in a state of Middle Ages overall is possible even as some things are on the right track or headed in the right direction.

To say this another way, middle ages is the time between the first stage promise, wisdom and beingness of younger years and the third stage promise, wisdom and beingness of elder years. Middle Age is not limited to a certain amount of time, nor are middle ages the same for all persons, nor are middle ages limited to “one and done” (middle ages can reoccur whenever we enter a period of forgetfulness. As a result, in recent times, most people enter middle ages when they begin the formal education process of their societies.

In complete contradiction, yet confirmation of the above, White Europeans call their Middle Ages their period of Enlightenment; however, many facts reveal this so-called Enlightenment Awakening and okay form of Wokening is actually forgetfulness and full loving embrace of vices. This also proves the White European Middle Ages was merely the first stage of their self-destruction that persists even as of right now that is only tolerated by the we-did-something bandages of word spells and the desperateness of masses of beings who, in human form, struggle for the most basic of basic needs, thus cannot evolve beyond barbarianism (terrorism against other organisms). This ideology, its adherents and their societies will die in their Middle Ages because climate environmental change is moving the greater workings into the End Time Elder Ages of Renewed Beginnings. They will be carried home in coffins, burned, scattered, buried and vaccinated against by Age Old & Reborn King & Queen Corona so that the same amassing of sickness and variants cannot reoccur from the same root directory set of conditions directing the motherboard and its software (institutions), thus its users, who, in one sense believe their user defined portions are more significant, and in another sense, believe the way the computer is set up in context and content, is just the way it is and must be abided by.
Middle Ages are Prodigal Ages, the period of fatal flawed logic confirmed individually and collectively by the controlled substance abuse primary use of free will. Prior to these times, humans had achieved civilization, thus the proper use of power, resources and optimal pursuit of beingness. Then comes later generations who have wasted their inheritance in many ways and for many reasons, but primarily due the folly of following the impatient impertinent (rude) Destroyer Principle associated with Satan, Lucifer, Ogo, Ego, Seth, Set, Devil, Yurugu, Pale Fox and the human who is non-African, non-Black, non-animal, non-primate and non descendant of apes.

Think About It

If the entire world and people had their thumbs up their asses for the entirety of human history, and then in 1300's CE, white people became woke and began evolving and learning and creating, then it is not possible in 700 years or 7,000 years for language, writing, math, physics, biology and all other aspects of knowledge to be created, revised and improved along with the inventions based on these basic aspects of knowledge. The only way it is possible is if white people had one hell of a head start using knowledge and composite inventions that already existed among humans, which white people admit, they didn't have because they were not yet enlightened, even while claiming credit for earlier events. Even with a massive head start, it is only possible with the continued infusion of black labor and black intellectual contributions and their struggles of emotion and spirit that have only had brief civilizing effects upon otherwise sick people.
In essence, Medieval means between two evals, two stages, two periods of time. The Medieval Ages of white people is between prepubescence and pubescence. However, instead of progressing, they regressed like Harpocrates, the maimed weakling deformed underdeveloped soul of life akin to Yurugu, as evidenced by all the immature destructive thinking and behavior put forth since the dawning of their so-called Enlightenment and thirst for blood as if it were breastmilk and thirst for inflicting pain as if it were lullabies and thirst for control as if it were existence insurance and thirst for money as if it contained the mysteries and multi-application healing superpowers of honey. And on that note, how can a group of humans lead the rise of humans towards the light when those same humans have caused the collapse of bee colonies due to many pieces of logic and behaviors that harm bees, yet we think these same people can contribute to the good of humankind? Come on now!

Societies Will Never Cure Cancer, Dementia & Other Chronic Problems
Unity Consciousness #2816

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzc of 11)

This is a reminder.
Most people in the top promoted societies have their noses up in the air that we are somehow doing better in life than people in other countries. A whole list of parameters proves this to be false. Yet, hardly a day goes by that I don't hear someone in places like the Usa say the USA is the best country in the world.

1. Top Ten Diseases In The Usa: Heart Disease, Cancer, Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis), Obesity, Alzheimer’s Disease, Diabetes, Substance Abuse, Influenza and Pneumonia, Kidney Disease, Mental Health Conditions [includes emotional, spiritual and logic disorders]
These account for hundreds of millions of people. There are only about 332 million in the USA, thus most of the population currently has several sicknesses at the same time. https://www.talktomira.com/post/10-most-common-health-conditions-in-the-u-s
You can look up the number of people at https://www.google.com/search?q=top+ten+diseases+in+usa+and+number+of+people&newwindow=1&ei=s9JXY8zqMu2pqtsPgJCa8A4&ved=0ahUKEwiMkMKWrfv6AhXtlGoFHQCIBu4Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=top+ten+diseases+in+usa+and+number+of+people&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEKIEOgoIABBHENYEELADOg0IABBHENYEELADEMkDOgYIABAWEB46BQgAEIYDOgUIIRCgAToFCCEQqwI6CAghEBYQHhAdOgcIIRCgARAKSgQITRgBSgQIQRgASgQIRhgAUKcLWLpFYKdIaA1wAXgAgAGNA4gBmxySAQgwLjE1LjQuMZgBAKABAcgBB8ABAQ&sclient=gws-wizu

2. Dementia.
”some of the world’s lowest dementia rates [are found] in Amazonian indigenous groups.”
“among older Tsimane and Moseten people, only about 1% suffer from dementia. In contrast, 11% of people age 65 and older living in the United States have dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.” What is 11% of 54 million? https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+people+age+65+and+older+in+usa&newwindow=1&ei=wtJXY_rrG8WyqtsPxYaz8AM&ved=0ahUKEwj61L6drfv6AhVFmWoFHUXDDD4Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=how+many+people+age+65+and+older+in+usa&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6DQgAEEcQ1gQQsAMQyQM6BQgAEJECOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6DgguEIAEELEDEIMBENQCOgsILhCABBCxAxCDAToECAAQQzoLCC4QgAQQsQMQ1AI6CAgAELEDEIMBOgUIABCABDoLCC4QsQMQgwEQ1AI6CAgAEIAEELEDOggIABCxAxCRAjoICAAQgAQQyQNKBAhNGAFKBAhBGABKBAhGGABQ0w9Y8m5gyHFoA3ABeACAAfABiAGwKZIBBjAuMzcuMpgBAKABAcgBBcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz
According to the study, “Something about the pre-industrial subsistence lifestyle appears to protect older Tsimane and Moseten from dementia,” Yet we fools think we are fortunate to be in so-called ”developed” countries, while being sick as hell.

3. Where Are the Lowest Rates of Alzheimer’s in the World?
“the rates of dementia differ greatly around the world, from the lowest rates in Africa, India, and South Asia, to the highest rates in Western Europe and especially North America. Is it all just genetics? Well, the incidence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is significantly lower for Africans in Nigeria than for African Americans in Indianapolis, for example—up to five times lower.” There are 206 million black folks in Nigeria and only 45 million in the USA, yet blacks in the USA are more dementiated. Why? Because black folks drink the USA Jim Jones juice that comes in many appealing flavors of poison logic.

4. Dementia & Who the Hell is WHO? Their information is contradictory.
WHO says, “Currently more than 55 million people live with dementia worldwide, and there are nearly 10 million new cases every year.” If this isn't a pandemic, then what is? Yet we already know that the USA has 6 million cases.
WHO says, “Worldwide, around 55 million people have dementia, with over 60% living in low- and middle-income countries. ” The USA must be a low and middle income country since 6 million is 10.8% of worldwide dementia, even though USA's percentage of world population is only 4.15%. This means the USA is almost 3 times more dementiated as a percentage of its population. So truth is, income is not the primary factor in maintaining health, and neither is current forms and usage of technology or the current context of what constitutes “science” or the approvals of governments and their henchmen (universities and their studies) telling people this technology, this treatment, this protocol, this medication is a-ok.

5. What are the countries with the highest cancer rates? Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, United States, Denmark, Belgium, The Netherlands, Canada, France, Norway. White folks are obviously sicker.
What are the countries with the lowest cancer rates? Sudan, South Sudan, Djibouti, Timor-Leste, Tajikistan, Republic of Congo, Bhutan, Nepal, The Republic of Gambia, Niger
Six of the lowest in Africa. Black folks are sickest when they take on the logic of sick cultures, USA being # 1 pathogen.

Quit running around thinking that sickness is caused by being poor, in a financial sense.... or poor in an “uneducated by sick people” kind of sense or poor in an electricity sense or poor in a grocery store sense or poor in a homeless sense....

For these reasons and more, societies that think they are all that and a bag of chips, will continue to slip into the quicksands swamp of their logic.

Changing the climate of your logic is the only cure for cancer, dementia and all other problems humans are manifesting supported by their tens of thousands of laws that all have the same fatal flaw.

Cancer, dementia and other illnesses (societal problems) are the result of systemic, endemic, pandemic, institutional implementation of suboptimal theory thinking and behavior. In order to heal, societies must “come clean” and purge themselves of their legion of vices, a chief one being bearing false witness (addicted to lying, afflicted by lying). By nature, societies are only willing and capable of doing the right rot thing (the diminution of the mahaht thing) .

Monday, October 17, 2022

Credit Scores For Poor People & Rent Payment Scams
Unity Consciousness #2815

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzb of 11)

Credit sounds good and is good, but when it comes to money, why does credit put you in debt?
Credit is a debit and deficit financial position.

Yet we seek credit, think we need credit and will work hard following a national plan to have good credit. All of this by the rules of rich people whose primary purpose is not to help you.
People who have enough money don't need credit.
People who don't spend more than they have, don't need credit.
People who don't have enough to cover basic needs, need credit.

In the past few months, commercials have appeared telling us that your housing rent payments now count towards your credit score.
You should ask, why now?...why didn't they count before?...who decides this?
Obviously all the laws and rules of a society are just made up and always uneven. They are not based on objective scientific intelligent methodology, unless that methodology is based on how to control the masses and keep them as unaware unwoke slaves. Rules and laws are based on personal preferences of rich people who are not rich due to personal merit and people who have get rich quick schemes at the expense of others.
Yet we trust and obey financial credit and credit scores.

Credit scores are for the purpose to get you to go into debt and be tied to working for companies and putting up with their bullshit. Credit scores are to psyche you out of filing for bankruptcy. Credit scores are an excuse in financial transactions to justify charging high interest rates, fees, unfair terms and denials. Meanwhile interest rates on savings are always low and you will get taxed on earned interest; however, interest paid is rarely deductible, and even if it is, most people don't have enough deductions to itemize, so we get stuck with the standard deduction, which is equal to the same concept as minimum wage, hourly wage and salary. All of these are limiting, which is why countries such as the USA are always bringing in even poorer people from other countries to keep wages low. This is because government, business, education and religion are one and are the same rich-people controlled institutions.
But that's okay by you because you are a good citizen, hardworking in an honest job and you pay your taxes and follow the rules, avoiding welfare, while rich people get plenty of welfare.
Contrary to the work hard mantra, there is no amount of hard work that justifies people being filthy rich to the degree that a tiny minority have more than the rest of the people. Even earning more than $200K per year is outrageous. Most people earn less than $40K per year.

Most poor people work for money.
Most rich people steal money or inherit stolen money.
Rich people stick together for their benefit, poor people do not, because poor people follow the societal logic put forth by rich people that poor people call education and being informed.
Poor people give rich people credit for being rich, and in return, they give us credit for being poor.

Bottom Line: Under the current criminal configuration of societies, for most of us, it takes at least two people earning income and working together sensibly in order to just have the basics. One person working two jobs is like robbing peter to pay paul because it reduces the quality of life, while rich people run around spending more in a week than poor people earn in a year. Rich people earn more on interest and investments than most poor people make in one year. Why do the rich get richer? One reason is that they know credit scores are for poor people. This is why rich people don't keep financial score by credit scores or use credit scores as a financial tool and means to get ahead or get what they need or want. They use wealth and net worth, two things poor people need not bother with because the number is always less than zero.

And this is why poor people play the lottery and gamble and rely on other schemes while wasting money based on what they are told they deserve to do.
Another method is for one poor person to buy life insurance and die after the policy is fully vested and before paying too much in premiums.
Starting a business is good and should be pursued, but as you can see, even small businesses are always under attack by rich people who ensure larger business reap more benefits from the collective labor and wealth of the country.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Cave Of Adullam & Black Adam
Unity Consciousness #2814

(9azzzzzzzzzzzza of 11)

The Cave Of Adullam is where Lot and his two daughters fled to seek refuge during the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
David also hid in this cave when being pursued by King Saul.

The Documentary: Cave Of Adullam

“At Jason Wilson’s martial arts academy in Detroit, the students’ emotional well-being is prioritized over athletic prowess. Here, these young Black boys are given the rare and invaluable experience of being seen and cared for as the vulnerable beings they are. Over several months, this documentary follows Tamarkus, Gabe, Daniel, and Kevin as they courageously confront their inner demons. Jason is more than just a martial arts sensei to these fragile tween boys who are silently suffering an array of hurts and fears and guides them to course correct at a crucial juncture where their trauma might otherwise calcify into darker behavior. Living out his mantra “it's easier to raise boys than repair broken men,” Jason teaches emotional intelligence instead of discipline, setting these children on a path to become whole and healthy adults.
In this tender documentary, Oscar-nominated documentarian Laura Checkoway presents a rarely seen methodology of raising healthy young men, weaving intimate verité footage into emotionally profound scenes. Devoid of melodrama, this film is a gift from scene one onward. Executive produced by Laurence Fishburne and told with warmth, impressive access and touches of humor, this heartwarming film is a beautiful testament to the healing power of love.--Karen McMullen”
See also https://theyunion.org/catta/catta-sharath-jason-wilson/ and https://theyunion.org/programs/catta/

Further Explained In An Overall Sense

The Cave of Adullam is a home, first and foremost. It is a safe house, a refuge, a place of transformation through training the entire self. Martial arts is a tool in this process.
The Cave Of Adullam Transformational Training Academy is sometimes shortened to CATTA and Cave Of Adullam.
CATTA is a form of Khatti and Khetti, the underworld of darkness, Amenta. In this larger place there are refuges, one of which is the Cave of Adullam. This place is in the South, the birthplace on Earth in Khafrica. Khatti is Aethiopia and Cassiopeia, Corona Crown Princess who has become Queen of the South. Cassiopeia Constellation Of Stars is the Meskhen hinder part of heaven (currently Aquaria-Aquarius, Great Mother-Great Father), a place of finding and founding that gives rebirth to souls, thus a place of great power that restores and releases the precious thing, the enveloped majesty so it can come out of the cocoon and unfold again. This is where the precious thing is preserved, where the truth, the true self, the trueness of self goes through the karrekh correction process of untying, tying, retying, unbonding, bonding, rebonding, unbinding, binding, rebinding, unlimiting, limiting, relimiting, unfixing, fixing, refixing and unconnecting, connecting, reconnecting.
Khatti (Catta) is a form of Kep-en-teriu where the spirit, the soul, the child, the precious thing, lies in wait for its return to reemerge into an ecosystem of institutions that support optimal beingness.
Wilson is a form of Karson and Kar Sun, the soul of life that leads others through the valley and shadows of darkness, enemies and perils. So is the name Jason and Chris Norris.
Chris Norris is also a form of Christ, Karest, leader who has travelled the same road before leading the pack back to becoming more and more intact.

Black Adam

https://comicbook.com/movies/news/black-adam-movie-justice-society-explained-hawkman-doctor-fate-cyclone-atom-smasher/ and https://www.google.com/search?q=black+adam+synopsis&oq=black+adam+synop&aqs=chrome.0.0i131i433i512j69i57j0i3i512j0i22i30l3j0i390l4.5599j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Black Adam is Jason and Chris in the previous section.
Black Adam, as discussed many times, is the same as Atum, Kak, Jack, Shu of the underworld who descends and becomes black and ascends and becomes white as color symbolism of the sun and of the reduced period of awareness, lethargy of logic, grogginess, sleepiness, thus the need for the awakening and to be woke. Black Adam is another aspect of the rising soul of life who is also a warrior who takes another approach in the fight to restore justice, despite the confusion illusion of justice claimed by the Justice Society (current day societies).

Keeping in mind the layers of delayed reaction, this message is another proof below of what has and is taking place above. It speaks to the impending and imminent change that is sweeping and will sweep through human societies with more godspeed than hurricanes, floods, wildfires and earthquakes. You can recognize the signs by opening your mind to truths confirming there are multiple ways of knowing. Then all you have to do is pay attention to repetitions. This is the easy part since everything is a repetition (duplication, variation). Do not close your sensing abilities off to repetitions. Sensing abilities allow you to go back from recognize and fetch reckon-wise, put the two back together. Do not dismiss or discount repetitions (patterns) because they are a primary way of knowing (quite possibly the first part of the first way. This is because the Creators first step in knowing self was to duplicate, replicate, complicate). Some repetitions are continuing; some are incoming, become more and more (in size, amount, number, quantity, quality, volume, mass, degree, frequency, duration, intensity, speed, direction or any other dimension (difference)), becoming revealed, moving into the foreground into primary position in a different perspective; and some repetitions are outgoing, becoming less and less, becoming hidden, moving into the background into primary position in a different perspective.

Three Things

1. There are ,many thousands of events taking place to bring about climate environmental change that will affect all inhabitants in this galaxy, and most definitely on this Earthstar and most definitely in human societies.
2. Black Adam is based on Egyptian Mythology.
3. The movie states, Black Adam has been asleep for 5,000 years.
a) This speaks to the fact that there are many awakenings and wokeness that can't be stopped by humans, crying foul when they themselves are foul.
b) 5,000 years is part of the timeframe of the almost 13,000 year timeframe of the suboptimal half of the Great Year. This takes us back to the Ages of Leo and Herakles (Shu). 5,000 is closer to half of that cycle. This takes us back to the Ages of Taurus and Draconis.
c) The number 5,000 is not as important as understanding that the warrior soul of life who fights against the current form of Justice has been asleep, and as he insists on a different kind of justice, of course, the current status quo, makes him out to be the bad guy, thus also, those who protest against current societies are always the bad guys. To say this another way, the main reason the current form of justice has succeeded is because the opposing form of justice has been asleep, which is why from the onset of current societies, everything is designed to keep people asleep in all aspects of self and all else.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Life Unfolding Like A Leaf Born Again & Again
Unity Consciousness #2813

(9azzzzzzzzzzzz of 11)

One possible reason a leaf is named as such is because leaf is leif is life.
A leaf is named after life because both are a form of unfolding.

Belief can be likened to being a leaf. Be-lief, Be a leaf.
Belief is unfolding thoughts that remain connected to the source of all thoughts, the tree of life, thus knowledge of good and evil.
Belief is a thought about information, a thought that grows, develops, interacts, experiences the elements, falls off, nourishes the soil, combines with others in the mix, grows again.
The leaf only develops and unfolds as the result of being connected to the branch connected to the stem, connected to the roots, connected to the natural world. Then comes budding, blossoming, fruiting, seeding.

Life begins like a leaf. This we already know through beliefs about human embryo development and the way rNA and drNA unfolds.

Belief, in this manner of being a leaf, brings relief, which is re-life which is being born again and again by unfolding again and again into more knowledge of self and all else.

First Leaf Out Fundamentally

Belief in your natural born ability to be the leaf you are. You are spirit, soul, elements, atoms, primordials, genetic material, the same as the universe, universal, versatile, able to become simultaneously multiple things. This is who you are before you take on other identities, some optimal, most suboptimal identifiers of self. Belief in your ability to know who you are, why you are here and where you came from. Unfold into the understandings that reveal all of your essences - - each essence is a leaf and a belief, not just your belief but the Creator's belief in being a leaf passed on into every creation in the tree of life.

This should help us better understand what it means to turn over a new leaf and why humans use that metaphor.

Does It Matter? An Even Simpler Way
Unity Consciousness #2812

(9azzzzzzzzzzzy of 11)

Followup to Simple Things | How To Know Right From Wrong, UC#2800


Mat is Maat, the two truths as spirit-soul, the True Representation of life and existence.
Ter is the circle, the universe.
Does the thinking, behavior and understanding match the balance of truths in the universe?
This is what is meant by “Does it matter?” It is an even simpler way of knowing right from wrong.

If you know anything at all, you know enough to understand the application and balance of truths.
Most certainly all children know until they are force fed to trust human ill logic and they accept that logic as part of who they are.
In other words, asking yourself, Does It Matter, only produces errors when you reject and let go of healthy logic discovered as a part of life and accept and hold on to unhealthy logic till death do you part.

Getting in the habit of asking and understanding what Does It Matter really means, is a way to remind us of being aware of the mass human propensity for using and abusing human laws** as convenient logic monopolizer escapegoat plausible deniability get-out-of-hell-free-cards to explain being a rude indecent being.
Going back to the previous message, for instance, “We did nothing wrong. We followed the law (concussion protocol). We are not to blame. The fact that something went terribly wrong and seriously endangered someone, is UNINTENDED and has nothing to do with many decisions regarding the concussion protocol developers, monitors and implementers. It did not matter that our logic was, and still is not, in balance with the truths about our intent to be authors without responsibility, thus without the decency of a human being , thus disqualifying us to be in charge of anything, not even self-correction.

To be or not to be and To do or not to do, are both answered by Does it matter?

**Human legal laws and human religion laws.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

More Of The Same Insane: NFL Concussion Protocol Handling Of Tagovailoa's First Concussion
Unity Consciousness #2811

(9azzzzzzzzzzzx of 11)

What The NFL Said

“the step-by-step process outlined in the concussion protocol was followed, the outcome in this case was not what was intended" during Miami quarterback Tua Tagovailoa's concussion evaluation during the Dolphins' game against the Bills on Sept. 25.”

“ESPN, who cited a National Football League source, said the neurotrauma consultant made “several mistakes” while evaluating Tagovailoa, who seemed to exhibit concussion symptoms after hitting his head on the ground.”

The subtext of what the NFL said was to not blame Coach Mike McDaniel or the team physician or the NFL Player Association Reps, the trainers, doctors, commissioner, referee, owner and others. No, we'd rather blame the unaffiliated neurotrauma consultant (UNC), even though we still say the concussion protocol was followed. But to further blame someone else, they cited “a failure to understand his role as the UNC and hostility during the investigation process among the factors contributing to his dismissal.” https://www.nfl.com/news/nflpa-approves-updated-concussion-protocol-next-step-is-for-nfl-to-sign-off-on-c and https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-nflpa-agree-to-modify-concussion-protocols-following-completion-of-tua-tagov

What The NFL Should Have Said

1. We Screwed Up!
2. Not only did multiple people fail on game day when Tua Tagovailoa was injured in the game against Buffalo, but multiple people also failed in the four ensuing days that allowed Tua to play in the game against Cincinnati Bengals on Sept. 30.
3. The problem is not that the UNC made several mistakes, that multiple people present in the locker room did not catch any of the mistakes the UNC supposedly made. https://www.kktv.com/2022/10/08/review-dolphins-followed-protocol-with-tagovailoas-injury/
4. The failure is not with the protocol but a failure of common sense.
5. It is also a failure of group think, that despite multiple persons giving input into concussion protocol development and subsequent management of each incident, that no one, despite the many concussions since implementation, foresaw the human failure that was obviously an accident waiting to happen based on the unnecessarily unclear wording in the concussion protocol that allowed human failure to find an escapegoat clause, if ever called to task about a failure of judgment.
6. This then means, we failed to have the input of a regular person with common sense to remind the rest of us what common sense is.
7. The problem is not with the word ataxia being listed as no-go or with gross motor instability or with concussion diagnosis being an inexact science. There's nothing wrong with the protocol, but something wrong with multiple people more worried about saving face and jobs and winning games than telling the truth and protecting player safety.
8. The loophole is loopy logic of protocol writers, approvers and implementers.

This is the same failure prevalent in all institutions in all societies, which is why foolishness, contradictions, ineptitude and self-destruction abounds and the cover-up is not big enough to protect the NFL from another tragedy of insane judgment that will surely happen.

There's a Geico commercial that says, “when you're in a horror movie you make poor decisions.”

Societies with the masses of mentally ill people relying on mentally ill people is a horror movie that causes all problems.

All Abaut Author | Origin, Definition, Meaning
Unity Consciousness #2810

(9azzzzzzzzzzzw of 11)

Author is Au-ther is Au-Kher is Ua-Khar is Khar-ua is Kharua, the birthplace above and below.

Au is is the oldest, first, most primitive one who manifests both truths. “UA” is the waters (Ua-ters), the universe, all space, all time, all beginnings, all roots, all seeds. Au-ter as Author is the same thing as Ua-ter as Water.
Kher is Kher is word, to know, reckon, voice, speech, utter, victim, attacker, savior, kill, war, parent, child, spirit-soul, all things.

Yes, No, Maybe Or It Depends, It's All The Same Thing

It doesn't matter whether you think life and existence is overseen by a God, Creator, Maker, Divine, Deity, Supreme, Highest, Overseer, Being, Humans, Ruler, King (Kha-ing), Queen (Khu-ing), Prince, Savior, Messiah, Devil, Power, Environment, Ecosystem, Climate, Habitat, Universe, Spirit, Soul, Energy, Matter, Force, Holy, All in All, Big Bang, Laws, Science, Genetics, Species, Races, Countries or Nothing At All.
It is a certainty that you believe in several of the above.
Each one of those concepts are understandings about the beginning, the author of life and existence. This is so because an author is a person, a place, a thing and an action, plus modifiers of each and each other.
Person – Author, Waters, Originator, Au-rehk-an, Original (Aur-regnai-al)
Place – Authority, Waters, Origin, Original
Thing – Authorization, Waters, Organization, Original
Action – Authorize, Waters, Originate, Organize

What am I here to author and authorize?
And what am I authoring and authorizing?

In the English variation of language, the er or or is added to the end of words to indicate the person who does something. To a lesser extent ar and ur are used. These are a form of the Ar, Ur, Ra and Ru in Egyptian these can be anywhere in the word and have many more meanings than the doer or the person, for instance, parent, spirit-soul, chief, birthplace. These are what we don't see in Author but are part of Kher and Ter and in siblings Kek, Rekh and Tekh.
Author is the first of all truths in all times and in all spaces. The Auth-or, Thua-or, Khau-ur, Skau-ur (Scholar). These words are synonymous with many words, a few of which are the Maker (Ma-kher), the Hacker (Kha-kher) and the Banger (Ba-ing-kher, Ba-Ng-Kher, Ba-an-kher, Ba-ankh-kher)

Abaut is Ab-au-t, Abt, uat

Monday, October 3, 2022

Allelu-jah Alleluia Hallelujah | Origin, Definition, Meaning
Unity Consciousness #2809

(9azzzzzzzzzzzv of 11)

The Solar Mythology of Scientific Knowledge brings us the leading deity as the sun-god, the son of the mother. One name of the sun-god is Jah. This is also Iah, Sut, Baal, El-Shadai, Hak, Kak, Kebek, the sun of night, the ever-coming one who repeats forms of spirit-soul called words.

El is a soul of life.
lu means to come, return and dual one.
El and IU are both forms of mother and son.

EL-IU-JAH is also Allelujah and Alleluia. Alleluia is a calling forth of soul of life in fire to reinvigorate itself from black to red to yellow to golden to white. This fire is the Need-fire or Baal-fire relit at winter solstice to resurrect at vernal equinox and reach its height at summer solstice and die down at autumnal equinox.
Alleluia also from Au-el-iu-jah.
From this also come Ouija.

Furthermore, HAI is to stand and hail, invoke; and “HA” is to go first, precede, be the leader. Thus we can add Hai to El-Iu-Jah to get Hai-El-Iu-Jah, Hai-le-Iu-Jah, Hail-elijah and Hallelujah.
A fuller form of the word is likely Khau-le-Iu-Jah. Khau is also mother and child and scholar. We know Elijah was a scholar, teacher, writer. Kau and Ka mean to call forth spirit-soul from the grave, the underworld. This is the calling forth of the seven + 1 elemental souls of life and all their followers, companions, children and logic offspring.
By The Way Again: Khau-le-Iu-Jah is also Kha-le-Iu-Jah is Khael-Iu-Jah is Ka-el-iu-jah is Kal-el, the name of superman.

To sing or say Alleluia or Hallelujah as a song or word of praise is the same thing as a song or word spoken to raise something. This is so since praise is to lift up and hold in high esteem and praise is raise, rise and ra-is-e-levated.
Praise is per asi, per-ati, the repa of Mati, the two truths.

The Dacotahs (Dakotas) proclaim “HI-LE-LI-LAH” to invoke the spirit of healing.
Dakota takes its name from a confederation of seven tribes calling themselves Dahcota, which signifies 'friends,' 'allies' or 'confederates.'

Aperu Apru Origin Of Hebrews
Unity Consciousness #2808

(9azzzzzzzzzzzu of 11)

On multiple occasions, we've debunked and exposed semite Jew-bred lies as the shew bread of their legitimacy. They attempt to bully and bogart public consciousness that they are the defacto original Jews and are an ethnic group and a race. Two of the more notable messages are Hebrews, Origins As Ancient Fruit With African Roots, Unity Consciousness #2351 and Jews Are Ass Worshipers, Unity Consciousness #2350.

Today's message provides even more detailed information in support of these earlier two messages and other messages addressing Judaeo-Christian pale-faced lies of bold-faced truths. I the individual am done with the Semite Jews because I know who they are and I know who I am; however, hidden information continues to insist to be brought forth into this dimension of the spiritweb that semite Jews are secret worshippers of the African-conceived Great Mother and her son, yet these semite jews do everything to pretend they are patriarchial worshippers of a non-African Father and son. Mother Aquaria and her son Kepheus are here to set the record straight on these pathologicals.

As the name of a race, Apru (Hebrew) agrees with the Danakil people, who call themselves the Apru (earlier Afru). The Danakil are now found in Aethiopia. Gerald Massey says the Danakil are a different people from the Dongolawy Nubians, yet he says the two names, word for word, are one. I say, clearly, cultural differences do not make people a different people. The Danakil are called Afar, which we can see is a form of Afru, Aper. The Danakil and Dongolawy are remnants of the Afru. We know this because Apru or Afru point backward to the Kafru (Kaffir, Kafruit, Kaf, Kam, Ham), the black people of Africa. (BB2)
In other words, Apru is a name of a group of Africans that had many earlier and later names. These Afru people by many names followed a religion that honored the mother and son, the four corners and the two crossroads of the solstice and equinox (the double virizon and double horizon). This religion has many names, one of which is Typhonian and another is IU.
Therefore, if semite jews claim to be a race or ethnic group, they can only be so as a Hebrew and not as a Jew. And if semite Jews base their claim of being a race on being a Hebrew, this can only be true if they are the descendants of the Apru black race.
Just because semite Jews adopted and follow the religion of a race, doesn't make the followers a race, and especially not a separate race. This basic truth is one of the main reasons white Jews and white people worldwide get superpsychopathic when anyone with public influence challenges the notion of the semite jews being a race. This is explained further in White Jew Led Public Paintballing Blackballing Of Whoopi Goldberg & Blacks In General, Unity Consciousness #2646

Semite Jew Rabbis and other liars intentionally confuse the fact that one of the names of a group of people (Apru, Aperu) who worshipped IU was used as one of the names of the religion (Aperu-iu). The word Aper became Eber became Heber became joined with God IU which resulted in Heber-iu (Hebrew). Initially Hebrew was the same as the word Apru that identified a group of people; however when Aperu became Aper became Eber became Heber, then Heber as a people, was joined with the God IU to form the same word Hebrew. This is intentional confusion used by semite Jews to incorrectly claim Hebrew is a race and Jew is a race and the two are one and the same.
What all this information tells us is that so many lies are being told, that Semite Jews don't want to be associated with their black parents because Semite Jews want to claim Jerusalem as the holy land and claim other things to boost their self-esteem.

Although the current word Hebrew initially comes from Eber, Heber and IU, those words come from Apheru, Apher, Aperu, Aper. Aperuiu, IU and similar others.

Briefly speaking, IU is mother and son and other dualities of deities in Amenta.
Apr, Aper and Apheru primarily relate to the equinox horizon equator as the name of the two equal roads (equator and meridian) and also relates to the one who crosses this road and his followers and also relates to the guide and opener of this road and also relates to each corner of the crossing. Aperu means consecrated, Preparers, makers of roads.
Other associated names: Aphent, or Anup, called Aper, the crosser; Ap-her; Apheru is the “guide and opener” (Ap) of “roads” (Heru); Apuiru-iu, Aperiu, Apra, Ophra, Opera, Oprah, Shu-Anhar, Anhar-Shu, Sut, Har-Makhu, Horus.

The Kaffir Kafruti Afru-Kams (Africans, Afri-chans) who came down out of the human birthplace in East Africa, and crossed northward over the equator as the first stage of migration down the Nile, were called the Aperu. Much later, by tens of thousands of years, some of the Aperu became known as Hebrew while some became Ammonians and Osirisians, to name a few. In keeping with the times, many people changed their primary deity during different stages of different Ages, yet this had nothing to do with their race or ethnic group, no more than converting to Judaism makes someone of a different ethnic group or race.
"The Kabiri seven stars of Ursa Major were the first that ever crossed over the waters as the earliest sailors. These stars and souls of life were known as the Ari, Abari, Ibri, Hebrews, Kabari, Kabiri, Arians, Ali, Alians, Aliens. These were not human names initially.

Definitions further back reveal that Apru is also Afra (Af-Ra) the sun, the god of solar fire in Amenta. Af is the earlier Kaf or Kep, which means heat, light, fermentation or fire. Eber (Ebiru: Assyrian) is another name for the Af-ra as the crosser over. We can now see that Afra and Africans are ones who cross over as Africans have done in all directions as they have migrated around the globe, doing so first in the short-statured form.
Eber or Heber occurs as Heb-ur (Kep-ur, Keper) in the Book of Coming Forth By Day and Night.
Another form of the fire god is Khepr Kheper as Ptah, the Parent as Kep which modifies into Hep, and modified into Hephaestus (Greek). Kheper modifies into Apr, Afr or Aper.

Aper, the dual god of the crossing from west to east or from north to south guides the mother, the son and their other followers. He is Anubis, the one who also prepares funeral rites and raises souls from the dead. He also performs the ceremony of apru (opening the mouth) of the deceased who is mummified, the Osiris, the manes. The ceremony allows the breath (spirit, Nef:Egyptian, Nephesh:Hebrew) of future existence to enter the mummy. (AE2) He is also known as Aperto and Anubis along with other names already mentioned. The double holy house of this god is in Annu (Apheru) which exists at each corner. House is Beth and Beth-Annu leads to the word Bethany, a familiar place in New Testament of the Judaeo Christian Bible where Jesus was prepared for his death. Another name for the double holy house is Par-iu, combined as Aper-par-iu. Another name is Apru-Iu.

In every circle and cycle of life there are many souls of life. In the circle cycle of the sun, there are many souls of life that must make the passage from east to west. All of these deities are Hebrews (Aperu) who finally make their exodus out of Amenta (Egypt below). (BB2)

The humans who call themselves Hebrews are Semite people who kinda follow the religion of IU. These humans were never in Egypt in northern Africa. However there were followers of IU in Egypt in northern Africa who were part of a “mixture of people by various names who worshipped the mother and son. These people were despised and called Foreigners, Hekshus, Aamu, Aperu, Menat, Fenekh, or Aati.
Josephus is a semite jew historian. He is correct when he claims his people were Hekshus; however, these semite jews were not the same group of Hekshus as the Syrians who subdued Egypt as the Shepherd Kings.
Semite Jews were not Hekshus people as a race or ethnic group, but instead were of the Hekshus religion that was the same as the Shus-en-Har, the worshippers of the mother and son.
The Hekshus who were the Shepherd Kings were also not a race or ethnic group called Hekshus. Hek means ruler. The Hekshus are people who follow the religion of the Shus-en-Har in Egypt and then invaded Egypt and claimed to be the rulers (the Heks) of the Shus-en-Har religion. Thus they were the Hek of the Shus-en-Har or the Hek-Shus-en-Har or Hekshus, the ruling servants of Har.
The original rulers of the religion that worshipped the mother and son were the priests of the Shus-en-Har. Their form of government was a theocracy that combined church and state. The Divinity was the monarch, not a human or human family. This Monarchy of was ever-changing because the cycle of star constellations was ever-changing. This is the oldest form of government in the world practiced worldwide.
This theocracy was replaced by Egyptian monarch dynasties who denigrated the followers of the mother and son who were known by various names such as Shus-en-Har, Hekshus, Shus, Hebrew, Aperu, Aperiu, Aamu, Aati, Menat, IU, Typhonians and Sut-Typhonians. Followers of the mother and son always existed in Egypt, because the Egyptians were the same people who continued to flow out of the birthplace and down the Nile River.
What must be remembered for us of today's religions, is that these religions are based on god who represent souls of life who represent stars and star constellations. Some of the representations of the the IU, now Jews, was the Ass, the two polestars, the polestar and sun; and two phases of the sun, setting and rising. Mixed in was worship of other things such as the star called Moon.

The child of the mother in the south became Father Aper (Apheru) in the east at the Apheru crossing.
Father Aper in Egyptian is Father Eber in Hebrew. Kham was the Father of Aper and Shem was the Father of Eber. These two fathers were the SEM-Sun of the West and Sut of the Crossing, who had been at first combined under the dual type of Sut-Horus or Sut and Har-Makhu. Sem (Egyptian) means to join two together and combine them in one, and this combination was expressed in the Hebrew Joseph, the Egyptian Sut-Horus and in the Egyptian and Christian Jesus. (BB2)

Ireland & Scotland Again

Aper (Aphru, Ap-Uat, Apuat, Anup, Anubis, Sut-Anubis, Sut-Aper, Sut-Anup, Sut, Atum), the dual pole star, is the equinoctial Sut-Anubis, dual sun. Heber is the west corner of the four quarters which leads to names such as Heber-land, Iver-iu, Iar-land, Ireland as simply meaning the west. (NG2)
Iar (Iar-land, Ireland) is worn down from Heber who was personated in Irish just as in Hebrew and Egyptian.

This name is a dual form of Iber or Heber and agrees with the Egyptian Aperiu of the double holy house of Aper and of the equinoxes, applied to Ireland as the land of the West. Aper the Crosser, already identified with the crossing, the equal roads in Apheru and with the Hebrew Heber, the crosser, will account for the Heber of the Milesian legends who crossed over to Ireland. Heber is called the eldest of the eight Milesians. Eight is the number of the mother , the ever-coming one as Har and as Anup.
Heber as the eldest answers to Aper as the ever-coming one repa manifestor of the seven stars and elemental souls of life. Heber, who took the south, and Heremon the north, look like the Egyptian Sut and Har. The brothers Heber and Heremon quarrel, and the one kills the other. So do Sut and Horus quarrell and become enemies; hence their battle was fought daily and annually. Heremon, called the first of four Scots who ruled over Ireland, is analogous to Har as the first of the Four Genii.
Aper was a form of Sut-Anush, whose types were the dog and wolf, the wolf-dog, and the “Jackal of the Western land,” and it appears that the Irish hero CUCHULLIN is a form of the war-god Sut-Anush, and of Arthur. Cuchullin means the wolf-hound of Chullin; the wolf and hound or the wolf-hound that was a type of Sut. Sut, the child-god, is a character of Cuchullin who slays the terrible wolf-hound whilst he is yet a child. Cuchullin’s original name was Setanta, and Anta is an Egyptian title for the Bull of Sut. Arthuri Regio, another name of Ireland, identifies the same deity as the “Voice of the Bear,” the proclaimer of the Sothic year as Sut in the South and Aper of the Crossing East and West. (BB2)

Semite Jews & Other Racists Are Not Justice Maat Or The Top Adonai Tzva'ot

In the greater scheme of things, humans and favored groups are podunk spiritual flunkies when their self importance tramples rights of creation, thus challenges the greater status quo of rulers with a calamity of human laws, rules, regulations and other 'ways it gotta be” couched in culture and excused by human nature.
Whenever an Age changes, the corners of the crossroads are opened full flow. Both of the equal roads are open now because Pisces-Aquaria and Wepwawet-Kepehus are changing east and north. Souls of life are rising and falling. These are various combinations of spirit-soul, feminine and masculine energies. principles, elements and fundamental forces of nature, thus changing life and existence for many things in this galaxy. This is because star constellations are crossing over the equal roads of the galactic equator and galactic pole, this in turn affecting the stability (pole) and balance (equator) of the Sun, Earth, Moon and all other celestial bodies in this solar system and galaxy. Thus the superhuman Hebrews and Jews are changing, which is why, like the MAGA in the USA, semite Jews are trying to hang on to what is a foregone conclusion is already gone, their reign of terror. The balance and stability of firsts and lasts are changing. As remembered years ago, so also changing is the feminine masculine and African in relation to concocted sub subraces. Hurricanes and heat are not the only things rising on this planet and ice mountains and nice mountains called buildings are not the only things falling. All other celestial bodies and their systems are also undergoing rising, falling and remixes of logic that is affecting this Earth and our tenuous monarch feifdoms. All institutions, based on their contributions must make restitution. Khar, ma and Khu demand it, as do Har-Makhu, Karma, Sut and the history of repeating processes based on dynamic balance of a waset of conditions. The reset of ipet isut is coming back around to maintain the need-want incentive and starkly remind human Aper fools of the broader fundamental truths of “it's who you know and what you know” that all ways matters most.

Another Side of Apheru

Leads to words such as Heru, Per-aa, Au, Iu, Horus, Repa, Jeru...

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Firsthand Knowledge | Getting Something First Hand
Unity Consciousness #2807

(9azzzzzzzzzzzt of 11)

Firsthand means from the source, the beginning, the birthplace, the aborigin, the primary, the immaculate, the new.
Secondhand means from the resource, the rebeginning, the rebirthplace, the origin, the secondary, the accurate, the renewed

The first firsthand is the left hand.
The left was west because it was where the sun went down. Sun down is the beginning of the cycle, the beginning in darkness, the beginning of creation. The child is created in the darkness of the womb, cocoon, tomb and birthed into the light.

First Orientation (Naming From The Middle Facing North), Early Sabean, Ursa Major

West is on the left; East is on the right.
North is upper; South is lower.

Second Orientation (Naming From The Middle Facing South), Later Sabean, Canis Major

West is on the left; East is on the right.
South is upper; North is lower.

Throwback going back came back due to the rebeginning of the Great Year with the onset of the most recent Age of Aries. Right now, most humans use the first orientation, a northern hemisphere orientation that says north is upper. This is going to change soon to the second orientation during the Ages of Aquaria and Kepheus. Along with this, one of the climate environmental changes is that current favored groups no longer will be. Those who align and line up to kiss their ass will be further maimed in the crash and as collateral damage from the clash of the Titans These are historical events that will repeat because the conditions, thinking and behaviors have repeated..

Meanings Of The Four Cardinal Directions & Sides Of The Body

Upper is the top, head, ahead, front, forepart.
Lower is the bottom, foot, behind, back, hinder part.

Left is west, inner, inferior, negative negation, no, not, primary, first, one and five, leader, revealed, nightlights (moon and stars), dark, black, red, water, feminine, menstruation, evil, Nun, Nnu, Nu. Preparatory to be defiled, abject, miserable, ill destruction.
Right is east, outer, superior, positive, affirmation, yet, is, secondary, second, six and ten, follower, hidden, daylights (sun), light, white, golden, breath, masculine, respiration, good.
Now the phrase, “left behind” makes stronger rooted sense.
Now the phrase “right behind you” makes expanded sense.
Human Ignorance Turned Stupidity: All these meanings apply to all of nature. They do not primarily apply to humans. Humans get confused, twisted wrongly and fragmented, thus conflicted and afflicted when we hear words such as negative and inferior associated with the feminine, thus the female or when we hear those words associated with the lower, thus currently the south and black humans. These meanings regarding the two truths of nature do not mean the female of any species is negative or inferior. It means the first truth, the feminine principle of nature is in a certain orientation to the masculine principle as both are influencing manifestations. These meanings regarding the two truths of nature do not mean females are lesser than males. Neither is lesser or greater ever. Both the feminine and masculine always exist in nature in all creations. All humans have the feminine and masculine principles throughout themselves, as well as the upper and lower. If in fact, you insist that one is greater, then you are ignorant, stupid and sick. Principles of nature go through various stages of dynamic balance where one is out front, the other behind, then they switch, and also when both are essentially equal. Yet, throughout these variations, there is never a demeaning, denigration or subjugation of any principle. Between these stages of principles changing their energies, there are degrees in amount, such that one is out front by a lot and then less and then less and only a little out front. Continuing to use humans as an example, there are also degrees of time such that these changes in the combinations of feminine and masculine energies are taking places continuously within each of us and some daily and some during various other time periods.
Earlier humans went through this ignorance, stupidity and self-destruction and then overcame it by getting over themselves. And now, here we are again at the crossroads, stalled for the past 4300 years, in the intersection using one way logic that all bump into each other as energies from all four two way directions and multi-angled Ages are plowing through, knocking us out of the way and into our own problematic logic.
More on the left: Female, motherhood. The word Kep as a form of Typhon, is the left hand and number 5. The thumb on the left hand is a figure of 5. The backhand, Kar-hand, underhand. Ap, Ab and Af signify left.
More on the right: Male, fatherhood. The word Anu, as a form of Khebekh (Sevekh, the seven elementals) is the right hand and number 6. The thumb on the right is a sign of 6. The forehand, overhand.

Kep is the hand and ti is two or twin; and Kep-ti is both hands (number 10) or the number 7. The two hands are femInine and masculine as Kep and Khebekh (or Kebti, the later Sebti, who became Sut)
Tem or Tum or Atum or Adam is a total of two times formed of two halves on the left and the right hand. Tum is the karest, the christ, the ever-coming one, the summation of the elemental souls of life that descend, are scourged, purged and resurrected.
Atum is a form of Har-Makhu, the god of the double horizon, or the left side, right side, and the middle. Sut-Anubis, is the Sabean Har-Makhu, and who was merged into a Har-Makhu whose type was the Sphinx, and, lastly, we have the solar Har-Makhu of the Atum triad.

Hept or Sebt (Sothis) is the name of number 7. Sothis was a masculine or southern type of the Goddess of the Seven Stars, who was thus represented by the Ru or the north and the Pyramid of the south. The ankh, with the Ru circle on top, is a north orientation, since the Ru is the birthplace.

The Mid Line: We live in a universe where everything is in motion and everything is changing. Our orientation must be retaught recalibrated to keep up.

Third Orientation (Naming From The North Facing South), Early Egyptian Solar, Canis Major

West is on the right; East is on the left.
South is upper; North is lower.
South is Khent; North is Khebt.

Khent means to go back, going back, and going up, at the same time that Khebt is the hinder part and the place of going down. Khent the southern land, the name for farthest south, means the inner land, the feminine abode, the birthplace, and the lake country.

Fourth Orientation (Naming From The North Facing East), Later Egyptian Solar, Vernal Equinox

East is front and upper.; West is back and lower.
North is left; South is right.
The Egyptians became Solarites and used this perspective as primary, but also used the other three orientations.
Lastly, during these mindless times revering the Sun of God, the earliest wise men came from the south, before they came from the east. This can only be so if the south was the birthplace of waters and knowledge, as we know it is in Great Lakes Region of East Africa. Thus the south would be the hinder part and north, as it is now, but the names have not yet been changed.

Firsthand knowledge comes from the left, right, top, bottom, west, east, south and north of whereever you are standing and regardless of which way you are facing.

Media Stations: NG2, NG1, BB2, BB1

Fifth Orientation (Naming From The North Facing West), Autumnal Equinox

According to etymonline, the word southpaw meaning lefthander was coined in 1885 because baseball diamonds were laid out with home plate to the west, thus south to the left.

West as home means the birthplace, the starting point, thus centerfield is front and east. Left field behind third base is south

West is back.; East is front
North is right and lower; South is left and upper.
This is predictive of the changing orientation to come for Earth below that is in progress in Heaven above.